THE WESTERN AMERICAN I0LT FOR SHEENY MIKE. IRISH ABIE K lsveliers Riding-Jet Black ~ * ‘ Slickin' * ............... Horse* Cornin' ~tke Rainbow. Waste ru Amerlran Bureau. WASHINGTON, Juno 7. - Plo committee and the "Ckaeya.” which !• not approved by the rank and tile of Waahlagtoa Hhrtnera. hot they nre powerleee to help thomaalveo. How­ ever, they state, there wtll, be n tiro« o f rochonlng after the oan vent Ion it over. It la a known fart that the Shrlnort thumaelreo fell down on railing the money to ontertaln the visitors and had to s o b M ilm to tbo Romani to out them over, which the Catholic« 'did. The Bbrtnen got away to n bad atari, however, by employing a Homan proaa agent, W. II. Cldggett, of tho Evening Star itaff. Into to the ef- aplsedtd articles and editorials is worth mors than a year's subscrip­ tion. which is oaly three dollars MASONIC ANALYST la owned, pub liafeed and adlted by Mr. E. P. Ram­ sey, a nationally known Mason and petrtatic welfare worker. Ha deserve« BAPTIST MINISTER PROUD OF BEING A H E R OF IK H ^ ^ „‘ I ,U " T oasra*. an dof Tha Klansmen —all Bitterly Donouncos W ood* row W ilson os "T ool o f the Pope in Rom e." Western Amrrieuu Burras. Hbeany ,0* * o t « “ • ■ • • ■ w r ’d corr^ pood MAKMN. T«*.. June 7.—Proclaim­ , , dent, however, he waa ouated and a Mlkw and Utah A bis aa well at Ml»tuh ' 33d degree Maaoo, Charlea D. Warner, ing hts membership la the Ku Klnx Uawdge Jackaln While have got a Jolt WBg i0 b»tltnt»d KIan and declaring tbq necessity for coming to fbvm thnf'they* wot not ot _____ . _______ use of the meek In many places pc«l right at the pr«««nt writing. GREAT DAILY SEES ceased to esist, the K«v. B. T. Godwin, When they get thla Jolt, they w ill, BOTH SIDES OF IT j the leading Baptist clergyman of think hell he« torn looae In reality— 1 Wettern American Sureau. Waco, aaaarted the organisation would Eor, the Klavallera are coming I HAI.I.AH, Texaa., June 9.—-The lAl continue to live as long as America Uelleve me, boy; they ara COMINO, laa Morning Newa la at laat giving llvea In an address delivered hare at publicity to tbe Klan—that la favor- the Palls county courthouse. * tool . Although hla audience waa com­ Somewhere In thla big country able publicity, which f«r many month* posed largely of Klaasraan, there wee wherein roamed Ueorge Washington'** ffu a e d to do. ■ < , In a recent Uauo It gave the better a notable percentage of non-Klanamea and other maker« o t the nation In the ^ of tWQ co|ain„ o f . to , present . ’* ' The speaker declared tbe Klan has day* of their youth there lb «printing i«<-turu delivered In the city to a claaa up a troop of Klavallera that will pro- of newly naturalIred clTtiena hi the ■ no tight ou the Jew. but that the Jew*. In controlling the moving picture in­ W the moat awe-lnaplrlng *p«ctncie|lnvlalhle Empire dustry, ware debauching the Christian The peper stated that the lectura ever gesed upon. ; ^ people and would destroy Christianity had'been offered for publication by a The troop,"'which really will be a , for the next generation If something citiseli of Dallas who «aid the lectura squadron. la headed by a former ma­ was approved by the Imperial organi- were not done to curb ttfelr activities. He bitterly assailed ex-Preeldent jor of cavalry of the United State* xatioh and reflected tbe official 'kenll- Woodrow Wilson, whom he termed a army and the head of each troop la a ment of the Klan. "T h erefore" the "tool or the Pope In Rome." former officer of the Army or Marine paper concluded, “ tbq lecture la re­ Rev. Mr. Godwin outlined the prin­ Corp*. The squadron adjutant la an produced herewith as a matter of ciples of the Klan and gate Its true ex-flref MrgMlit i>r |M untied States publie Informa HOU. — — attitude toward lbs Jew, the Catholic, Marine Corp*. the n egri and the foreign-born, and Coal black horse* with not a «pot 740 ALIENS TAKEN declared he waa more proud of being of white will be uard. They are. now THROUGH T HE TESTS a Klansman than of anything on ^beiug quietly bought up. wherever one earth except being an American clU- can he found. Westers Americas Bureau. The saddle« will he white, aa. of WHITAKER. Pa.. June 7 —Th* Ku course, will be the robes of the Klene- Klux Ktan here laat week naturalised meu themselves. 740 aliens In a gigantic open-air cere­ No n u n I* being enrolled In the monial. It Is estimated that 7000 Klava tiara who la nndhr *U fool In Klanamen participated la the car« height and who weighs less than 176 monies which more than r.OOO outsid­ pounds. To date tbe average weight I* er« witnessed. It la the largest ever 3I0 pounds and there Is not au ounce held In this section of the. country. of averdupola on auy man. Aid far Minister. When they are ready, they will ap­ gas, Oklahoma and Ar- pear at tbe moat unexpected plhce Western Amerlran Bureau. RICHARDSON. Tex., June 6.—The kansa Each Has More and where great crowd* will aee them perhaps during the Hhrlne con­ Rev Edward Jarkaou ta smiling now Than 100,000. for the Klan baa visited him. When vention. It left, he found' himself richer by 1190 than he was before the mysteri­ Western American Bureau. ous men came to aee him. The gift TOPEKA, Ken.. June 7.—The State# was a token o f tbe Ktaft's appreciation of Twxas. Oklahoma and Arkansas of his good work. each baa mote fhaa 100.000 members ILU NO iS LEADING KLANS ^MEMBERS SHRINERS MEETING HOLD OREAT IN K. OF C. HALL 30,000 KLAN CELEBRATION %» “ Caxeyi" Horn Their W ay Into Masonic C o h ­ ering A t Washington. iiu ic y Western American Bureau. WASHINGTON, D. C„ June 7 — Shrine headquarter« daring,, the con­ vention Is Jn the Knights of Columbus home here, according to announcement made by the Knights of Columbus. The noaey "Caseys," who horu their way into everythin gwhlch consumes newspaper space, aa doea a Shrine convention, said they tendered their Carroll Hall to the Shrlnerv and the executive committee Accepted the tender with thank«. The Knight* of Columbus announce­ ment la true. But the wonder of It, and the thing that Is puxxling the Washington people I*, why the Shrln ers did not malt« the same announce­ ment themselv*», aince It *ia their "party" and uot that of the Knlgths of Columbui. Those la very close toamwork and co-operation between the Alnuu Tern- W**t**a w-j-~-*_*. ., ... , „ VALPARAISO. Ind., Junu.7 —Thirty thousand persons, moat of whpm were Klanamen, mat here recently and held a festival.' Klansmon name by special trains from Port Wayne, Chlca. Lo- gansport, Indianapolis. Gary. Knog. South Bend and Hammond and many drove by auto from towns In Indiana. Illinois, Ohio, Michigan and even Wis­ consin. Fiery crosses burned la every town in the county on the night of the meeting. A parade preceded tbe naturalisa­ tion In which approximately 6000 masked Klansmen participated, and following this a class of 600 were made Klansmen. Sven bands and fifty floats were Included In the parade. * Five national speakers ot the Klan explained tha principles and Ideals aud other speakers Included leaders of the Queens o f the Golden Mask, said to rabe a woman's auxiliary of the Klan. The Queens held their state meeting on the same day. Broncho-busting and other stunts entertained the festive Klansmen dur­ ing the day. A re Y o u a Citizen? The Klansman’s Guide BY I. 0. WOOD Introduction by C'o|. William Joseph Simmons Kmporor Invisible Kmplro Famous Klan Speeches Included Free '*WE ARE HERE" By Edward Young Clarko "A M E R IC A " • By Dr. Caleb A. Ridley Thu second edition o f "ARK YOU A CIT1EEN" is off the press. Owing to the quantity printed, wo aro able to rcduco the price to sixty (tiO) cents per copy. Price effective March 84. The famous Klan «|>««ch*a named above aru Included freu with each copy of "ARM YOO A CITIEMMr R A Y BELLAMY, Distributor 70& Couch Building Telephone BKacon 5329 Ku Klux Klan Klub Entor- taining Their Shriner- Klansmen in D. C. Tha address is R. p. Ramsay. Halle 8*7, Consolidated Beenrlties Building. Portland. Telephone Broadway 3984. Mr. Ramsay haa kept ti»e FAITH Wsatarn Amsircan Bursau. WASHINGTON, D. C., J' Shew year appreciation POWELL CALLS BIG MEETING JUNE *7 1000 . KLAN . . . ALL-POW ERFUL IN SCHOOL BALLOT Weeterw American Bureau. , CAMDEN. Ark.. June 7.—The Cam­ den Klau exerted Its first election au­ thority here, when two candidates In­ dorsed by the organisation for places on the oDard of Education were over­ whelmingly elected nt the annual school election. A. L. Morgan received 121 and O. E. Westfall 120. Seven candidate# were defeated. MASONIC ANALYST WONDERMAGAZINE E P. R«maay Publishing Opulent New Journal o£ , Patriotic Progress. <*•* SEATTLE, June 7. — L. I. Powell. King n eagls. baa Issued invitations for all Klan», chartered and provl- slonal, to attend a giant ceremonial at Seattle on the night of Jane 37. Preparations are being made tor special train« from many point#. mtzwl up u Pones la not a Shrtner , nd wrtl tfalnk Jon , re ^ ^ , An d t o r H l ! fath er* ^ ^ for the ^ krolker wishing anyone tumour- lly piinltNfa ¡¡^ y ^ without In convenience. W h a t ’ s T h e M a tte r ? Oat of forty-eight convicts Leavenworth penitentiary last an autaal coast shows forty-five of them to prates» u>e OalheMe latth. one Protectant Sad two so t affiliated with say church It the Federal court would stt coaUauouely. f#r two years, wa would materially radace the list o f lllogql voters and the Catholics would have a greatly redaoad congre­ gation. aa former carloads taken from hare for same years past »how that a heavy percentage of tbaaa criminals ware o f Catholic origin. This would Indioate somethlnk faulty with the Pope’s schools, it wa caa pass crltl- clam on these things from the court records. Wo Do IB Kinds of Alterati*«*, Ckamtag gad Prosata* Phano Ft Breedway 8*41 S. E. Com er Sixth and Pine • _ , », , ......... .................................... FWUnnd, O n . h New Spring Goods at Morgan's a Ksiasa s? fiy p tB & r^ S K tin«, f r lc w Me to Mo par yard— 8 w n r L t i - W w T « in flaa akaer « a * U for BaOy Dreoaaa. 40 Incbaa wUJa and finished Ilka Mnea, pries Mo to par yard— Wa pay all postage— G iro ns a trial ardor. MORGAN DRY GOODS STORE C. THOREBEB C. TB0RESE5 G Thoresen ’ The J.Ü., Radòn Co. Tulsa Klan No. 2. Realm of Okla­ homa. haa a new 8200.000 Ktavern. The building was flaanced by mem­ bers of Tulsa Klan who purchased stock In tha building association at 826 a share. The new Kiavern will seat 2000 Klansmen and Is located neer the center of the Tula# business district. The structure Is of brick and steel finished In stucco. Offices ot (he Tulsa Klan have been moved to th* sew bonding. Suits, Overcoats, Hats, at the Bungalow Market The ParticaUr Market for Particular People I « Yamhill Pukits ] wants you to so* the now spring K. E. Comer Serand and TamhfB, Portland, d C . THORESEN C. THORE8EH ft. THOREMEK Furnishings THOUSANDS ROBED AT TOPEKA, KANSAS THE J. H. Rankin Co. l i t SIxUi Street PHONE SELLWOOD r* 1068 / ‘ ARE YOU BUYING YOU R MILK AND CREAM FROM THE RIGHT D A IR Y ? THE LATEST OUT Scarf Pima................ 81.00 Button......................... LOO Cuff Links . . . . . . . . 2.60 Ear Rings .................. 2.60 Riega ......................... 2.60 Ringle Charm ........... L00 Double Charm . . . . . . 1.60 Leveller* and Chaia. 2.50 Prepaid to any address is the United States J. A. LAK IN It so. you should know the difference ] . between Operative and Speculative! _____ Bole Manufacturer 106 Grand Avenue, Portland. Ore. Freemasonry Yon should know when Speculative or Symbolic Masonry be-. gan; how it began and whsre it be­ AMES GROCERY gan: when and how It came to America | and Ita development; and how aud GROCERIES - MEATS • FRUITS when It came to your Slate. You VEGETABLES shnnld know when, »there and how Scottish Rite Masonry began, and it» hUtnry. You should know the dlfter- Phone Taker 8786 1448 E. GUann S t • j W between the York Rite and th* -----------------------------------— -----------------j Scottish Rite. Yon should know about ■ Columbia; the Royal Arch degree, and Council Gardner Cara R P Batterle* degree, the High Priesthood and th# Knights Templar. CRESTON GARAGE THE MASONIC HI8TORY. published 4 Orthble Brae. by Past Grand Master George Thorn­ burgh, 33d degree Hon., will tell you 80th and Powall Sta. all that and also tbe origin and history Phone SUnaet MU Portland. Oro. of the Eastern Star, and of the Shrine. It tell* about the Morgan excitement, Phene Sunset I T U when a candidate ran for President on DR. L. R. PUGH an Anti-Masonic ticket and almost i swept Freemasonry ont ot this coun­ Dosili» try. It contains a biography of George Offtco: Rooms t and 9 Leach dulldtnq Washington as a Mason, and Albert *Tth and Poetar Road Pike, so long the head of the Scottish Portland, Oragod Rite. It tells of the origin and prea- Res.: « n # fla t & B . it status of Negro Lodges. Np other Istory contains such a variety. The price la only »3.00. postpaid. J. L . S C H A F E R GROCERIES Empire 882 W. Lombard S t Office Telephone i TAbor 8888 The Bishop Chimney Sweep L E nglund & H en d erson T A IL O R S TH9RESE5 TULSA IN SPLENDID 1200,000 BUILDING «16 Twelfth SL »I. W. WASHINGTON. D. C. W MEMORIZE THIS. “ He in jr t k w«n wh# loreth well Bath M i d Mrd u i kciati He prayeth best who loreth beat AH thing« both great end m i l l i Ear the Arar dad who levrth as, Ha made i d leveth aiL" THE FELLOWSHIP FORUM OREGON MASONS and thetr friend« now can boaat of having, beyond dis­ pute, the finest, most opulent and In­ teresting /m on th ly magatine In all America, excepting only The NfeW AGE, devoted to the humanities of the Masonic prgorntn. to sterling Americanism and patriotic progress. The Initial number, l««uod for June and now on Min, contains 48 pages with beautiful art cover«, and every page la replete with Intereit, every article full of wisdom. Information, Inspiration and punch. It la the most dynamic Masonic magatine in the country. Either ot aererai ot th* * AJI brethren ware warned not to gat the Klux signals and tha Shrine signs i COM. NINTH and O A K -T W O STOMSg — COM. glOHTM and COUCH PORTLAND, ORgOON Wests*-« Amsircan Bureau. Aro Yoo GOOD I EAR SERVICE ETATIDIf Ku Klux Klan Klub la Bhrtnar-Kianamai fnaettonJag visiting Sbrtaar-Klaraman. The groats« tapearalt- m ooin g at Klanamen is th# history ot Topeka of the Klan. said a speaker at a meet­ Klan was staged at Cowles Field some ing of more than 3000 Klansmen here. days ago. As 3940 robed Klansmen Illinois raaka first in membership, ■•9* " A m e r i c a . bearing with msec that. -iOO-.OOO-- members. a large fiery cram circled above their Ohio stands second and Iowa th M . heads. Even In New York, wkere 76 per cent ot the population is said to be foreign T A bor tTfl! dr 0Ä# Kuttmated Furnished born, we have more than 80.000 real ACME ELECTRIC CO. j, mea pledged to perpetuate the prin­ H. W WARIUNER. A R IU N E R . Proprietor ciples o f Americanism established by Klcctricel Contractor« PlKturss. W lrlog and Supplies our forefathers. All Work Guaranteed 100% Portland. Ora. Preceding the meeting, an airplane 1804 HawtOsrn* A w . ■ ■ j with a huge fiery cross circled several )tc«ld *n r, W- East S4th St 8. Try Ua for Ssrvlc«— gervlca You Oat ] times over the city announcing the meeting of the Klansmen. East Side Van A Storage Co. »Oar Bssineas Is Moving” Missourians Active. Kvenlnjrs ('all Raa. Phone TAbor 8510 Plano and Furniture Moving Western Amsircan Bureau. 1‘arkinv O u ting and Storage POPLAR BLUOO, Mo., June *— Five Offcle 10H Hawthorn# Ave. Offlc# Phon# TAbor QC96 hundred eighty-raven members of tbe Poplar Bluff Klan held nn annual roll call recently.' Records show the membership In that Klan to be nearly lly Colonel William Joseph Slmmono "FAM OUS ERIE SPEECH" true AmarMbn». MAURO TIRE & REPAIR CO. — - 1 - L. M cDt’ U N , Manager Gutters, R oofs, Stacks and Flog Poles Cleaned, Painted and Repaired Sheet Metel W ork 77 B u t Mhty-flfth Street North Call TAbor 8883 Furnace repairing *nd gnlvaniscd iron chimney extensions Papoclolly -y ' f> * ' -*=4 --- — Raw and Pasteurized MILK AND CREAM / We atart new routes April 1 aa follow s: Laurelhurat, Modnt Scott and Woodstock Albina. Irvington. Alberta, Alameda, Rose City. Present routea are: Sellwood, Stevens, Ladd, Hawthorne, East and West Moreland and the West Side. We are Producers and Distributor«. AD o f our Bilk tuberculin tested raws WILLSBURG DAIRY Lewie W ilson sad U. V. Franklin, Proprietor* 9È3 Tacoma Aven«» WE SOLICITqfiOTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL How ti> Use the Off-an-0 a Tool Lav the tire and rim flat on its aide. Catch the hooks of the O ff nn-on tool on one «ido of the rim. Hold the other hooka with the right hand and turn the lever until they catch the opponite aid» of the rim. Wh.w the hook« arc in imaition, loosen the rim joint «lightly with a screwdriver or htmaicr and tura the lever uatU the rtm «ad« lap ovar each other about three inches. Always adjust tn#L bv turning levee to on td keep screw threads of both damp pieces v mp distance in pipe. Then lift out rim. The Off-an on tool,will hold the rim contracted while yon change tubes. To replace the rim, turn the lover in the opposite direction until the ends of the threaded rods catch on the inside o f the rim. Force the rim nearly into piafe, then hit inside of rim with a hammer and they will snap together. Don't try to forre the rim ends post each other withoat tapping them with a hammer, or yon might spring vonr rim. It i n *t necessary, to havy the tool exactly across the center of tbe rim. Itw orks better away from center, nearer to tho split. To put n sprung.rim on a wheel, place the O ff nv-oa tool across the rim where it is sprang, force it into shape, romove hooks fV-em tho tool and start the-oim on the wheel. The tool will drop oat as you shove the rim on. - COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO. '<• MAIN 1168 Manufacturar* 712 CORBETT BUILDING, PORTLAND. OREGON