THE P r im T w o W ES¿EKN AMERICAN among tha delegatee on tha fl, Texas, ARunin*. Louisiana and Ala- lum a. T~ 1 the convention. od The Qbiuiliniu emhodicd their Mayor Curley, who la under fire for findings 1„ , resolution expressing ' graft at tha preaent time, welcomed the full eoufulnice of the Knights o( 1 the convention to Itoaton. The Catho­ Plana and Estima tea Purnlahed the Ku El,ix Klan in the rfliciency. lic« gave money throughout for tha Pres loyalty aH| integrity of their imperial of ; convention and tha entire officers. 9 « u n g e and Cabinet W ert the meeting eeemed to he ene not ta | offend the Catholic« of the city. The gathering reeked to of Roman-1 F. P. CARSON * 7 lam that most of the better element of | CONTRACTOR F e llo w s h ip F o ru m R ep re- ““ d*c,d*d to " * hd™w , K k m c i li Declares Full M E. 7tth tu. JL Pertlun«, Ova . - . [ from that organ leaf loo rather than Phone Tabor HOT Confidence in Loyalty, s e n t a t u r e O u t r a g e o u s ly ^ ¡ x m with the type of men who M i s t r e a t e d a t B o s t o iv seem to be at Its head. E ff id o K j and Integrity. ______ The shining light of the convention (Qfettnurd frem Page 1) Phons M ain 1 W / •' ' ■ was one. William R Noll, a New York it scattered In thtrty or Waatern American Bureau. ■, | policeman, who la first vice-president (Special Dispatch.) - < ■ more pasta of the Government service F. E. BOGARD * BOSTON, Mass , June 17.—The Na- ^ organisation, and probably will ATLANTA, Ga.. June 20.—(This wlM be «bmblned aad co-ordinated, KISH MARKET special was received the morning of thus proraeflnr efficiency and savins tional League of Masonic Clubs which, be president at this election. All K ings of Fresh a n « S alt Fish « n « ¡June , 21, too late for publication last considerable mouej^ met In Boston last week was wholly ----- ’ —----------- “ K P oultry. Vour P a tro n s«« S olicit«« The tear that a Federal bureaucracy IK) l ocos« . N u r Y am h ill, P a rtía n «, Ore. under tha domination of the Roman W O M E N G E T C H A R T E R f ^ . - h d . t o r . ) would be established to the peril of ACTIVE IN AR K AN SA S trance P "'*'*, of :,,ca,T " n,fy’ fx,rV*' Catholic church and the Ku Klux and graft preferred against Im­ State control of education Is not well Klan waa condemned In no uncer­ perial Wizard Dr! Hiram W. Evans founded as the hill win specifically Oregon Battery Company Weatsrn American Bureau. 'and members of his official cabinet tain terms by officiala of the loague. LITTLE ROCK. Ark., June JT.— were Tcfutcd completely Tuesday provide that: Phone lA s i MM which Included a Jew from New York j Judge Richard M. Mann, in circuit All the educational facilities encour­ (June 19) by the Imperial Kloncilium, by the name of Margotta. Margotta. court here has granted a charter to or ehief executive body. Knights of aged by tha provisions of this act and I« Grand Ave. Portland, «reges and » . H. Melvin Allen, president of ; the Women of the Ku Klux Klan on a the Ku Klux Klan. following an ex- accepted hy a Stale shall he organised, the league were foremost In their de- signed by eight women from 1 haustive and thorough investigation. supervised and administered exclu­ nunciations. seven state«, represented by James The .national administration was sively hy the legally constituted »tote Tha denunciation of.the Klan came Comer, Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux folly exonerated and its actions en-l and local educational authorities of DR. W ILLIAM R. VETTER said 8tatrtp about through tha appearance of The Klan In Arkansas and Exalted Cyclops dorsed. DKNTI8T Fellowship Forum, a national Masonic of the Klan in Little Rock. These charges had been made' These iggropriatlona are further Portion«, Oregon newspaper, at the convention, which According to the articles of incor- against the imperial officer's by Dr. safeguarded by the limitation that no «OS Oakum Oull«lnfl Raw UKdwy. US« carried several items of Klan news. poration the Women of the Ku Klux W, E. Thompson, formerly a Chxt- money shall be apportioned to any orfico UHdo y. (1M A representative of the paper from Klaa are organised for the purpose! tanooga, Tenn., minister and an ex- State unleea a sum at least equally as Washington was In the city and gate of promoting llteratnre, education, member of the Kloncilium. and by large ahaR he provided by said State Hero W e Are out copies of it around the head science and for all such activities as M,nor Meriwether, st one time Great or by local aathorltlea, or by both, for quarters of the M gun. BEAVER ELECTRIC CO. might tend to develop t CbflMl..., I'uau of au Oklahoma pío, i c, til,' It is further provided that all such The sensational Boston newspapers character and for the benevolent. I Neither of these men appeared in of their written charges. funds so agfortioned shall be distrib­ H u m tA o « s a il were given copinee by M arietta who fraternal and protective methods.” I support ., . __ . , __ . . ,__ . which were, however, investigated in uted an « administered In acordance US Orma« A v o , CU told them the officials of the leagne For the assistance to be rendered .... with the laws of the Slate In like man­ were "(up in the air" over i t Previous the women's organisation by members every detail. The Imperial Kloncilium is com­ ner as the funds provided by the Slate to Hargetts’ horning in, nothing had of the Kn Klux Klaa the members posed of members, part of whom and local authorities for the same pur­ been said objectionable to the paper. of the auxiliary organisation will bold nominated by the Imperial Wiz- poses. and that the State and local With the word Klan. however, the themselvea responsibel to the Imperial were ird an(, ^ by Colone, w ,!liam j. educational authorities shall deter­ Boston papers, ever alert for a sensa­ P n d B f of the Kn Klux Klan. Simmons. tion. hopped to it In screaming head- The charter permits the suslliary to The vote in declaring the charges mine the of study, plans and liaee. Statements and counter state­ operate throughout Arkansas and totally unfounded, and the allegations methods of Carrying out the purposes ments were given out by officials of Little Rock will be made the national made in the complaint wholly untrue, of the 'section relative to the educa­ tion of teachers. the league and the representative of headquarters of the organisation. Na- was unanimous. BOZLEE St CARVER All Rights Safeguard««!. the newspaper. tional officers will be elected during The representatives of Colonel Sim-j TIER MERCHANTS The rights of the States are further Finally, the representative of the the coming week. mons on the Kloneilinm presented the Y TLC ARISING safeguarded by the limitation that the paper was waited upon by a police­ __________ ________ motion which exonerated Dr. Evans man who said that the mayor, James ALIEN W A R SLACKERS 1 and associates of the aspersions cast • Secretary of Education shall exercise IIS First 8t> BRoadnay 87M no authority In relation to the organi­ A. Curley, a fourth degree Knight of TREATMENT 1 Up°n Nineteen w it­ Columbus, had ordered that no morej nesses were placed upon the stand, sation. supervision, or administration some of them from out of the city, of educational facilities, and that the copies of the paper be distributed in ", Wèstern American Bureau. .and a mass of documentary evidence act shall not bn construed to Imply the city. NEWPORT. R. I., June 27.—Cltlaen- was checked and considered before Federal control of education within the His work stopped, the representative A. >. PBTBIUk Prop. ohlp paper« were denied Constantin the verdict was rendered. The men States, nor Impair the freedoas of the then started to leave the city on a * t 1 k train and was stopped by a p®ter Pstrpoulos„ Herman Ohms and against whom the complaints were States In thu conduct and management W«at P art detective who took him to police head- ^ arr>T **** h C ° Urt fv™ H' W ; Eva,“ : Frf d ^ iiav‘ of their reelective vchool systems, quarters where he was,severely ques- ^ ** ** a*c’ ' ml,rr,a* Klaliff; H. K. Ramsey. That It la th e duty of the Federal his baggage searched and held ^ ,n' ' * ’’7 '"fP 'ria’ w '« raPP, and tlrown Mar- Govcrnnyat«^» oup»prt education Is ' *•* w,th the T ilte d stato« «u rto * the «noi). tn#e»iaft KlUaik, arm a li irata- f t . . i I r T C r. K - iW - » i y , . SfuxP^erV r a t « i » r w J^L onorg« Wra^ton there an til 11 o'clock . . . , , _ vr , world war on the grounds they were hers of the Kloncilium. They did not Strayfr. professor of educational ad­ he was placed aboard a train for New , cItlleQ8 of thff count , yote j . conncction wilh thc casf Dr • L A York in company with a detective. He j ___________________ Evan, re lin q u is h e d th e chair to a ministration in Columbia University, in a masterly article In the Educa­ had not been allowed to commanicate 1 7 « Saady K la n s m e n , t o C h u r c h . member from Indiana. tional Review, when be saya: with his friends during the time he GArfUld « I E ' j Statements in the press that a Western American Bureau. “It la aound doctylne that proposes •was held by the police. ' friend of Colonel Simmons had bolted MEATS, FISH AND The conrention Itself was so thor­ HOMESTEAD, Pa.. June 17. Mem- j (jle mcctin8 are wholly untrue. Four that the wealth of the nation be put oughly dominated by the Catholics bers of the Klan here attended serv- mtmbcrl of the Kloncilium. including Itack of the education of all its chil­ POULTRY that It was astonndlng. None but lees at theWest Homeetead Methodist Colontl Simmon,, were absent, two dren. It would be as ridiculous to think Two D«llvcri«s a Day actual delegates were allowed on the church here In a body and listened Qf them on account of illness and one of attaching the coqj of providing an 10:30 A. M. and 3:30 P. M. floor. Alternate delegates were forced to a sermon in compliment to them by i through press of private business. army and nary to the Individual to sit in the galleries, but Catholic Rev. W. S. McCorkle, pastor of the Members were present from New States as l( la to think that the sup­ |York. Indiana, Oklahoma, Georgia, port of edsratinn is tf) be thought of priests mixed freely and constantly church. as wholly a State affair. H ighest Q uality “In recent years our National Gov­ SEEDS - BfTLBS ernment has come Into our States and Treat — Rotta OvtfM Suppliât localities and taken from them their fruitful sources of revenue, while leaving them the most expensive func­ tions of government.” Oamanë of tha Paopla. The Department o( Education baa been endorsed by the National Educa­ tional Association, the largest and most representative organization of educators in the country; General P o ultry and P at Fnoda and Buppllaa — F artlllaar Federation of Womens Clubs; Con­ and Our lSO-pas* Complata Catalog gress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers request. T rade w ith a 100% ta broiler with enamel pan, a tore. Association«; Woman's Relief Corps; 18-inch low oven for Sunday School Council of wood, 4 lids for wood, 4 * Religious Education; Supreme Council Ol the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry lids for gas. Price, set Southern Jurisdiction; American Fed uf1» and connected, com­ eratlon of Labor; National Council of plete, with coil Congregational Church'ea, and by hun­ dreds of other organizations, including $ 1 4 8 . o o boards of education, chambers of com mcrce, rotary .clubs, Masonic Grand No. I First Growth FIR aad OAK Lodges, boards of trade, women's Deep Arm Chair with comfy 7-foot Davenport, uph. back WOOD Delivered from My clubs, churches, and the Ku Klux Klan. and comfy spring cushion Own Camp spring cushions seat for «< Reform Fats« Education. at low price of Hauling of All Kinds, Abywhara only 3 Dope william MacCormack of St. Leg Rest to Paul’.-, ."ro-Cathedral. Los Angeles, viv­ match........ . ...... ’ 1 9 = Rocker to match $ Q Q .5 0 Robertson Fuel Co. idly summed up the argument for the Combination of the t w o same as above.... P. O. Address: Rauta I Department of Education In a recent makes a chaise longue Phone M aia 63M address whan ho said: Desk to match Day Bed, 30 inches wide, 84 "No public question surpasses In (Ml above set for— ‘ inches long, with uph. box = Importance and significance the prob­ spring covered t / % a aa Desk Chair as lem of popular education. With the of­ with cretonne . ’* u above suite------ - * 1 7 — ficial statistics of widespread Illiter­ Phone Broadway ItU acy before us, we must feel the gravMt All the above in frosted brown finish concim/*' Ivory-finished reed at equally as great bargains "Popular Ignorance Is even more T dangerous'than false education, and Germany, who in the madness of her Shop here if you want the best overstuffed davenport Insolence, greed and fear precipitated bargain in the c ity ; many at half price, some less. the most frightful catastrophe of his­ H. L. Christenson, Prop, tory. is a terrible Illustration of the result» of fhlse education." for gas, set up and When yon have a Cabinet officer lo nected, complete, only look after hogs and cattle, surely It Is not too much to ask for a Cabinet of­ 3 North Third S t r a H ficer to car* for the Intereata nt the Near Ankeny children, the teachers and the unedu cated Th« movement tor a Depart ment of Falsest iOn should receive the i Portland, Oregon support of all eltlseos who believe in i (be American common school. INSULT TO EMINENT MASON BY ENEMIES OF KLAN MOVEMENT : UES ARE REFUTED. IMPERIAL OFFICERS WITHOUT REPROACH HOGS Are Y Going to Build or Remodel ? fgiwrd Dir e ttore and White Meat Market G r e a t V a lu e s in h ig h - g ra d e R e e d F u rn itu re Phene *d CH EVRO LET Salesman with L. Y. Billingsley # ‘ 38¿í ait. MH-Ji FISH— Mure than O d irfeien l kinds ul K ie l, tta li 1» ngUji r m r »l