es the Pope Shiver encan lc Paid Portland, Oat. 4 The Official Paper of The Rojal Riders sf the Rad Kobe, Imperial Headquarter* U t Morgan Halid- lag, Portland, Oregon tt»*t A «H r*«« <0 mitt it Miration« to L A. Drfor, Mlfur, « rtttork lllorka r«rlla n «l, UrrfVR. The Official Paper e l the lnrUtoU Empire, Knights ef the Ka Unix Sisa, ks the Realm ef Oregon. YC S H A L L KNOW T M C T fr U T n A ffD T N UTH SHALL M AKE YOU s P U B L IS H E D W E E K L Y Vol. I, No. 47 PORTLAND, OREG U R S D A Y , J U N E 28, 1923 Klsn Throwing Groat Pow­ er of Numbers and Teant- work Behind Movement. FOR GENERAL PROSPERITY ATTEST OF LO Y A LT Y T O FR E D L. G IF F O R D E V E R Y K NC THE K U The convention of the Ku Klux KUn. Realm o f O refss. i r the een-1 elusion of the secoud day's session. June 26, in Portland, unanimously adopted, amid tremendous applause, the following resolution; * * . The Invisible Empires Knights e f the Ku K l u Klee, lu ^State Kloaklave assembled, dees here­ by resetve that, whrnaaa. ikreegh the eetirlag effarts end e i d sl b s ability e f HU Ranellency- Fred L. Gifford. Grand Dragee ef the Realm e f Oregon, in hb teeceea- ful sdmiaUtretlen o t the e ffk e te which he wna called, the Or eg an KUn has achieved progress, cehe- Wettern American I /> * w j % a U u I ufpnn III IIH n IIJJ W Over the p i t n of Th last week, Governor of LoulsUna. Inaall anil the mr.mory ot tk dent, by urn In* war Klan to destroy the for ao valiantly -by hi* lifetime. Parker’t principal i lug at tbe tomb dt I ara oatan dad I * F rad L. pledging our loyalty and ing ao •»y romlm. Grand Dragon Lead« Army of W ideawake Citizen« in Upbuilding Oregon. I ’ ndrr the " lradrr»hip of Grand1 Dragon Fred I . Gifford, tile *1* Great Titan« o f thr six Klan prnsincc* of Oregon, ft>-opereting with the sob- m et* Officisi Joaraal ot the Women e f the Ka Klax Kfan went ot the Keeklea. —Or-— — A N Y W H E R E IN U. S. PR ICE Sc OREGON! ADVANCE BIG CONSTRUCTIVE PROGRAM LAUNCHED FOR ENTIRE STATE Perm it No. Î61 Hostile Move Against Klan Halted Promptly by the Grand Lodge. ALBANY LEADER "HAYWIRE” £ -------- name o f Rooeevettl David P. M a «on, Leading fsrioo*speech. DniggUt, Needs Enlight­ enm ent on Subject. The Freemasons of Or«4pn are | worthy bf the name, true to the Ideals of tlMfr illustrions Order. Tfliey are • j p y K g a 's a r * 07867637 W O N D E R F U L M E E T IN G OF PO R TLAND K LA N KUn hall in tbr Pythian Temple was packed Ust Monday night. It was a wonderful sight—the vast room filled with eager listeners and ob­ Parker servers. facing the American flag and jthe fiery cross, it was the kind of 'audience that would inspire Demos­ thenes to do his best. And there were j j orators in the audience, especially during American People Demand two distinguished ministers and an Mr«. M. V . Schonberg of Portland H a« Charge of ^ Cabinet Officer to Look I up-state mayor, each of whom deliv­ ered addresses that could not be sur- Organizing W ork. After Education. passed for eloquence and earnestness. The mayor’s speech kept everyone I roaring, for it was packed with fan. The rilinisters talked in a manner most thrilling and raised all thoughts to the noblest level. Toward the close State System, o f aa unexampled program of im­ Perfected J m v n a a g M a a jk ig n __ n u a u s v e a m l e promptu orations and interesting fea- la r m o n io u i a I eam w oTK, tures. Dr. C C Curtis, of Vancouver. Result 2 Days’ Session. W ash, lecturer for the Imperial Klan. recited magnificently the favorifc Klaa prayer, "God girs at men P This MRS. M. V. SCHONBERG, o f Port­ was s treat, indeed. land. a well-known and prominent That great asadiesmo surely was a troa, is now ip rebuke to the uninformed F O R M » NAMED BY GRAND D M K. K. KLORERO BIG SUCCESS M U O N 'S VITAL NECESSITY Klan. rer ordinal* M ldnW began Wrtfetediyi' ration In connection with tbe Federal rade at tha Washington (D. C.) con-; Every knock given It hy the Roman Government, with a secretary In the cans, a representative gjadienc* o f the the present her office will be at her thr rxecutlvr promotion of a eon -! clave: that held high jinks in the "K C ” structlvr program for thr good o f all CathoMc and Jew popuhttoo la a boost PreeMent’s Cabinet, aad authorisation brains» the wealth and'the brawn o f residence. 1022 Vernon avenue, tele­ halt; that barred Maaoa alternâtes the people in thr state. T h i* w o rk ' for tha order and hnndreda are seek­ of Federal aid for the public schools. Portland and Oregon, including vis­ phone Garfield 6313. from the floor In tbe Doeton conven­ itors from every part o f the state. This announcement was made Tues­ will have far-reaching effects, npon' ing information regarding tbe organi­ All such funds are to be admlaletered tion of the National League o f Masonic sation. j It was an Inspirine Occasion, never day by Grand Dragon Fred L. G if­ business and general drvejopmrnt ' , aad controlled by the Individual states Ctnbe and welcomed KCa and priests to be forgotten, and the influence of ford at the state convention o « the Thr items for nchirvemrnl fanhorhe> The speech of Parker** la expected 1 according to their own laws. it will be permanent and beneficent KUn, which opened Monday morning on the floor, and other things too nu­ given publicity, under Klan rules, ex­ to bring In aevetnl hundred members These appropriations are to be merous to mention, rfeanltlng from the and adjourned Ute Tuesday night; cept as occasion may develop them from among those who heard hi* used hy the states to combat illiteracy, The first reguUr organization meet­ nctlvitlee of the Roman had Hebrew and nerds require." speech. f' . for Americanisation of the foreign- ing o f the Women of the KUn will Meson*. Ti* * One rather large item, hut merely born, for physical education, for In­ be held Friday night in Redmen’s There are a few high Masona in Ore­ incidental, was the dqpatiou of }S0.- struction In health and sanitation, for hall. East 9th and Hawthorne avenue. 00(1 for two Klan cottages at the Chil­ gon. however, who hold wrong Ideas Morning Oregonian W in « teacher training, and for aid to the Mrs. MaybeHe Jette, acting Exalted dren's Farm Home at Corvallis. An­ about the Ku Klux Klan. just as many public elementary and secondary Cyclops, will preside. All members o f other item, also incidental, small in Unutual Honor for Its Im­ uaregenerate preachers'do. They are schools, especially ia rare! sections. the "L O T IE " (now defunct) in good monetary sisr hut big in principle good Maaons at heart, or good Ameri­ partial Service Policy. Adéquats Funds. standing will be obligated in the KUn and purpose, was an order from the, cans. and only need the light. They Adequate funds are to be appropri­ without payment o f any fee whatever, Grand Dragon to give alt possible will know better, and do better, when and new members will be initiated. ated to enable the department ot edu- support to the Chamber of Commerce Th* lavUibl* Empire. Knights they understand. When they learn that “ L O TIE " members whose dues are in • cation to carry on Ms work affectively, drive for S.KK).