To Safeguard Your Children a Vote for North, Woo The Official Paner of The Royal Riderà ef the Red ' Robe, laiperlal lleadiiaaiiera 1U Morgan Halid- lug', Portland, Oregon. " ye Address I'eaiBiaalralloa« lo L. A. Drver, Udito Pfllork Hlorh, Portlaad, Oregon. PORTLAND, P U B L IS H E D W E E K L Y Vol. I, No. 45 UTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE sm all know t h e tru th S H U L L Ml N O B LE SOLDIER TO SE R V E T H E P E O P L E COL. NORTH IDEAL v - FOR SCHOOL BOARO: ^ IS HIGHLY QUALIFIED Tug W ilton Their Stalking- Horte to Put Shull on Election of Thig Big Man Saturday Means Great Saving to the'iPeople. AND SQUARE DEAL FOR ALL iON, T H U R S D A Y , JU N E 14, 1923 FIXERS’ PEDIGREES RIVEN Frank l b . Cea BUI. wet audacity •leet bisa aa~ sleet ad, • unities fu Hierarchy grant cs tho poopl s whelming liberty aad citisoas kEp. Tho ity. av Shull, o r te having an « Ik School Director, the votan record in I HAWKINS' ACIMIY BRINGS PENALTY OF DRASTIC niHUCIÏÏ WORK THE B ILL after fightiag Public School tho unblushing p s^ ls to re- Director. If »PPee- > sorse the Papel siaaig tho keesoro which by aa over­ safeguard to ' of hotter I great major- te trust Mr. the danger of ’ of tbs Pub- ■g as School r troubla is that loara of his “High Grader" of Astoria Loses H U Grip on Klan Christmas Tree- FAIR W ARNING TO OTHERS BA. U SE y s a . By voting fot-XTolonel W . v and Wilttttyn F. Woodward i>. school election Saturday, you there, can tafegghTd and assure the proper maintenance ami development of the public schools, upon which the na­ tion’s hopes are based. Y 011 don’t | have to bo registered, nor a taxpayer. I to vote (or Director. You only have to be a legal voter. Vote the bonds and special levy, to that the Board will be authorized to work out a plan of progressive im­ provement bf the schools. The funds authorized niB be spread over a period of ten y e a ii and .the annual cost to the avengye citizen w ill be about twenty-fix* cents. Yoti have to be a taxpayer to vote on the bond*; bnt you are a taxpayer if you o v a only one share' of stock in any company or concern or co- partnership which pays faxes in the lot Commissioner Interested Me». Hydro-Electric Schenk SUPPORTED BY GOV. PIERCE COLONEL W IL L IA M C NORTH, Taxpayers Ought to- Call Penitentiary Y a w n s f o r distinguished vet eras of two wars, Clandestine “Mason" Cred­ successful business mass, cksmpieu Halt Right N ow Before Every Rascal W h o Is ited W ith Cunning Scheme o f lbs Public Schools, has ceaseutad They G o Further. Caught W ith Goods. Against the Schools. to servo all the people on the School Board, aching the voters' support in --------- r! Ro- • I be election o f Saturday, June IS. Instead o f devoting his entire time For the eepecial benefit ef Aaterla You hav* *® own re* ltY Coienoi William C. North, one of Kd Stackhouse. on« or th« trusted He is oao of Orugou's biggest man. snd attention to the enforcement of p.blk Port to ad's ablest, meal useful sad people and far th. Information of a" ^ T h r „„M ir school, is fuglemen o f tb« sptlt-the-tlckat gang cones mod. It la noceaaary to pubtish Thc ' ? « " * »1 thepnbhe ts the dry law, as required by statute. popular citisoas, is a candidate for of professional political wrecker* Commissioner O. L. Wo the fact torn on. Earnest P n d M m - fc' h” Grt b” ' ’r * nd d° Prohibition School Director at lbs elactien af known as Johnstone, Rrnndenburg. Cleaver, - an Eastern Oregon stock kina naver ha* bean In reality a mem- J,OUT | Saturday ibis waab, June IS—the vet- promoter who was appointed by Oof- Stackhouse and Company. Is said to be la| la be frem Jt o'clock noon lo I bar of th. Knights o f th« Ku t t n l Pierce and established In an o'clock P. M. Vetera do nut have lo Klan. nor did he .very pay due., or r i V f H D ll U I P U l L L grooming one Tug Wilson, a whollyj office In tbe Northwestern Bank build­ be registered, but simply have to bo carry a card, and ha Is not now an* J H | \ L < i H U l l l U l l l L I unfit man, as n candidate for the ing in Portland, la doing little or legal voters. To vote on the bauds nevar will b « In any way School Board in the election of Batmr- lag toward dry low eafc eoe must bo a la »payer, but the own­ with th« Ordar. ership af a share of stack or *■ an '» la • Elect North and W oodward day, this wank, in order to split the During last year Hawkins waa.. teradl la any concern that pays taaee vote 4 » the real “ H i k e C aunty la t» W l l » l to tastily elect Frank L R s s e aa a laapayer. who fought (he Public School Bill In and. in addition, his so-called Colonel North wae urged by oiliarns river canyon, the November campaign, and who now peases.” aaakint n total salary of $M6 from every ualk in lift lo srrve the haa the an para) led impudence to ask to IMS a month, During this Mm«, Jew«, sr through apparent collusion electric sign on his door. In th« school «UctUn Saturday. Jana people « hi Ibr School Hoard, breante the people to vote him bark as Direc­ A Get Rich Quick Idea. when large numbers of men were join­ with them, ever since April 1, when an lie idi ally fils "the position by reason Id-11 «'clock boss to > «'«lo ck —tho tor of the People's School* against Mr. Cleaver is secretary of the ing the Order, Hawkins waa receiving honest and efficient 8tata officer, o f character, education, inclination Oregon Good Covsrsmsnt Loagaa which ne bad worked like a beaver "Hydro-Electric League of Oregon.' a rakeoft of $2 for each member, of Walter Gobin Smith, obtained and sub­ anil experience. He is deeply Mitfv^ warns you tu bo ou your gsmrd agsiust In the Internal of the Roman Catholics wfcteh «he A »lorta Klansmen knew T W * , h ^ .b oh b f^ l^ g y W o f tuteklmr- rvted in me pttiiiir srnbdi syMctn J m i ; duplicity, ducuptioo, aad imitettoo. and their backers. Shull's motives nothing. His income was opulent," mitted overwhelming evidence that M. ers. This is hip story.'mnd his song, bring familiar with buildings and Vha Laagua racommaoda that you Jews Mingle Freely on need no dissection, for his record of Rasencranz (Who Is not a rabbi) was and the bootleggers and moonshiners their construction, he buy he able to vota for the fellow lagi Inefficiency snd disloyalty speaks for This Joyous Occasion. running and for a long time had besn aren't worrying. save the taxpayers «teat sums of . Itself. Ho Is manager of the Portland Mr. Cleaver.' during tbe Oleott VOTE BONDS X YES money, in' common-sense economies. Why Hawkina Waa Fired. running a notorious boo*. Joint at hla Flour Mills, was formarly with Kerr. regime, filed on five waterpower sites VO TE LE V Y X YES Hr organized anil assitlrd in thr con­ When a proper accounting of funds home. 324 College street, and that he . Fourteen hundred eighty-right Clifford (no kin and -------- Com- , — to — Prod) - T— ------- — - - per-1 i . , ... t — . I 1“ the Deschutes canyon, these being VOTE W. C. NORTH liX struction of the Morgan building, one pany and I* a well educated and cap- sotts. mostly young couples, tripped wa8 not ,orthco B‘ ' ® ^**"8 • land-office business In fcnown M jjetoliua, p elton. Mecca, VOTE W IL L IA M F. W OOD­ of Portland massive office structures, able man. qualified for the pomitton If the light fantastic toe to the pleasing he * * * ,ullt5r ° f ° ° ° UC.1 U° r_°T. power-house (85 per cent) wine. Pro- Co^ maQ and Whitehorse Rapids. and as its.manager cvrr «ittcr he has W A R D MX Klansman, Hawkins’s immediate hibitlon Commissioner" G. L. Cleaver, he were right on the main Issue, music o f a first-class orchestra at a These sites. It Is claimed (If conditions made it pay. while earning for his resignation was demanded and re- The Oregon Good Covarnmaot which he Isn't, and if he weren’t appointee and favorite of Governor were favorable and millions in capital building the reputation o f unexam­ League, Inc., U compasad o f mambars damned by his ornery conduct against I Rose Festival ball in Broadway hall'cetved. It was accepted unanimously. Pierce, finally was compelled by action were available for development), could pled convenience, cleanliness and from tha various charchas, lodgos, the Public School Bill. One might as i Tuesday night under auspices of the about four months ago, and since that of the Klan to have the bootlegger ar­ develop 135,700 horsepower. comfort. Hr never has to advertise fraternities and associations of tho well vote for Archbishop ChriaUe. or K i" K T,,t K,nh m* a* K<‘d *»* » com- time he has had no connection with retted, but by sly and phoney »nd cow- Mr. Cleaver declares be la the custo­ for tenants. His name is a synonym the Klan whatever. .ta t. of Oregon, who bottevo in foe- onf> Qf h|< WJ|U >nd ^ donp w„ h mittee o f the Indies of the Invisible methods he succeeded in "getting for square-dealing. dian of douements conveying to him taring tho spirit of truo Anterkaaism .From reliable sources • comes the ln- _ _ Off Wednesday with aj lt: they couldn't do worse, and they Empire, of which Mrs. Mayhelle Jettc trustees the rights and Interests Typical Teunrssrean through compulsory oducatioo la tha formation Mat Hawkins still pretends nom|n„ fln. for , -technical viola- i ” might do a whole lot better . Mr. is Mother Counselor. power sites, taken up under the Colonel North is » typical Tennes­ PUBLIC SCHOOLS, aod tha e lo d ia . av . to speak with authority concerning t|0(|„ of ltquor law* old law, and he has the deeds in his seean—a courtfy, warm-hearted South­ sod roteatimi I . o f f e , of p m . . . who The net proceeds were donated en­ Klan affaire. If this report Is true, * ' mpUd,,nce C* rUlBlj’ clMww. dld h„ to diMredlt the erner. Hr was horn on a farm near can b . rclted upon to adva^o. uphold possession. -M l developed - wanting to b o « tirely to the general relief fund of the he Is deceiving. He knows nothing own honest witnesses, and they Sweetwater, in the Volunteer Slate, Plans Big Power Company. and maintain, without four or favor, . * . * * . ™.r*Ct0T' * ^ er Ku Klux Klan, to he xpended for the I of the Klan and Ite business, and all were no» called to testify. There was about 4H years ago. He came west t h . U w . e f . u r government eed state! ' The Cleaver scl|Bme Is to orgaalze h* ‘ don,> hta blt » * » » “ « ‘ hpm Klansmen are warned to have noth- n0 tpUL Th. amount the - f i„ e" ,M years ago. working one year for j otlr |aa(j»a»|olia and lba pri ^ i p|., Df *be Interest of the Roman Hierarchy, greatest good, regardless ■ o f race, a “wholesale power company" under Ing to do with him. - for the greaeeat and moat outrageous thr government at Vancouver, VV««h.; eoastUutl««. T li« fabled Government Mule has creed or other condition. the auspices of the league, of which he Several other former Klansmen of v |0|atioss of th* law and of good morall lie then Hi nt to Portland, engaging T||f p|m| |r srH O A , A N n nothing on him and would lay down Old King Tut was there in all of his Is secretary, “to deliver electrical cur­ TH E PUBLIC SCHOOL AND Astoria have been banished or sus- >nd poiigious ethics was $44.44—-thus first in the sash and door business. (Continued on Page g.) 'majesty and danced joyously vyith rent to Portland, practically at cost.” . CIVIC RIGHTEOUSNESS ARE TH E everyone alike. Court clowns and pended for crooked work of one kind m, ki„ t , ht/Q« jog, of the proceeding, He proposes, as trustee of the league, and later going into general contract-, B U LW AR K S OF C IV ILIZ A TIO N , D',puty Mowry. of the District At- jesters attended His Royal Nibs. and another. It Is now the fixed policy ing. 4 to offer this power to PEOPLE who This ticket k authorised pad isstm d GRAND KLUXER BALL True -to the spirit of Tils state and Everyone had a most delightful time, of the Imperial authorities to weed tornsy-( offte.. op