The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, June 14, 1923, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    Tburxlay, Juna 14, 1823
W tlttU N
Littla Old King* and Prince«
Have to Go 'W ay Back
and Sit Down.
Vatican’« Ambassador ¿ t in
Only Mild Interest hi
National Capital.
there were none sought, save hy a
few oversealous Catholic leporters,
W ASHINGTON. D. C* June 14.— whose screed never taw the linotype
Never in the history o f Washington machine.
(W estern American Bureau)
has one man created such a furore,
KI m
Talk of the Heur
or been in such demand by Washing-
On the other hand, fhe imperial
Ion newspaper men of all classes.Ihlonclflum, which .corresponds in
kind,, character* sa d descriptions at authority, to tlir supreme council of
b o l>e. Hiram W esley Kvass. Iropcr- the Ca»cys. it the cause for the wildest
ini Wieard, Ku¡gilts o f the Ku Klu* eacitemrnt known to Washington
nswspaper<k>m. Evans i* the talk o f
Thr W uurd, willi his imperial r c t i-d u ; hour,. He it the canter o l interest
nue. tarn# lo the New Willard H otel.! j„ (hr nation's capital. For the time
«-lin e stop afaictnten. potem m er
,hc |,jB ncWs has shifted from
foreign lands, ruler* o f nation* and ,|w White House to a big hotel fur-
i'rrsidcnts o { the United States. , He ,hrr down the avenue. It hat gone
arrived a few days ago, and almost j from , Ida Ohioan to » hlg Texan.
Constaorly. every waking murute o f whole pfnTOon it not nearly so Igrge.
thr day and night and far after ha
J o m, ¡| ,„r»n « only one thing, and
has retired lor a mucb needed reel. I , h „ j, that the people o f America
he is l.^seiged by jounillista tor i n - * , « beginning to fathom the scerpe
l"* » * 1
and power o f the Ku Khr* Klan The
VnSiaM Emissary Un«etlced
man who directs *«eh a ftgBittie and
Other notables «om t and arc my,terl«o» nrganieatfnn ill * mighty
scarcely noticed. The l’ apal Anibas- power o f which they wot m*t of, and
sailor arrived wilh a blare of Roman they would see what he has to say.
trumpets and the blase journalist They would write o f him and try to
raitrd his ryes for a moment, took a
behind that math o f silence which
¡note or «wo and went on with his baffle* the best of them,
lie did not -even bother to
ask for a personal iutervicw but Con- j MONTANA KLANSMEN
tented himself with the usual “ hand- j
rnit" carefully prepared by the Na- , Montana Klaoamcn are protesting
»tremmuvly Ifllt iit the Dempsey
tiunal Catholic W elfare Council.
The President of tha United States Gibbous prut » lig h t. acchdulcd lo ini
Iwirc each week holds a conference held at Shelhy. M ont- July 4. Klans-
with new spa|ter men at the capital, menvarr urged not lo attrnd the ex-
A large itiimhcr. but by no means a ll,, hibition. which is called "The Shame
attrnd these conferences with an a ir ; of Shelby,“ because Dempsey i* a no-
o f "hoping something will Uriah.“
»nrioug war »lacker and Gibbon* is «
Kings Fail to Katkes*
J Ktail KVlng Knight nf Cohimlma.
The present premier o f Great !
ain, ¡jfiíje y .fhddwiC sr a r b g r ^ a frbsr j
m I to negotiate for a settles
weeks ago
metit o f the British loan, lfc created
iiuitc a stir, but no wild stampede of
Princes o f Britain, Japan, Sweden.
Belgium and Kings galore have come
here and they hare been interviewed
and have passed on. creating scarcely
(Coutlnuad from Pa*» t)
more than a ripple o f eacitemrnt.
• The Shrine convention is about to • '»»
“ >t. tt.HI.1 develop-
mont be able to give the existing con-
break loose here, monopolising every - 1 --------- -----
thing Pennsylvania avenue is ablate 1 °®rn* a toooh
hlgW 111»
with light and strident witfi hundreds *hock of their ITVoa.
o f big radio horns and the gala spirit
Sont* o f tho P«rts.
« 1 T a lli
___________ -
* ' Anyone can make a flMng on water*
Congo»ring Hero Arrtraa
power elte* by paying th* flit»* fee.
Then, to Washington comes thishig. agreeing to begin constnictton within
quirt, unobtrusive Trxan. who heads a specified time, to develop power
the mightiest fraternal order under within a certain time. «to. The tiling*
thr sun and immediately everything are worthle*» without the means to
stops and the channel o f interest it d e v e lo p Use project, and the capital
centered about him
• no fbr ia lacking. K is manifestly
Thursday night, I sat in his room at absurd, of roarae. to expect tha Btato
the Willard Hotel, while this tired ^ back such an enterpriae with th*
man reclined on a bed. and talked peepfe-g money.
yith him o f Klan matters. W c talked
P ro ssn t C o m p a n ie s C om pe ting
for more than an h our- Constantly
The Piro great power concerno now
every two nr three "'minutes we werr established to this section, nntnely.
interrupted by his secretary announc-
Portland Railway. Light A Power
ing that So-and-So of the biggest Compsnir ,nr1 the North wrest era E leo
patters of. the nation, respectfully tflc m competing energetically for
begged an interview
They were bnstnewn expansion mid service do-
...m e . one see* every day at the top TI,lopmMlt. «.< * kwowtog that only by
of .be column - » u l h o r s o f the mo*I ,
facM(|M c. n lti
learned dissertation, on
* ,n e r w w l . nd lu
affairs. -
t -.' 2.
A ll I f U A
o f SeH bM
M I lir H ,
They w ere the smaller fry whS live I Tbs development of an addlUonn.
by the stories they can sell their P « "" * <’<>«•"•
“ >e public
regulation of the «liftin g companies.
« M a tn a
They were local newspaper men, would be only an additional tax burden
who rarely bother with affairs o f a upon the people, who ultimately pey
national nature, leaving these io the *H the coete, profit* end loaaes. It
press associations.
would be like th* HUI sad Harrlman
They were the “ lead” mem o f the railroad linos, bull^, oa each side of
Associated Press, of the International tha Deeehiitsa river, the one on the
News Service, of the Universal Scrv- North bank and the other on th#
iee, o f the United Press and the Soatit. Th« stoekhodler* of tha two
United News, o f the Federated Press, railroads and tho general pabllc pay
o f Rutgers, o f the New York Times, the million« or (toBgrx tor ttmt stvrpen-
Hcrald, W orld, Chicago Tribune. Sau ¿ou t folly — a duplication o f service
Francisco Kxaminrr, o f ail the papers that seemed like criminal waste,
and press association» that daily in- There waa not enough business for
form the world o f what is going on 0|w,
through Central Oregon,
Evan* Cawtsr df lalarast
sod the struggle for existence ruined
In all my career b f more than JO"
years as a newspaper reporter and
Contending tor
editor, I have not seen one man so
<hf, ^U|t ^ ^
of th*
derideIly the center o f intrre.t a, H|ll.HlwrtalM, Co to * * t t t f o ». their
this man Evans.
freight so Heitors scrapped wtMr each
Heads o f fraternal orders comv
nfltor otter (11« wool of the altoap lie-
lu-re and oreate no stir at all. Only
tor* (hoy wore sheared,'andJ the eeat
recently, tho supreme eonncil o f the
. . .
. ™
Knights o f Cofim hu, held a s c i o n of getting M s « , axceeded the groa.
here an.) scarcely a note was carried P " > « * ° f ° ° urM- * * » " " » ■ * bu,W‘
in-the papers. Certainly thrre were « ■ h‘ <1 oth*r
peel*®«* In
•no extensive-rinterview» sonuht wilh
,n ("aHM'flta. besides the pros*
Supreme Knight James A. Flaherty.
earnings th Central Oregon.
So tor as I have been able to* lea rn 1 But Millious were wasted In Interest
annually aad posterity yet must pay
th* ode*.
If Mr. Cleevar to slating st pabllc
ownership of power mil files the poo­
pie «III r— smbdo Use disaster* which
attend almost svsry such sxpertmoat
—the SaetUa streetcar ownership, for
exempts The Btone aad Webster coa-
cers begged Seattle to tot them rales
the carfare from I to t cent*, thus
to meet the Increasing costs o f oper­
ation. The municipal demagogues and
peanut rollers made « political Issue
eat o f It. aad by popular vote the city
took over the ear eystem. Today the
tare . I* 10 rente, , the service la
| wretched, and th* to»*** are idling
mountain high. Besides, th* property
ll deteriorating rapidly. It is Impos­
sible, according to American experi­
ence. to find a group of politicians who
can lake care of n groat utility, pub,
llcly owned, and make It either profit­
able or satisfactory to the people.
Present Opportunities.
If Mr. Cleaver’s purpose Is to do-
valop an Investment opportunity tor
the Oregon public, they already have
It la the public utilities. These, like
the power oompanlee, though privately
ownad, are under strict regulation and
there Is little or &o denser o f the
public beta« abased The Investment
in these co n ce rn Is considered safe
ami sound.
K Is tolly to attempt the develop
watery» w o r site* which are
tar from the centers o f population,
especially when the population la lim­
ited. aa In Oregon: T h e eettmated cost
of a power plant Is only the begin­
ning, for an auxiliary distribution sys­
tem haa to be constructed and main­
tained. so that when one tolls the
other It ready for use. This certainly
would be true of the average water-
power la thl* section. Including Celllo
Full*. Tha Celllo site has been a snap
for political lnvastigatbrs for many
P r i v a t e companies Investigated
three Oregon waterpower sitae long
ago. and their engineer» declare they
wouldn't give ^ cents for them with
th* population limited as at present
and the distance to the power market
so grant. Tha upkeep would require
an enormous Investment and the con­
ditions altogether ate prohibitive.
Who Are the “ People"’
In hi* statement filed with the State
Engineer while Mr. Olcott waa Gov­
ernor. Mr. Cleaver need this some­
what mysterious and Indefinite lan­
“ If Oregon Investor* and banking
institution« will net finance such a
project, then ae trustees tar the hydro­
electric league
would offer this
power to people who would either com ­
pete with present companies or call
the current wholesale
a prlee dic­
tated by the Public Service Comm le­
' ' .
Whom does he mean by “ people” ?
If Oregon Investors refuse to buy (or
Mte). be would “oner It to other peo­
ple." etc.
The Slate Public Service Commis­
sion dictates the price of power now.
ahd the book* of the power companies
are open to itate inspection at all
time*. No rate can be made without
State approval.
Build Up Companies.
Tha great need today la- not more
competitive untllltlea. but the improve­
ment and development of those now
e'klstlng and their protection from the
attacks of the self-seeking dema­
gogues. Thl* whole Northweat sec­
tion ha* been covered with railroad*
and other public utilities in the tost
40 years. Previous to that time this
was a wIldornoM.
The railroads
brought out the homeaeekera. who, as
landowners, made the country, while
the railroad* wont bankrupt more than
once; .their earnings nowhere noar
their Just dues, even to the most
prosperous period o f their history.
Uand in tho previous wilderness was
worthless, whereas now It la sold for
1100 to $000 an sire.
Tet. Strang* Inconsistency! the aver­
age cltlsen ts always ready to lam-
bast the railroads, to reduce their
earnings and ‘increase the rigors ot
federal and state regulation.
What Mad* th* Matropollsf
W h it made th* great city o f Port­
Ships and streetcars, prin­
cipally the totter. Without the street­
car system there would have been no
great suburban residence districts, no
sale of lots, no metropolitan expansion.
TB* etty would have been connaed to
h i» village proportions.
These are reasons why there should
he g genuine public gratitude toward
the railroads and pow er utlllltles and
____ ^
Investors, and a co-operative ef-
..... . . . ____ _______
_ ;
an aroused and Intelll.
gétrt putrite opinion, for the ameliora­
tion o f tho wrongs and abuses now
„ ___
raftered By the«» Etonf but hapless
Old Homestead p -HI--f Ce.
out th^ toller there would
Tho Right Brsad for Rtoti. Psogto
little use for the automobile. Tbs Jit-
noy routes and stag« line*, which rob
Loin Bread
the railroad
Ha rightful patronage,
always follow the railroad linos. Tha Med and Qiisan
»**«• Tab»r Ml*
especially are pro-
" ■ ■
r*OM aSUwond teat
Prompt Dvlivory
motlng the wreck of the railroad ears-
lea. as well as being a nuisance and a
W. Z. Higkt W ood aad
sourde of const th l peril upon Use high
C m I C o .
ways. They should be toned to the
II(»'E S T WEIGHTS 1 5 »
Irreducible maximum, if not prohib­
ited, for such competition Is ruining
the railroads, npon «b o s s maintenance
and prosperity the welfare of the na- rate* m m
tton absolutely depends The railroad
Hodge’« Sweet Shop
must keep cowttasnusiy In operation.
Th* Home M «w eeU
Th* Jitney and the su ge can quit at
V M w k sad RmsU Caadf
any time. The sem« Is true of the
power companies, which have vast
capital Invested, giving excellent serv­
Rhone Broadway 17M
ice at a fair price The rightful thing
to do Is tf> tovest la and support (he
public utilities, giving them the de­
served and sdeguste protection. And
tbe foot-cetcher should lie-set on the
trail o f every demagogue that yelpd
In favor of public ownership
Copying aad
A catch-phrase ha* (Irmorsllzed
great section* of th* world, where the
though time and inefficient masses
rule through Ignorance. It Is this: 1
"Everything used In common should
be owned Hi ceatmon." and that Is the
text of the Communist, tbe Socialist,
.;h e Reds o f every land. America'*
best protection la education and com­
mon-sense and a calm and patient sur­
vey of the woes of other countries
Life — Fire— Accident
which have tried, most fatally, the
Health —
fallacies of socialism and public own­
O ram i Phone MAln K9S
Cleaver «heuld Resign.
S09 Y eon Building
Ref err lug again to Hr. ('leaver’* ,
MesMraee: Phone TAbor MC«
"wholesale power company” M-hcme.
' l i l i E. Carutbern St
•t h necessary I# rteghatizc the fact
hat fhe people employ him under the
tow wb!nB regwlres Mm to give nil
bis Hmr exwlaslvely to the beslaeoa of
eufarahNt Urn prohibition - (state, aad
there U ptewty
proof that he is not
p l l l K Use dexJred rc-nlG. HI« !m-
medtate renlg— lluu Is wanted— to
demnwded hy many good rlt|-
who ip u i (totoraer Pierre «trnag
«apport, Mrf witb«ot wko«r friendly
nflucnce Mb deitloB world hmr berw
Kodak Finishing
PeUr Pan Service'
Ciras. T. McPherson
Royal Blue Line Busses
Portland, Astoria and Seaside
Lease Terminal
ISth aad Goraside
Portlaad, Ore.
I « r i« Midi
»:30 A.M.
4»(W P.M.
C l » A.M.
• »«• A.M.
S r i« P.M .
«ceppoose, rit notons aad lulalsr Locato
liU K U L
«Ö M P E T K A T
e»p»risncxd FiuvUtue* an« «Une Mevor
___________ ___
Long Distança HauHng
Offtc«: 17* I. Morrison, Cor. U slw Avo.
Phone T»bsr « M
AutuwJdlc Tire» and Acccssorif» - (lljh firmi« Ui hr (eat h i« Oita and Grsaste
dm and Rlrctrtc «irppli«- YolconUin* Battar, Chorgln«
I near ance Specialist
, V
Phone . East 1128
'■ *
' r
Commercial and Job Printing
Fred A Armbruster
Eleventh S treet Garage
Utilising the fw lnntw r help ol alt
other ln w -on fw ln c factor», and co-
nperating witji Uw-ahMIng crtlsena
r x s n ic
30x3 .................. »7.7»
w m % .. . . . . . . . . . .
We Deliver
'lamping oat the crisae- agvinat the
figblem th Amendment. the right triad
of Prohibit!«« -Uommlaslonor soon
eoalil make Oregjta really DRY. and
In doing this
and KEEPING the
wo ft
Ev«rytM ng
à". * f
Incones, for tbe cMes and u
Robinson. Pruo(
li>e wood* ys* are full of disgruntled .
- p
tnd unsecrupuloua "w ets" who make « l o e r t a » are
R e p a ir S h o p
ind sell boose, defiant of the over-
I«»w and Usad Tiras
whelming public..demand for enforce­
AU W ork Ounramtrad
t e n Untew A v«., N.
Portland, Oía,
Lacks Qualif ications.
(’ ommtoekmer »Cleaver' ha* drmon-
stntled fully that ho Is lacking In the
qualifications of^M quor law .enforcer,
ind that he has no Idea o f practical
ways and means o f stamping out the
liquor outlawry In the city of Port­
997 Belmont
W « Deliver
It k Imperatively necessary for
Governor Pierre to appoint a corn]lo­
re at ProhlMtlna Commissioner, and t#
Reliable A gelt for AH
measure Mb efficiency by the actual
renditions, net or dry. and by the rrv
enue obtained from fines, forfeitures [
/*J£T • better service fròtn Y C / P l b y
overhauling done !NOW.
having qd'jsasl
We enn give you the price in advance, i f you want i t
A X E L K IL D A H lv P roprlm nr
8919 Foster Road
Phone Sunset 1554
Sunnyside Market !♦
and confiscations.
{ L o * . W alnut »*;•
Mr. Clearer, aa Prohl Commissioner,
won’t do! His beet friends are declar-
Ta b o r 1*44
Ing this fact. He seems to lack c n - ;
tirely the necessary executive ability, i
Sim yN de Fuel Co.
the rnedlness to get on toe Job and 1
KstaMtahod 1904. Inc. 1911
work, toe will to co-oyw>r«t* with o t h -1
ers and to exchange experience and
Long or Short Wood and Coal
E. 3tth and H awthorn« Avo.
advice. He may be a good stock pro- j
moter. but a* liquor law enforcer ho
la aa much out of place as the p r o v -1
Green Hill Dairy
erblal ftah out of water.
There Is
abundant proof that his mind is nb-
lorbod wholly in the promotion of his
W hip Croam
hydro-electric scheme, and the “ prohl”
dutlea are mere?^ Incidental and of
Hr Tmt On* of
secondary Importance, apparently to j
«««ter (toad
fill In odd momenta.
Former Supporters Aroused.
The people who elected Walter M.
Pierce as Oovcrnor are determined Grocers and »W ellen , Fountain and
SUnrot 3442
to resist to the uttermost his attempt
to foist such s travesty of service upon '
to all depart menu
the taxpayers; thoy are resolved to j
sec the liquor and narcotic laws on - 1 nth
forced, even though It require the l."
Jailing of every Jew “ rn b br and j C B M M L I T
Phone Kast 0719
in Portland, and
they are determined that the man who 1
.wnWC-iaad Serviro and Parte
draws toe pay
Prohibition Commls-
Satisfaction O u.rant.od-i* T*an
Knowing How
sioner shall give all of hi* time and
to that work,
law e x - !367 *•
pressly requires.
• |
______ ,
The Governor, by srlsely giving lm-
modiate attention to this situation, by I Frank Ruuell Barber Shop
transferring Mr. Cleaver lo other |
rhlldrea’s Hair Cutting
* Specialty
State work, or rrouovlna him from
aervlcs eltogether, still baa an oppnr-
1417 Sdhdy Bontevard
A S. C.
aa tho
Portland Plumbing and
Repairs Done on. the Day Ordered *
Leather Belts
M A D « T O B V C C IA L O R D E R
H i¿ h C ía s * R e p a ir in g
troubles consult
Jobbers in all
o f fabric belts
53 Firat Street
Portland, Oregon
Tobacco— Candies
313 Astor Street
Saits and O vercoats at P rices $18.50 to $35.00
(tor Guarantee: After having worn any o f our Suita or Overcoats
and defects develop we will refund the money you have paid or
make other adjustment satisfactory to purchaser.
»«M in i IJ»e o f Shoe*, lints, Shirts Underwear, eta , at
—\ .reasonable price*
Corner Seventh and Aster Sts.
Astoria, Oregon