The Oiflrlwl Faixr « f Th* Kw)al Rider* •( Ih» Kobe, lin|MrUI Headquarter* ¿38 dorm a Madri- lair. Hurt ut né. O regga. Attire** ( ‘amwualrallua« lu I- A. M urr, Id Mor, MW Hltiork Mluck. Portland. r .t . l . U T H SH ALL M A K E YOU T H E l YC S H A L L KNOW T H E T R U T H Thr Official Pagar of tha Inviatele Faiplrr, kaighls » f Ihr ha k la t Klan, la Ihr Realm of Oregua. offlrlAI Journal » I Thr U f l n of thr Invístele K a- plrr. > at kraal Hradqosrtrr* at k h Pillerà Illrrrk, Purtlaad. Gregei«. ------- T-“ PU BLISH ED W E E K LY Vol. I. No. 37 PO R T LA N D , OREGON. TH U RSD AY, A P R IL 19, 1923 A N Y W H E R E IN U. S. PRICE 5c ms ■i M » » HEBE’S A CHANCE FOR YOU TIT HAVE REAL LOLLY TIME U N F A IR U: OF KJ V E TE R A N S PROI TO H A LT U K LAN SM EN A ID IN G S A U L V r_ A 1. T _ IO N A R M Y ADE YLETTER in « rrnfina rasoititien introduced fey a lormrr cavalry efflcer, Writer Oabln •mltn, tacomiarf fey William K. Mallay. a wall known Haro a* tha Clavantn Marinas Hi Prante, World War Poat No. t07, Volarana o f Foreign Warn,' ■ot Thursday night, at a largely at­ ando# mooting Wndod moating in Pgrtlaod, ptodgad all tha help naoeaaary to hoop tad j a 'wrofehlloo’* an tho otralght and narrow path of atrlot law pad ordgr. If ,t»ay pull tholr thraatanad strife in tha wood» and at tha mill» on feUy L Tha Veteran* alga dasiarad IMPERIAL WIZARD SENDS GREETINGS AND EXPLANATION Waatarn Amarican ggoclal. Waot f m tiUferican Special. f WASHINGTON.* R C . April 18.— ALEXANDRIA. V A . April IS -'Do- O r la In -ducatkraCK forces here at é nation of $100 wan mad* by thr.' local engaged in ft tnrfWt row. The Wa-1 Ku Kin* Klan taut work to thr RbWa- !iU>«u*l Literary Hodety leaded by Or. j tlon Army, according to an announce­ ment made by thr Salvation Army, of- I A. R. Harrison. gfefgo«<-d'to build a j i National Literary Rfcl of Kama had flcials, who , acknowledged the g ift! T ' i ... . ----- .— wrote to Dr. Job« J, Tlgert. Dolled , with thanks. The following fetter a (corn i ton led | . . « _____ T I — Y « . . HU,M VomtalogUfea» of Bdtw-atioo. u Kike - Catholic - Nigger” the gift: Recom iM ddfd by Commit» O fficial Statement by Tele- 1 1 1 UB* 1 0 " . asking for hjh of p i« Combination Is Smashed mitte« That Now Organi- May Receive Magnifi- nov«. 'graph Shows Clarke as "W e hereby subscribe $100 to the Sal-; cent Gift. .1 : U r Tlgrrt wUu.JJr. Harrison a Igt- t ration Army, and we trust this drive by W hite Men. u tio n Be EfeUtbitbged. T roubie-Maker. ter of commendation commendati qf the plaa. wbh j tar will be slighted by none, for we who 'tho distinct have it to give know that it will he • —— vr ding his letter was not*.fo'bo t i t onniH tlon wtih 1 would sagiport tho Oregon ateto author- i used for a noble purpose, to uplift the raising money, ' Itlea “ In tho anfaroedtont of all oon- Tigert n o « hat downtrodden We know U will be in withdrawn -his atltutienal law«, and to uphold, at any j alleging Dr. ■trumeatal in bringing them home. , W ill o f Klans to Be Learned coat, tho puasa and dignity of tha Grand Kluxer Ball at As- Harrison deletedtj » hut paragraph of Gangsters Swear in Negro that they may knew what it means to Puts Klan Upon Business bU letter bannit have the light of God shining In theiv 1 paopio." Prior to Kloncilium tori» for Benefit of V I Children as Twenty-one Basis, Despite Self- to ralee $5.000.( souls. Tho resolution ovokad groat am Ye„ , o ( A , e. in May. Stricken Klan. Seeking Leeches. “ May Ood see jit to enable them tin of Kama. ' thualaam. Secretary of go onward with their nohle work Davi* also gpv.; ■ — bis indorsameli •Faithfully. She strength 0U w , gt#rn American Special. Realera A ate rira a Sparlai. men who are helping P.oy 14 r- Hj II. W. KVA\S. r that «iven by DrJ “ ALEXANDRIA KU KLfTX K L A N .-{| ri pc rial Wizard, height» ,>f the Ka • sen in ike distribution of tickets w the A T I-ANTA, üa.. April 'l|.— I*r If. I- ****1 CHATTANOOGA, Tenn . April IS — Urand Klater Balt In Astoria, to be Max Ktara. W. Evan*, Imperial Wizard Kulgÿt* ! W'lnnids the elect ioh op April 10 Of a held at an early date, are requested to ATLAN TA. Cm.. April 1*.—J confi- o f tho Ku Klut Klan, snaouncad Tugr- Moyoi. City Attorney. Muai. i{>al Judge get rid of the tickets as past as po«, ‘ dently expect that within the next few day that th« commuter upaplnird laud a Comraiseloner. thereby smash slble and report to Mr Larren. «b o ¡days the courts of Georgia w ill have KlonvokatlonA la ti bis the loagwttabliabed power of a I must fiftire mi arrangeraeutx for the kftoally decided that the constitution >tmlder and tn’vaatigute evanl. ring that was supported by the Roman ’and by-laws of the Knights ot the Ku formation of • woman'» One of lliese ticket purchasers will \ Klux Kina, adopted by KJansmen of .Catholic», Jews and negroes, the Chat- organisation andar tha supervision of receive as a gift the Incomparable j .'Vie Nation In convention assembled, ’ teltooya Klansmen are rejoicing them-1 tho KJaa v i a randy to report.* fe a Sport Model Reg, fully equipped, sold ! D i s m a y e d Western American Special are valid, and that the votes of Klnns- C y o l o p * J o h n s o n t o Mires and are receivlu-f the grateful report of the cocaodtlM will bo by the Northwest Ante Company of ! WASHINGTON, D C.. . tneu which elected use Imperial V» im.mcndaUon that a J plaudits wad congratulations of all the u rn l o o — ” on M * y Portland, which was won by Sheriff Iasi November wore legal. The family of former ,a' iwn * ««Ubllafedi i w n s i f l , Harley J Htuaber of Ctatsop County iu this city and section 2 and 3. Andrew J. Volstead of t M IsteJ Ilf * n t j • rrc o *i pubacriptUn evateat of The ft" IK he Ky,b'lnx Jtl:| fla® W' The biggest victory w« ad the defeat ,proeUT‘tiM ot ,he witt50,n® ‘iauAbtW throughout Dragons and Great Titans of organ­ Auditorium at i'ort land on the «yen- and the name of each buyer will be re- '• hortljr after 9 o clock, in Iront of llu of the bouse— Laura Volstead. Klan is not ised Realms and King, Kleagies ot In« of Mey J. Newspaper men and, corded ¡Knights o f Columbus hall, at 3M3 of the big red-faced Roman Catholic ' A party eras given in her honor a turH®*i- Slates will also attend Ihf convention, city Judge, who has played the role j other interweted persons who deMr« I Th* method of awarding the »plen- • Waraaw avenue. Price Hill. ', f The property of the lime and place of which la not yet to hear Ihle lector* on KlankfBft. , did gift to some fortunate ticket buyer 1 Attracted by the glare of the flames of lawgiver tor the last 15 years. He|leW * * ° “ a 0Or,n’' ttte “ • ! flcfeU custody was Uken set. and the Roman Church In Politics,"' will be determined hv Judges appointed 'playing on the window, and believing was said to own all the negroes on |h“ d to run to town for some little fern- temporarily by a writ of In this way the opinion Of the Klims can obtain tickets by aj>ectal request1 by the committee on the night of the the building was on fire, the workers, Ninth street-th e black district. V ote!‘B,,M‘ io,ble wlthout whic:i no Wl» nan; lR*ue‘l bF a Fulton county court, on of the Nation will be expresced on to -the Klan Secretary. 453 Pfftock j ball. Tb* recipient of the car need of whom there were about 150. rushed stealing was beaTy in the negro wards.'*» dressed. She was driving her complaint of Colonel William J. Sim- thla particular subject. Then, after »lock. - not necessarily attend the ball, bat j out through the door, to Hud the burn- ‘Five thousand Klansmen were on | own car and a rude policeman thought mon* lhat he wa* ln fu" * tul ta,rtul having received the expression» ot On th* evening of May 3. Mr. Join- everyone who possibly can do so .la ^ ing cross firmly implanted in the lawn, .! . . , , . . possession, of the property and that the Klan* and of tha commltteo here­ guard in all parts of tho city. «nd *Ue was going too fast, so he pinched , w„ MBie pre,in<]e(t claIm to be there and everyone Is as- 1 u stood about eight feet high and ‘ >»'Kteusmeu Trom all towns within 50 tofore appointed, (he Imperial Wisard son will lecture to th* public, sdmls-¡ ^ thereto. By a later ruling I was ' flamea were leaping Into the air, send-1 mil<>s wrlc hel.„ u d n w jy ter service. ] her l0r ?pet'dlD* will cnll the Imperial Klourllliini to j alon free to all. on " T V Seven Enuda-1« * 1^ <* • * • * * * t4“ e- i Mr. Larsen hs- distributed the tick­ ing a glow In every direction. Under Now thire Is a rule here that If one recognized as Imperial Wizard, and mentals of Oar National Life." meet and formally take whatever The results: For city judge — ets throughout Oregon and Washing­ ■ board of two other persons, the direction of John Cronin, chair jfcOaughy, backed by Klansmen M75; Is pinched for sjieeding one may post action has been decided by tha Klaus ' Before coming to Oregeu, -»Any ton. Seattle is expected to send collateral, or surety bond, with the Colonel W. J. Simmons and J. M. years ago. Mr Johnson wue a noted themselves through their duly dele-j delegation including -Major Luther I . ! " “ " J ’ * ^ * * * “ ► item in g. Roman Catholic. 5621 legislator la thq State ot Alabama, - . , - h r . ,]«.» ia !“ « ! “ né throw» on the btexc. but por Commissioner — Fraxier, Catho- arresting policeman Instead of going George, continue to exercise my o t­ gated .representatives. He successfully combatted the reac­ ’ e hla ;t » »Pite of this it eonttmied to barn u,., 6411; Bass. Catholic, 6102; -Was to the police station Usually the col- ilce- »waiting the final ruling of the “ 1 do not feel that it ts the prlv- j of Washington and Idaho, and . . . . . . , sum, Jew, MUI; Herron. Catholic. lateral is $2 to $10. ln this case, the c001,1»- liege or prerogative of any man. un tionary tendencies of Bourbonlsm and family. Grand Dragon Fred L OMurd toT * ,0n« * Ur* ctlE* * crowd' policeman exacted $2 as collateral! * wl*h«mt a shadow of a doubt, matter how etaltsd may be hi» ala- w» * author ot nereral heaefleon| will head a big delegation I The «K>Uc,! ru* W th* BCene ^ « « » • Th* Preceding four were the in {*M‘ ,m>M'rial " t a r d . * " ‘* 1*«' of the lion, no matter how pure may bn hi» . laws, including the regulation of child , 1 Don't delay iu buying vour tickets. Investigation failed to reveal any tracp; cumbenu, who were considered un from Miss Volstead. Ka Klux The following morning when her --- — » Klan, duly elected at the purpose, no matter how righteous he labor, which later became part of thel>n(j r#portln^ ^ mte(1 |of those who had planted the cross, | beatable on account of their solidar hold, may be, to wish upon the Knight* o f ! Con*;itut Ion of that state. He is a » i The proceeds af the hail will be utad I Th4 cre*® wmB ■vnsbly constructed ■ Ity and their command -of the uegro name was called in police court along ™ 0“ 1 “ ,0,T0^ " thè Ku Kluk Klan sn anxlllarv or- eloquent orator and speak* without for the beneflt of the Astoria Klan, from boards, in which cotton had been j vote. Herron was defeated by Hood. with the names of non-believers in her i **"* „ . ' ' T V .** * * ***^ «ffleer 1 will, to the be-t of my ability. ganlaatlon, no matter how Indeper.d- notes. These two lectures will l>«| whioh wan hard hit by the cooflagrw ¡stuffed. It had then been satursted backed by White Men, who-received fathers famous literary effort, she| „ . . . . discharge my duties to the fullest ex- 6131 «otrs. The three defeated White tailed to respond The collateral w as! rnt It mar be In declaratlon,’’ s. Id worth haarin« and «111 b » loa« re- tien uf December a, last. ^ with o ll fenf. Men. Barker. Hill and Able, received, the Imperlai Wizard In commentine mamberad for resnlta ln t ht» mm- j ...... ....... -. - - forfeited. So far as I know. I have no per­ respectively. 5SS4 , 5841 and 5594 votes. on thla matter. muait y. The newspapers placarded the fact sonal enemies within the Klan, and The whole community is rejoicing far and wide. As a result, the Vol- the present opposition has developed H A R D IN G A K N IG H T over the prospect o f ‘ a cleaner city, steads are in lor & lot of kidding. ' because 1 cancelled a contract with higher civic ideala, and the restoration OF H O LYJ5EPU LCH ER * Western American Special. | Edward Young Clarke for propagat- to a great extent o f the rule ot the I DALLAS, TBIXAS, April 1«.—The Re-. i lug the Institution throughout the Western American Special. best' citizen*. The Klan here is grow­ publican party always has been a ueg- country" Under this contract Mr. WASHINGTON. D. C.. April li.— I ing now like a green bay tree on the llgtbla quantity In Texas, but n o « M : — — : Clarke received $3 for every new I’ope Flu* la passing out, thick and Nile. member taken into the order and has rung the death knell of un already A u d i e n c i ; Convinced Isst, bis high orders of honor sud Chattanooga folks were greatly sick organization. R. B. Creager. state _ _ „ under my authority --os Imperial merit to American public men of both • heartened just before the election by That the Kihn I . Truly Wizard, given me by the Constltu- parile#. President Harding has be-u T h e y P u t o n ‘ P r o g r a m T h k t chairman, has announced he will ah- the voice ot the great and famous | lie * and bylaws, i cancelled ttixt rtm- tala Aha dlaaitaaul hr the federal g »v C o n s lR ie tiv e t Grand Dragon o t Oregon, Fred L. Qif-1 made « K m n tth m o^dwr o f t ^ R e f l e c t . G r o e t C r e d it Western American Special. tract and diverted this money into enunnut of every United States rtn- ______ Holy Sepulcher. He has reoetvel th » | . . . . ford, cheering them on to victory and ALBANY. N. YJkpril 18—Several Klan channels. Every dollar now re­ ploy» I » the state who is a member of _ _ , Insignia of the order—a gold erosa aid U p O tl A l l . glory, ln a direct telephone conversa­ days ago the narcotic squad found a ceived by the Propagation Depart­ th« Ku Khix Kiaa Crenger is leading w #atem America* hpaoial. crown. Within th* rrona Is a splinter ...... tion from Portland. Oregon, with a box full of drugs in the possession of ment is turned back Into Klan work. Ike right sa«tas| Senator .Mayfield. WABHINOTON. D April 18^- ! official of this cRy. of wood «aid to hove he#» taken ten ' Waatarn American Bpeciâl State Senator John A. Hastings of 1 determined when I assumed my Four members of the k n Klux iCUu, , „ V U l . ___ __ All Klansmen hero soad greetings to tha tnia erosa upon which Jesus Ohr a t , TH B d a LLBB. April 1«.—The ikaUeg MIGHTY FARM BLOC three o f them »Hired 1» their mystic their brethren In Oregon and the Pa­ Brooklyn, and promptly arrested him high office that the organization was crucified. 'council of the Ladles of the InvtstMg should not bo used to exploit private IS IN THE SADDLE r* « alta- « » * * * ' U m w Hall of George cific Northwest and urge them to under the Harrison act. M R^ r p p iN r T O N «rapire put on a program last FVUtay The Senator put up a loud and fear- fortunes, and in that lies the secret ; Washington University test Thursday K(| K)ux K lan framed of the present opposition to me and Western Amarlcan Special. „jght and explained to a large n»di- stand firmly together, for some great fu) national emergencies are looming in w, _ _______ ___ ___________ ________ ,htM „ „ ,llo ,, , M i V / W I v R ii j L A 1 R LE . to a much older aad stronger organisa­ him, inspired by his activity tor anti- the attempt on the port of a few At- WASHINGTON. O. C.. April 13 .— ence of men and women the principles !ra_ r P»r iuture tion, Forty ladles. In the regulation The death of Senator Samuel D. Nlch- , nj purpoae* of the Order. Klan legislation in the assembly here. t“ "ta people to gain control or Ihe ‘ ----------^-------------------- Tills Hannah Sheehy-SkefflngUin. ; rot,p #nj regalia used by that Order, oison of Colorado has assured the term I New York State KUn officials here/ Order and its'treasury. The lecture waa riven by Dr J. H. U N P O P U L A R S T O R E who was In Portland a few duy* ago p pen red on the program, bloc of the Satiate of another vote Hawtns, Imperial Lecturer, of Atlanta. r.R O W S D F O P E R A T E ql,‘'8tU>nod r* » » rdin8 Hasting * ridl-, 11 has been my contention, and 1« on a money-collecting expedition "for. Th# pr«|Wti»g officer was sttended which will place It securely in the under auspices of the Free Lane* 8 0 - that the Klan rulous charge, said first they scarcely; m>' Preset»1 position the poor Irish prlsonsrs and their de- by m raprnaontattr» of the K. K, K. noddle in the eaxt Congress. It la a* defy, which previously had debated PORTLAND— One of the largest de- e Klaus knew who Hastings was; second, they tceanury belongs to the Klaus c of the pendents," distinguished herself dls- and that the and th* R. R R. A - all in Bill «tal- sured Qovemor W. E. Sweet of Color­ the question. "Bcsolrod that Ihe Ku ' partment stores, owned by Catholic j did not know he had been active in | Nation Nallnn ,n '1 ,ll* t ,t’ *' moupV (herein gracefully late iu 1918 at Seattle by fon». ado will e » Democrat to the post. Klux Klan is a constructive orgsnfrt- capital and operated by Jewa, which antl-Klan legislation; third, they w ere! *ho,,ld h* us,Mi ,n extending the boun- bowling anatbemaa ugsiust Great | 1 began « boycott on the Klan son»«* time not interested in framing anyone, that llarl,'s of ,ho invisible Empire After a delightful hour ot music and and th* Democrat naturally 'Will join tlon. Britain—our loyal Alliea in the world | The attempt to prove that William 1 song, the Rer. J. T. Keating gave a the bloc, the most powerful rebel body ago and which later was put on the there were plenty of laws being The affirmative side won. war -In the outdoor boar-pit, where | Joseph Simmons is present Im- organized labor for broken by Klan opponents without , . . short talk on the subject "Our Ifn- In the Senate. t --------- 'unfair list by severnl thousand nondescript unite- 1 .. _ . „ * . | perial Wisard la absurd. The records — 0 tionBi Tniuty, is making desperate the Klan bresking others by framing Former President Woodrow W ll-j Note.—In foregoing dispatch, do uot .“ labor-skinning.' slrables, Including on» "Colonel'' ; of the Klonvokatlon clearly show that T h » program closed with « drill ths$ «on teaction iu urging the «»le c tio » ot confuse tho George Washington Uni- effort» to regain some of its lost trade somebody E n Wood, anarchist, » f Fortland. _ _ | Colonel Simmons resigned the office It was intimated that if had gnthered fe# ths p o r»««* » I oh m * W t on to parted term by O a « * flmtem Thompson has set made «1 rerstty with th » Georgetown Culver- by puttin* demonstrations 1» every ast n* s of Imperial Wizard and that at bis gwed fmpreston hem «8 It (8 held the sty. T h » former 1» ftpported largely show window to attract the crowds. gav« more ttma to coustrucGveieri.i». iUMMU0B , w## mwnlmo„ , y ntrncttng th* wgy. Hsinah and flhta b* r* •* eFddcfl U »a y eemnrtt want» tb see perfect natter ts on» for. the decision of t h » ! by Masons aad tha latter id strictly The crowd« gather but do a «t buy. tlon tha» to trying to tear down some- u Wg pUc<> Sadler, th» notartene snsrahtst, ot*- At ,h# Mg r„ , enitlOB cupled the same platform and K s to ite »m «brie, the write? llnghWV thsteColorado gomroor, rather th*n fdr ht- a Catholic college operated hy the,Most of th# crowd Is outside of the thing he might h* able to keep mu of . . . ''„Tnrhed" liv llie police. ybn vWTI Thh TVTe's ] tfWukl dfriklTtei ot kkY skrt. Jesuit SfteiSly.—'Bdltor. ■ , building- trouble (Continued on Page 7.) MUSI BE DECIDED AI A CONVENTION IMPERIAI WIZARD ACTIH6 IN CHATTANOOGA’S MUNICIPAL B A M j POWER OF RING IS BROKEN TO GIVE AWAY A REG CAR EVANS STOPS HUGE GRAFT J JOYOUS K! PLAY) It TICKET A RARE TREAT = s u rr PINCH DAUGHTER Of GREAT AUTHOR Fiery — or r Pi J THE DALLES ‘LOTIE’ TEAM-WORK PERFECT DEATH KNELL IS 1 / y u/iyn nrniT I1 HEARD IN TEXAS |\. |\. ff | | U t B A I t IN G. W. UNIVERSITY m^VMAU/W IM c r i m e “l,ht thM W°UW haT* W" a Cr