Thursday, April THE W I» STAND BY WILLIAM LLOYD HARK ONE OF WORLD'S GREAT LEADERS H Grandma’s Cakes and Cookies Sold E veryw h ere WOOD Ha 1 T int Urewth T i l , end BAX WfMil» PoMvarud tradì My Own Camp Hauling of All KJudO. Anywhere Robértaon Fuel Co. P. O. Address: Route 5 * Phone Mala M 3 « Preah Prall and Vegetables a Speelalty P. W . BRADFORD an; Life — Fir« — Accident Health — Automobile Officei Phono MAM M il 300 Yeoa Balidieg 4 Residence t Phone TAbor III* 1111 B. Csrutbers St. A. L. CAMPBELL Arre t o w n « Acme Pharmacy ■ . U Chris toase a. Prep. 3 North-Third Street Near Ankeny Portland, Oregon Phone Broadway 17 M Kodak Finishing Refer Pan Service Copying end Enlarging JAMH 8 r. ROBS S 01 .S.T-S M»neh»»t*r Bldg. Portland, Orvpee et m in the fight to the end whether the bacon comes in or not. " ^ /^ ¡^ ‘ u^ek^eu^ei« m thunder oltoteral «n o restored. i We have stuck and are still sticking because w » real La. yew wrapped that «aider up m yew Kant raornlag in ceeri that if this nation is saVi'd pud civil and religious liberty i ran-* «M«»«a sent it te mer* the atereotfpM qneetku prevails throughout A u a n «.i. pagan and political Roman­ ism must be whipped to a frazzle. And every now and then something happens that makes a man feci proud of the fact that he has kept th« faith and been true. m* that la eaceediM the apead limit, A few weeks ago we wrote to The JJVstern American loa’t i t r T o he oarer said tha culprit, -U t asking for their rates for au ad for “ The D evil’s Prayer ^ ^ _____ Ut# M « also »ara I eon to tt milan an Hook.” And they wrote ba-k that tty J- did not want a rM did m i adveoi*. .«d «# era how between latoreeetloes is Mocha cenf from ft man who load fought a? hard and worked a* K h « m m , he. «here,there ara not mora than two tong as the editor o f The Hall Splitter and thnt^ our ad m** i " ofliTrni temeaa. la thin css« thera la only one brame in that block, even though it la would appear in their next if tue. > « quiet piece to «pm m . H 'n r a ee i m e of tha bnaieot Mocks la the city. I have hit the bumps so long that 1 sin hard boiled, but **•*■ **» edvic. te ye«, ai».^ ie to The White limine to on the aouth aide j 1 the atreet and Lafayette square In When I got tliat letter I sorti r felt all upset for a impute, ■>n tha north." jdamed if I didn’ t, and m y eyes got so hazy that 1 could «pi« m . web y««r t A groat light dawned and the lodge not bit the right keys on the old typwriter and I had t o . J rw,r u tañed. te believe that me one “Caoe dismissed.” tako a ten-minute vacation. bps crossed your threshold 1 « three “ ' j You good people who have uo idea what it mean* to long month*.- tf you fight UmiyiiUBni for thirty-two years may thiuk l Was n id The little soft to let so «mall a thing offoct my feeling«. Maybe, Odtef Bros., ftmt Mm. lfKxl«Nl men. Ki«nen.« . m their frieMe de mot f«n My own father iu the days o f the gok| mines piloted a f«r that stuff, caravan of forty teams across the deserts of the West over — the top of the Rocky Mountains and down to the rim of the ' sea where the restless pioneer built his last camp fire. Aud lie came batik from the W est with the »cars o f the Indian {hall and flint on his body. It took big men to make the „ Since my election 1 have been in West for Rome got in on the ground floor and is strong. M l and oamplete charga of the easea- The Western American is published in the. first state Veterans Are Hoping He tiaa branch of tha Order, and Colonel May Visit Portland on Slmmaas at na time has had anything o f this Union to put the School Amendment over and to to do with the boalneea. fiscal or Way North. ‘ pass a law to bar ecclesiastical garbs from the Public prudential gffalra o f the organisation. Hchool. And when you read some o f these 'Western pa-i ■ ■ - The ehapge that the tgaaanry of the per» you will know they arc winning. And when they washinotok . n. c.. April u.— Xian baa Seen loottd hodar aay af- Major Ocnarnl John A. Itojeunn. com- -ninlsfmtion in wholly without bnglr reach over here and help u« in these Central aud Eastern maadant of tha United States Marine The resources of tha orfpa*iaUoa cent in the State« we owe them something in return. The »ubaerip Corpa has left Washington for an in­ have beea increased tion p r ice !» only $2 per year. It is a big eight-page paper. spection of Marina (torpa atotlons on 'our months th*t '1 hark been In the West Coaat. *. • harge .and'never has U>* OWer had p*ubli»he»«• ^ pwttmiar Mayfield Slrtply V IIETBS and C. id if* * . M«r* ft the Imperial Pataaee charged with Trained Seal ou tha Post who wrote Victim of ‘Trained Seals” this story to Qeorga Rothwell Brown Pioneer Fish Co. the handling of money la under bond . 1 Wholnaalc and BetaU nd every man handling Klan mowey %vho started She last "expose" of the at Washingon, D. C. ns Tnmhlll Street througbmft the Nation is amply head-' _____ Klau last fall. The Trained »cat Portland, Ora takes the Oomcrassloasl Directory Western Amerlean Spaelal. [t id. and this tor tha flrat time to! SHIP A HAUMN BAST Western Amerlean Spralal. wkleh to the “Mbit" of Trained Seale 1 BAJ.TIMORB. Md.. April t*.—What I b totory. No amaay hag hemt spent foolishly WASHINGTON. D. C.—April II. ' ,nd goes down the list of Senators pnrporta t e ' be a "warning" from Tha Washington Pont, arch-enemy Those he THINKS will vote one way Tbomaa Dtzon Klan Na t, Knights of W reckleeely. and certainly not In' When In Doubt Where to Bat TB I THS Americanism, baa entered the Data it be check* at the side, and those he | tha Ku Kins Klan, has been received Pleasure jaunt* an has been a* mb- - lead tha fight of 'The-Lew-Be-Oamna« " thinks win vote ihe other way h e , by Mra Thomas Boating ef Catons- lleioasly charged through the aewe- In trying to unseat Senator Harle il. checkt on the other side. When he villa, e suburb of Baltimore US Washington Street Mayfield of Texas. because the Seat- haa finished the list, he louts ths | The ‘‘warning" gas written on plain Near Third lor la a Klansmaa. It makes tha a t two columna and the aide that hat paper and did not hear tha seal of the ——■ ■ — nouncement that It will see that Mr the most (g declared the wtaaer. Few Howard H. Beiding Mayfield le not allowed to occupy hia newspaper poll» have ever oome true Watchmaker a*d Jdweler •eat after the elzty-eighth Congre« true. Watch, Clock and Jeweler» Mnalrlng Bngravln« and lapidary convenes. Scribe Wofully Igoerant. Kxpert Diamond 8*tflng » 1 1 J !» * • taoidant, to whieh It cite# what la parported to l>c a Mall Ovd*r» Promptly Attandwt to a'#L PrM*’ * 1 « U u S ha. bean mad. by Brown shows his tgaorsaoe of the band Hoorn 100 Washington «ulldlng foe MM,hH .barging alienation th0|t l t , u ,0 poll of the Senate in an endeavor >.o X uetaira Bet. id and 4th. on Waahlnstea * . y , , , two , m prove that the Texan haa no chance subject by citing only one Senator of affection.. Tha “warning" r.ettons ,or the Portland. Or»ora. nroedwew Hit :____ |a the face of '‘overwhelming oppetii- whoee stand he feel, reasonably can her agalntt roaUaeing the seit and ,,jorM of the city of Chicago who had Mon.” and also aaya that all Demo­ tain of and that I* Senator J. Tbomaa expressed tha hope that "torce“ will been suspended from their duties and RAY BELLAMY cratic leader» in Taxes arc opposed to Heflin o f Alabama On tha ether bead not have to be need. 1 were being placed on trial because be aaya that every northern and West Mr. Mayfield's 'selection as Senator Police have Hamad that a strsey r u,ey were suspected of being Kiene GENERAL INSURANCE and are charging graft and corruption eur Senator will vote against May­ stopped a hay on the atreet aeveral men l took with me such members 7M Conch Bnildlmi field. night, ato and directed him to giva ef my staff who could eerie» mo In of every Known form. The tiuth about the waiter i* that the hot* to Mr*. Bunting I the defeuse of those Klaaameñ ag£ A « urd about how asa-paper orticai Seseen «ss. i Tabor tier J. A. CORNES Union Oyster House to this «*- This order le etili la fall torea Hon will eventually ha formed «long the Hues of the Klen sad will he fostered sad >remoled by Klaasmea of the Nation, Jbpt It will be propa­ ga Uxl ln euch S meaner se to build ■p M privet* fortune for ear USI- vldoaL The momey received will go ■ lato a common treÜrary for the good del#- ' of the order. Klane Is the United la the fact ad (he hitter and unjust the Urmatiaa of u j Materaeata which here hew launched »em eu's aeéw ulema the Uses ot the : at me through certain newspapers, I Kmights of the Ka K iel Klea A s 1 wish to any that aw action» end my Imperial Wlserd 1 waa instructed to itatements la connection with affairs • ppotnt a committee to investigate of the Knights of the Ka Kluz Klan the feasibility of a woman's order. I have been perety impersonal. I have appointed this committer, with E. T. epefeen and I have acted according to Clarke ee chairman, end It held nov­ the dictates of a y heart for th erai meeting» and found that there of Hundred# of thousands of were e »amber of orders of Frote»tent ■lie* a m how If o n choeaoe. American women lu vario«» peris of sewatry eUtor, he received a letter , A law tepe ego an eatlnulaatlc mo- the United «toles. The committee did 'rem, an. ef Me suhecrihera which Ttt n * leech »• <»• Hprito«. Knight Tamplar, in striking titanic blows for the Prot- Rail sputter The Dt»tritt of Cotuabta ip m 4 tova wni estant Cause throughout Am erica and the world, Whan Kay Bellamy, ■•4 troffle regulation» oro explicit. dtotribetor ordinarily strong men evineo timidity and qualms of f« s r «"tor»» * They toll OM loot h o « hot omo eon Of copies. in the face o f the papal ousli lights, William Lloyd Clark m»“< w,n swat too a h i « « « ■o oxter cenala condltioao. u l h o « •Io« to $o andar other eoûdiUoao stands as firm set as the Roman god Terminus— unebm- *11^ - 'uwaib* They point oat loot «h ot am "one promising, fearless, and w oo lroualy efficient. tbo Mar naatoor is devoud m a aor- war“ street» and a loo other strpeU on gpoao of condltioao la Chicago, which there can he no pwhlng what (hit his R A IL H PLlTTtttt, buy hi« pamphlets, and the throes of good and evil «*ror. help him keep hi» batten o f long-range guns going full blaat. rigidly eaSoroed. This varies, how- Clark’s money it counterfeit to us. Any little help we Mr Bollamy aieo bat lor sale "The ^ certain *"*ruirntinrns Por enn give him is from the heart, and every American, espe- j»evtre Prayar Book- and eevwrei r i . t “l p ftW atreat Doled pamphlet* * “ d a ily every Klansman, shou t, he hacking him to the limit. allea SA haw. Mr erooad a He is one of Am erica’s great -durational forces, a reincar­ , i ester chea It Mies, la blocks where nated I)e Molav ,a Knight ‘ 'without fear ami without rc- there ere eat «o r e the* two beoeae. DOBS IT PAV TO ADVBMTIMf •o waver, ase may hit it up to U p roa d i” . ~ When Mark Twain wee a ulruggllng QL'ALITT GROCERIES w s Délivras Chas. T. McPhenon US a •LITTER SALE HERE ENEMIES OF TEXAN BITE UPON A FILE to per- In When Talking Friends T£LL THEM The Westara American U one e f the meet widely all the patriotic journal*. THAT a newspaper for THAT N e e n e U t an Henert to-Goodne** 100-Per-Cent American approves of ear policy, hat v THAT AU Protestant Astfrican» gweer by us, “Sir” Joe i his IBs Waging friends, notwithstanding. . THAT W e vpat 100,000 mere subscriber* to offset Po- THAT is Het , THAT Onr subscription pries is only $2 the year end THAT Our address ie JOB Pittock Block, Portland, Öre. r*K T bettor servie« from TOUB CAB by hnrà g «djastaent» end M overhauling done NOW. ^ > in ndvnsee, if yon want i t TH E LENTS G A R A G E S K » ! . KIUDAHL s Proprietor ISIS Factor Bond T' Phone Bemsb ISM 1. D . L E A Ford Motor Car Co. Phon« Bast m t Hawthonfê Ave. at Grand Bea rhan (Evenings) THIEL BROS. RESTAURANT I“ WARNING” FAKE IS ATTEMPTED;: Cigar9 — Tobacco— Candies ASTORIA, ORE Wear CORTLEY CLOTHES Suits and O vercoats at P rices $18.50 to $35.00 Oar Caaiaateat Alter having worm nay of onr Saits or Overcoat* and dafaeta develop wa will refund tha money yon have paid or make other adjustment satisfactory to purchaser. « Special LMa ef Shoes, Hats. Shirts, Cndarwetw, «to, rrasenahle price* CLEMENT T B S BOSTON STO RE Cerner Seventh end Aster Sts.