/ V Smile, Old Kasey, and thteKlansmen Smile With You m Xml ** P Th» Officiai Paper of Th» Royal Rider* of U n » Red Rob», Imperial llr»di|nartrr* &M Rentan Halid- lav, Portland, Oregon. Addre«« Communication« to !.. A. Orrer, K dit or, MH Pltlorh Hlork, Portland. Ore*»a. If f YC ' SHALL KNOW THE TftUTH UTH k \ SHALL W --J — P U B L IS H E D W E E K L Y Voi. I, No. 42 PO R TLAND, OREGON, M AKE YOU -• - ■ 5DAY, M A Y 24, 1923 •msesBmmsrt. PASCO KLAN GIVES MONEY AS A TOKEN TO USEEUL CHURCH Paator Receives Gift by Let­ ter and Returns Grate­ ful Thank a. " ,iii il O U T D O O R IN IT IA T IO N T O BE H E LD J U N E 11 A L L SI CO L. DANCE FOR SWEET1 CHARITY AT GRAND HOP FRIDAY NICHT Hotel v oa »eroimt of the fierfset wrathcr, the lovely great outdoor*, and the lark of *uf fir tent room for the gathering io ouy hall, Porllqpd Klua No. 1 ia ivi'i-orina to hold a aolrtn* rltualialir lultiotiun rrremoalal ia foil ri'^nlin under the 0 |>e«i «hr upon ledtrd Ifronnd« In Portland the evening and night •of June II. Vleitiag delegation* V, Ladies of Invisible Empire are etpeeted: The fiery erooa will gleam brightly W orking for Children’s nnd «11 Ike weird and myatieal cere Farm Home. munlea of the fuft ritual of the Klim. » — —— * *».' ..... lo- |o>rfortned. A great eia»* o f 1 --------- A U OTHERS NOW ORDER OOING GREAT WORK In Recent Election Wins v...___ Complete Victory for Real Americaniam. a PAHt'O, WASH., Mar 23.— (Bpe- The Pa«eo |«tbllr generally 1» paying deserved tribute lo the coostroe- tlrr eommonity work of the Provisional ] Klon of l'««e o • the moot harmonious, .aelf-aaerlfletog, thoroughly hundred per 7 h • rent Klan In nil the Paelfie Northwest — the pride of Franklin foiinlr, Wnih- . ’Cv. There will he* Sio hanging, drawing nor quartering, and go one will be eateq nllve, nor will anyone have a chip on hi, ikmil.lrr. It la to b» a atrieUy private Klnn affnlr, and if an alien gela an eye foil, It will be from a «afe height In an airplane. M’FARLAND WINS COLLECTOR PLUM Popular Portland Wom en’s Enthusiasm for Noble Enterprise Promises Some Rick Resulte. M, Hoax« DEFENDS loggers 1 OF THE NORTHWEST AND THEIR ENEMY qualifia* for tha bava no to a fUad atar i la heaping with ita fixed policy of daiag thing» la a quiet, aA a—ailmg by tw­ in good R a h writ give laatead a Joyo Dr ft. 0. McFarland, of Port! •foae, the Poaeo Klaaamen on Mother»' and popular - dentlat, ball, ia Red men ’« hall. Raat Sth and l»ftjr, gqiiday. May 13. preoeated by well-kuown Hawthorne, exrluaivaly for tha benefit loiter to the Christian rhnreh of I ’oaen aporumsif .and thoroughly good ctll- of U r Children ’» Farm Homo Fumi. a well-filled purei a» • good will offer­ ten. haa won tb* race for appoint aunt The hall ia uadar the anapieea o f the ing nnd token of appreciation of ad­ mirable work whlrh thia rhnreh and by tho Proaldent aa Collactor of Cua- Cameretta Club aad the Krazy Kat Klub. Admiwnon only Ml oenta, war Ita paator. Rrrerrnd Sadler, are doing toraa for tho Dlatrict of Oragon. attc- toward advancing true VhrUtianiyr in ceedlna tha late lamented George U tax free. The daace floor-will-areum Piper. Dr. McFarland will take modale about 800 emiplau. D eliri«»« thi* eoiamualty. v * refreshment« will be served and a jolly Seorea of Klansmen were in attend charge «if the o ffle » about dune 1. I • There wer« many eligible» and ro- good time i* guaranteed for all. Card* anre nt the aervlee nn-l henrd the emirteoua expression* of grAtitlldn by cepttva ones. Including O. H- Fttblan. will be provid«-«l, and the best of music. The ladiea are making tremendous Reverend Hadler and hi« fitting aeeept John L. Day and Chart«« T. Early. bdt there was another on who#» pr»-1 prögre« with their Portlaa.l orgaoiz. Found to 1 e Very Good Américains by Distin­ guished Economist Ih ay petal direction of whaaa they for tha )ob. Aba pah CONS1 H WHY ttfliE I Mr*. May Indie Jette, Mother Coen aolur of th« Ladies of the laviaihle Km pire, Portland Cou ne il Mo. 4, amt ro worker«, who held aa enthusiastic .meeting laat Friday night at their hall, |t>th and Hawthorne, are baching tha ‘ Children‘a Farm Home with a vim that ipromiaea rieh result*. They already atari»« fa r their ‘ rmiae thou for the m DentUf 'Judging ' ««forty I W ANT FOR Hundred Thousand W oods­ men Resolve to Live Like Independent Men. ■ A marica n Bureau Wash., May 23.— Ninety b2T the logger, of the Paeifie the hardy men who make jierSotmel of the lumbering in- of FWtt j r y The Official Papar af the Urtatola of the ha hlax U aa, 1« the al i of Ih » la drible Official iaaraal of T ía pire. Hatfaaa! H « * at OM Ptttack Bl Portlaad, Orepoa. J»=* ¿ A N Y W H E R E IN U. S. PR ICE 6c asasa B U IL D SANCTUARY WONDERFUL SCENE ASTONISHES FOLK OF OREGON TOWN Pop* Pino XT boo onoetiosed and I Meaee-I tho |dnil| of the Servite Father« ! for the erection of a aonetoary or plate. of pilgrimage ia Portland, ia honor of t the Horrowful Mother of Ood, at a coat ! of »3,000,000, thus falfUliag the 15-1 yaar-old dream of T H n t A. M. Moyer, now stationed ia Portland ta charge of detail^ of the project. The aonetoary wfl! differ from a par­ Blatxinc Fiery Crum end iah rhurrh in tkaV ft wiU be a place of Gathering o f Klansmen pilgrimage—thv-wnly institntion of tho Cause Excitement kio.l in America— where special «enr­ ices will be eoadoetod for those Making spiritasi, temporal A phvsieol aid. Tb* nt Fatholie clergy and laity a f the catira eonntry are iatrraated ia the projeet. The unnnnaaoeed aim o f the Roman rhnreh is to challenge the supremacy of the Protest amt people of Oregon and to make Portland the thief Catholic cen­ ter ia the Paeifie Northwest. Tbs piane for the magnificent build boildiago of the he marififirent institution »fere drawn by A Architect Oo- ut ion were McMJNXVILLE, Or., May » . — (Spa­ born of S «*tlo . dai Dispatch. )— Pursuant to a recent - proclamation by imperial Wiaacd Dr. Hiram W. Evans, the local Klan ligh t«! fiery cress on the hills west of town on tha evening of May 12 to commem­ orate the anniversary of th« birth of onr order. The us«sl interest, excite­ ment and spread of Wild stories i»- aulted. To quote from one of the city papers: "T h e huge cross was rlsfhle Fearless Ps from certain sections of the city and no “i DENOTED of Hooded Men’ Take Park in Weird Opon* Sky CeransoniaL'' ASHUD OFWEAK- n AMERICANS Washington. Pregón and nd largeat!^ industry ia States, afe Americana and >tfi foreigner*, , as certain would delude the publie and, it k regrettable to hohered. r » n i A » a I i ilatw i M a ld . d s . H U W M » It. (ieoghegwo, anted economi«! Mul * Woatorn American R»r»BU> - ! writer, who haa just co nel od«-. I a thor- WASHINGTON. D. C , May **.—The'«ugh atddy of the lomber industry of Woatorn American Bureau. Oregon school law will b« hold con-' ,h«p -'■'«rthweat in search of material PORTLAND. Me.. May S3 —Daclar- whurh he wdl incorporate ia a book on |ng that 'th e Klan la now passing •tltutional. J the aubjeet aooa to be iaaue.1, a research through the same awful experience Th!» to tbe opinion expreaaad by » ¡ whioh ^ c m le d from the men : which Masonry and Odd Fellowship high official of the United State» go»- |a«aMi •oada" of the eoael citiea to the f>ctd when Jn tnfancy because srnmeat. Thia official whose aame eam|>» in the heart of the timbe*. ’ |of th(, Pope )n Rrnl(, the ReT j„d - Find» Klan Practice see What was happen tog. I saw white-hooded figures all around aad shoot the biasing cross, and it looked like thou sands of howled men were there,” said an onlooker. Other stories afloat were to the e f­ fect that three or five negroes were hanged, although the report does not relate whence came the -negroes, or leader In Economics son p Marvin, pastor of the Church what was done with the carcasses; that ranaot he uoed for political reasons, Reverend Ueoghegnn is well known of Messiah, Univeraaliat. of this city, some, eight hundred were initiated into speaks with the-t»owl»dge of 10 yean in literary and scientific circles for his made «d efen se of thé Ku Klux Klan the order, and so on, ad infinitsm. ot law practice behind him, many of All this merely illustrates the power fearW*« stand and the originality of , which created1 a marked impression whlclt were spett on the bench A *®his work in the field ot economics. His " „pon ^ ¡g audience of the fanciful and will-o’-the-wisp one and tlm» they he was a Justice of the Sn theses oa economical problems of ia the I’aero Man a Klea or upholding * • " » • « ‘ h* • » « « • of 'housanda of tlou have the mojal barking Voicing his regret that the Klan had imagination |earing ia regnila on auch Lee Stephen*, popularly called “ Big IN V E S T IG A T IO N O N teachings o f the organization, said: • y, B refbtation of moay of the popn- T O ID E N T IF Y FIXER according to this official, who points ated in Klan affairs an interest that iniaaiona, anil ij never will. Thia «nine Steve,’’ whose future In Oregon poll- "To my mind, the Klan la t^rform- out that the StaW has tho flret and j l«r conc«^>tions concerning the woods- ia causing investigation of the order’s quiet, unaaauinlng attitude was exempli- j t*®* doe* not *,e ,n P*®*- Stsph The Western American la tovestignt- foromost right to educate Its cltixens. i mpn. j t wiu be known u “ The Kx- ing a groat work for Protestantism candi- principles and purposes and bringing in fled by the Pa«co Klnnamen in the r«- j ptia emphatically waa not a ^ _ n c> sorvative English ancestry, better edu- • camp*, smugly believing they are lift- Judge H a« B«en Receiving Lewid was chair- Klansmen Giving Solid Sup­ fo M h . United Stato. Senate, or. after-; man of ,ha JU(|i<.ial rated as a class than workers found in ' ing^iie lumberjack to a higher plane, judiciary committee and $10,000 a Year of Car- a while, for Governor of Oregon, Mo port to Daily Vacation other industries, which dispels the idea , ReWYeml Geoghegsn delves into the Submitted authorities proving its valjd- to nbto anti square. tint most of them are foreigners nnd hunu-u .aide of the ..problem, bravely • negie’t Tainted Money. BibleSckool. . . ‘* n~hon* , t m ,n’ *lty overwhelmingly. Mr. Lewis Tml his the ntiniest work b f Ood." illiterate. The average age of the men seeking the enuaes at unrest and ns rolltwgues also added an amendment fearlessly, exposing tha putTid condi­ is 35. For obvious reason», the appoint­ that no person not a citizen should be Th» Nmtionai Socialist Party, which Pair of Disloyal Discards ment of Dr. McFarland gives com­ The fact that 92 per cent of the log tion* as he find»» them, turning the Portland K la n * « » are solidly be- appointed to office Or be employed on held a convention In New York laat spotlight of pitiless publicity on the plete satisfaction among 'Klansmen. public work. The "d irty work” wa» hind the Dally Vsealloif Bible School gere have no permanent residence and Engage in Goat-Getting week, apparently has caught Fat Bill that 70 per cent are unmarried leads hidden nooks to the existiug social He to not one of them, but to known done by some mysterious ' ‘ statesman ” i for Children, to g>en June 18, offer- Contest structure. Such things will be reycaled Taft with the goods, to uae fittingly n them to spend their holidays in the big to be a broad-gauge, square-dealing on the floor of the house. We are de- :, frp# co^ra»* »f atndy for classes towns, seeking relaxation from their in his iu 'W work in * such dazzling logic burglarious underworld expression. American. That's all tha Klansmen termined to identify him and public; . . _ . . that it is thought probable the inter­ By unanimous resolution they char«» demand—that ail offices, elective and opinion will keep him out of office I ,n Western American Bureau. W" ‘ P" k ‘ " d strenuous toil, drelure* this economist. ests recking to keep the woods worker that the Stuffed Orefclc of the Supreme AURORA. Mo.v May 33—The two appointive, be tilled with real Amer­ heroafter. The legislative Journal J®f»«-eon. to InclM« manual training, Their money is coaxed from them by in his former mentally, physically and Court for many years has been pock­ bootleggers and dance hall girls, and if icans. without hyphenation and with­ outlaws of the Klhn—BUly and Joe— hasn't been printed yet and It Is d iffl games, handwork» picnics and a* pro- morally enslaved state will attempt to eting secretly an annual pension of any is left it goes to the employment , have spilt, and Billy ia going after out reproach. fult to Identify the author of the joket1, gramme* of rellgtma »nd Bible traln- suppress the book, but he will have be- 310.000 from the Carnegie Corporation agents and quack doctor*. Joe's goat for all he la worth, Billy positively. Suspicion so fa, points to , c h a r e c t« tolldtog to the pur- liiiul him a hundred thousand wo«>ds- in recognition of "services rendered.” KNKMRNMNMXRXMXIIRWR Paraattas Reap Rich Harvest Is one Parker, editor of “The New • eert.ln well-known S.lemlto who1poi# wh,ch ( . m, |R tte p8rpo8* 0, The Socialists declare that the ac­ K LAD IES' OFFICE A T » M " A woodsman only holds a job a few men who seek to put an end to the old hofly oppooed the school bill In the j Menace,” and Joe la Joe Wood, editor « 407 PITTOCK BLOCK M campaign, and who previously bad tin-1 the Ku Küre KI hx The opening date weeks, and theq goes bark'tp the em­ condition* and 1»ft then heads and live ceptance of an annuity from the of the Searchlight” —"the light that wicked and predatory steel trust to . . - to tho Monday f«*>wlng the ilosc of ployment »geney for another one,’ ’ he lijpi. lueu. > r> I « The headqnartere and butines» M . . , failed." a menace to the integrity of our '_ ° * t " " " 'T \Z'mn. ‘ he school—June I* says. “ Kach trip costa him 41 upward, * o ffle» of Tho Ladles of tho l»v l»- M goods, — s.. at fancy prices, upon the Olcott Billy started hla own dern little clan courts, and they voice the natural de­ Grand Dgagon fred L. Gifford, Ex- besides his railway fare and expenses * lblo Empire, Portland Council Ko. M administration. but It, didn't take, and Joe denounced mand that Fat Bill bo. impeached and •Red Cyclops Jnuea R. Johnson and A IM A T T H IS M A R K ! htchlentnl to changing jobs. It is esti- , X L in charge è f Mrs. ' Mayballo R The plea for keeping aliens eligible Dr. Evans from amaxing grace to a kicked off the Supreme Bench. Na- * Jette, tho Mother Oounsolor, Is at 8 aa employes oh public work Is said jo tholr official oo-«orkero have passed mated the employment agencies o f the; floating opportunity. They are both W 407 Plttock itlon-wldc co-operation for this result • .Hgre's a mark for other States the word to give »did support to the Northwest reap a harvest of several I Block, telephone » -have been the ridiculous claim that a fine little pair of denouncers. was asked of all trade unions and p»- school: to tell «wiytxxty about It t*r»im atl millions of dollars annually.” * Broadway 1373. whore all bnotnoos k Billy, though. 1« trying to slid» back N pertaining to the tocXI Council la M without them the Muftndmah county Itrlotis bodies Any child may tnroll without refer­ In the Raalm of Wyamlng Mr. Geoghegsn has been with the [ In the Klan after finding the swim­ W transacted. AU members are ad- N rothmlasion would be short of exper­ ence to race or rsOalous creed. There me*!» on the "sk id road” and on the) Alexander Cahan. the distinguished there is a Klan In avary town of ienced help on the Portland bridges. ming wasn't good outside the Evana, SC vised to pay ne attention to eon- M editor of the Jewlah Dally Forward, will be no charge sr coat to any child. street in pursuing, his studies. He wa* { more than 1000 populatlon and Juot.wolt till we identify that bird! pool and la literally tearing hla shift H trar^rnmora sot afloat by anasnlaa K scored a distinct triumph In the So­ Sessions will te held ’ from t to ia Seattle when the recent timber work-: aome In th » smallar town». ff off hia back for the doctor. So he's V o f their Causo. Tho Portland Ocuh- ■ cialist convention by denouncing noon »very moraBx except Saturday ere’ strike was iu effect. He witnessed)' TO A L L KLANBMBH Wyoming, the baby raalm of Trotsky and Lento of Roeala and going after Jo t, who waa decreed that * ell to prosperous aad progressivo ft Rem ember at all times the Sacred and Sunday and the Fourth of July, the arrest o f ■ group of I.- W. W. for the Kien — 11 reeelved Ra State their peculiar brand of communism. the Doctor muat go. W and just now la undertaking a con V : Obligation. Practico to dally Ufo the tor tour weeka. In th» course of the distributing propaganda dodgers. The Organisation only In February Cahan declared the Rnsalan Commun­ Did you ever tee yaller dog ruanlng B atractivo program of hononhl* ¥ Ootden Bala. Speak ovil of M one. school mor» r»HM»us tostructlog will handbills merely warned mambers ho last— i* oit» ef thd moat com- ist* were takers «n d grafter* and that along barking at a mlte-a-mlnute V arhlovsment which la sure t » ban»- « Discount all rumor*. Whan It Is im- b« given than in a ya«r and a halt stay away from the moonshine joints. paetly and eompletely organixed the American SocialtsU should atop W possible to praise a Brothar, KEEP of the work of S * average Sunday Fighting for Bights o f Man train? That'» what Joe and Billy look X fit all concern od. ef Klan State». temporising with the Ruseian Soviet. While certain patronling elements school. . 8 N X M I I I H I I I I I 1 1 I I If X I SILENTI Ilk» trying to atop the Klan. » I A TRAININGS CHILD lirWAY HFSHOULO GO LIGHT THAT FAILED - IN FIGHI WITH BILL j % vgM l FAT BILL IS CAUGHT POCKETING A ROLL ? j