TH t rhur,d.y, May 10.1M3 18078763 FOR SHRINER HOST 16122604 If You’re Going to Conven­ tion, Take Plenty of —- Ca*h Along. WooUrn American Buraau. WASHINGTON. |) <\ May * . — Waahlngton.’ tho homo of the original profiteer, la -gelling ready for tha Hhrlaa convention. The adding mi . china hat boon dlacnded a* much too •low and iba multiplying machine la limng dragged out with which to boout ■ prlcoo. Hotel rooma oro »Imply not to be had by anyone. The ufflctato of the Imperial council, regerved tholr hotel «pace a year ago at outlandish prleeo Private home* are being ‘ thrown open“ at ao much per throw. The reataurunt people are already beginning 10 lay a predicate for their high prions by oaylng that there will he a food famine hero during the con- ventton. which probably I* Inspired by tht» extravagant claim* of the Hlirlne commit tee's pre»» agent 'w ho a»»ert# that half a million peraona will vlolt Washington, if lOO.hOI) come here, the old town will he filled to the over- i flowing Washington Is crowded any way and luo.uuu folk*, which, by the In Y our H our o f N eed — way. It a groat big flock of foika, will atretoh It beyond Ita capacity Everyone who has a apart room la putting two or three and sometime* ton cots m It for which tboy probably will charge f l to 9* por day for a cot. An ordinary court* of ham and egg* in nil probability will go to half a dollar In tbe gronay dog beanorlo* while the recherche "restauroogs" will hit It up to a dollar. Thoaa who have office* fronting on Pennsylvania avenue already ara making arrango- manta to anil window apace for view­ ing the parade. When you oorne to Waahlngton for the convention, be aura to bring along a pocketful of caah. You'll n*«d It;__ Sunny Brook D airy or tha pop«: which ? T E R M IN A L » Rea: 4714 Tut K * Empire OIM Tromont Bakery 18N Heveaty-second HL 8. E. __________ Portland. Oregon__________ 70» Couch Building J. A. CORNES GROCERIES Fruit« etld rroduce la Seaton • •sM A.M. • i » A. M. S ift P. M. C. TH0R18EN P <3* Thoresen at the Bungalow Market The Particular Market for Particular People DUKE’S MEAT MARKET In Yamhill Publie M art«« K. E. Cornar Hocond and TamMU, Yamhill Street Sito C. E. D I KE, Prop. Portland, Oregon Meats, Fruits and Vegetable* East SAth Ht aad Hawthorne Are. I REDMAN'S g r o c e r y * lu iD lT lñ li o — -JC. THOBESElf C. THORESEN C. THOBKSEN C. and m N P R rn n iM P R C O N FE C TIO N E R Y Be pairing af Auto Badlalors • Specialty 4 ■ H U M ** -Offlee Telephone: TAbor WHS T h e Bishop Chimney Sweep * !~.L. M cD L'U N, Manager Gutt'ers, Roofs, Stacks'and Flag Poles Cleaned, Painted and Repaired Sheet Metal Work r BUILDING CONTRACTOR ( 77 Eaat HUty-fHib Street North f • Can TAtor 3883 Furnace repairing and galvanised Iron chimney extensions a specialty PH O NE SE LLW O O D 1089 ARE. Y O U B U Y IN G Y O U R M ILK A N D CREAM FROM TH E RIGHT DAIRY? W . N. EUminger ms E. Mtb K. Takor MM Sperling Peed« Rosldmrr. K. 4224. Office Fhonr. E. H M James O. Both well PAINTING i PAPEHHAXÍIIMG DEI (»RATING GOLDEN COPPER MODELING SIGN PAINTING HM|t4 E. Burnside St, PorUaad, Ore. 8aaa*o*. Plano ond Furniture Moving Special Trip* Mad« Any Placo SUNOgT SOM •bth and Poottr Rood Portland. Oregon B. F. Miller Saaltory Plumbing and Heating WESTERSUND & DAHL6REN Wiring and Electrical Supplie* Butteri«« CkATgod Auto Tops Made and Rapalrad Saat Cavaro, Cu*Mona and Curtalna E. Water and Alder HU. M. t. Halma* H. O. Fläming RORTLANO, ORE. OSCAR J. CL088ET Realdanc* Phon«, Eaat M it OSCAR J. CLOSSET ( CO. SII W. Bond 8L A storto Phono 1206 ■•scon 1724 FURNITURE REPAIRING. REFINISHINQ A N D A GENERAL LINE OF C A RPENTER WORK Bring thl* advertls*a*«nt with you aa it will entitle you to 15% discount on your furniture, repairing ox reftnlshtng Klean Komfort Kommands Residence EAst 6775 FRED GANTENBEIN E X P R Eoftrlonced E S S Furnitur« AN D M O V IN G and Plano Movor Present routes are: Sellwood, Stevens, Ladd, hawthorne. East and West Moreland and the West Sid«. 4 EAst 0242 W I L L S B U R G D A IR Y Lewis WIlsou and II. Y. Franklin, Proprietors 983 Tacoma Avenue W E SOLICIT BOTH W H O LE S A LE A N D R ETAIL Mall Orders Given Prompt Attention ' « - RUGGLES, Merchant Tailoring Moving, PnrklRg aad Shipping C. A. NO R W O O D We start new routes April 1 as follows: Laurelhurst, Mount Scott and Woodstock Albina, Irvington, Alberta. Alameda, Rosa City. 51 E. m il St. N. KWICK XAJUCFUL KOMPETENT Rao. Walnut 130« Fnrnltnro and Plano Moving a Specialty NO I'onrteentk 8L Portland, Ore. Raw and/ Pasteurized M ILK A N D CREAM We are Producer* and Distributors. AU of onr XUk comeg front tabereulia tested cows Long Distan, e Hauling Ottle*: 372 E. Morrison, Ca«. Union Av«. Lulled Stole« n i Hartford la sa ranee • leyelaa and Supplloo Fishing Tacklo Servie« -— Repairing I.awls Building Second Street pad Cowllto Avenue, Cnstla Bock, WaslUhgten Shipley Transfer A Storage Company G en eral Insurance Broadway 4030 PORTLAND. OREGON ------------ i ------------------------------ KING K A B IN E T S H O P Jobbing Promptly Attendo« to giovo Connactlont SOM ttnd at. a g. Portland, Oro. «hop Phono Ht'naet USI Roa. Phono gllnaet 2241 Portland Top Co. Cleaning, Pressing, Alterations Gents’ Salts Cleaned and Pressed, *1.23 384 THIRD STBEET Main 8U8 W alborn ’s % Correct M illin ery NEW LIBERTY MARKET R. F. DHTTEU. Proprietor STEER BErF SHOP Phono SUnsct 2723 U *7 Footer Bond Fresh and Cured Meats of Quality East 7323 Brand Avanti* Mention The Western American when buying at our ator« and watch us smlls umishings We Will Please Ton Tht Blot Front Grocery and 4*9 Eaat BarnxMe Corner East Eighth St. ’ Yamhill at Tanth strtet J.H. Rankin Co. II* Sixth Street Oepoalt* Publie tthrary » & Anderson Compoabn Flaor*, Drain Boarto BREAKFAST L. A. P E R R Y Batteri«« Deliveries Leave at 10 A. M. and I P . M. ; CRESTON G A R AG E ALL AMERICAN UNION SHOP D IN NER W * H* Í* * * * * * * * & v ' P ie « Not tha Puallty « • A^ p W j¡te y0 ir Fa tronada Phot*« Hi iiAvay TJ1I The Service Barber Shb^t WOODS* INDIAN VILLAGE* Ortgcn ispee lai itolo This tVeek Only on GXITOINE >A ’ AJH BU08 We believe we deserve your patronage mrntlna i|vq.Wo,tnrn American When calling. P* •ton Indian Blankets • Lath Rob«« • Myrtla i Bouvtnfrs o Portland, Oregon 18! 441 Wathl-igtin Street O. E. COON ROD Proprietor ttrlbbta Brea. 50th and Sowell Sta. 893 Stark Street Portland, Oregon Portland, Ora. pbuna WCuast o»j. Portland, Ora. No*) Fifth Work Ouarantaad LU N C H E O N „ Opan 27th it. and dandy Beutsvird ( •tore TAbor «40« Portland, Oregon Columbia 505 Union Ave. N. ranm m n ST. NICH OLAS 0 A p ¿ T E R IA GB0CEB WAIN 47J7 Tailors (ge* Phon*:Walnut MS# Reliable Auto Repairing Battery and Elo trical Work Storage, Waahlng and Accessories GEO. LOCKHOVEN. N. A. N E L S O N , Manager W. B. WOLCOTT. Prop. THE M U LTNO M AH H O TEL G A R A G E Second and Ankeny Market largo assortment to »elect fry Drew«*, to Inch«» vide and nnl*h«d Uka Unan, price Me to -Wa pay all postage—Uive aa a trial order. 2 0 # A . M. OBOOERinS H en d erso n Phone I s Braadwuy M U E. L O N G Leave Terminal loth aad Barasidr Portland, Ore. U tW — We Da All Kinds of Alterations, Cleaning aid Pressing Poctltn«!, Astoria and Seaside Oregon I N Brand way If You Are Going to Build Mg. Phone Mala 1)84 I • or make alteration« at your real- done« or business ula<*e. I would be glad to help daelgn your work. 22 READ . years In Portland. O '- The E n g lu n d & West Hide Morrises at Twelfth . Broadway MM f Watch. nock and JeWetsry Rrpslrlng M cKAY’S PLACE Kngravln« and lokpldary K ip ert tvismend Betting CI0ABS AKD TOBACCO Mali ucdsra Promptly At tended t* Ream to* Washingten Building 8team Caoked Oat Laaebcs AU Haar» ' I'p stsira Bet. M Id and 4th. an an'Washington Portland. Or«aon Stall 4. Llbarty Mark««, rvth and Yam- ireadwuv T « l _____________ ant asrseas_____________ ; WATCHMAKER and JEWELER N. tV. Cor. Third and Main Hit. Vancouver, Waah. Funeral Directors Schedule Dentist .......... . . . » s Tb« Portland Mortuary Royal Blue Line Busses drrics: Rooms > and 1 Ltach Building arth and Pester Rasa Howard H. Be Id in g SMITH Portland* Vaacauver Waiting Koam PORTLAND, ORSOON ............... • * • • • ............................— *47 Honran Bui — • » DR. L. R. PUGH Groceries. Fruit, Vegetables. Dairy and Bakery Goods, and Curad Matta. «7*1 Paatef Bead Western American COR. NINTH and OAK — TW O S T O R E S -C O R . glO H T H and COUOH milk and Phene Bunaet I7U Jm TEN T E A M IK K S O I U I Bristow Brama i Every Day in the Year Dotwoen Second and Third House la Pert la ad Dewey L C om plim ent» of Of fire i Kain «SRI Itoldenr*t Kain 4AI7 Bout* A, Box 180 I 247 Alder M A U R O T IR E & R E P A IR CO . GOODYEAR SERVICE STATIOH w. a Paga from baaltky T h e Gem W a ffle House The Original Waffle Or«««ed Poultry Our Spoelalty i II« Prent Otre«* Portlang, Oregon t CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN G ro c e ry TU Washington Street Near Third prao«neaa to novar fall, hut who uulet'y. ofO- clantly attend* to all dstalla Wh«lesala Prodace Merchant* “ DR. D AVID Union Oyster House J. L . S C H A F E R Who*# Haberdashsrs DAY PRODUCE CO. CLOW REALTY CO. When In Doubt Where to Bat TXT THE Panoral Director» Clot i t , to Buy or Ball Tour Horn« Sea Xlean Snook A VAiealdon Orybeam Uroadway 72*1 O. A Dar ( Karaful — Klaan — Komps tant , n n Duo)» pT Ttir l Tabor MU William Lloyd Clark'a great national edition of The Itall-Hplltter. con­ taining the prdtnleed expose of tbe ' V E R N M. CLOW , Manager r»al conditions In Chicago, lo duo to arrive In Portland Saturday, May 12. (IT T AMD KUBUBBAS HOKES and will ho distributed by Kay Itoll- f ABES - ACBBA6E - LOTS * ny, telephone Tabor 1667, residence : li>4 Kest Washington street. The J, EXCMAKOBS V/ostern American also will have a bundle o f The luil-SplItter for distri­ 1 Auto* at Tour Sarvlca bution to those who rail for It. Mr llollamy also has received, for sale, a USl Belmont Hd, PorUaad. Ora. ttunnyold* Car* to Uth M limited number of the famous new pamphlet, "The Priest and The Wo­ man” —an eye opener, and The Devil s Old Ltoa Llfa Inaurane« KLANSM EN HELPING Prayer Book" la going like hot rakes CHURCH A N D PASTOR <*•* “ » • » • » literature while you American Central Life ■ run. William Lloyd Clark la the na Insurance Co. _ , ! tlonal leader In his line of work and woatern American Bureau. ! lexerves tbe eolld support of all Prot- I_ W . Keeler MONROE. N. C.. May • -Klauaman „ .U n li »„d white Men. P. O. BOR 10* Seaside. Ora. bare made preeentatlona of aubataatlal cash sums to the Baptist and the Methodist c-hnrrhes to bn uaml In tbe betterment of the rtly and for n re­ tired pastor who wna In need. . Phono Tabor 18M 1 RAIL-SPLITTER DUE TO ARRIVE SA T U R D A Y THIS W EEK; GET IT! Wt S f Rf c H AMERI CAN C . W . K A R L SO N & SO N Funeral Director• and Embalmers “ E Q U A L SERVICE TO A L L ” Kranklln Arc. B«t. Mill and 13th Phone 28* Astoria, Oregon .__ä