• L ¿X ■ M iâ S Z n S L H ^ S î DEFIANCE OF LAWS STIRS W HARDING FOR DRASTIC « f Prohibition Amendment to Be Enforced, Says Chief Exacutive. Western Amtrlean .Bureau. naUst, «ru working together In o®posi­ tion to tbo promoter« of denn boob« Smith » related to Interfere In the fight to get the measure before the ■tat« nennte." Henrst'i repräsentativ« bere, W ill­ iam A. Deford, le working energetical- tf to iVifeat the Mil. C H A P L A IN S IN N A T IO N A L « V I C E . To the Editor : Ig it trug that a gnat if^ o n t y of thç chap- lalnn in thé regular army and navy are Roman Catholics? A n sw er: No. The proportion is about 4***' Protestant min­ isters to one Roman Catholic priest. In the inny, total 126; 104 Protestant, 21 Catholic. In the navy,-total 81; 67 Protestant, 18 Catholic. O fficers’ reserve corps, 400 Pro testan ts, 146 Catholics. Don’t let such “ bunk” get your hate-bug dkeited. It is a mat­ K A t l V ANO K L A N gM gN f .. ) l'd rathur b< a Klausmen la robea ter o f real service in the army and navy. Some o f the priests and et anowy whlte. Than lu A hi ii Roman Kasey In some o f the ministers are good, kindly and useful men, and gome robci ua b!ack aa night: o f l>oth are meaner than the devil and rank With the dog-robbers. Kor thè Klu«er la American. The most -arrogant and despicable man with the Grsvee Expedi­ Ami itila is h a uuly bum» The Kasey >-r.rv«s thè Mago Pope, tion to Siberia (speaking now o f personal knowledge and experi­ The prieat hi» only hope. ence) waa a certain trout-mouthed chaplain, noted for hia un­ —-liy a 10-Year Old. feeling cruelty to enlisted men while on the Burch under severe MONO' 3 MISS ALICE. handicapa, and he waa not a Catholic priest; It was good for sore Western Amai «san Bureau. W AH IIIN tr .N, D. C.. May 11.— Mia» eyes to see what-an exasperated Top Sergeant did to him, on one Altra Robert on. formar membar of Collerosa troni Oklahoma, has been occasion. WASHINGTON. D. C . May *3- Prss- Ideni Hording will ua« the Army. Navy. Marine and <’«#»1 Oiiard end spend every cent In the United Mtntea Treas­ ury, II neceeeary, to enrnrea the pro­ appolmed a welfara wurksr In tbe hibition luwa of the country, accord­ Veteran'a llureau by l‘ri-«ldont Hard­ AMERICA MUST CLEAR HOUSI ing to ap<>kn«men at the White tleuee ing. Mtsa Robertson alraody'bas *n- terad upon hai1 new dutlea. during the last week. The Prealdent la dotermlned the By every mean« withiu its p ow er the Klan aheuld strive to halt organised minority of Palbollea In the M IN N E S O T A N S H E A R lii^iurusiiing Hood uf undesirable immigrants from Asia and South­ country, who have taught ihelr people V O IC E O F T H E K L A N that the Klghleenth Amendment la not ern Europe, Not only intuit the gates be closed, but somehow America to be obeyed uifloss they wtab to. ahall MINNEAPOLIS. Minn, May I I — be taught that Dm law of America isKlansmwn here, unable to get newa of nuyit get rid o f the scum o f the melting-pot. Wholesale deportation must be re« pec led above the law of the organisation favorably presented ■a the remedy. Hcnd tbdm back to the countries whence they came. Rome. In tbe local newt|>apers. have started W e have the ships and the eTews for transportation, now tied up and Defiance Stirs President. their own paper It la called "The The recent statement of ,a prleat In Voire of the Knights of tbe Ku Klux idling at many porta, and the courts can be made to function. It New York, In which he advised hie Klan," and M speaks In an exceed­ parlahlonera to Ignore the Eighteenth ingly loud and authoritative lone jjf- is the wilt o f the American people that this action be taken and Amendment. I* Relieved to he one of with the least pomilrir delay. It should be made a platform plank by voice. the Insplrslloue that led the i’ reeldent Two numbers have been Issued, so far the winning polities! party. j - to laeue aurh a etrong atatement. and the circulation la aa wide aa Min­ IkMitlegglng hoe grown to he one neapolis. at Pnul and other cities In 1’ relimjnary to this wholesale deportation pf undenirsblea, who of the foremost indnetrlee In the the neighborhood It carries no Ad­ United HtntSe and hot been flaurlab vertisement and It la the official organ eom|M>ae o f the bulk o f our criminal i-laoaeS, the Elan, co-operating In* uhtTer the protection of tbe Cnth of North 8tar No. 1. -Other Klan» as­ witli t)M Mason* and other Protestant organisations/ should make oltc churT-h ilmost unmolested. Now sisting In Its lasagne» are Nos 1, I. a scientific and thorough survey o f the facts o f the «ffuatiou, show­ the edict le.tbet nouo will be spared 4, 6. tt. T, I. I and 10 of Minneapolis ing who the undesirables are, where they can be foand, what they are In iI k - enforcement of the amendment. and the auburban Klsns of Kxcelslor. Weeding Out Cathodes. Hopkins. Wsyaata. 8t. I-outs Park and doing, how, and why they entered America, and whence they came, The Prealdent Intimated that If the Rohblnsdala. who brought them in and w hy^ and $11 essential facta concerning people - wlahed they can repeal the amendment, hut aa long aa It remain» AOAINST MR. PIOOTT. them. The result would startle America ; it would shake the Nation e part of the Constltni.lon. and be la Whereas. An effort Is being d o ita foundations/ it would compel immediate and drastic action, Preaidanl. ha will enforce It If It made at Washington. D. C„ to costs America her last dollar and the ftir the people then wvmld see in one flashing glance the deadly last man ahe can thuater to enforce It have William Plgott of Mottle, a nature o f the peri! which confronts our country. By all means let Officials hare are watching with In Fourth Oograa Knight of Colum- teraal to see the part the Catholic» are the survey be made, regardless o f coat. I t w ill bring about reform, V bus. succeed George Chamber­ going to play In the new program despite all selfish interests, and strengthen the foundations o f our lain of Oregon, resigned, on tho Certain It I* they are being weeded out of tbe prohibition enforcement de­ Republic. ■ /- Unltod State» Shipping Board, partment. which already has twa Jaws and EDITOR APPROVES RUN PRINCIPLES Provides Generous Space for News of Great Ameri­ can Fraternity# - __ Wattarn American Buraau. ITTA IIKNA. Mfsa, May M .-T h a first secular newspaper on record to declaro Itself thoroughly In favor of tho principles enunciated by the Ku Klux Klan and to got behind the Ku Klux Klan Itself la . tho Ilia Bona Tlmea, published bar# by J. A. Raeon. lu the current Issue of the paper. Mr. Eason throws upon a column on the first page, which he heads "Klan Graphs" and makes the following an­ nouncement: t •This column of our paper will bo devoted to tho Ku Klux Klan. Any time you have anything you wish published, you will find a box Just Inside tho door of this otflco. Use this column, or more.— Editor.” No Samblanct to Mob Rule. Commenting odllorlally on the Klan and bis policy elsowhere In tho aame lasue, aftor aettlng forth tho tenets of tho Order, which, ho say*, he has , Been told the Order stands for, h e ; says: "I cannot aae any reeerablance of mob rule In aurh declaratkma. I don’t know whom to approach, bat If you wish to leave your matter on my dosk It shall bo published." Approvta Order Unqualifiedly. Much favorablo comment has boon aroused In this thoroughly Ku Klux ■ Klan community In favor of the Times, for It la felt Mr. Kason I* thoroughly ; In his convictions. He has come t o : an acceptance of the Klan through hie 1 own mental proeesiol and without preaiure of any kind being brought to bear from any quarter and makes these announcements of hla own vo-| lltlon. Nis statom«nt that ha "does not know whom to approach but la willing to publish Ku Klux news any­ way" Is takun to mean that he ap­ proves” I ho Order from the depths of his soul. Many Thousands Attend. KT, PASO, Tox., May IS.—Twonty thousand attondod an open-air Ku Klux ceremonial held horo by Frontier* Klan No. 100, when 100 were natural-, lied. More than 25(10 automobile» were parked In the vicinity of the field where the eeromony waa held. P A P A L C O M B IN A T IO N F IG H T S C L E A N BO O K S ALHANY, % ,- Y., May 13. — Tho Clean-Hooks League, flgbtiag for (ho . passage of a bill to protect the pub­ lic from vicious, Impure and anarchla tic lltoraluro, reveals that Governor AKred L Smith. "Casey" Catholic, and .William Randolph Hfearat, yellow Jour-' two Knights of Columbus, giving the latter full oontrol, Mr. Cham­ berlain having been one of the two Masons on the board; and Whoreaa, The appointment of Mr. Plgott, who la a devout Ro­ man Catholic and Knight of Co­ lumbus and ardent defend of Ad­ miral Benson, K. C , and because Mr. Plgott'e appointment might give the Roman political hlor- srehy fuW opportunity to dite criminate against Oregon's porta and vital oommeiWial Interests and to plundor the treasury of tho United States at will and without llq^lt: now be It Resolved,' That United States Senator Charles McNary, now visiting In Portland, be requested to convey Immediately to the Prealdent of the United Statcc and to others having a vole« In „the appointment the emphatic and uncompromising objection of the Ku Klux Klan of Oregon against tha appointment of aald Plgott, which objection repre­ sent! the concensus of opinion of a great majorlty -of citizens of all parties and of «vary walk In life In this state. Adopted unanimously, Monday, May t l, 1*21. „ STAND BY GOVERNOR. • Whereat, Tha Klan la doing Ita beat to back up the enforcement of the National and State law* against tha Illicit traffic In In­ toxicating liquor and narcotic drugs; and Whereat, Thar« aaama to be a remarkable laxity and leniency on the part of certain Olatrlct and County officials In dealing w it # thaae offenders, this being Illus­ trated In the case of one Mr. Rosencrang of 329 Callage street, Portland, who, though charged with the boldest and moat Im­ pudent kind of violation of tha liquor law, and against whom tha State authorities claim to have overwhelming a v I d a n c a, waa placed under a minimum bond of $260, and then waa released on hla own rtcognlxancteby District Judge Oolch on tha advice of tha Dletrlet Attorney’» office; and W here»», Tha Klan racantly adopted unanimously a resolution demanding the thorough, steady and Impartial enforcement of thaae laws without fear or favor; now be It Reaolved, That Govtrnor W al­ ter M. Pierce and hla agents be assured by tha Klan that every effort shall be made to back up hla announced program ef en­ forcement; and further, that ho should use hla power aa Gover­ nor in providing efficient prose­ cution and Judicial haarlng of thooo caooo, to tho ond that tha Constitution of tho United Stateo and ef tha State of Orogon ohall not bo mado ridiculous and In­ operative. Adopted unanimously, Monday, May 2t, 1623. FWa MAURO TIRE & REPAIR (X). GOODYEAR SERVICE STATION COM. NINTH ana OAK — TWO STONBS — GOR. glOHTH and COUCH The PORTLAND, OREGON J. H. Rankin Co. wants yoe to aee tha aaw spring E nglund & -H en d erson TAILORS Suits, Overcoats, t Wa Da All Kinds ef Phene Us Broadway MU Hats, S. E. Corner Sixth and Pin« Furnishings Portland, O r«. New Spring Good« at Morgan’s Ws SI» sow stocks» with a eodisUi» Ila» of fins whits toads tar Syria«— English I-on* Cloths Zfc«-. 19c anS «Or—Fin# Ja» a«sea Nainsook, vary soft and On», pries» «te ta He par yard—Sad our Lla-Weavss In Haa ahaar ma­ teria! (or Baby Ornate. 4« inch*« wMr and nntshsd Ilka Unan, prie» fee to Stc per yard—W « pay all postase—Oír» na a trial A larga assortment to saleet from and capable salesmen to h alf too - M O R G A N D R Y G O O D S STO R E Phons SE tlwood MM THt J. H. Rankin Co. *5 C. TH0RE8BR C. THORESEX east mu sc C. TH0BE8EH HI Sixth Street I 'J CONSTIPATION Constipation with Ks attending disorders is undoubtedly one of the most common of all loco-oiWlua- tions, affecting people of all na­ tions, therefore ia Important aad should he of Interact to both tkoeo effected and all Interested In pro­ moting health. & Thoresen * Bt t il« Bungalow M arket The Particular Market for Particular People Is Tambili Public Harket H. E. Conor Sonad aad Yamhill, YamkBI Street Side Kurthertnore, aa an economic necessity, the government should Portland, Oregon deport all alien! o f the working claaa, including all except non-em­ Constipation la a sluggishness of ployed visitors o f wealth and leisure, who enter and stay in America tha hewala due to deficient peri­ JC. THOBESEH C. TH0BE8K5 C, THORESEN C, TH0BE8EB 5 for seven years withoht oiÿaining final eitiienxhip papers. Even staltic motion of their walla. This now, in Oregon, the Attornev-Oeneral rules, the state cannot oust condition is the result of mis­ alien employee on public work ; only elective and appointive officers aligned vertebra« la the spine a < *s art* hit by tho law .passed at the last session o f the legislature, which which produces pressure on the nerves leading to the bowels. had conveyed the impression thst only eitixens o f the United States * ■ ..... . lawfully could he employed on public work. Chiropractic remove» this pres­ “ The hill, aa originally introduced,’ ’ aaya the AUorney5General. sure, thereby restoring the bowels e*j “ applied to employea aa w ell as public office««; hut the provision to worms 1. - extruding it to sipphiyea waa atrirken out b y amendment during the á J M Cases of constipation of many course o f consideration o f the b ill.’ ’ ii« i ‘ years' standing hare responded a -) ) It is monxtrouN and unpardonable fo r office-holders to employ readily to Chlropractlce adjust-, aliéna upon public work while American citizens arc walking the mbnts. streets vainly seeking employment Jt is a shame and a disgrace for If you are troubled with this dis­ aliens, slacker» or hoine-fire-teuders, to be permitted to hold public order, try Chiropractic. Give it a joha while-ek-aerviee veterans from oversea« vainly seek the same thorough trial and be convinced kind o f employment. Tire Klan should appoint a commission to find that It wHI help you. P H O N E S E L L W O O D 1089 - out immedistcly how many aliens are. holding publie jobs, who they are, where they came from, why they are here, who employed them A R E Y O U B U Y IN G Y O U R M IL K A N D C R E A M Dr. Forest L. Howard and why, apd then bring the necessary pressure to bear to have them FRO M T H E R IG H T D A IR Y ? Chiropractic Specialist ousted by the power o f publicity and public opinion. Straight Chiropractic Only An office-holder, high pr low, who is so lacking in patriotism Suite 439. Morgan Building Raw and Pasteurized and the essentials o f true citizenship as to give desirable jobs to aliens Phone MAIn 3(37 M IL K A N D C R E A M ** in preference to mtiiens, especially disregarding the prior rights of the ex-service men who offered their lives iu defense o f the country, W# start new route»'April 1 os follows: , AM ES GROCERY , i not- onîÿ should lie kicked" out o f o ffice by rcMll or otherwise, hut Laurelhurst. Mount Scctt and Woodstock Albina, Irvington. Alberts, Alameda, Rose City. should he forerd to leave the community to whiA he ia such a traitor. GROCERIES - HEATS - F ROTS VEGETABLES Public condemnation o f such treacherous and ha^hesome reptiles in Present routes are: - Sellwood, Steven«, Ladd, Hawthorne, Eaat and polities rannot possibly ho overdone, fo r they deserve condign and Phase Tabor 8 7 » 144« E. Gl Kan 8t Went Moreland and the West Side. merciless punishment. The pillory o f publicity, at every turn, without abatement and Wa ars Producers sad Distributors, All of oar Hitt earns* from taberraUs tested esws without remorae; should he applied to every treacherous rascal and READ unprincipled scalawag who deceives the people into* electing him to office only to obtain an opportunity to hettay his friends by re­ warding ttfeir enemies and J>v handing ont his fcvors to former oppo­ ON 8ALH AT Lewis Wilson snd H. V, Franklin, Proprietors nents and aliens. W e have in mind several surh abominable scoun- $2$ Tseoma Avenne drela who mistnkPtfly imagine themselves safe from punishment, but Portland- VaocosTer Waiting 4 ' . j •___ j %____ _____ ____________ __ _ Room their reward is coining, and soon. It w ill be applied, with compound W E SO LIC IT B O T H W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A IL ¡»tercet. Western American WILLSBURG DAIRY N. W Cor. Third and Main Sta Vancouver. Wash. W hat must be thought o f an alien, subject if an inferior foreign power, who enjoys for years and years the ulequaled liberty and prosperity o f Ainerieif. yet acorns to apply fot “ second papers’ ’— Columbia Gardner T Batterla» final eltixenshipT Many o f them even fail to take out “ first papers.” Cars They have no interest in our country, except what they can got out C R ESTO N G A R A G E o f it. Yet, here we have droves o f them em p tied on public w ork! S Qrlbbls Bros. A a intmigranf 18 years old ran make a diflaration o f intention SOth and Powell Sts. Portland. Ore. and obtain Nis first papers st a coat o f one dollar immediately aft«# Phone SUnset SUI entering the country. H e then must w ait two years and not more than seven years from the date o f filin g his intention before he can obtain hia final citizenship (wipers. He must have resided in the United States five yesrs before applying fo r fiwd papers. He must take two witnesses to e-ourt, both oilmens, who A v e known the appli­ cant personally fo r five years, and know that le has resided in the United States for that length o f time. The e « t o f final papers is Klosn ! milk snd four dollars— a total o f .five dollars for citiaeiabip. The law is too Kreom a easy. It admits too many undesirable, p erso» who by reason of from healthy Rows mental and spiritual defects, w ill resist the fiercest fires o f the melting-pot, and hordes o f this type are now («using trouble in our Hols $488 Haste t, Box 18« country. Naturalization can bo canceled, however, in.extrcmc cases, and mew laws can he made to meet national emergencies. The free- Phons 8unsol IT4J bqrn white Americans are determined never to ibdieate tlteir rule, in DR. L. R. PUGH every part o f national life, to the unfit wetikiings and half-baked Dsstlst “ A m ericans" that have flooded t-he country ft*m Europe and Asia. Office: Hoorn» t and S Lsscb Building Walborn’s Correct Millinery Sunny Brook Dairy * LANSM EN! K I^atronize those who aivertisq in your newspaper, T H E W E S T E R N ’A M E B C A N . They are your friend«, and while all o f them are nst Klansmen, they all have courage, and do not bow the k »e to foreign dic­ tates. They deserve your support and $re worthy o f it. I f you are a real Klansm&n, you will heed this appeal. J 505 Union Ave. N. Portland, Oregon W e believe w e deserve your • . patronage Plodde mention the Western Aosortcss when calling. «7th and Footer Rssd { Rsd.1 4714 riet R B .' PerUmnn, Orsdon U. L. SCHÄFER QROCESIES Empire «440 «83 W. Lombard S t C . W . K A R L S O N & S O N F onerai Director$ arid Embalmer g “EQUAL SERVICE TO ALL” Franklin Ava. Bot 11th and Mth Phone 2MS Astorta, Offgas