T J t^ W tg jE R f^ jS llja ^ C ^ T W .it ., M anli 1. IM S Every Day, In Every Way, the Klan G row s Better and Better icrimn ANSWERING AN EMINENT STATESMAN Ont? o f Am erica’* famous an,d foremqgt men. a promoter o f human progress and maker Qf history, w r it »! confidentially to the r t\ editor of The Western American that the Klan in his borne city is ¡ tNM IUMI TM ft*«* *n IBAU IH* T»M under the domination o f a group o f men who in other years w i n FoMlshed Weakly hy identified with crooked politics and undesirable enterprises. He The W etter« XaMsrteaa Pabllaktef Campa»? ; »aid he had no doubt the Klan’s principles shd methods in general Otttee# 4M A m Pttteck Bteefc, Pontead, Orerò» r t e w Breadway *W7 ' _____ were all right, but in this particular spot the Order w as ruled by Editor 1 a group o f undesirables with whom decent men would not ouoci- Lea A. D» i m ........... a»d Maaasor ate at & dog-fight, o r words to th gt.effect This was his answer Ceartaey T. Stadere ___ A fterdate* Freak W. Caa lerea- " t o an appeal for him to suspend judgment oa the Klan until he un­ derstood it from unimpeachable evidence which would be supplied. Tbs Was tarn American la owiwd J ««cKialvWy by tbo telai *uBiiei«y tar the.M «rt«k y jo j I* la tea formally ado*tad madium tar I or eff or.ic.ai .....; *-■ - ',.tak*Myi Iti mattar Is may become members, adding an amendment making all olic philosophy is one o f the branches essential to the master’s wilt be ouated from offlc« by recall adherents o f the Roman Pope. Some day the Masonic O rder will Canadians eligible who eftn otherwiw meet th» tests, just aa aoern aa Ik* law allow*, poa- degree. Students in an qnaectarian institution, sapported by albly before " A hint to tha w U »-~ * kick th e se ^ m o u fla g e d Romans out, and when this happens the j j t ig exclusively the right o f the imperial authorities to plan public funds, must absorb the Pope’s scholastic philosophy— stuff And cut out tha Putf«et "bunk." pontiff on the Tiber will give them recognition for secret services an(j make such changes in the constitntion, but it is generally that was dead at the beginning of the sixteenth century. well and faithfully performed. The same is true o f other P r o - , known that Western Klansmen earnestly hope * constitutional Itt fares the college, to hostenfng ills a prey, that hires a testant orders, for the Romans have been boring into all o f them. provj8jon may hg made whereby the Order may be organized in Catholic president, even fo r a day. doing in all things the will o f their secret master, the Bishop o f j Canada. * There's work a-plenty for the Klan in the State o f W ash­ Thé Cambridge Tribune «aya the an- | The membership o f the Royal Riders o f the Red Robe, an ington. and in every other State, fo r that matter. tbnm "America" waa flrat publicly The Klan is keen to have the world understand that it is in- ¡organization designed especially fo r foreign-born Americans, The Pope had almost captured America. * aung July 4, 183Z. at I’ark Street dependent and unafraid; that it needs no backing by other orders readi,y ^ amalgamated with the Klan and this action per- church, Uoatos. There wen- originally and implores no help from any source. Its own strength is suf- jiapg woujd consummate the hopes o f its patriotic founders. eight ttanaaa. four to Liberty and four HAS ANYONE BEEN STEALING COAL? ficient fo r all o f its work, its own resources adequate to every to Education. For aom« reaqon tha Canada and the United States are not only like brothers, but The Western American has been receiving some reports from four aducatloual atauiaa have been neg­ need. / are as closely bound as the Siamese Twins, forever inseparable. Astoria which indicate the need o f an investigation o f the some­ lected while the other four hare been The Klan is the strongest organization in America. Imagine Their ideals and destiny are the same. The Klan should cover what notorious Committee o f Ten, headed by Preacher Gilbert. publlahed and aung until familiar to what it will be in twenty years! B y that time its achievements both countries, giving even greater strength to the eternal bond W aivin g the Preacher’s preposterous claim to »104.16 fo r dishes!“1^ v. will have cast all records into dim insignificance, fo r the Klan and afford in g mutual benefits and protection. from his church basement used In feeding the hungry after th e ; u U,“,' th11’ tlnu> is a militant and unbeatable order, ambitious to advance its lofty The Song Rome Hates standard o f Americanism and to serve for the glory o f God and the welfare o f our country. - , Klansmen are tired o f hearing “Roman Masons” whining COMPLEXION OF THE SUPREME COURT great fire o f December 8, the people who arc interested in A s - ; „^cation and the .chooi., the nea- toria and the square deal want a truthful answer to this Question: >iect*4 line* should i„- rartvod asd • There are two Roman Catholics and one Jet£ in the United Has close check been kept on the distribution o f the coal which Khfe" ,h8 p'“' e in the *ong . States Supreme Court, aneb that’s a-plenty, God knows. This half about the danger o f alliance with the Klan. True Masons every- answer8 an Inquirer, who believed the Romans had- gained a ma- was donated by the Bellingham Coal Company, and did a certain V o x t e l u rt. where, and all other Protestant patriots, rejoice over the work jority ¡n thát au{nJst tribuna] Xhe Pope haa captured one-third well-to-do individual, at the port docks, whose name will be pub- 0, ,b(> Rre, t . nthcm: that is being done by the Klan and are proud to share occasion-, 0f the court, and is hopin’. Harding added the second Catholic- lished later, take away two o r three sacks every night in his auto­ Our gloH*u* Land today, ’N*ath Education-* away ally in the Klan’s constructive achievements. ! but recently — Pierce Butler — despite the nation-wide protests mobile, without requisition; and has either o f the members o f the Boar» upward aUll. Committee o f Ten liberally supplied himself with coal from the The Klansmen revere and honor the Masonic Order, just as ^ against such an appointment. It wouldn’t be surprising to see It’» hall* ef learning fair, aforesaid donation ? x they do the Odd Fellows, the Orangemen, and other splendid o r - ! H arding put a negro in the court, if given an opportunity. There’s It ganizations, but the Klansmen resent indignantly and with w e ll-' a reason! He is expected to do all he can or dares to do politically Publicity concerning the facts as reported will depend upon deserved contempt the yawp o f fakers who prate o f the danger o f fo r the negro race. the answer to this question, which may be addressed to the Editor alliance with the Klan. — ---------. — The complexion o f the Supreme Court }s as follow s: William o f The Western American, 407-108 Pittock Block, Portland. Get this, all concerned: It is becoming fa r more difficult fo r h . Taft, Chief Justice, Mason; Joseph McKenno, Rom an; Pierce Another question fo r the Committee: H a s Parson Gilbert the wrong kind o f man to get into the Klan than it Í3 fo r him to Butler, Rom an; Louis D. Brandéis, J e w ; Oliver Wendell Holmes, returned the $1(14.15 to the distress fund— the said $104.15 which ; gain admission to file older Protestant orders. Let a Klansman Protestant; W illis Van Devantcr, Protestant; James Clarke Mc- was taken on his recommendation and by his authority as Chair­ be identified as a “K C ,” or even as friendly and amiable toward Reynolds, Protestant; George Sutherland, Protestant; E d w ard T. man for the cheap dishes used, from the basement of his church, the Pope, and he would be expelled without delay. The Klansmen Sanford, Protestant. to feed the hungry during the few days o f emergency following are uncompromising in their Americanism and also in their P ro - 1 The court still is safe for Americans, but if presidents eon- the fire? The Western American made a demand, in behalf o f testuntism. Spies and crooks may gain admission once in a w h ile ,1 tinue to play politics with the Pope, the Congress can take away all the people, that the $104.15 be returned. but the tests are infallible and they are sure to ,be found out. Can the appointing power. The white Protestant Americans rule in The warning was given and is now repeated that any person any other order make these truthful claim s. . this country, by a vast majority, and never will abdicate govero- guilty o f diverting a dollar o f the distress fund from the purpose Now> don’t get any wrong idea in reading this candid com- j ment to the half-baked hordes from Europe, nor will they tolerate o f direct relief, for which the entire fund was donated, w ill lie ment, which is the answer to rough stu ff aimed at the Klan i n , any longer the political Romanism that has brought defeat and made to su ffer for it and the sin will not lie forgotten o r forgiven. “The Trestle-Board,” a California magazine controlled by “ Roman disgrace upon the Democratic party. Masons.” There's nothing whatever between these lines. The ^ — >— — *«■ TO THE ASTORIA CITY COMMISSION meaning is clear as sunlight. The Klansmen love their Masonic 1 ROMAN JACK IS HOWLING AGAIN W hy haven’t you enforced the ordinance regulating “soft brothers. Anyr real. Klansman would fight his w ay to hell and Roman Jack Parker, very temporarily Governor o f Louisiana,, drink” joints by doing away with back rooms, bock doors, etc., try conclusions with the devil himself in defense o f an honest-to- again is howling anathema against the Klan before K -C crowds that was to have taken effect on January first? It never has been God Mason. That’s merely figurative, o f course, fo r no true rn Chicago. Right place for him— Chicago -considering a story enforced. .Mason can be found in hell; they are all in heaven, and their mem- concerning underworld vice which we published last week. The W hy did somebody draw up an ordinance giving the Chief o f ories live forever in the hearts of,men. ' eo^itry holds its nose when Parker speaks. The smell o f him per- Police-and the Mayor the authority to inspect said joints, and , vades like the odor o f ‘a skunk. The old s< u ainquch confessed in why did the City M anager butt in and demand to be put on the buck up! Snaji out o f it! Keep step! Follow the leader and bis Chicago "spooch” that "the Klan is so powerful in Louisiana inspection committee? W e don’t care a hoot about the inspection part-of it, but why maintain harmony all along the line*. An army o f this kind wins that no indictments may be expected from the grand jy ry now « li ­ the victories. N o man must be allowed to lie a slacker or a ^ er Kouge. ’ Wonder if those two t arcaM »s have been re­ wasn’t the aforesaid ordinance enforced? The Astorians want to know and are writing hot letters about it. > traitor. Never whine! Be Americans! turned to the dissecting-room vat o f a certain medical college? W ho»* bountlea all may ahara, »»hold thorn evorywharo On vale and hill. Thy safeguard, Liberty, Tho school shall avar be: Our nation’s pride! No tyrant hand shall smita. W hll* with encircling might All here are taught th* Bight With Truth allied. Beneath Heaven's gragioua will Tha stars of prograas still Our course do away; In unity aubllma To broader heights wt climb, Triumphant ever Time God spoedo our way. Grand birthright of our alres. Our altars and eur fir«» Hasp we still pure 1 Our starry flag unfurled, Th# hep« of all th« world, In Peace and Light Impearlad, God hold secure! A fow years ago the Komuu Cath­ olic. ’’Monitor” adrlecd Honanllta to hlai whenever ¿’America” might h « nuns In tholr presence. The public school haters would Ms* «Vrn more like saakee or ganders at these senti­ ment* In behalf of real schools and genuine education. You A re N e e d e d In the Klan, If Y ou A re a R eal Am erican