The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, April 19, 1923, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    THE W I S T
TKuradUy, A p ril 1R 1 M *
Every Day, In Every Way, the Klan Grows Bigger and Better
e r i c a s
NDIGNANTLY, we rise to the
can—« true Knight Templar,
Rite Mason and Shriner—a man
preach"— Major-General Leonard
defense o f
“ without
Wood. Go
B I G H T rap
that immortal document—the ironclad, fundamental law
1 of America— the document that no Pope or other power aafely
Araeri- can fjout and defy.
I^onard Wood ie eminently qualified to be President o f the
without re- j united State#. The Pope know# it, full well. He ia an ardent
The Wenter» A wer lema M l l s h l i f Coapaaj
of the Philip- p ro g r^ iv e , and an equally loyal and enthusiastic Protestant.
PabUeattea Office» N7-NH P itted Mach, Pontead, Oregoa
Shall we damn such a man on a dispatch from Rome, merely^ be-
Pkoae Breedwai #187
THE PROTES FANT, a powerful m spasi ne edited by Mr. ymse the Jesuits have worked a trick upon him?
Editer Gilbert 0 . Nations. Ph. D., in ita April number fiercely score# the 1 -
L H A. DITES---------
Durinc the last presidential campaign, when the General was
Assortete^Editer »nd * *;agcr (^ naraj becBuse jt |s announced officially from Rome that the
a candidate, he could have had six more votes In the convention,
LILE SMITH------------
Order o f Piue, instituted by Pope Pius IX, haa been conferred
if he had been weak enough to yield to the demands o f the Knights
Th* Waater
Says The Protestant: “ This ia the aecon«
K I« tIM form a lly a d op ted medium4 fw <om ctol'
upon ç* n en â W ood-
o f Columbus—two votes from Missouri and fdbr from Oklahoma-
■dmoO «4» Mto flrot pago kul___
Ä tT ih S S w V tt
o f t*»oac conferred by the papacy, beine hijrher than the They demanded certain assurances. The General's jaw set like
Tito Editor and contributor» sololy oro raoponolblo
Older o f St. Gregory recently conferrad upon James Flaherty an
iron and he replied that no organisation, especially the K.-C.,
SUBSCRIPTION. POSTPAID: Unit«d State«. Panaira Canal Eon«. Porto H ie» j ohn J) Ryan SS Knightl o f OolumbUS.
Hawaii and th« Philippine» U .M a year In ad v a n e . Canada and K urop» »*.»■
j u u "k
obuln an> pre-election pledges from him; that he wasn't
utproaa mon«y ord«r. dr r««ut«ted Kitor. who instituted the order, is the Pontiff V
ay«a r
Remit by check, draft, poetal or expreas
“ ** Ilapsburg giving any pledge* of any kind to anybody. For this they "love"
a u i ^
, , r L
i niHvimuiun
»» *
in i n r*
* which
nw w
““ up on
“ “ ““
I v
o %
f a
Maximilian and 1 in
a,n*OT anok or* address . The *edree« p
i u j , t , o can
t e b«
c ^ ^ chanted
n * _ ^ aa
“ often
the “ _______
o **
f * 1 Lib-
glv« both th«
n«w and th« old addi
1 non <\nr neimnei marina
»it n tna ntp.m v
^¡Sanuacript ¿o’uTd'iS« a
i ---------- a — ------------ r ------**-w* — t
y arrv in
in Mexico
our national hands were rise
tied «■
the great
__ sought to aggravate
Whin the General was governing Cuba, a Catholic Cardinal
and*it1« * frtonte*
w »»id for at th* crisis o f the Civil War. It was he also that
_ .
__* _ .a a>
_ .a______
InlaaS aA fr. r Ihd KsllIAf
rate o f 14 a col
” n~ aii
t e i u M - i “ m
as ter ih. Bdito»
7 ‘ i Y. t 7. ‘ i
’ uTZlJLIteT-ZTwI urgently incited him to attend an elaborate public ceremonial at
Bi«ck, Portland, or» Addr«- aii com- the gravity o f Uu»t great national crisis here by recognizing the , . .
. _ .
, .
. . .
ahould be eddreesed to him. 41$ ptttock
munloatloaa recmrdina euheortptloai
oaa aad adv«rumn«u to th« Mana«r. 4» Confederacy
which a large number o f Cuban children were being christened—
Pittock Black. Portland. O r »
.,VTr^ ’
, ,
, 'an occasion that appealed peculiarly to the Cuban people. General
Th« eaeiteter. .uaraotm th.t ... m.rch.ndito ,n t * . WEST««
No Pope was ever know* to confer such distinctivelypapal ;Wood
th0 lBvitot|on u th« representative of the Ameri-
«láU M l
T liri m u
rm i in
NkUsM WMàly bj
wiim ii
iui wma
that It
beautiful p— m balow waa
In by b»fA*asrted “Clir
tbs bated sa risanisi and ax-
man. Ha tbaafbt, as wa do,
waa a > m af puraat ray
uaderatood. Wa nova atoas
Our paths «row wldar aa Ih# »nasoni
Ateas the year* tra Burrai aad wa
Why Ufa la«-Ufa, aad tbea wa fall
• Not uaderatood.
{m Von ° I *
I o ftf rs * £ “ Rf:mkD i * tho“ i S * : ex^
f° r
nt * * r ;
■-r •4v,rt,- r‘ ,hta ^ * e~ ~
lcw n a ^
* RoT
The„ Pr°Jte! t“ t . . T ° r .what
----------------- service did the Pope single out General \\ ood tor a higher honor
at tn« $ eterne« «t AatoHa. than was conferred on the supreme head o f the Knights o f
O ra sen , and ar th « A ct at M arek i , tala.
prlvtMta 'Columbus?”
A pptlaatlen m a d « t o P ««tm a
m pm tofT Ic« a t P ortla n d , O r »
_-------- |
The Protestant goes on to quote the Conetitatlon, which pro­
hibits the acceptance by any person holding an office o f honor or
______ i trust under the United States o f any present, emolument, office
U E I A T C A D C C I C D f T T C A D J ^ ,T I J C I î Q , , or title o f any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign
IM U I r U K O C a L r , B U I r U K U 1 n t R O
<Btate> ^
remarks that Woodrow Witoon, While President, “ re-
Not uadaratood
We guBA'T falta Im
And has them dosar at (ha years
so by,
TtU rlrtaaa oftaa risa aad tell, aad
lira aad die—
He sat upon the platform with the Cardinal aad
Not aadoralood.
can Government.
other dignitaries of church and state. At the conchmkm o f the
«^ m on ies the Carding turned to the General and thanked him Not aadorttood. Poor aoati with
■tantad rtilon
profusely for his ‘ »4isistance'’ tn the religious function. Promptly
came the reply, In just about these words: "Pardon me, your Emi­ Oft msatura glaata by lhalf narrow
nence, but I must make it dear to you and to all concerned, that
The polaoo «hatte of falsehood aad
I’m not here assisting at a religious function, but am hare as the
official representative o f the United States Government Pm a Ara oft Impatlad ’saluti thoaa who
Protestant, Sir, and according to your religion I’m a heretic and
mold iba a§a—
Not undartlood.
bound for hell.” The Cardinal smilingly replied: “ General, you're
reived from the Pope a mosaic art piece said to be worth *40,000 ,a
catholic at heart, but do not know i t ”
at the time o f his secret audience with the Sovereign Pontiff in
Mpfc .....................
Wood the General's
charming wife,
indiscreet Not uadartlood. Tbs tac rat «prlnfi
v of action.
1VERAL weeks ago, deceived by the adroit work o f KC ex-
Vatican throne-room. Have high public officials outgrown enoujrh to rernftrk (where it w sj heard And resounded), during
Which Ilo baaaath (ho aarraco and
... .
. ___ , _____ a -«-,,
__ the Constitution of the United States? Haa that great document
........... ......... .......,v,„* ; / .u__________ ,_______.u .
perts, The Western American stated that the Associated ™ U ,“ U‘ U1W'‘ ' ,n!
0“ 7 B ™ , “ " 1
the last campaign, that if she ever became the First Lady in the
the »how.
Press evidently was trying to be fair and impartial in reporting been suPPlantcd
1 e canon a" °
ome •
Land she certainly would not have a Roman Catholic for secretary, Are dlirasardad: with telf tatlatertton
Wa tedsa oar aaishbora. aad (hay
the facts concerning the Mer Rouge, La., frame-up against the
- Hoity-toity! Hold your horses, Brother Nations. You’re o ff This wasn’t good politics, but It showed where the Wood family
often so—
Klan. It was impossible at that early time to know that (the facts
th* road and headed tor the swamp o f scurrility. How dare stands.
Not uadorttood.
were being suppressed. As the frame-up hearing at Bastrop
thus attack a great and good American like Leonard \\oodi
Men o f General Wood’s abilities are too few in the country
proceeded, and after a subsequent investigation, it was clear and before you have the P™0' th*t he accepted the papal honor. Is to aR0W misrepresentation of his character to go unrebuked. Edi- Not nndar»«»«. Hoar trifle« olita
undeniable that the Associated Press failed to give fair and im-
^gnt. Is it fair, is it Americanism, t us to accuse and condemn tor Nations is in error when he condemns him unheard, and now,.
chan*« at!
partial service; that it served, instead, exclusively the interests a man unheard that man being one known to fame and honored ^ ug
will acknowledge it.
Th# thoushitaaa aaatenre of
above most men for eminent services to his country, a great - .
, .
. .
» —. « * » „
tanoted iiiEht
th. t o r n « old time oolicy o f th. * »- A m .n o «, » h o w „ mo.t .h.bbily tre.Wd by Aotmy P « l d , n ,
.J “
« “•
* f « > = T>« R.PUblio.o
It is evident mow that the former old-time poncj oi uie a s
___ .. r
. WnnArnmr
politicians who are behind Harding—and this means certain pow-
sociated Press has undergone •( radical change, and that it is ,kSt
hv nnfTime-
It i« wicked and danorroua in iumn ers o f WaJI Street and the Roman hierarchy—are right now exer-| And on our touit thara tent # lr**t
probably under the control o f the influences which are opposed
handling new« which involve« the renutaiton if c*8‘ n® f>ne8t;e aod diplomacy to keep General Wood from coming
'ins wi«ht —
to the K l.o , „ d m it nands for.
t d X h m i S ^ „ " t o r n « to
Commi^ion.r Dow V. W.lkor .n d oth.r PortUod W ood ,
« « -4 « « ~ 4 .
From Quartern ootoide o i the Kltoi — iotertoU extremely
of the Goner,! are hearing, however, that ho i, coming horn, -oort,1M , . M
Ik e «aay br.uu
powerful— requests are being received for all available evidence ^
^ ____ A____ _______ _ ,lf
____ He will tell the public, then, all about the award of the Order
ar. »chin«
Suspend judgment upon General Wood, for Awhile. The con­
tending to show that the Associated Press is dominated or con
ter lack of smp#(hr. Ah. day hr
o f Piua.
o f the Order o f Pius probably was a JegMftfitkk designed j
trolled by anti-Klan influences. I f the final report, soon to be
»V A*r
-y —
Hoir manr ehaarlMs, lonely haa HE Era
e Associated Press is a to Injure the General, politically, or to bamboasJb him in some
forthcoming in tI^RgpM*w>m*CBat t lE
break In«.
“ kept” service, something will happen that may astonish and dis­
llow_ many noble «piriti pans a «ray?
No true Klansman feeds like gloating over the horrible trag-
may the whole aggregation o f newspapers which is generally re­ the Protestant forces and head o ff his nomination for President,
Not undersUxxL
Editore should use a little horse-sense in handling Roman dis- edy in Michigan a day or two ago. Hi which ohe Roman Catholic
ferred to as the “ kept press,” or the “ papal press.”
The coalition of Protestant interests, already perfected, eas­
priest took the life o f a brother priest. The tragedy evokes in ° h 004’ ,h*1 “ *'n wouW ••• * M“ *
ily is able to bring about an entirely new management of the As­ tricks that are vain” the Jesuit politician is peculiar.
the heart o f a Klansman only a feeling o f horror, and regret and, _ *,**,*r'
General Wood is no religionist, but believes devoutly in God ; pity for the frai|tics of men, whatever their rank, or church,! <>T
sociated Press, with an entirely new staff wherever it may be
******* ***** ****
Christ. Freemasonry is his religion, and he live* it every op crced No ^
0ver crim e op the ^ mi9fortune8 ; oh Ood (hat
tea would draw • little
Something much bigger is in prospect, however. Before the day. - Why the Pope should pick him for the bestowal of the Or- j 0 f others
nearer -
To on« anothor; they’d bo aoaror
first o f next January' a giant corporation, with many millions o f der o f Pius yet remains to be known. General Wood’s friends
It is also unquestionably true that no Klansman worthy o f
The*— „
dollaro capital, will be engaged in the necessary task of estab­ know what he thinks about it, and what he probably will do. He his title feels anything but indignation and detestation for the
And underatood. 1
lishing a free and independent American press in this country. is one of the keenest, shrewdest and wisest o f men, and able al­ ghoulish official murder of the Roman Catholic Vicar-General
It will be composed o f daily newspapers throughout the land, ade­
in Russia.
quately endowed or capitalized, able to keep going without ad­ treacherous flatteries without blinking.” He is the kind all
And yet all (be material develop-
vertising, if necessary, strictly news-papers, devoted to the high­ America is praying for, as the times demand it: “ God give us the sad fact that humanity is subject to recurrent epidemics o f “,wt of i*orJh Cartel«* would bavs
. . . 1 been In val# bu( fbr an taddent which
est ideals o f pure Americanism and to the truth, the whole truth men!”
Urw lB ^
General Wood doesn’t care a straw about any bauble which circular insanity, o f which the Russian Terror is one form. Hia- BholM *
and nothing but the truth, for **the truth shall make us free.”
ia The
This is not a prophecy, but news, and it is no longer neces­ the Pope of Rome can bestow. He isn’t the kind that likes to tk>n, which sometimes touches the whole people.
sport such tinware and tinsel. >His ideal o f manhood is expressed
sarily a secret.
A barefoot bojr in hia bnmbta homo
“ Lord God o f Hosts, be with us yet—lest we forget—lest
If the establishment of a free press doesn’t bring the desired in Bobby Burns’ poem, “ A Man’s a Man, for a’ that.”
pract tel nr writln« tbaa* ward*:
General Wood is holding one o f the most difficult positions we forget!”
results with the speed demanded by the people, the same gigantic
"Now u the time (or all too* m«a
enterprise can extend its scope o f work and establish department 'n
world, at Manila, bew men o f his rank and political fu-
come to (h o aid of the partjr." Hia
nthar haa Juat »old a llttl# place of
stores and other services, supplying everything wanted by the!*ure W0ldd dare to tackle it. There is nothing in it except the op-,
tend and tho county aqnlra has come
portunity for service to humanity, “ not for self but for others.”
r Tronic
w Fro*
happened w
to that Story,
story, wiaei^
widely circuiMtcu
circulated toward wic
the to take th# algnatura of the little boy’s
i T u*
* a
a al
i ,
* i . «.*
, « . ., :
" nai nappvnou
The “ kike-Catholic” combination will not be tolerated longer In hls “ «*
mean‘ th* shortf " ini : of. .hls.
pr°!?*5y the close o f the last ¿residential campaign, which declared on the mother. “Yon sign on the second line,
lis country. It is doomed. It’s death-knell has sounded. The supreme sacrifice—but he went . President Harding and the Peo-j WQrd o f a certain Ohio co^ g e head that a certain highly-placed madam, juat under your husband,
in this
half-baked aliens who imagine they own and control America are P^e should he grateful, as the right-minded Filipinos are, without politician, now high in office, formerly a Senator, wa# a quadroon- please." "I cannot write my name.
due to get the surprise o f their lives. They are going to learn in exception.
one-quarter negro? Was the story true, or false? It was sup­ I will bar* to make my mark"; and
the next two years hotv utterly unimportant they really are in
^he Genera! has been doing splendid work for America and ^
in part. If true, it shall be blazoned to the world, and we
^ !* “ ■“ "***
controlling the progress o f the United States, and they will real-: humanity—for the White man’s civilization, as the Klansmen de- Hha„ ^ wheth<fr a maj ority of the white racC in thia country will (Ion. Not boaatinsly. but Juat to ahow
the Impelling power with made him
ize at last that the free-born white folks o f this Republic never £ ne >*■ H* f°J,nd
8C^ ' 3 of tlhe Philippine« dominated by the tolerate a raonire| in high office, especially when said mongrel pledge hie life to th* eaua* of educa­
will abdicate their supreme rule to the alien hordes from Europe Roman Catholics. He put them absolutely under Government con-; pr0Ve8 himself a cowardly and servile tool o f the Roman Catholic tion. Governor Chaflea TV Aycock,
yho foolishly cling to their old-country beliefs, customs, notions,
a" d supervision, including a rigorous civil service The prac- hierarchy The Western American haa placed inquiries in the North Carolina’» "educational gover­
'tice of employing exclusively Roman Catholics was stopped. He tr«#.«.* au « a .
au _ ^_^ a _ i - alu _ a ^—.
r _i . __ a #__ ia »
superstitions anH
and allpcri^ncp.
East that will develop the facts in this story. Look out for it! nor," one* related thla atory, and
added. T the» and there made a vow
To hell with the hyphen!
The slogan in 1923 will be: Put none but white men—Americans—
that every man and woman In North
clared war upon leprosy and is making a successful fight against
on guard.
Carolina ahould have a chance to read
it. He is in a fair way to clean up the Islands upon a scale never
and writ*.”
before deemed possible. He found crookedness and rascalities in
The new amendment to th# Conatl-
Henry Ford, trying to outdo Harding, Taft, Cox, Borah, John­ high places and extirpated It by the exereise oflils powerful pre-
tutlon required that whit# beya and
son, Hearet and other papal toadies, has presented to Mike Gal- rogatives. He is enforcing the American laws and making every-1
THE PROTESTANT, edited by Gilbert 0. Nations, Ph. D., black boy# alike, after January. 1*0»,
lagher, Roman Bishop enthroned at Detroit, with a magnificent one go straight who comes within the reach o f his official power, published at 639 F street, N. W., Washington, D. C., is doing poeieaa certain educational qualifica­
Lincoln limousine.
In a short period o f time he has done an immense amount o f con- splendid work for the white man’s cause. It is published monthly, tion* aa • prerequisite to the ballot. It
Haven’t we descended far into the dark valley o i discourage- structive work out there, which will bring blessings upon the peo- one dollar a year. Forward your subscription. Every issue of wa« tbaa that Mrs vote# of Aycoolc
nrouted the people aa never before,
ment when we think of nominating a little zany like Ford f o r . pie to the last generation.
The Protestant is worth a dollar, and then some.
bringing compulaory education, a all
President o f the United States? A semi-illiterate pacifist! He 1
He found the Roman Catholic church there, in all its mighty
month'e ecbool term, and farm-life
didn’t raise his son, his precious Edsal, to be a soldier.
power. Perhaps he used some o f its time-tested machinery, and
achoola throughout the »late: *'I tall
* Isn’t it awful to realize that our country has 110 millions o f of necessity, to accomplish some imperatively needed results. A
you men that from thla geed hoar
people— mostly fools? They may nominate Ford, no telling. The (military genius like Leonard Wood strikes for results—the vie-!
Harding has ap;>ointed another Roman to the federal opposition to the oauae of education
unexpected happens. After Chesterton, the English author, in his tory—the ultimate goal—and wisely uses the means provided by ! bench— John F. McGee of Minneapolis, to bt District Judge for
mu,t b* regarded aa treason to the
lecture, had scored the little lizzie-maker, Ford raced up front, Providence. His achievements have been monumental. It is
the State of Minnesota. McGee is a papal corporation lawyer, un-
*ute P*0P'® ci>»r*o me with apeb
ehook hands with him and exclaimed, “ You DONE just right!”
Bible, to be fair, that even the Pope o f Rome so admired his work popular in hie own State. Evidently, the Romans think they have
*° ,he c*?**
That’s his calibre.
that he felt impelled to show him signal honor. It is more prob- established safaty for their plans in the United States Supreme
0n" doing Tt, and t^i doni
Now he'a toadying to the Pope.
able, however, that he was actuated by the other designing
Court, with Bill Taft, their Old Reliable, as Chief Justice; ably |
Hpcnd more K will be beeauaa I haven't
The most over-rated man in America, the man least deserv- tive. “ Rome never changes.” *
assisted by Pierce Butler, K. C„ «nd a number o f very old men got any more to apand.”
ing of the write-up piffle and the plaudits of the thoughtless, is
In the first place, General Wood is a stickler for the strict who follow Taft’s lead. Most o f these aged men will be replaced
Mciver, laboring for tho education
Henry Ford.
enforcement o f the Constitution. He knows that it prohibit* the in the next two or three years. Their successor* undoubtedly have "f traiMte
* w in » mate of
If Ford were elected President he might appoint Edsal as sec- acceptance o f such honors, without the special consent o f Con- been picked by Rome, and now the Pope’s “ experts,” headed by IAycock*
"****"■ • ***•
_ .
“ man. you educate one peraon; when
retary o f war, or o f the navy.
gross. The Pope knows this, too, which lays his*motive wide open Pietro Fumaaoni-Bkmdi, the Papal Delegate at Washington, are rou
, womaa, , ott , duc4tc , n
Angels and ministers o f grice, defend us!
to question. Nothing delights a Roman more than to take a sly trying to capture the entire judiciary. '
entire family.’
s ' l t f : i s L 't S
i W
S a r “
Not Understood