The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, June 21, 1923, Image 1

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    lc Paid
Portland, Ore.
Perm it N o. 161
The Official Paper of The Rayai Rider» e l (ha Red
Kobe, Imperial Headquarters U t Mu nr us llulld-
la«, Purtlaad, Oregea.
Addir«» I'nm mas Irai Ion» In I . A. l»«*er, Editar, 40*1
I’ll lark Rinik, Portland, Oregon.
»ON, T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 21, 1923
A N Y W H E R E IN U . S. PR ICE 5c
Greatest in Membership and
Social Power Throughout
the United States.
Native • Born A m e r i c a n
Women, Devoted to Con­
stitution and the Flag.
Fred L Olfford. Imixirlal Reprraen
U livo or Ihe Klan. in rhargr «>f fho
Western seelton. nnd Grand Dragon of
thè ftcalra of Oregon, wa» gue»t of
(timor al a largniv atiended meeting
of thè Women of thè Ku Ktux Klaa
In l’ yfhlan Tempie Tueaday. Il waa
a rather Informai meeting of formar
meni ber» and offlcora of Ihe ladies
o f Ihe Incintile Empire, whoao or
gaaisatlon lately waa msrged luto Ihe
After Otó
( ìlffonl delivered a verbal report of
the establishment o f Ihe great order
for Ihe Women of the Klan and then
'was started a questionnaire lasting
nearly two hour*. He replied to all
kind* of qnastlona. giving eiart ad­
vice mncerninK the new Order, and
discussing frankly with the women
many subject» In which they are Vit­
ally Interested.
Ovation to Mrs. Olfford.
Mrs. Fred I* GirforU. who was In
the audience, wns acclaimed and wel­
comed as the Second Vice-President
of the Women’s Order, to serve until
II Is well under way thrnufkhout the
country,- Mrs. Olfford was with her
husband at Ihe recent convention In
Washington, f). C.. and was familiar
with the details of the merger of
various order* which made, the Women
of the Ku Klnx Klan the am rest fed­
eration bf women In the world. \.
II was explained tfiwt the
Order la an exact counterpart of the
Klan Itself, with no difference what­
ever except that of gander. They will
line Ihe same conitltution, ritual, re­
galia and method*. This news delight­
ed Ihe women. Who were eager to
know every detail of the merger. Mr.
Olfford explained, withholding noth-
Ing. nnd said that the two or three
spins who wars in the audience ware
welcome to report, from the house­
top* If they desired, everything they
heard at this meeting.
Head of the New Order.
Mrs. 'laitu A. Markwell. 1422 Rock
street, I.lttto Rock. Ark., ’is toe Im­
perial Commander of the Women of
the Ku Klux Klan. Shewing has been
a national figure In women's clubs and
public welfare work and le a former
national head of the W. C. T. U. Mrs.
Markwell Is g lady of middle nge,
wealthy and socially powerful. Rhe
In famed ns a lender of consummate
skill In woman's work. Mrs. Gifford
hod Just received a letter from Mrff.
Markwell. ns follows:
Little Rock. Ark,, Juna 9, 1823.
Mrs. Mao E. Gifford, Portland, Ora.
Doer Co-Workers: Am glad to
tell you that today wo received our
’•Charter” for tho “ Women e f the
Ku Klux Klan,” wa are now rtady
to begin active organising work,
and It stoma to mo that tha out­
look Is boundless.
This grsat organisation of which
you arc an honored officer, le
really a federation of women’s
For Wo were fortunate,
(Continued on rage 2)
O X FO R D , S A Y S B O O K
While la Wa»hlaclea, D.
law day» afa, K. H. Dari«, fanaer
owner add "»a p r a c i «rand eaau-
M>l«r" at the Ladina al the la ­
ttatale Eat pira, « breed an agree-
aient tran«frrrlag and f i t lac ap
(ureter all rigkt, tilla aad latera»!
te aad la the “ LOTI EN arraalaa.
tloa. The WOMEN OK THE HI'
E L I X ELAN at that tone waa el-
barbine el the Klaa. Per these
reasons as one has a righi la
rollert due», er fee» ef aay kind,
for er la behalf e( Ute defunct
- L O T I»,- »h ieb r eased le asistas
part of the Hlaa movement when
Mr. Ila il» signed the Iraaufor aad
agreed to the mercer, together
with el her bead» ef w m t l 'i er-
actios. The headqssrler» of the
Womes ef the ku Klax Klaa Is al
4*7 Pillock Sleek, la charge ef
Mrs. May belle Jetts» sen acting
aa Exalted t'yclepu.
Annual Output from Colum­
bia River Amount*
Many Million* Annually.
From the waters of the Columbia
River Is taken toe highest and most
valuable grade of
the Royal Chinook.
salmon known—
There le no other
place in the world where tola grade
of eelmon le found.
The flahlng la­
Put an End
il Privilege
Beloved Imperial Represen-
tative and Grand Dragon
of Oregon Home Again.
Inquiry has
lad. and the prse-
Famous Flyer Says Country
Has Every Reason to
Be Hopeful.
imned In unmeaa-
the country. The
unference recently
Sf fermented wine
r for any religious
! on nil rabbis to
http unforcc tfewnauoimi prohibition
Waller Oobln Smith, a well known
Great Constructive W ork
for National Order Fin­
ished in East
WHEREAS, End L. Gifford, the
of Portland, has received from Captain
of the, ku Klax Klaa aad Grand
Wletieabanker Knew* Conditions.
Aa director of eatea, an wall aa vice-
president of the great automobile con­
cern that beers hie neat*, Captain
Rlckenbacher Is said to be the most
traveled executive ia the Industry as
well aa one of the ablest and a w l
In this regard he runs true to form,
(or hU official record aa an aviator la
war service, showed «pore hour* In the
air, more miles covered than any
other Dyer on either aid* of the line
la the length of time be waa In action,
Captain Rlckenbacher bee made two
tranecontlnental round tripe this year,
and In addition has covered the New
Ragland and southeastern states and
Texas, visiting not only toe larger die-
trlbutore. but Innumerable associate
distributors of his products In the
smaller towns
eral weeks of ardasa» mad self,
»arrifiring work for Ike common
raa»«, hating rendered great roa-
Campaign Slogan.
A popolar campaign slogan tor
either political party la the next na­
tional campaign would he "America
for Americans.”
It should prove a
good vote getter to more reapects than
aymptoms south e f toe Ohio, and In
all the cotton states.
“ California ta Eldorado again. A
week there would make an optimist
out of the most confirmed crab.
“ Everybody weist of the Rock Ip»
seem* to wsat a, new automobile, if
we are to judge by the urgent tele-
not 'only In a buying mood, but are
'But. after all. the vaet expanse of
the rich grata and stock growing coun­
try we call to * *ifeiddle weet.’ is. eco­
nomically as well aa geographically,
the backbone of. America, and that
empire Is Just feMtng into Its own.
•That Is why I predict that, with
the reaping of the golden crops, from
August 1 on. wg will see business be­
gin to boom M Re of thin generation
have never saga it before."
Official delegates from every Klaa
in the State of Oregon. Inalndlng-auny
holding the rank of Exalt ori Cyclops,
Kiigrapp, etc., will gather In Portland
Monday morning. June 25. tn a hall in
Yamhill »1 re e ls, for th e purpose of r e - ,
ceivln* a direct verhnt report •dromi?,
Fred L. G ifford .,, Imp- ria! K ep resen - i
»armaccs ef esteem and grateful
appreciation, determined to the
last man to follow hi» leadership
_ la the State aad \ati»aal affairs
e f the Order, dltfc the ¿¿ration
and confidence merited by his « « -
exampled recard of derated serv­
ice aad by bis consummate skill
menu bat we denounce as monstrous
la premetlag the Cans«.
Injuatloe end Intolerable outrage aay
Adopted unanimously by Portland
ays tern of special boose privilege In
the name of rellgtea. The Mormons Klan N*o 1 at a largely attended reg­
long have eat a fine example by using ular meet lag. June 18.
pure water In the sacrament. The
wlneblbber clericals- should profit by
their example.
I f one group o f tfee people le per-
mltted to have wtne. for aay reason
or pnijpoae whatever let all alike have
it, without partiality.
Every true
American demand* “ equal and exact
Justice for all, special privilege to
->p»- —r
• ------
A far ef t t M la rharged le Jein
thl» degree and whrn a heaeflrtary
moni ber die» hi» nife er other bene­
ficiar! reeeives lmmrdlatrly one-half
ef thè prlcciple held in trust er ss
«musai eqaal te e ne dollar frem «trh
beneficiary degne Klaasmaa. Each
bcncflclary dogrtf mesi ber la then
u s -fM d II.IS te replealsh thè *rm>
fteiary fa «*.
The pian h s almple a ne and t u
he adopfrd by aay Klaa wlth Uttte er
Every Member o f Portland
Klan No. 1 Urged to A t­
tend Monday Night.
y a u t astien ti »calc, endea ring
a gainst
with the Wemes e f the Ku Klux Klan.
She was recently suspended from
membership lu the Ladles ef tfee In-
visible Empire.
"Weather conditions guarantee bum­
per crops again, and If Ruropean con­
ditions can be stabilised they again
win receive high price« for, grain, live­
stock end other product!,
“ Cotton already la at e figure that
mean affluence tor toe grower.
“ On my last trip. I found a won­
derful change west of the Mississippi
end more recently dlecovered the same
Dragon -of the Realm ef Oregon,
Demand Above A v e r .,..
"In the eastern states, and aa far
i a behalf ef mufaml latarests vitally
weet as Chicago, business is excel affected, Tfee Wester* Americas aa-
lent—no abnormal demand, but stUl'tMfrx aH rsnrnswd * » * Mrs. Ida
greatar than tha average for this time | Viola Pay, at Portland aad rarest
gated. The thlngallnge are released
In September or October. Great num­
bers a re . eaten by birds, troot. carp,
etc., or perish from other causes,
while the remainder live for a year
st the mouth of the Columbia, at the
shore feeding pounds, and then go
down to the sea. After three years in
the great deep they return to the
river as the "Silver Horde." The
has j r t t fet anted ho ate after est­
are obtaining
«■ut to thirsty
In Pythian Temple, to R e­
ceive Direct Report from
Imperial Representative.
ex soldier aad former auto race driver,
Eddie V. Rlckenbackur, bis lifelong
friend aad former comrade, a com­
munication declaring (hat a real bual-
aeas boom will start throughout thy
country about August I. "Hunlnev»
will continue good aa It Is now until
about August 1. sod then—the reel
The register of the Oxford
Hotel, 413 i Washington street,
records the signatures of Gov­
ernor Walter M. Pierce and
Secretary of State Sam H. Kozar
aa guests of that hostelry the
afternoon and night of May 24.
Xfee State’s high executives have
been traveling a lot, lately.
NdWa of vital Importance *BL be
announced and explained la detail
Monday night. Every member of the
Portland Klan Is urged to attend, and
to be there early If fee wants a good
i n tell you just where I stand on
the Ku Klax Klaa. If you think I
am going to enforce or try to enforce
any flimsy old ordinance passed by
this council you are mistaken.
**lt la not my duty as mayor to'
prevent any meeting as long as I t !
Entirely Unnecessary
doesn’t violate any law or valid o r
The ovation waa magnificent. The dlnance. If there ere any violations
great audience stood at salute when It Is your simply duty. Mr. Finkle, to
Grand Dragon Olfford wag ushered
Into the hall. As of old. aa always, he
your fpeta.
was the hero, the pride of the great
"t don't intend to tag along after
The Knights of the Ku Klnx Klan
Portland Klan. in whose leadership
anybody to find out what they are
is an American order devoted to the
all hopes are centered.
doing. I'm not going to do it, for you
interests of Protestant Christianity,
In a calm, dispassionate and pleas­
or anybody else. Mr. Finkle.
patriotism and good government.
ant conversational manner toe Grand
“ And Pm not going to permit the
We have the welfare and progress
police of this city to crawl down chim­
of every Protestant pastor and every
ney*, bust open doors, or break In
Protestant congregation in toe United
window* to find out what is going on.
I’m not going to do IL
For tola reason we wish every Prot­
“ I ask you. Mr. Finkle, if you know
estant minister to become fully ac­
of any violations or any valid ordin­
quainted with the aims, ideals, prin­
ance. to produce your proof in my
ciples and activities of this great
office tomorrow morning. Then I'll
Order, whether affiliated with it or not.
The Klan has nothing to conceal
from Protestant Americans affd has
done nothing for which excuses are
To every Protestant minister, who
is interested In the Knights of the Ku
Klux Klan and who wishes to keep
In touch with the work which the or­
der la doing, a copy o f the official
publication of the Klan will be mailed
weekly without cost.
Any Protestant minister interested
should send his name and address,
with the denomination of his church,
The headquarters and business
to The Imperial Night-Hawk. Poet-
off lee at the Women of the Ku
office Box 1204. Atlanta. O a..^*d he
Klux Klan No. 1, In chargo of
will at once be placed on the mailing
Mrs. Maybolle Jotto, too Mother
Counsellor, la at 407 Pittock
Block, telephone Broadway 1873,
whore al) /¿usino** pertaining to
th# lossy Klavsrn ia transacted.
All mentoere are advised to pay
no attention to contrary rumors
sat afloat by enemies af their
Càute. The Portland Klavsrn la
prosperous and progressive aad
just new la undertaking a con­
structive program of honorable
achievement which la .aura to
benefit all concerned.
The Imperial Hotel lobby wa*
thronged Wednesday with well known
politicians and person* of the would-
be politician type, including severe!
buey fixers.
The activities of th#
"bunch” are being watched carefully
and every man I* under toe eye of
scrutiny. Governor Pierce was ex­
pected. some of them said, white oth­
ers replied, "Who cares?”