- - fe w * !« I if Y o u A r e a R e a l A m e ric a n Y o u A r e N e e d e d In the Kla': ‘’3 K ; i e ri crux The Official ra p a r of Ike Invlnlble l l a f b i , kahrNK of Ike k a K h n Elan, la Ike R e a la of Oregon. TI n > OIÍUUI l*H|irr oí Th* K ajal Riders of thd Red Kob», Im prrlal h ead q n u rlrr. &M Honran H ulldli*. I'nrlltH iil, Oregon. YE S H A L L KNOW Voi. I, No.36 PUBLISHED WEEKLY THE TK U T H ^A IT O T lS t W u TM S H A L L M A K E YOU F H C e ' SDAY, APRIL 12 , 1923 PORTLAND, OREGON, ANYWHERE IN U. S. PRICE Sc PRIEST BOOTLEGGER IS CAUGHT BUY TICKET QUICKLY TO BIG ASTORIA BAU ‘Reo, the Incomparable Six," Fully Equipped, Value $1895, Western American Prise Won by Sheriff Sluaher, To Be Given Away by Him bn Thu Joyous Occasion G R A N D DANCE FOR A L L KLANSMEN Pacific Klan No. 2 Preparing Social Celebration To Mark Rise From Ruins of Great Fire of December , 8 -r-Every Klan Is Expected To Help Good C a u se _- ANGELS OF MERCY BLESSING THE KLAN W M U r n A i M h w n Special. MIDDLETOWN,. N. T.. A pril. It.— j Bartow Seymour. caohior of tka Weal- ( ch arier County National bank, o f| Peeksklll, baa confirm**! a re p o rt that tka Ku K lui Klan of Pevfcritlll haa S ire n I10W to tka fund to build a now memorial bulldlnf at tka Pevkiktll hospital Mr. Saymour. fund iraaaurar. re-i catrad 1100 in sold nod n lettar which said: - ■ We know of no Institution, except tka C hristian • church, which raflacta C hrist's spirit mora than a hospital. W ithin Its walls ara Indeed s o gel« of mercy." BOSTON TEA PARTY ■ - ALSO WORE MASKS PRIESTLY M O M M l AFTER LORE CHASE i . I •‘Reverend Father” Must Stand Trial for Forging Name of, “SUter” WHOLESALE HOME DEALER Mother S » „ X WU1 Have To Explafak About K g ions Liquor Ti GATENS l o y a l t o o l l y i 4 at OF ROMAN P O N T I F F i l i L A W W. N. listens. a has-been Judge In Portland and once quite wc!! known Ik' ward politics, recently preaided nt a meeting or "Shinn P elnars" and a delegation of m oney-snakers from "Ould E rin" In H ibernia hall. Port ! land, a t which the poor dupes gave I up 1*00 In cash ’’for the relief of the poor Irish prisoners nnd th eir depen­ dents W hat's the m a tte r with Secre­ tary Of S tate H ughes th a t he perm its these, irouble-m akers and nervy g ra i­ nier* to e n te r this country! They are th e re to capitalize prejudice and to • tlr up unwelcome anim osity between the United States and Q reat B ritain. Out with them, bag and baggage! And rem em ber O ateaa I GREAT LECTURES ON MAY 2 AND 3 P U I E r C L tllL r O D A T T I E B A I I L L OVER WOMEN’S PLANS Deposed Imperial Organizer, E. Y. Clarke, Causes Rum­ pus in Atlanta by Persuading Emperor Emeritus to Launch Prematurely Order of Protestant Women as Auxiliary of Invisible Empire HARMONY IS ASSURED AT KL0NV0CATI0N Meanwhile Every Klatitman Will Stand by Imperial Wiz* ard Evans in Proper Exercise of his Executive Duties and Rights, as Agreed in Last Meeting of Supreme Officers So many inquiries are coming in from all directions content­ We c ss g h t him! , p V E R Y KLANSMAN and every K lana man’s friend In the ing the Atlanta controversy over the women’s organization , that Score sg siu for Ike KlsuV incom ­ Pacific Northwest is curl tally and earnestly invited to at* parable intelligence smetca • . j* the Editor decided it was necessary, in the absence of the tend n grand ball to be given in Astoria, under auspices of the Klanamen Willing to Un* Two wanks ago g s j s t d the su iter- F o r the fasts, am i Friends ! Dragon, to assume responsibility for ¡ famous Pacific Kla» No. 2 , on a date to be announced in a t< fla>iL iVSparatffinf ‘ire SeWl*" made, under the direction fo priest, -fuglftve fn M Ju stic e , w hs beyond remarking that the question should hart been la asesaad of faming th e sam e of Exalted Cyclops Arch McLoafi. for thousands of visitors und for •Stater" G erm aine, "m oütpr superiod Within the Klan without court action'and that harmony soon . W estern American Special. social entertainment upon an unexampled scale. .1 By Order and arrangom ent of the J —t j IÍATO.V ROUGE. I.A April I t .— of th* Hont« for the Aged a t D earer, K nlghts of th s Ku KJ uz Klan, the Rav. Would be restored. Tickets for the great social celebration, which marks the Vigorously assertin g that "th e Ku to a ll kinds of borne perm its. Ha’s caught! Ho has b«eu In close hiding, rapid rise of the Astoria Klan and of the city from the ruins of Kiux Klan la willing to remov« ita , and waa captured Monday a a d aS- Jam es R. Jahnaen. Exaltad CycJopn of T THE LAST KLONVOCATION of the Ku Kiux Klan Dr. Pu tla a d Klan No. 1, will delivef n mask, and will do It provided th e gov­ th r conflagration of December 8 lost, are now on sole in Astoria ern o r of th e sta te will a sk th e Klan to ralgned b efo r. United S tates Comnde-, e 2 ,n ^ H. W. Evans of Texas, on eminently able business and pro­ and Portland, at 50 cents each, and one of these fortunate ticket Pi.BASK tak e It o t t b u t th a t tt isi -toner Foote of Dearer. H e entered) fessional man, was duly elected to the exalted office of Imperial a technical plan ot "so t goilty " an d , ^ I t o r l u m . Portland, ex- buyers is going to bo awarded, as a gracious gift, the ‘In c o ill- nf>t *oln* to !*t th e governor snatch 1 gave bond for <300. H a w ill be clunlvsly to K lanamen and th e ir In- Wizard. Colonel Simmons, who “touched the „ corpse of the it off." Judge W. C. B arn ette a t a ' parable Reo Six automobile, grand prize in The Western Araer- ra+eune h ere addressed sees support pros routed to the limit of th e law, ua- vited friends on K lankraft and "T he Klan of the Sixties and it sprang into life." was elected to the leei all signs fall. The D enver K lana­ Roman Catholic C hurch in Politics,” emeritus office of Emperor. The duties and powers of each were ican's recent subscription contest, which was won by Sheriff er» of th e organisation men are on th e Job. and on the evening following. May 3. specifically defined. The Emperor legally has nothing to do Harley J. Slusher of Clatsop County, and which was presentad j Grace waa pastor of th e Shrine Of the Exalted Cyclops will deliver his with the administrative affairs of the Order. SL Anne a t Arvada. Colo. He adm itted by him to Pacific Klan No. 2, to be used for any purpose design- "The K lan la a spiritual orgsaiaa- The recent friendly contention regarding the organization having taken a awiag around the cir­ famous lecture. "T he Seven Funda­ cd for t h e good of the whole community. This was hid only stip- llon.of Protestant« w ith as much right cle while the aleatha w ere on hie m entals of Our N ational Life,” to th e of a woman’s auxiliary upon national lines apparently was due - to o rfi& ift aa th e K nights of Co* ulatjon. The method of awarding this magnificent gift will be I .-p*.— w, ^ T0 Ilo.auarr*j t0 „a,e traU. and while the a le e p le u "eyes general public, free an d apen to all. to the machinations of E. Y. Clarke, who was deposed by Dr. determined by judges appointed by the committee on the night *t«h them, and we win a sk them not and ears" of the Uw-amforclug Klao Archbishop C hristie, "S ir" Joe Scott Evans as Imperial Organizer. Mr. Clarke apparently is trying w are on the lookoat for h im every­ of the grand ball. A record is being kept of the name and ud- J ¿ ¡ “ ¡ where. Hla peregrinations included and all other C athollca and K nights again to invade the organizing field, with the mistaken assist­ W dress of every ticket buyer nnd each ticket is numbered for m the tsce of public opinion, it tt is ashington, where ha probably told of Columbus are eapeclally Invited and ance of Colonel Simmons, and to launch prematurely a woman’s hla troubles to the Pope’s chiat ot are assured of a courteous welcome. organization, after the supreme authority of the Klonvocation had record purposes, so that the one who receives the car need not BOod* th* *0TW,wr *n<1 hU mUitl* staff, thence to PhtUdelpktm. B alti­ Ladies are also Invited to th e May 3 stated specifically that this question was to be deferred until , cannot put It out of business necessarily attend the ball, but everyone who can possibly do s o , "Thoo« opposed to us say th a t w« more, H arrisburg, Fa., and other lecture. May 23, when it will be decided, constitutionally and harmoni­ is urged to be there, assured of a joyous time. a re a m asked organisation. 3o waa places. Ha knew be w as su re to he Mr. Johnson, who la a noted orator ously, at a session of the Grand Dragons and Imperial officers. caught and came hack to D enver fo and social w orker, w aa com m andeered Owing to the continual unfavorable publicity which the or­ The iveo is fully equipped, brand new, and valued at f 1895. j t|on to u th# ^ w wimn< face the music. for th is volunteer service by authority ganization received through its connection with E. Y. Clarke, Many barrels of whlakey a re sold It is a beautiful and luxurious automobile, good enough for any to tuimaak. bnt we don’t w ant the governor to s e a l ok It ott. If th e gov- to .be Involved In the forgeries gad of the Klan, and all arran g em ents a r t and due to the immense saving of the Order as a whole in being American king or multimillionaire. ern o r saya PLEASE we'll tak e It oft. the "m other superior" ts going to being made officially. able to supply lecturers and other services for the various States, Roy Larsen of Portland; who is a good hand at auch work, Ha (sy s hs'U Tear It o t r and we Jnat hove to do som e teU explaining as (0 All new spaper men and opponants of Imperial Wizard Evans deemed it advisable to sever Mr. Clarke’s why she requires so toaoh boocr has volunteered ,ns a courtesy, to handle the distribution of the won’t let hlm ." the Klan a ra cordially Invited to a t­ connection with the Ku Kiux Klan. tend the lecture of May 3, and a spe- The SEARCHLIGHT, a popular weekly which has a larjre tickets to the ball everywhere outside of Astoria. He is now FA M O U S NEWSPAPER GREAT ORDER WILL elal Invitation to thom fo r the exolu- circulation among the Klansmen, naturally is supporting the supplying the Portland Klansmen and their friends from his of* I FINE NEW HOME *Jve lecture lecture of of May N ay * 2 may may be b« obtained obtained . ciarke-SimmoRs attempt to launch a woman’s organization re- STAND BTTTHE KLAN •ive by pereonal application to the eecre- fice, 453 Pittock Block, Telephone 4371. Mr. Larsen will sup-, . - . W aatnrn American Special. tary 463 P ittock Bloch. ! gerdless of Kian law, because The SEARCHLIGHT is controlled ply tickets to all the Klans of the Northwest. B r e r y f a i t h x u l i W a s h i n g t o n , d . c .. April u . - W estern American Spec lei. Klanamen outatde ef Portland are ’ by Messrs. Simmons and Clarke, T he Fellowship Forum , national Ma- Klansman is expected to dispose of a book of 20 tickets. The enemies of the Klan are rejoicing, of course, over what SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. April U ,— urged to hear theae two lectures. If foule new spaper published here, has The proceeds from the sole of tickets will go exclusively to n o te d Ita homo from <16 Twelfth Has knell council ef th e Junior Order peeaibte. It will be • treat una*. ^ „ ,3 to be a serious quarrd between high chieftains of the or- the exchequer of Pacific Klan No. 2. for use in paying indebted* •tre a t northw est io 319 Q stre e t n o rth -1 o t United Amaci osa M echanics Ras unpl*4e *nb' : ganization, but their gloating will be of short duration. Brothers resolutions «—cur in g th s prin­ a m —a eomraodtous b u n d ts f m w h ic h ' adopted ^ * * tt*^_______________ often quarrel, and sometimes -»van fight. There’s an old saying ness and in restoring lost regalia. ciple« of th e Ku Kiux K lan aad eag- The Forum will establish s g re a t print- iof the b>’ 8 tander, observing brothers in a scrimmage: “ Fight, All Klansqien in Oregon, Washington and Idaho are earn* tag eetabUshment. W hen alteratio n s porting Kleagle W. M. C w r ta e r in Ife j OFFICE OF “ LOTIE” fight for b etter loctl governm ent 4Q7 PITTOCK BLOCK y°u re no kin!” But it doesn’t apply to the Klansmen. They are 'n n t fne o xIf are m ade In the new place, a hom e estly requested to lend a hand in this good cause, _____ , ¡a fighting group, all right, and it is a militant organization, but ’ i warming will be held to which aU but for others,” thus quickly to restore the power for usefulnaw j * 1 ^ , 1 , „ f 'th e famous new spaper win Mre. Maybeiia Jette, Mother Coun- they fight it out and then make Up, more devoted brothers and YOU WANT TO KNOW eelor of the Ladlee of the Invisible footer friends than ever. of the Astoria Klan, which won fame for its undying loyalty and *»•* invtted DRUNKEN SENATOR? Empire, It is common down South for kinsmen to fight, on more or unexampled efficiency throughout the year 1922. NO CATHOLIC EVER gaily trenoaction of official businoo*. ,esa regular occasions. After the battle, however,, comes the re- Do you romomber aome dim The Seattle Klan are expected to send a heavy delegation} TO BE PRESIDENT petehoo aloe# toward th e rocont Teiophono Broadway 1S73. union and the lovefeast, and alL join hands and sing the old likewise those of Idaho. It goes without saying that Oregon elooe of Congroa• about a Sena­ ------------------------- i vernacular ballad: W sstern American Special. tor who trlod to anowor roll-aril will be there in force. MYSTERIOUS FIRE “ Ef vo’ an’ yo’ folks love we an’ us folks PORTLAND, ME.. April 11.—"Ydu[ w hile to drunk he couldn't hardly DESTROYS CHURCH Like we an* us folks love yo‘ an’ yo’ folks, The grand ball will probably be given in the vast Pier No. 2, • r s s e r e s going to see a Catholic stan d upf W e knena th e nam e ef president o f th e United S tates," d e -1 the statesm an, end If wa decide ------ - - I There never was folks loved folks like we folks do.” which enn accommodate thousands, or in one of the other avail­ d a re d P rofessor F. E. F arnsw orth s t b la t o n Kolty Meosorisi MwtHodiat. T h a t> 8 ^ j t w U j b e in t h i s CJU,e x h e Klansmen may to publloh tho foots it w ill m ska able buildings. It will be a memorable occasion in the Klan a m eeting of more th an 4000 men und Episcopal C hurch w as burned by aa „ „ . n th s people’s heir atand an end Incendiary last Sunday night. T h r f,*ht occasionally among themselves, forgetting momentarily history of this section and one of the notable social events of women la th e city hall conducted lika th s quilla on th« ta c k of tha (Ire w as stsrted. efier the, ev en in g 1 their duty of devotion, but when the bugle blows and the muster- under th e uusplces o( the Ku Kiux fretful porcupine. This Ram Id tTe" year. ' \ ^ ' service, ia % section ot th* edifice drum beats they will rally in solid ranks oehind Old Glory and Klan. Previous to th is declaration, fa r tha fold « « a tta r's benefit. Don't delay until the tickets are exhausted. A large number tire speaker had referred to th s effort« where tbtre hi« tee# »0 Ore for more tjj^ ¡pjery c ross. * * ' ' - x Ha will bo good to w hit« folk« e Roman C atholic peU ttetani ot from now an, or uw w ill aond biart will be sold, but thereto a limit. There ift no limit to the gener­ o N t W th York TI*® Kla“ »» ha Unbeatable, unbreakable and mighty Order, to m ake G overnor At Sm ith •n ■ vuyngo up Ran crew «A l l a i hiadtni U ^ TnrTdierird and ita members are closer to each other than those of any other ous spirit of klawiishnr*» ihaTjffuTnrwD w'hTt’H will wslcr fhTh th e Duomrtutrt? prwrtdmUn'l rsn flflw e hint td tho wldd—* m th> rfr* ' fraternity in the history of the wovld. In 197«. effort a distinct success. A A. 4