The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, March 29, 1923, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    Thursday, Mardi 26, IU I
A $ 3 . 5 2 I n v it a t io n
Kara li la. Phans your ordor
and wo will raaarro for you an
imitation laathar. mahogany flu-
lab. atandard, rollnbla
Folding Card T «b U
Itogutar train# M M . for only
T l i » » « i l l on »r ta r I# a rt!«# au>»l
April I M mmi . lour ord»r tn Than
l i t t 's
wn.ii ih#y uuww w#‘il aatlfsr yuu
However, Sit GoggU-Eyed
, 8 v/allowing Charlie Cl
Insult* Without Blinking.
A b o m in a i»!
Priest and Woman
and you aan ran. a«t aiuvalntad
and taka tha laMn hum. with you
Tlila la a laat of i-onflJ»ne». Or-
dai oaa If yau need It
By M n . William Lloyd Clark.
A book lo r women only. It 1» a companion book to the Devil’s
Prayer Book for men only. It in a book
compiled by no
American woman fo r wives, mothers and daughters. It should be
kept out o f the hands o f children but placed in flu hands of
ovety adult woman in the nation. Following is a brief synopsis of
the contents: The priest and the confeeaiooal the enemiaa of vir­
tue. Slavery that unfits girls to become mothers Keamfs iailant
murder factories. The birth record of « Roman Convent and
what was done with the infants. Some of the questions asked
little girl* jin the confessional boz *»!"»»» from standard Catholic
works. What would a husband do if be could hear the questions»
e priest puts to his w ife in eoafeseien. What Catholic priests aay
about Protestant women. Women buried alive. Girls' ears cut to
slits in Kentucky convent Home's substitute for- marriage. Priest
fined six cents fo r ruining a woman. Priests skillful judges of
women’s nature.
The consecrated mistresses of the priests.
Passed Creatures a secret society of females to serve prwtsoaly.
l i â t k lllü u r.w a rth Ave.
wi#Wm#M Add., N « « r 0 #r S am »
Wnlast SSS4 .
Tall a* where you row tbta ad.
cala for ao Ians that h m tha ovar-
oharlUble Klaa— an had c o m u > look
upon them as
ImpeUro and utterly
coot.m r.tlbl»
. Head It and weep, ya waak knead
» r on n ata ■ tab» accompanying article
fro#» Walla Walla, whom Klaonlah
haorn war» ao » s«oe*emi» that the
rU* film slay, “ Til* P 11 «rlin ." was
barred by U>* Arcade Theatre
waa ah«wn la Portland, bower»/, at
tha Liberty. Tha Prole at am audience»
Including nuay preacher«. aat op#»
moot bad, swallowing U m atraam ift
alroctoua Inaalta premnled to Uam 'in
plrtur* foroi by (ha
Catholic mevte producer» They feral
lowed It without blinking, and snwchml
their Up* with guato
Y* a oda! It « a » of aach person»
that BhAhaperm wrote, when h» de­
clarad that "they UnltaM humanity
If tha rrotaatant minutar» of Port­
land aa a who»», a» reprraaplad by
thalr Ulnlatarlal Association. have *o
ranpaet for th«-dotb which they wear,
how can thay aspect tha general pub­
lic to rae part th a »? How can anyone
C h at. jft X T.
in s u r a n c e
S p e d a lis i
L ife — Fire — Accident
Health — Automobile
Office i I'hoiir ' MAIn U H
30* Yeon llulldlng
Kewldeneei Phone TAbor S»*0
l i l i K t'aruthar» St
A . L. C A M P B E L L
A IT O T O W m i
talent Oiling and Or»»»lng
«II* Vau WM.
North Third Street
Near Ankeny
Portland, Oregon
Phons Broadway 17*3
Kodak Finishing
Peter Pan Sanfte«
( ’»P fla g and in U igtn g ^
Tha Klke-Katbollc noria producer*
wUI chana* th«tr teatira with refareu' <■
to tha rrotaatant pulpit only when the
Prolcalalit paaarhars as a whole In
dicala that tbay bar* a*if-re»pr-<t
enough to donami a reform
Hr ary Klaa aUil every Protaaunt
pram bar In A n r h t ahouid d**<mn<~
"The lligrlm and .haar Chapita t o '
all hla work» out of tha country. Juat
aa ha ajxi
Fairbasks w«r<
rhoaad out of Mostro hr ttyf oaUaaed
The Ma al dann o r« aw kl us
Ihlr cooniry too hot for the Klke-
KathoUc auturben
Krary Ktan ought to offer a reward
tor th» discovery of any murte phir
which rldl«ul»e lb « Catholic hl.rurcfiy
or the ('«tbaltr “k * » l o r " prtasm. or
Ih* Jew yabbta Th« Klkaa and Calh-
olioa own and eonjrol the entire morle
Industry There l a « notion-wide coal!-
lion between thcln. la everythin* Look
at Chicago, and It* horrible vice can
dll Iona. recantIr aapaacd by tbe pub
llratlon of fact» which »tink rank in
the noatall» of tk* people, fact» that
ought to room th* fighting blood of
ovary American worthy of the name—
th# Koon Kllre KnthoUr Combination:
through which a horde of young while
girl«--all born Protaslasts — are held
in ataaary by nigger “ napas" »mploy.d
by Ih» overruling combination. This
r.f.r.d ee 1» by the way
they preach? Hava thay no aan»* of
duly as cltlaona. aa American*? Thare
aa* a few notaM» eseopltaas «moan
tbam. who net tha pan of real men a«i!
true Americana L it us hopa that In
tha fa lure thay will, na a whola. take
thalr aland aa man and aa Protent^pt
mlalatarn. "without fear and w itW t.
raproach “
Tha Jaw Papal eambtnc
In nil the movie production» tbe
that la Hooding tha land with anti
»mich .and Jewish churches are
Paoiaatani propaganda In movie pic­
ture form would back up mighty qulafc.
and tbe P rotect «ni church end Its
If tha rrotaatant mlslatar». aa a whola,
preacher* In a ronlempluoua and ridl-
Wo aren't defending
' At Walla Walla tha Week Pope bar th fp ; they aren't worth defending
a pair of prteats working In the gulae nor-worthy o f j t , na n whole, but arc
of Protestant mlaletcre
Tbay are ■Imply telling the facta.
It would
q u i t e prominent — dlagudlngty no aeem that the Knlgbta of Columbua
They ara -In favor of anything that and th* Catholic Welfare Council have
I* Roman Catholic. On* of the pair a contract with the movie producers
waa nbaant from th* MlnMertal Union
moating, and tb* V’nl«n. selling Its
opportunity, took a strong stand
■gainst the vicious and ouirogooon
Ws have advice* (h*t tbe day Is
coming soon whan every Protectant
pulpit In Walls W*U* will be occupiad
by n Protest a nt minister
Playing Part of Cawnrd*.
America n Hperial
W ALLA W ALLA. WASH.. March 28-
—‘Tha Pilgrim," by Charlie Chaplin,
will be at th* Arcade thia week. The
“ pranehar" Is the richaot of nil tun
Chaplin in this Him excel* himself
In rieh ridicule, na an escaped convict
In U m pulpit. Thera ara films and
tllma In which program Is shown In
audience Tbay are cowards th*“ development of pulpit ridicule, but
A Sew and Bailor Place to Knt
A I. and C. J. HKIPMOR* Prop*
Ilia lw H n
th* Croas, the «ruciflx. the Vlrgtn
Mary, -th* candle*, «o d all Idols and
other altar equipment, to that we can
agre* that “ The PUgrJm” la too tunny
to be sarreiigious. It twebex ns not
to Ink* the Protostont palpi! to* seri-
Stork Street
4 th »nd *U) * t » )
t icnnllncxx
ThU picture has the moral support
and aawetlon of the press, the pulpit
end public officials and no possible
harm can result from U. I t proves
how craven and aobmlaslve to Inxalt
he clcnry are. There la a real de­
mand tar this picture, and there Is no
opposition which is entitled to notice.
Much m ay be learned by a portrayal
of clown«, closer sod orimlualH In o
«Ingle net.
J-'rulu aud Produce In Seseen
•701 Pouter Hood
T T IIR T U and C. H K ÏM , Mgr*.
Pioneer Fi*h Co.
When In Dosht Whor« to Eat
Union Oyster House
233 Washington Street
K’csr Third
Howard H. Bolding
the first U m . and sent -a delegatisi
to tho wet Mayor and a resolution to
the manager of the Arcade. The of-
feoslvw photaMty w «« cancelled. The
Wc»lrrn American Hpeelal.
Watchmaker nod Jeweler
WaL-b. <'lo« k and J»wvlcry R»*«lrlBW
IthSlavina and
«Kxpert Diamond Hd tn *
Mail order» I ’romptly Attend** to
, *0 * W ta h ta e * * « « a it a i« *
Vantasi at Tenth *tr»»t
upptall* Pubfl«' Library
MAIN 4737
‘ iV
.t M
i p
c }
' ■ \-J v i * ‘.
T n k .r,K
r>" I ■■> 101».
P r ic e 25c o r 5 fo r $1.
T h e ! 'e y il’s P r a y e r B ook fo r m en o n ly 25c
The Ku Klux Klan or the
MRS. FftED ARMBRUSTER, winner of the third
orixe in the WESTERN AM ERICAN contest, a Ford 1923
touring esur, made a spectacular r a c e as an independent
candidate, doing her own soliciting and proving herself
a most remarkable o a leow cm an . She would be worth her
weight in gold to any mercantile establishment. She is an
i.’'lights of ( ,Iambus Klan 10c 16 for fl. To agent* $6 per 100
Fifteen xm U propaganda pamphlets, all different, »1. Red-hot
anti-Catholic poet cards Wc per dozen; 80c per 100; $4 per 1000,
a**orted- Ltttie Bed School Bouse Stickers 60 for 26c or 100 for
8phtt*r, greatest anti-Catholic — thly on the
American continent. 50c per y ear; in ehtbs of four or more, 40c.
Sample copy with assortment o f good reading 10c. All literature
general congratulation*,
111,1 *
J lA IT Ilfr t ir iT llI
r ft I H
U U I I I * L
I f t I III
_ . _ _
I I’ll
»ought to destroy aro pleased and wall
aatiefied with the grand Jury findings.
At no time did they exhibit any lack
rf confidence In the final vindication.
Indeed the evidence produced was
r j E T better service from T O U R C A B by h a r u « ad.
overhauling done NOW.
Wa can giae yon the print k> advance, i f von want i t .
flimsy and prepostero«* that avau
I her. «gainst the Klan did not look n«r
:.ny other result. Only poiiUetane and
in rer Den Scann to Be
Consumir.# Big Quanti­
ties of Booze. ,
The Roman Catholic déniant, how.
come. On the contrary, koen diaap-
poiutaient la fell In Roman Catholic
circles, equaled only by professional
politic* IM. who are uow vaguely begin-
ir.g to apaiulatc upon the {»ossibiUty
that they have been-backing the wrong
horse. This diaupfiointmeat oft th*
K lin prosecutors was voiced by’ Atty.-
Ceneral O h o when he was asked it the
grand jury's action would dispose of
She ease. He replied. In effect, that
the prosecution or ‘'pemecuting" would
Hawthorne Ave. at Grand
rela of whiskey. It Is further charge«!
that be signed ths napne of the mother
superior Co express rocoiptx tor the
whlakey and that ha got ten barrels
from her the same way laat year
The question that arise* hare Is
how the mother superior comes by so
much boon* and what she does with
it. Officials her* say they have no
rarord of*how she could use such a
large amount of liquor personally, or
over feed It out to the rant of the
nuns In her charge. Wherefore an la-
qulry la to he made.
It was asserted In Denver. It Is
understood here, that the priest would
be able to “explain satisfactorily" the
whole transaction, .but officials inti-
mat«; that ths "sallatoctory" end of It
will come in with who does the listen
It also starna that Uie mother su
parlor Is g«»lng to have to do some wild
explaining in order to convince the
prohibition official* that she had a
right to all that boose.
The d a n » H «ur'tloM weapon.
KoMn Red Hrvost -bn. arrived and
ws note his straggle to extricate the
necessary wornt from the' frosty
ground these mornings.. Why not give
itial a little hand out—oome crumbs of
east or something, until he ran talker
bugs tor you.
s ,d ,0 relatc-tnc dog pomm
vice ii rampant In Montgomery county,
.— .-— ------—
wbleh border* on W»shUg*«n. D. C , M ER R O U G E PR A M E
Judge ICdwerd C. Peter df this city
ha» ordered a general clean-up of the
(«'ootlnmxJ fta*4 »'em 1>.
Mootacnn^ry «vwmty long has been * 1'*P'*tobto, Ood-ta»r|*g sad Isw-al
rendetvoun tor ctaadeatine love affnlre ctUiaa* WRh stab.tacts so thi
and gambler» from Waehlngton.
w* " ln,TlUhlr
u,« r‘! shc"
The duUor I» uur beat ncaji'JU.
''"he insignia, signs, grips and pass words of Blessed Creatures.
•’ 1 ■■ ••
for real red-bloorlfd American women who are will-
* l
R O C K V 11, L K. Md. March 2 8 - “ work ,n ievcr* t
nn cltlea
wonder It this mlslfempnnor, too
Hooded on by repeated »tat.menU that bp u w ,o
I’iriiitkirN, Ost. M amt 4th. on Waehlngton
7M t ouch Building
country..that It could not survive the
rttarks which have been made upon tt.
What the taxpayers of Ixmlstana mar
think of \hls statement will probably
be seen at the next election.
in Its January 27 Issue, we railed
attention to the similarity of the Mer
Rouge affair wtth the Morgan episode
of nearly one hundred years ago. when
politicians and the Roman Catholic
church made war upon the Masons. In
the former plot they made much bqj»-er
headway against the Masonic order
end to such an extent that for a time
It seemed as though the church of
Rome would accotrrpllsh Us ambition
nf centuries t»> utterly destroy Free-
naaonry. Rut right, as usual, pre-
«-ailed, and the fraternity ultimately
was able to overcome the designs of
the Roman Catholic chnrch and attain
its mbsmt high stadtng In the estima-
tlon of the people.
The evidence
>liro«ight out pt the Bastrop trial re-
reals to a certainty that the same stn-
Inter Influence la behind the present
*,U 1<"t<*n •U
A S T O R IA . O R E
‘The only difference between good work and "bad
i» o few dollar» and a bunch of regrets,
Guamnteed Plumbing and
'Z * ™ 'SZ
annlxatlcns. tf this last attempt had
been successful and tjle plans of the
prosecution to destroy the Ku Klux
Klan organisation had materialised, it
would not have been long before In­
vldtana Intrigue would hare been
launched against the Masonic end all
,o4h*ir . Protestant fraternal organila-
Suits and Overcoats at Priem $18.50 to $36-00
Our Guarantee: After having worn any o f oar Suits or Overcoat»
and defects develop sre will refund tbe mea ey t m hove poid or
make other adjustment satisfactory to purchaser.
«portal Line al Shoos. H ats BUrta, t nderwaor» eta, at
t u n t e Seventh nod A t tor Six.