THE ■B In Your Hour of Nood TO BE ORGANIZED IF PLANS ARE OK PI m m T aker I t U Snook St Whesldon I'narral Directors w h o«» pressures la »e v e r M l. but who quietly, «Ml- rl»n lly attend» to all detail» Grand Dragon Fred L. Gif* ford Propoaea Great Order for Young American*. 12 (m il Caab OD Dellvary E. D. Bowe Em pir» OtU (Inara — Now« — P I*»« — Ca*«lj "Rmallaat Clear Store la Town" DEW EY RAND N Broadway at Oak Doa'l loop That Cell DR. V E H R . Waah. Near Mh M l Buchanan *10«. Beit Quality and a «guara daal (or all al tho Tremont Bakery t*SS Sereaty.aeeesd Ut H. R. Portland. Orafo* B U IL D IN G CONTRACTOR I f You Are Going to Build or make alteration» at your rool- denco or bualnaaa place, 1 would ba plod to help design your work. H yeara In Portland. W . N. Eisminger m E, tolh S.___________ Taker »0 1 Je L. SCHAFER GROCERIES M V. Lombard I t Sapir* N H »« Sporting Oooda Sell wood Jewelry 1 H. Mawray. P i t a T ry wo far workmanship and aarvlca. 11 lab grade W elch e» Kapert Watch. • Ck>ck and Jewelry Repairing 1MI *a at m e a t _________ 9 ™. X C. THOSE*** C. TB0BK1B1I C. & Thoresen t. cioman R m UI i m i Ph*m+, E m I OSCAR J . CLOSSET & CO. Kjenerai «runsronce M a a ^ e a w je m jim I'alted Mates and Hartford lataraace Western American hfMial. WASHINGTON, D C. April 1*.— Na­ U v i i Buildlof tional Catholic W olfs* Council head­ at the Bungalow M arket The Particular M arket for Particular People 1* Tambili rahUc Barket 5. L Center Sees ad ami TaaUfU, T aakfll Street S U * Portland, Oregon TBOBESBH C. TH0BE8E5 C. THORESEN & Broadway 4010 PO R TLAN D . OREGON quarters official» bet are jubilant over tbe unfortusst* controversy In Atlanta between Colas«! Simmons and We w n i Te* “The only difference between good work and bod Dr. Evans. Ona prieM has openly pre­ ia a few dollart and a bunch of regreta.” dicted that this Is “Ba beginning of . » the end“ of the Biss end that at tha Prad L. Olfford, Grand lira«on of proper time the C*MM| will strike the tba Klnn In (he Realm of Orekon. ha* final blow th*t wnl (at the Klan en­ OREGON'* YOUNGEST GRAND parfarlad the preliminary plana for tirely out of buafBCM. . MOTHER. Another priest SeMarcd In "a lha orfnnliaiion of e *r«at Klao Yamhill at Tenth Street Guaranteed Plumbing and Heating Mr». Maybelle Jells, Mother Coun- vernation with a fribid, which Aualllery for Protaatanl boya. I I to Opposti« Public Library aelor of the L. O. T. I. E., at Imperial TELEPHONE 663 SEASIDE, ORE. 1» year* old and wttt lay tho pmpoaal Headquarters. Portland, la said to be to your correspondent, that the Catho- bafor^ the Klonclllum of the Order, ■u the youngest grandmother In the Ore-, |)e# had mors ta da with brin*ln* rcimpoa. t of tha Imperial officer» and- run country, she la—well, not more about this breech at Atlanta then the Grand Drafona. In Atlanta (ha laal than o>3 summers old, and look« 25 average person would imagine. The waak In May. . „ Bhe la an executlva, however, and. prleet did net *e inte detalle, but hie Trude at the Major L I. Powell. Kin* Klaafl* of beat of all, abe la tbe mother of a quiet aeaumfee led to tha belief that (be Realm« of Waihlngton and Idaho. leniti on girl who married a youtb. and eleven 1 probeblyYhe\ne Italan hand of the Kxaltad Cyclop» Johnaon of Portland months later they presented her with ' pope really Is In the sieaa. KUn No. 1. and other high ranklug a moat charming grandaon. Mr* . Promlssnt Klanama* here are warn officer» of lha Urder In the Northwest,1 Jet to I* beloved by boat* of friends ( (0g Klanamen that s en a to r bow they have (Ivan antbualaallc. approval to among tbe fraternity women of Port-(fM)1 peraosslly la ra*trd to the row. tba baalc Idea and abortly will confer land. Sbe la a little lady of distinctive qo matter on which side they may with Grand Dragon Olfford regarding personality, and the youngest looking |(c, for only In thM way, they cay, In Portland alone, under Mr. Olf- Mra. Jette has pledged herself, i -can we maintain tha rigid organlaa- and ford'« laadariblp. a membership of through . her organlxatlon, to ralae tlon we have.“ many (bouaanda quickly can bo en­ Courteous Service *6000 of the *85.000 needed fop, th e , No Klanamen have left here for rolled. and the boy* »odn would be W. C T. U. home tor children now Atlanta to aaalat In thr fight. It being an auilllary of enormous Importance In being built at Corvallla. Ore. , felt that the fewer hand» In the pie to tba general Klan movement. One hundred and forty women be-, the less bitter will h * the regret* when "Our boya need the training, dla- longing to thta organlaatlon are doing u over. M It la asrneatly hoped Central Parile Harkst rlptlne and. experience which can be Fourth at Yamhill S tru t New Home: 17th and Sandy Boulevard fine work, under Mrs Jette’a direct tt will be when the judge jnakea hia Phase Atwater M M provided for them In auch an auxil­ «uperrlalon. and all report good ruling In the caae. iary," «aid Mr. Olfford. "It would re results. ! -------------- - ault Boon In that greatest of all ob-_ Jecta — Reltar Boya — the maatera of our poalerlty. It would Inculcate In them.“ aaya Mr. Cameron. "N eith er, them an Intense patriotism, true love doe» it mean that those who do wear , or country, rerarence for good men and them are Klanamen; many women are j baring them, some tbe ear-rings and women, respect for age and experi­ others tho ring«, while the men are , M A B I T O «P C C 1 A L O I ence. the Imperative necessity of truth­ fulness, promptness, dependability and wearing the watch ebarma, stlck-plns 247 Aider High Class Repairing L IT T L E ROCK, Ark.. April 11 — all the maaly vlrtuoa. It would taacb and buttons." he says. Between Second and Third For your belt tronhlaa consult aa "I have received orders from prao- Little Rock Klan No. 1 will hold a them to respect the Bible and the tlcally every State In the Onion and. ot|tdoor MtureUutlon. begin Jobbers in all classes o i fabric b*IU Tha Origtawl Waffle Fteg, to understand tba Constitution, m tbs afternoon oi to obey the laws— to be good men and If the demand keeps up I will have I nlnf Hens* in Pertlaad ; pr^Sy. April IT. Br. H. W. Evans, the PEERLESS B E L T R E P A IR F A C T O R Y aelf-ancriflclng patriots. In auch a all I can do fUltng the er<,en." two. W Z L S H H O N *. P n * t U TRABS IH BUSINESS They can be worn openly or pinned Im [wrlu w t a n r d ^ K. Ramsey. 1m work, with an auxiliary embodying the a* First at A- L - ii«* . . Partland. C upon the clqthes out o f atght. and Kllgrapp. W other national IdeaU of tba Klan and a Ritual df Un­ : ip* aker, «111 be present and make matched beauty, simplicity and Im­ abown when nece.sary Price., by mall are as follow. spwohe. Many thing, o f In ter*« pressiveness, every boy In (be country Wood law* 4408 and every man of good character Rtpg». .olid .liver. *3 50; ear-ring». 83; , w1„ ^ r ------ r , nd . .torehouae of would rejoice to give hearty co-opera­ lavalllere. |2; coat lapel buttons lBform, tloB thBt * »o vital to the wel 11.50; stick pins. $1.15. Guaranteed fare of this ceuglry will be dissem­ tion.“ solid silver. inated. 1 On this occasion barbecued ft la understood the proposal pro Address all communications to j raetu wU, ^ I “ " that every American boy be­ u k e >lBce at or about , tween a g e s 'll and 18. who believes In Prank * Cameron. 408 Pl.tock Block, i Vh(ch true Americanism at Klanamen define Portland Oregon, enclosing money , o ck)ck ^ th# Ätwaoon. order and your emblem will go for-t Prominent Klapanun will attend It. shall be eligible, and that on reach­ ward as early as possible. ing the age of 18 (he junior will be I from all over the Kate and the Called Authorized Ford add graduated Into the great Klan Itself, Statee. .' * M A IN E P A T R IO T S - with honors according to hta Junior Ford son Deader HEAR THE TRUTH record. The name proposed la Tha Junior Knights of tha tnvlslbla Em­ Expert Ford Reparing Western American Special. pire. LEWISTON. ME.. April 11.—In an It la proposed that eminent Klana- .Where Alberts Crass as Unlen men shall aupervlao the work of the hour and a half address on Klankcraft. ■ Junior Grand Lodge, but that all offl- Professor F. B. Farnsworth, of Port-, W O O D S ’ IN D IA N V IL L A G E 441 Waahln*tOM Street Portland, Ora. ears of the Order, from First Presi­ land, made serious charges against the Psnateton Indian Blankets • Bath Robes • M yrtle W ee* dent dpwn. shall be boya. nominated Irish Roman Catholics in particular. Souvenir, at Oregon and elected by referendum vote of the and the entire Roman Catholic church Special 8*1* A la Week Only ea membership. All of the beat feature» In general and also what he termed GERUHTE NAVAJO BUGS of tbe Oeorge Republic, the Order of the "papal press." He charged that The Associated Do Molay and other boya* fraternities Pretending Now That “Sir” j are said to be embodied. In the prelim­ Press la controlled by the- Catholics ; and that all tbe news carried by this i Joe Meant Only 'Tussive inary plana drawn up by Mr. Olfford. i It Is believed (he Klan Klonclllum will organisation la censored with the Fer Pnlattag, Tlatiag aad Papa* Resistance“ to Lew. approve o f the proposal wtth en­ Roman viewpoint in mind. 148 Second Street Palmi - Hardware - Wall Papar - Balldi thusiasm. Betwcea Harrises sad Alder C H A S. W A R D E db SO N 5702 92nd SL Archbiihop Christie'* mendacious Lha ruing of tha Grand Dragon's Open Until Midnight Idea. The Weitern American manage­ organ. The Catholic Sentlael. declare» Every Day in the Year ment Immediately gave enthusiastic in a leading editorial that “ Sir” Joe Groceries, Fruit. Vegetables, approval and offered to make the Scott only advocated "passive reals Dairy and Bakery Goods, R. F. DETER. Proprietor paper the national official journal of lance" against the Oregon public sad Cured Heats. the Junior Knights. If this la done. school law. In hla anarchistic utter­ 8TBEB BEEP SHOP Freeh and Cured M iete o f Q u a lity, The Weatern American will be en­ ances at Portland on Washington's Main tOM Bast *4*4 larged In also and Its circulation will Western American Special. Birthday. Orend Avenue Union Transfer Co. be increased enormously with the There I* no use lying about tt. after W A L L A W ALLA. Wash.. April 8.— OUrer Had. Prog. growth of the Junior Order. All de­ Dr. A. McKendrle Meldrum. A. M , D. Scott hlmteir. In hla letter In this Beggege, Plane an* Furnitur» Moving TOBACCO C A M B tg* CIOAR8 and Starmge pends, o f course, upon the action of D., of the faculty o f Spokane Uni­ Issue, reiterates what he said. In sub­ A WHITE BA1P8 PLACE Special T rip » M ad» A n yw h »r» the Klonclllum In May. versity. delivered a series of three stance— that the Romans Intend to rr*H F ir»» * t r » » t Portland. Or». lectures, March 88, 88 and SO, at the use force majeure. Ia hie speech he Keylor Grand Theatre here under the declared, amid great Roman applause, V o. CONRAD Rea. Phon » W a l MT* Ladles’ and dent's auspices of the Ku Kluz Klan. The that the people of Oregon could not H Sixth Street Hear Stark build Jails "large enough and OFTEN theatre, which has a seating capacity of 1200. was tilled on each occasion. enough" to hold the Papal rebela. By Hlaeral aad Sartaeed Shingles aad Rail Rue dag Although not a Klansman, Dr. Mel­ "often enough" he evidently meant A il K ind« of Roof Repairing drum haa a wide knowledge of the that the K. C 'a lor whom he spoke Secead aad Aakeay Roof Reohlngltng principles and ideala for which the or­ would destroy the prisons faster than Reliable Auto Repatrio* MS Third Street Phono Main ten | Battery and Electrical W or they could be built. ganlxatlon stands, and few speaker* Storage. Washing and Accaasorias Cameron Swamped W ith are able to hold the attention and In­ What else could he have meant? It Essie H. Nota , Fr»d»rtrh T. Nota QEO. LOCKM O VBN, Shep Fa N . A . N E L S O N , Manager Order* for Silver Inugnia terest of their audience as did the was a threat of such abominable na­ Drs. F. T. A E. H. Not* lecturer. He choee a* hla subject, ture that If uttered by a “ wobbly" of D INNER BREAKFAST LU N CH BO N o f Great Fraternity. Chlrefrarite aad Elerire Therapy "The Klan and the Flag,” “ America lesser degree It would have brought ST. N IC H O L A S C A F E T E R IA for Americans," and "Protestantism a penalty of several years la the pen­ Phones: Office»: Open Evening» Broadway U M FYank W. Cameron reports there la Triumphant." Many who heard the itentiary under the state's syndicalism MI-616 tvrkum Bldg. W e Have Reduced Our Prteee, Not the Quality Empir» OUST l « t N. Jersey or conspiracy laws. such a great demand for the «olid sil­ latter address said It was one of the Empir» UT1 W e Appreciate Tour P atron a *» Raa TU S. Jereev Albert K. Co# ver stick pins, buttons, ear-rings and moat powerful sermons ever preached What Is the K. C. program of rebel­ Phon » Broadway TX1# Joel H. CM rings of the Little Silver Klansman, In in Walla Walla. lion but a conspiracy against the ELECTRIC FACÍ TED full regalia, that he Is far behind on | Dr. Meldrum dealt at length with peace and dignity of tbe State of Ore­ orders, and says If the demand keeps conditions In Europe, gave much his­ gon? Isn't It Indictable under several IFAHIOL * FBTBB8KH TED R. M O YE R M c K a y ’ s p l a c e up he will be compelled to put on torical data on the various religious laws, and oannot some of these self- CIGAE8 AKD TOBACCO Ha«** Pala Hag Pager Haaglag Bal «aman for extra help. creeds, and told, of the difficulties ex­ declared outlaws be sent to the pen­ Steam Ceoked Het Laaebea AH Basra "This la not an official emblem, but perienced In separating tha church itentiary? DUBAKT AXD ETA SCABS no ona not (rlandly to tha Kntghta o f . from the « a t e In varfsna European What are prison* tor? Are the P«*>- •tall 4, LMarry jtfgria* wm «M Vim- bill atrwas East 57W Be».: Walnat 75» tbe Ku Kluz Klan would dare to wear countries. pie of Oregon auch spineless jfuppets. Plena to Be Laid Before Su­ preme Officer* of the K U n in May. IN SID E B L O C K W O O D Ila » AU lh « M Equipment Hatha U »h t and K la n tfellr M a n a t» FINE ITAUM N i l OF POPE ill FIGHT B E lf f ljn m M “ A s a p a ja f HU6E MEMBERSHIP CERTAIN 114 North Seventh I t •aaalda, Oregon Artlaaaa BMr* and lickspittles, as ta i f . TOO!EAR* take auch as Insalt without blinking? “ la Ufa a* dear or peso* to awe»« i as te be purehaee* at the price of chains and aiavary? Forbid It, Al­ mighty God! We knew net what course ethers may taka, but ae for the Klanemen, give ue Liberty and Justice and Equality, or fiv e ue death 1“ _______________________________ Priest Let* Cat Out of Bag. Stand by tb* Imperial Wizaid. R IA L ESTATE— INSURANCE Ivanhoa Hi I p i l I P IT A l l III 1 1 1 t in »uch spa Dials * oscar FR ED ER IC K W . O T T O JOII n W E S T ER M A M E R I C A N o rfic a ’ Main I f * ------R e a l Tabor 1UT T h os. A. M cK ay Padfk-Bay City Market BARKER and LUXURY BREAD BARKER BREAD CO. EX The Gem Waffle House ARKANSAS EVENT Leather Belts May M otor Company Dr. O. O. Fletcher A tap tir (b iro podi at •ulta I l f Marean Bwnein* Cor. Waahlnfton and Broadway Portland. Orasen Oraduata Lady Aaalatant WANTED District Agent* n ifh Commlaalon Contract for Citlea of Eaeaaa Harahflald M m Hadferd Baker Aateria Writ* or W ir* '*r W. E. HIBBARD CAPITOL U P S INS. CO. TUford Bulldlaf, Portland Daway U Brtatow Complimenta of The Portland M ortuary Funeral Director* Waal Rida Borri tea at Twalftk Broadway MW I SI S rhe Horn* Theatre of 8 ellwe*d First Cl*s* Entertain­ ment A ll the Time C. B. NICHOLSON. Mgr. 1*11 East Thirteenth S t TH E BEAVER PH ARM ACY P. Livingston, Prop. NOTED EDUCATOR * FIGHTS FOR KLAN Call SUnset 4027 NEW LIBERTY MARKET American Shoe Shining Parlor LITTLE KLANSMAN IN GREAT DEMAND IDEAL ROOFING CO MULTNOMAH HOTEL GARAGE SIGNS « 1 ! i I P e ril** 1 , ffr*. Grocery l VtadUTI* A t * TERMINAL 1 Phone SaUwccd U M TO LIE OUT Of I SCOn’SDERANCE