THE Bearer, Cíe T e r c ía le , Dolph, Hemlock, Rivers, W i Ha mina, Grande Ronde and . Way Points K m ll« il* 4 U r r im I F i t I r U » « 4 .„¿’our O. o. D.'s mrul Shlpmrku ' . Are Protected Service Tranafer & Storage Co. m Bara .Me SL Bdwy. ___ *. AMERICAN KLAN is « m i l PHACHtR DECLARES light and power wires may he placed safer ground. The proWnm i t widnnlag the ntreet* has been mentioned, and In order to do this properly this portion of the( ally should be replstied However, this; move might meet with considerable op -1 * y ----- — poeitlon al this time, but If properly Brave Bndl Honest Soldier of handiest, could be worked oat without Common G o o d Proclaim« 'hurting anyone ^ J o jlh . Then, after eatabllshing street . . Prominent Man Define« grades, which In.Itaolf would aatahltshj Palouse, Wu-h , IVb. 9.—Some 350. The - Pi nhlenn Which Confront the collar grades, the filling of the,to tut) poopla turned out Sunday after- whole district to the cellar grade noon to heor the Rev. S. J. Osborne,. People of Dominion. could be daken up Ijet the city de- pastor of the Methodist church, lee- • tide whether they wleh to grant per- turn on the subject. "Is the Ku Kins mission to the abutting property own- Klan One Hundred D*r Cent American want* you to'see the new spring ers to use the spare Under the side- as Claimed*" Wondering Why Invisible walks; If so. build retaining walls on Hev. Mr. Osborne utilised one hour) ,|m„ |„ to a h i„,lh e lecture and r e Empire In Not Extended the curb Unvs. the abutting property paying for these walls. Then the city reived the best uf attention during* to Northern Nation. officials can make arrangement* with course of his remarks Ilia talk Mr. Lewie I’lark of Hriace Albert. Ignited Statoe Engineers or the was begun by answering attentions Saskatchewan. Canada, a prominent por, of Portland to have the street that had been sent to him through and wealthy laadowner. visited.the e ji ureas filled by dredging material from m * mall flr, t question. “ Arc !tor of The Western American in Port- the bey. you an AXtorican born cllixenr* he ¡land this week *n>l told of some re- All buildings that are built In fhla'r«pim 4 that he wat born tn Pittsburg, markable-conditions in the great tk> district should be required to be o flp g , tn August. 19*3. mlnlcm He Is an eminent Mason. _ class “A " construction, and all found* "Arp you a KlansmenT* waa pro "Everybody in Canadarig-talking of iions to go to solid footing, pounded to him." to which he replied. the Klan.” he said "and the Canadians as the writer views this situation, “ None of your hu.« I nr**." ‘How much A large assortment t to select want the Klan Pa> no attention to i (here are too many hoesek on the Job. are you getting for thla lecturer* waa , from and capable salesmen to contrary reports. The Masons and the i.*au* a proclamation immediately, put- help you» ----------- L. another. Ills reply was "Lota of Orangemen, together w *b the OMer tlnt (hr committee of ten out of busl- jtroubto4 lnvlt«a you to apeak o f th* Eastern Stär, ar? doing remark* tnm K a unpinuorinp turn i the engineering fanturM features nf! of on thla subject*" another queried. able constructive work, but the fight- this problem over to the city engineer, THE ‘ One or two of your owAi cititene that ing force and system af thg Ku Klux with proper Instructions, and give bim ;>M> not K láñemen." Mr. Osborne re- Klan are badly needed to round out the proper assistants, and be can make p j ^ the Protestant defease, to safeguard ^11 “ d ‘ P^ mC* U° “ *•* Und«rgo:rvq R g m g h a Anglo-Saxon civilisai ion work. P' * ,,R There is so need for aay ' ad- _ 1 I2 Sixth Street He «aid that every organisation for Ctethlsrs M*b«rd»»h*ra T situes “The boundary line between Canada' Ti«ory board, especially made up o f and the United Stale* is imaginary, person* of ulterior motives. 'the betterment of mankind had been purely. Shouldn't the Klan'* bar to Now la the time to provide for Persecuted m “ decay. ,h"8 « " oold » » h r Mr. Us borne referred to the press We have a peculiar school tax law in t° ° d fUllng material. Saskatchewan. The Catholic* pay no « poaslble. conclude arrangement* of the country as a hireling press, OPC.Ut J. CLOSAKT , tag for the public school. but their * “ h “ >e Stale Highway Commlaaion. ready to print (he aide of the evil Reñidme. Phone. Rest tail force# rather than to give an un­ money goes directly to the parochial “» reconstruct Commercial street, thus biased account of Incidents as they school. Any person can designate hi* “ Tl“ * “h* expense occurred. He doelared that the Klan school tax to bo applied either to the Portland. Feb. 38. A READER, 1 was not qgU-Oolholic The Catholic, public or Ike parochial school. The Generaf Inauranee he-clalmed. had the right to worship Catholics lose no cfcgnce'. of course. tailed Siet»« and Hartford Insnrnae* Cod as he saw fit, hut contended that "The Masons of Canada, a little more Service it would oppose to the limit any at­ than a year ago. started raising a fund tempt at unity of church (and state. Lewis Rullilin« to educate non-English speaking peo­ M P O R T LA N D . ÓR.BOON ■roadway Prelecting Womanhood. ple« in Canada In the public school. Tillamook CANADA INSPIRED: BY. OREGON PUBLIC SCHOOL ENACTMENT ▼a RN Insist on Blue Stem WOOD ino Per Csnt Whole Wheat HEALTH BREAD Ne. 1 First Urewth FIR and OAK HOOD Dell» rred (rum My own We use no Patent Whit« Flour or Alum Hot bread daily nt 4 P M. In ’liualneoa district ('amp Hauling of Ail Kinds, Anywhere ■LUR RTRM HEALTH BREAD CO. Cornar Front and Harrlten Sts. Phono Main K i t Robertson Fuel Co. I*. O. Address: Houle S Phon« Main 533« J . H. Rankin Co. NEED HEIR OF THE KLAN - Suits, Overcoats, Hate, Furnishings Hoy Year Car NOW -Take a Trial Trip With »a *5 DURANT W ith Pacific Motor Co, n*s. enens: Gertista- easa Otties Phene; ir s s S M , raía Ut Wash!»«ISS at. Phone East 1128 EU REKA PRINTING CO. Commercial and Job Printing i Fred A. Armbruster Manager ■ Grand Ave. and East Stark Portland, Ore. J. H. Rankin Co. ATTENTION r «R V ic # Are Yon Going to Build or Remodel? — L; M Aka Indian Motorcycle* Of today are different -from nhy other motorcycles. Tney are better be­ cause they are modern hi coa­ st ruction and new tn design. Indians hare a unit power plant all In oil with no openings for leaks. Indian baa a two unit lighting system with ammeter and twitch. Indian has a steel forged head with trussed forks gtrtag more strength and rigidity. Indian uses a large battery girlng better lights. Indians are gear-driven, with all gears, dutch and transmis­ sion running In oil bath, elimin­ ating all wear. Indiana *ra built lower, giving better balance, thereby eealer to balance and operate. tsrt of ell Motorcycle* used by. «ia m the worm Tea. w* m B on lends of for rash. Suit yourself. Seeing is believing; drrip I In sur »to- and let ss demonstrate. Used machine« for sal«. - Indian Motorcycle Bicycle ¿¡cycle Co. SOP Third St, Mala BMP At Your SERVICE If you have a breakdown on your way. phone us. We HELP you IN quickly! Ho delay In getting on your way. Auto Repairing And Accennorie« 29th Street Garage 29th and Franklin Attoria, Ore. Phone 931-J Office Phone:Walnut 20M Dammon & Anderson Composition Floors, Drain Bdirds and Tiling OSCAR J. CLOSSET ft CO. AMERICA’S ENEMIES , . STORING MUNITIONS Thla seemed a work imperatively needed to safeguard national welfare _ — and the white man's civilization. The Cm* Big Supply Found and Roman Catholic* began railing hell. Confiscated by Officials however, and have been at It ever in New York City. . since The Masons are working hard. Here’s what Joe Scott, head of the with the co-operation of the Eastern Star and the Orangemen-the latter KC' n,e» nt la hU * P * ~ h » “ PorU* “ d' Ore.. Peb. 22, when.Jie coarsely re very powerful and efficient — to de- ' 1 rr th. »lied the Americans and declared that velop the impulse for progress and to . , lh. „ Oregon Battery Company INSIST ON j EMINENT ENGINEER ADVISES ASTORIA the Investigation* concerning the ac­ Osubl« Steam Table Lin*. Quick Berv., Moderately Pries« Sect ef Fee*. tivities of the Klan were printed > a d Ice. _ Oh, my country—awake from slumber! read excerpt« from Th* F e lh f^ s h lp p C O R N E L lU S C A F E T E R I A (Hasten ere It be too late Forum, a publication printed IV LUNCH BOOM See the foemen without number J. L. De Itensy, Prop. Washington D. C_ oo proof. He «aid Enter each unguarded gate. t l »1 I the requisites M membership In the iu Park street. Main Set. Wash, an* Alder Klan were not membership in any Poetised, Oregon Shall It be for want of action church, hot a men moot bo ISO per cent PheM Main 1115 That the'foe Invade our home; { American befnfe be could become a And. to please a party faction, 1 Klansmitn F. E. BOGARD Take us back to pagan Rome? He said there wns a nation-wide FISH MARKET , crusade against the Klan, and that the Ah Kinds ef Fresh snd «alt Fish and America—a Christian nation, Poultry. Your Patronage «elicited Thou hast stood before the world: Klan had I’uhllobod It« ootb hut the force opposing It Would not publish Its 170 Ose end. Near VamhiM, Portland, Oro. i Rise and take thy proper station '»«tb He said that If W did It would With the flag of faith unfurled! Broadway 7X11 O. A. Day not last very loht In America. Kareful — Klean — Kompetent He closed hit remarks by stating Rise! Ne'er let those traitorous ' teachers that if any one had an opinion that With their lioo corrupt our youth: differed from him the pulpit of hi« WholeosI« Produre Merchant« Or COSO* Poultry Our Opeclslty Rise and help the honeot preachers church wns oPdd I « him who would 11V FV«M Stradi Portion«, (Trepen *Who stand firm for God and truth. express it ~ TatoaM Republic. By EDITH O’GORMAN AÜFFRAY. DAY PRODUCE CO. * If you ran'» get a man'* altentlon you can do nothing. .L et me be your tailor and you will get bla altentlon. , r SU IT* BIOJNI FRANK HUFFMAN 403 Washington HI., near Thirteenth Uroadwny M46 W HY W O R R Y along with an oil-pumping engine? We are giving a :S V discount on all repair Jpbs and we furnish you With everything needed All work guaranteed Vachine Work, Welding and B r u ir * N. W. Welding and Supply Co. Broedway 7209 88 First St, Portland, Ore. Brown Electric Ço. Phone EAlt 100« Protection o< hare womanhood, Portland. Oregon cloeer relationship between capital M Grand Ava. and labor, prWentlng unwarranted 1 , , , ■ ...... ...... »trike* by foreign agitator*, the up- Q l d H o m 6 8 te & d B a k i n g O o hnlrfinw nr ih* >v>nst lint Lon the sen. » “ W1“ * 01 * »• oSBOlKnuoB. ne aep-. The Right Bread for Right Psopls »ration of chnrth and atsts. freedom L «(a Bread onderfully here In Oregxn that the Oregon public achool. law n^*®*d reform*, The Masons of Canada are growing M r« a n « BU M " Phens Takor 1911 nrne Iben atUteked an edl- stronger all the while. The Eastern should never take effect. ScoU'a open , '™ r- **>«■ |jch recently ap|faared In Ihe howl for Civil war and anarchy waa: toHkl Star is just starting in Saskatchewan, ’ quotlng from itjh ese words. B. F. Miller no surprise to Klansmen, who know I D*ps seeming to be even more progressive KanHsiy Plunking and Heating fch is a splendid 'Institution. t h ^ the Masons thasnseires and doing ,a' rty wh‘ l Uie KC '* doln* • nd ^ * , Job Mag Praropily Altsudsd le Ss ul war» b^sn n flu te wben l i s t , Connections n world o f good The Orangemen are wh4‘ theJr lnUnd 10 to do lte® s lf,U '* fit upon itaelf thw task of mak- the salt of the earth, uncompromising ,,k* thta wUI ^ right regu-j * “ admlnlsiotlng civil Uws.” He " “ ^ p û n . au ,, f i n i r * tarty from now on until the un-Amert- ln* * fe a Pkooo A ul ta-tv White Men. can plotters and alien subjects of tlxe j FhArred qhw edits« with Iqck of knowl- Riffraff Pouring into Canada. pope are ftally exposed snd brought i*dga of the principles of the Klan and "CanadA has seven and a half time# . g a n d e r discipline. The sim of the Klan ¡»tated that unity o f ehdrch aad state Quinns Auto Machine Shop the nnmber of foreigners that the United Bute., In proportion to U to m* ke lhl* countrT “ ,a for Amer' ' °,f KU“ w C ^ U « ^ k ^ WM ^ to mani car. population and 2« languages are being lc» “ and dl* e*‘ ,h* n« w» Item.' »rganlud to pratgnL I WITHOUT REMOVING used ln the Canadian press and lltera-iwhlch me,n* f* r mo" th* n “ “ I » | L» Wr ' » * “ » « » « k upon this same j , a ^ KHHngra,rth A t*. WaL 2B42 editorial be said that habile opinion Nsar Albina lure. English and French are taught OFFICIALS FH4D MONSTER had nothlfog to do with the lawa func­ in our common schools. The bulk of STORE OF AMMUNITION tioning. and as proof eitad tha out- our foreigners la composed of Rus­ AMES GROCERY sians. Galicians. French. Austrians. Big Supply of Hand Grenades. Rifle* ‘ rotn,‘ n1 th* «»bordlnatlon trial o f the Codds, their attorneys «ltd some of and Machin* Guns Seized in GBOi'ERIEfi - HEATS - FRUITS Poles and Lithuanian«. their witnesses in th* mnrder trial of New York. VEGETABLES ' "The Immigration problem is troubl­ Maurice Codd last year. ing Canada, greatly. Since the United NEW YORK. Feb. 24.-MBy A. Phone Takor 87tt 1440 E. Gllaan SL Jury lyetom Imperiled. State« pat up the bars Cauda has been P.)— The seizure of 75 eases of getting more and more of the riffraff He attacked the Jury system of th* Broadway f i l l »tend grenades and high explo- and scum of the earth, both from land, saying that If * man was called slvss being unloaded from a truck Young’s Dairy Lunch . Europe and America. W e get the that had read the papers he ora« re­ Into a basement in the Chelaea W. I t TOUNO, Proprietor 'Wobblies' and boaza-fightera from the fused service od Ihe Jury and referred | pier district tonight Isd to th* dis­ United States and all kinds of mixed to opinions i xpressed by ex-Presldent J Breakfast - Luncheon * Pinner covery ef 100 mere cases which Best FI# Maker« In City breeds from across the Atlantic. Taft In sobktanllOHon o f his remarks. Our Coffes Brings Hundreds had been secreted in a river front "The young Canadians are striving He said the arch enemy of the Klan m Otark ot. ■at. 11th s o « lath lodging house. A few minutes to solve their -problem» and ultimately waa 'the same power who fought bit­ later city and federal authorities Office Ilsurs: 1 1 to 1 1 A. M.; t to I P. M. will succeed. The Klan can be of terly agolost thd Masonic order 50 uncovered in the same building great assistance. For one thing we years ago. an order that could boast DR. E. H. EAST 200 rifle«, 20 machine guns snd want the public school law as adopted PHYSICIAN and 8UBGE0N that 52 of the signers of tha Declara­ large quantities ef steel jacketed by the" far advanced people Of the Office: K9-4 Ftttock Block tion of Independence wore lie mem­ machine gun ammunition in belt*. Phone Beacon 4*11 state of Oregon. That law certainly bers Residence: XU F. Uth Bt. Sooth is a magnificent advertisement.” AW AKEN, AMERICAI Phon« Taber 7177 4 He claimed the! only one side of To the Editor of The Western Ameri- fAn: *25 Durham Are. The writer haa noticed several items RSsidence. E. 4X54. Office Phan*. E. »IK in the Astoria Budget with reference James O. Bothwell 10 lb* reconstruction of the burned PAINTING : PAPE BRANDING district of Astoria. All these items DECORATING Infer that this is a very intricate en- GOLDEN COPPER MODELING J gineering problem SIGN PAINTING < The writer has looked over tWs situ-' 4AS14 E. Burnside SL, Portland, Ore. ation very thoroughly, and does not ' ‘ tblnk-it a very difficult problem. Phons Beat 1*4 „ In Ihe first place, the water and GEORGE WETLE setter systems should be given con­ Repairing ef Ante Radio te n sideration, and should be reconstructed e Specialty before any filling I* done within the All Week Quarante*« street lines. It would also be well ot FENDER». TANK», «OCHES Acetylene WeWtnf __ point to ronoider * tunnel gyo- thll 4M Howtherne «v e Fertténd. Oregen whereby oil telephone, electric Cerner *th All W ork Guaranteed - He outlined tb« principles of the Klan as followg, often reeding from n pamphlet gottet oat by the Klan. to suhatantiate htuclalms STAR MHS. M. L. 80UTH, Saleelady We are pAparod to do all kind* of alscirlcal work In our new location. Let ns flgnrt on your next Job. 100 per cent Berries. 33 Sixtb St., near Astor Astoria, Ore. Phone 595 tú’ Meet Me at the / Rialto Billiard Parlor ' and Restaurant Gaining in favor every day. A good place to meet your friends. Special Mer­ chants Lunch 11 to 2. Youre for better service THE RIALTO 287 ASTOR, ASTORIA Next to Louvre <-> V Phone 248 • Berber Shop in Connection C. W . K A R L S O N & S O N Funeral Directora and Embalmera SERVICE TO. A L L ” Astori«, Franklin Are. Bel. 11th and 12th Oregon Phone 38d Smoke “RUMMY” Cigars 10 Cento and Two for o Quarter < JOHANSEN BROS. 1362 Franklin Stroot LEBECK Aotcrla, Oregon & SON CONTRACTORS Pile drivlnfc and bridge building, Houne raUIng and moving. Phene 417 #1 WttH ftond it., Aetorla, Ore.