THE p» « « s" ASTORIA HAS IDEAL FUNERAL PARLOR GIVING PATRONS MATCHLESS SERVICE A R L S O N a S O N — Charles W „ Sr., and Charles Raoul, the son— Funeral Directors and Embalm- ers, Astoria, have attained a remarkable success in their splendid new establishment on Franklin street, between llt h and 12th, in their first half-year of K business, which started last January. E N U I N E S Y M P A T H Y with the sorrow-stricken— the G heartfelt kindness which is the greatest good— to­ gether with supreme professional skill in the art o f em­ balming and the delicsite business o f directing funerals— this is the simple secret o f their success. The Karlsons. fath er and son,.are known to nearly everyone in ClatsojS County as American citizens o f sterling character, leading blameless and useful lives. A O U L K A R L S O N has been in the undertaking busi­ R ness eight years in Astoria, and his father six years. During this time they were associated with another under­ taker. Having hosts o f personal friends, they decided six months ago to establish a permanent house owned and man­ aged exclusively by themselves. Generous patronage has more than justified the soundness o f their judgment. I V I N G their patrons the benefit o f a 25 to 40 per cent G saving on caskets, boltght at wholesale prices and kept, on display" for purposes o f comparison, and being content with fa ir prices for all services, the firm ’s increasing busi­ ness is multiplying profits and their future looks roseate, indeed. • • • * • The exterior of the home-like building— and it really is a home— is painted-in cream and gray. The garage is lo­ cated at the rear, and a spacious driveway leads to the street. The equipment includes a Packard hearse o f the latest type. Convenience and comfort were the aims o f the own­ ers in remodelling the building for undertaking purposes. The Preparation Room in the basement contains the latest scientific appliances fo r embalming. It gives no sugges­ tion o f a morgue. A fte r preparation, the body is lifted upon an elevator to the Slumber Room. The Casket Dis­ play Room is nearby, where the selection may b e made quickly and with privacy. The Chapel is a commodious and beautiful hall, furnished with mulberry draperies and hangings and fine lace curtains, an expensive and luxurious Toupe carpet, Vienna chairs and cheerful decorations. There are no dull or dreary colors or suggestions o f gloom. The place gives an unusual impression o f warmth and good cheer. The eyes o f the mourners on sad occasions rest upon an inspirational masterpiece, “ Crossing the Bar.” Seats are provided for 125 persons. The Music Room is opposite, opening into the Chapel, improving the effect o f the musical program at funerals. The audience hears perfectly without observing the mu­ sicians. ' - v” Adjoining, with a full view o f the Chapel, is a private Family Room, where the bereaved ones can see and hear everything without being observed by the audience. This room is furnished luxuriously, with every, convenience and comfort. The embarrassment o f having to ask fob things, too common in funeral parlors, is eliminated. Everything needful is at hand. Charles W . Karlson, Sr., is widely known in Western Washington. He is an eminent Mason and a member o f various Protestant societies. He is one o f Astoria’s most progressive citizens. Charles Raoul Karlson, one of the most popular young men in Clatsop County, w as born in Astoria November 16, 1897. He was educated in the public schools, o f which his father always has been an ardent champion, and then re­ ceived a thorough business education. He married Muriel Cullen at Portland, Ore., January 28, 1919, shortly after his return from a year’s heroic service as a soldier with the American Arm y in France. Mr. and Mrs. Karlson have one child. Garth Wayne Karlson, born A p ril 25, 1920. Mr. Karlson is a member o f the Benevolent and Protective O r­ der o f Elks, the Modem Woodmen o f America, the United Finnish Kaleva Brothers and Sisters (U . F. K. B. S . ) , and other Protestant and civic societies. The economies effected by their services, the unexcelled skill o f their work, and above all, the sympathetic kind­ ness and helpfulness which are above price on occasions o f sorrow, have given this fine undertaking establishment a distinctive reputation, assuring its permanency and steady prosperity. WESTERN ThuarcUy, June t4, 1923 AMERICAN STACKHOUSE GANG IS TRYING TO ELECT SHULL named Walla haa no connection what- ~ ever with Tha Waatarn Amarican; | . (Continued (tvm Cut» I) furthermore. that any and every rap and stick up hta font l( Mr Shull q m » raaantativa of thia journal will ba abla tripping along, to praaant crodantiala writtan upon tha W ho la This Maa WilaoaT official Klan lottarhaad and paaring W ilson*—1 T ug Wilson. ■»' I'*- is tha personal signature of the Editor, known—he's . a mechanic o( some To tovoral persons concerned It la kind, a dabbler in petty politics, a alao naeaaaary to atato that cortaln: peanut roller, connected with the articles which they may expect this Roman Catholic chirvlt on one side weak are crowded out of thia laaua by **i* Family, poise'«me no qualifi- important Klan nowa and will appaar c**'Oiu whatever for the position of next week. We are doing the best we Sch° o1 Director, a nun with little can to aorvo our 54,000 roadora within r<,'wation, except what hr has picked tha limit of eight pages. You ahall u,‘ , hcre * " d *h« r« ,hc o( have a bigger and bottar papar aeon. **k man.wh - know , h.m. Bear with ua, and whan you knock, He s a pretty good fellow.-his friendi I lay, and once upon a time hr was pleaoo call tha Editor. Ho ia tha btial- , sent east as a political delegate of •at man in town, but dooon't mind it. tome Rind and saved his expense money with the skill of a Jew. He's against the bond issue for the main­ tenance and uphuildiiiK of the public schools, and yet has the insufferable audacity to ask intcllnsent people to put him on the School Hoard. Kd j Stackhouse is credited with Wilson's ' candidacy in the interest of Shull. K la n T h e r e N o w H a s 175 their little game' Do you see lit? They play it every time— there Unito and More Than must be money in it. And Who Is Ed StsckknwseT 30,000 Members. i ______ Stackfsonae? He is a "liner" of the fraternities and was bounced out of (Western American Burc-gD j the Ku Klnx Klan when he didn'lidare \\ ILM IXGTON. DeL, June U.—The (ace the music after indignant itaem- Ku Klux Klan has 175 units and more hers brought charges against him al- than J0.000 members in Delaware, ac- legiug gross treason and treacherous cording to I. B. Pclol. imperial repre- j violation o f the most sacred oblige- sentative who made this declaration i ,ian which a man can take. Stack- in an address before a Klan meeting, house was secretary of the notorious in Newport this week Robert Bruce lodge Of T.rayback Nearly 200 Klansmrn in regalia at-j (cootie) Masons* in Portland about tended the Newport meeting w hich' ,jx years ago and was indicted and is described as one of the most en- tried, along with one Frank 'Mottcr. thusiastic ever held in this state. Mr who got a year in prison, for selling Pelot stated that a huge public nat­ “ Masonic degree«" up to the 02nd for uralization will be held near here Fri­ whatever the hapless sucker could day, June 15. in a field close to the pay. The cootie "Masouv." composed city, when 500 aliens will take the I of culls and morons, arc said again vows of patriotism. , to have one or two “lodges* in Port- ------------------------- land. probably high-grading the DELAWARE GROWING AT WONDERFUL RATE ATTEND • iuck" f^ ,,y »***" , _ IN FULL REGALIA duly to provide them with safe and When In Doubt Whsro to Kal suitable school house«.* TR Y THK R s x m a K i T im e Instructions The rleetlnu will he held Saturday. June Ik The voting hours will hr HAS W ashington S troat from 12 o’clock noon until 8 o'clock _________ Near Third______________ in the evening. You don't have to lie registered, hut you du have to be a Sellwood Jewelry taxpayer of some kind to vote on the R. It. Muwrvy. I*r»p bond issue. You arc a taxpayer if Jrnrlrr' and Watrhaiakrr you own a dinky share o f stnek rn Try us for workmanship '«ml snrrlrs, grails W a t c h » . Ksport W atch. something.— anything op which any lllx lt (T l,.ck and Jvwslry Ksiwlrlng ; Portland, Ora. | company or concern pays taxes in IM1 la s t tJth *t. any amount in Multnomah county Now, get out Saturday', if you air KNIGHTS any good and show what kind of an< SHOi: S IlttlN ti PARLOR American • you are. Y 'O T K . FDR ladles- Uealt NORTH AND W O O D W AR D AMD (M U R STAMD Multnomah Hotel Garage Heruad and GKO. L O C K H O V IN , 111" „ and a very good'one. hut tired of At the funeral of the late lamented • wood-butchering after he was bitten Joseph Mannix. city attorney o f As- by the pob(ica| bug He j, NOT an foria. in Portland June 6 . the ohse -1 »x-service man. He has heed idle for quies at the gra*e were rendered still ,,ltf Iast ycar> ..doin|r nothinR bul poti. more impressive and affecting by the |Sci- hu frjend, diflarei aI1 wonder- , sudden and silent appearance of a ¡ng how ht Kttt that way, Stack- group of nme Knights of the Ku Klux . botlM. ha<1 a ROod job a, C,rp fn tcr- Klan. hi full state regalia. After pay-| forfman for the ago.ol district, hut mg the last tribute o f respect, the M „ jt work Ap^ 1922. join Knights withdrew as silently as tKey,Gcor(te Brandenhorg. the roadhouse had come. m ail; Ham Johnstone, the “ resigned" The beautiful funeral services con- |aWyCr and ousted Klansman. and ducted by Dean Reginald T. T. Hicks.. O|hor uindrfd tpiritl in the “ Charley" were as Mr. Mannix would have de Ha„ canlpai|^ \a c, pt„rc the gov- sired. without elaborate ritual or pro- ,crnor, hip. “ Ham” is trying to hang gram, without pomp or pretense, but on, bj 5 again, by some with the simplicity and deep solemnity kil„, hocnlpoku. with the Bar As- which should mark the end of the jociation’» over-indulgent grievance earthly career of a Christian and committee, probably as a reward for noble Knight, one “ without fear and hj, trcason to lh, K lan. while Stack- withont reproach.” house and Brandenburg arc busy at The attending mourners included a ,he same old Kaine of Sp|it-the-ticket delegation of prominent citizens of and vo|e the sockeMb They arc really Astoria, headed by Mayor O. B. Set-. jpecja b jt, tbj, ^jmc, succeeding ten and the city commissioners. fairly wc„ bccaaM. lhereJ a , lKkcr The grave was made a bower of born evfry mjnute> flowers, the token« including heauti-; That’» the Whole Story ful pieces from Astoria friends and 1 Tha,., thc whoU tXOty o ( the elcc. others from Portland. I ti„ „ this coming Saturday. Thc ene- Thc floral pieces sent by the | nli„ of ,bc public school arc framing Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and one Sbul, a(iajn and ,he ^ ¡(.(h e -tic k c t from The Indies of the Invi.ihle F.m- Kan({ are tfyinR to help by , rolting pire and The Western American typi- ‘ OH, ,hcir man T| W ilson. Tuggie in symbolism the life and eternal haj been , dmoniiIied by some of his reward of the lamented brother. - , , incere friendt to ^ j„ o f ,he Mourning for Mr. Mannix is g e n -!,,;,, |0 k„ p hi, |itllc too„ ie, from eral throughout Clatsop county. Rr(tjnR wet but - in lhe race to where he was admired and respected win"—for Shull. by everyone. In the civic and fra­ If this gang of jackleg framer« can ternal life of Astoria his loss is felt put over such a game, the foolish — most keenly and hc long will ,,f house ought to be*«nlargcd, and it sadly missed. ought to he established right in Port­ land, to save running ’em down and carfare. Two Good Map Are Up Colonel W. C. North, one o f Port­ land's squarcst and whitest citizens, who is eminently qualified by charac­ The firm name is C. W. K A R L S O N & SO N , 531 Frank­ ter, education and experience to give • — — — — — lin St., Astoria. Telephone 286. Calls from distant places, ideal service on the School Board, has been persuaded by representative fa r o r near, are given prompt attention. Negro Reads Declaration of citizen«-of every walk in life to stand Independence in Celebra­ j for thc School Hoard. His pedigree THE KU KLUX KREED. * i is given in another column on this tion at Boston. | page. Read it and work for him, if We, the Order o f the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, reverentially acknowl- j I you care anything for the public edge thq,majesty and supremacy of Aln.!ghty God and recognize Hia goodness schools and want to see them main­ (Western American Bureau) and providence through Jesus Christ our Lord. tained and developed to give our chil­ ^ 0t” l2in* . OU! _ reU,.IOn *;_ * * .. GOTernmenL 01 lbe S nite4 BUte*. 0t lfir!t°tSi™ 'Ìn Uie^ history of ß l Z ^ l dren a chance in life. America, the supremacy of its Constitution, the Union of States thereunder, negro will read thc Declaration of Woodward la All Right and the constitutional laws thereof, we shall ever be devoted to the sublime Director Woodward is with the Independence as a feature of the principle of a pure Americanism, snd valiant In the defense of Us Ideals Fourth of July celebration from the supporters of thc public school* and and Institutions. balcony of the Old State House. is entitled to whole-hearted support. We avow the distinction between the races of mankind as decreed by the Mayor Curley, Catholic, has ap­ Every public-spirited citizen should Creator, and we shall ever be true to the maintenance of White Supremacy pointed Charles C. Dogan, of 74 W est, work for his re-flection. He is being and strenuously oppose any compromise thereof. Rutland street, age 17 years and an fought by the enemy for his stand We appreciate the valne of practical, fraternal relationship among men honor pupil in thc English High , on the Compulsory Public School Bill ja n i thc Non-Sectarian Garb Bill and of kindred thought, purposes snd Ideals and the Infinite benefits accruing School. therefrom; we shall faithfully devota ourselves to the practice of an honorable Flag Day, June 14, will be given a the white people of Portland must celebration of the first rank by the put him over. Here’s what Wood- clannishness that the life of each may be a constant blessing to others. icity o f Boston this year in a $J000 ward says: "Our common schools are display of fireworks on Boston Com- the nation’s truest source o f Citizen- T h e Portland Fawyer who sued several prominent men for mon, ¡13 connection with the a n n u a l ¡«hip; they deserve our united and heavy damages on mere suspicion reduced his claim from $50,000 convention of the National League of loyal support; they ahould be attended by every normal child. Right educa­ to one dollar after the evidence wag all in, but the court and ju ry M**on,c Club‘ - tion of our children D our nation’« decided he wasn’t entitled to even a dime. Do you want to recall Pierce? greatest teak, and it ** our «acred H FLAG DAY, JUNE 14, NEGRO IS ORATOR - First d a ta Entertain« ment All the Time C. K NICHOLSON, Mgr. K ill East Thirteenth ML . TED R. MOYER Balsaman for DPR AMT AMD STA RCARS Portland, Ore. f a » l AThH_________ He a. i Walnut 7 AM) !SH Second Street takray NBLSON, ■ The Home Theatre of Nrllwood J. A. HARDING We Will Please Yoa N . A. * ■ ISIS Union Oyster House Rpoclailalng In Maneóse ' Liberty and Oregeld Batter Shop f o r t m i n Liberty Creamery _KljM_JltC£OlJrUljJ_l> 2 _Jtl|tM^ «III and Yamhill When on your way to anil from the coeat, buy your olla, greases, gas and accessories from a 100 per cant Amer­ ican. 100 per cent fair and 100 per cent aervlce. The Sellwood. Shoe Store BRU U N K I'AVtit, proprietor Yamhill at T a n t h ttrsst Mrn’a, Women's and ChHdrea's f im i ; sh o k s Opiwalla Public Library LINDROF.F GARAGE M AIN 4737 1470 g. I Jlh at. • illw e e d «870 Lafayette, Oregon ELECTRIC Phono Kaiit U I0 A Modera Hotel — Reasonable Rales Portland Top Co. BOLLINGER HOTEL LEWIHTOM, IDAHO v Plans and Estimates Furnished F n s Garage and Cabinet Work ■123 Third Street E. Water and Alder St*. B. F. Miller Ju bblh d Tabor S 90 * I’bon» Boxwood 1034 R««id#n< #. B. i i t i Dr. C. S. Ogzbury D e n tis try Portland. Oro. Loots 8tattoo Insist on Bine Stem 100 Per Cent Whole Wheat HEALTH BREAD no Patent White Hot bread dally at 4 P. M. In bataneas district Co. Baggags. W. N. Eiaminger S#J E. smh N. to S t t t M n d f t . 1. I . P o rtla n d . O r « . Hbup Th u n# H T n # «t 1134 H es T h u n e Ht h a .t «3 (1 Wportlng Uoodw Plana and Purnltvre Mavlng and ttoraga Hpedat Trips Made Anywbsro » M S rirg « giesst_________ Poetlend, Oes. W o o rn c « Them#. 1C. M M I I » . Phon« AT. :}]• r iiN H A h IDEAL ROOFING CO James O. Bothwell nse A t t r m ieti or make alterations at your resi­ dence or business place. 1 would b* Main 1034 r glad to help, design your work. >3 Union Transfer year* la I’orUand. OUvor llall. Prop SS E. “ 4th ML M. Portland, Ora. Phoae Tabor MS7 We P r o m p t ly d tov« U o n n stlio n s If You Are Going to Build CONTRACTOR M07 Poetar Head Phone 8 Unset IU 1 Paper llaaglag ■ Phone Atwater Sanitary Plaablag aad lleatlag BUILDING CONTRACTOR F. P. CARBON PAIMTED PETERSEN PO S T L A N D , O K I. H. Q. Fleming Are You Going to Build or Remodel? a House Palatlag toot Covtri, Cushion« and C u rta in » M. I. H o lm .. SIGNS SPAMIOL A u to Tope M a d« and ftopalrod [ • —- I KLANSMEN , — ■— " PAIMTIMU t PAPKRIIAMUIMU DECORATIMG taOLHKM COPPER MODELIMU SltlM PAIMTIMU Mlaeral aad Surfaced Sblaglea aad Kell Roofing All Kinds of Roof llspotrtng Ituof ItMhlndHAg tOSH E. Horn.He St, Portland. Ore. 70S Third ttrsot - Phono Moln ta il Im iti on B A R K E R and LU XU R Y BREAD Blue Stem Health Bread Co. Cornar Front aad llarrlxoa HD. Phone Mala KOI Office Hours: 11 to J1 A. U . : } to I P. 31 BARKER BREAD CO. New Home: 17th and Sandy Boulevard DR. E. H. EAST i * PHY 8 ICIAM and HUHUE 0 M ---------- Of firs- 103-4 PtftOhk Block Plwno Boocon 461» Rsstdsncs 366 E. 66th St. Sooth Phono Tabor 7177 ---------- . - 1 Phone nKoadway SOW PURCELL’S CAFE C. A. PU R C ELL, Proprietor Formerly Silver Grill Mow under 100% management 113 killing»isarth FRANK HUFFMAN Tailor to Men and Women at Popular Priced Howard H. Belding Watchmaker and Jeaoler Watch. Clock and Jswatory Repairing Bugravlns and LApldary Bxpsrt Diamond Ratting Mall Orders Promptly Attended to Room *0, Washington Building Upstairs, Bet Id and 4th, on Washington Portland, Oragon Broadway 74M N. W . W eldin g and Supply Co. W. C. Fawkeo, Manager Light Manufacturing WELDING and BRAZING Machine Work The Portland Locksmith GENERAL REPAIRING Expert Key and Lockwork, Saw Filing, Soldering, Grinding, Model Making, Electrical Repairing 208'/j Fourth Street Portland, Oregon 4M Washington Street Cylinder, Bored Seasoned Over.Slie Platoaa Famished and Ground to Given Nliee Welding Equipment Repaired Between Salmon and Taylor THE BEAVER PHARMACY Broadway 7209 88 First St., Portland, Ore. P. Livingston, Prop. Phone Sellwood 14M WO Umatilla Ava Portland. Ore. Brown Electric Co. Wa are prepared to do all kind* of electrical work In our new location. Let us figure on your next job. 140 per cant service. Ha« Cakes and W affles. Steaks and Chspa. Coffee a Specialty “ R I A L H O M I COOKING” at BOB’S 38c Lunch 11:00 A. M. to 3:00 P. M. Broadway *141 Bob Clark, Prop. 03 Tanth «treat. Near Htark I 33 Sixth St., near A ltor Astoria, Ore. Phone 59S Smoke “ RUMMY” Cigars 10 Cents and Two for a Quarter JOHANSEN BROS. 1352 Franklin Street A. L. CAMPBELL AUTO TOWING Efficient Oiling and Creasing .W hile You W alt. Crankhaea Drained Free. All Kinds of Qood Olla and Gasoline. Sixteenth and Alder Streets "I Astoria, Oragon LEBECK Pila driving . Phons 4S7 & SON CONTRACTORS and bridge building. House retains and moving. S3 Wsst Bond 8t., Aetorla, Ora. ’