s Page Si» THE WESTERN Thursday, May 31, 1923 AMERICAN -IL ___ The funds for the building of such a cottage » re p u rh a p a 50 l b** ‘kr® ?ot only be­ masse« after death, that will be found I am contributing time, typewrljyr to be the true and universal cause cause of the fact that dependent children under present conditions of that universal degeneracy upon and paper to send something to you that I know you dare not print; bnt cannot be given the scientific care and parental attention that which we commiserate ourselves." you will read It and perhaps curse should be given them, but because of the further fact that a large After this, he draws the contrast the Intolerable conditions that com­ percentage of dependent children must, in existing circumstances, between the poverty and ignorance In pel you to drop It Into th e . waste­ be cared for in religious institutions of different faith and doc­ Catholic Ireland and the Industry, basket. Resides, I am taking a carbon trine than that espoused by the parents of many of the dependents. prosperity and progresalvenesa of whlah I shall send to The W estern Protestant Ireland. These existing circumstances prompt the W. C. T. U., an or­ Of Cork, this Catholic Irishman American, which probably will print It. E. F. B. ganization that for more than fifty years has been caring for the tsys: "It has ereoted religlouslty and - " E D IT O R IA L S T T B S . welfare of dependents and unfortunates, to undertake the estab­ mendicancy on a pinnacle before (From The News) lishment of a farm home for dependent children, a farm home that which It bows down and worships and ' „ | n | re|and shall be conducted along religious but non-aectarian lines, a farm the poor beautiful elty ‘has Its re- „No No p<,ace peace In Ireland for genera- 0f home where all children regardless of sect, creed or the lack there­ ward.' The j.rlest-4-ducated Cn^ollc j t|OM pred|ct, BbMr citizens of Cork are. In the aggre­ grin's leading journalists. Fighting of may be housed in circumstances as nearly approaching, the gate, men without minds . . . I ideal home as it shall be possible to make them—a place where express what hundreds of thousands of has become a habit over there, with breathing «pells. those physically capable may help earn their “board and keep,” Cork people themselves think; and I brief ** ‘Nations founded In bliiod drown In would gladly turn my native country and a place where all of school age may have the privilege of at­ blood.' Desmond philosophises. ‘Ire­ off the road to ruin upon which It has land edn never be anything, can never tending the public schools. ^ ^ through In carrying out the ideals embodied in the children’s farm been traveling since the priests awoke be freed Mt|1 under Italian Inspiration, fifty years thr#w generations of tolf-dtseipllne and home a corporation was organized which is controlled by a board ago . . . If we examine the stand- training’ of directors of leading citizens, selected without regard to their mg army of priests and nun. who are - n « « ^ . , r„c ttr , „ too dark. It affiliation primarily with an f organization. This corporation has quartered in such affluence In the city „ Ir„ h to pr#d)c| , flght tD, tead of undertaken and is purchasing a well equipped farm near Cor­ of Dublin our astonishment cannot p, ac, But , flIf