THE W E 3 TEKI Pa- 3 AMERICAN C. THORZBEN C. TH0RE9EN C. THO RESE* C. T H 0 » unflinching aupport to tba Proteeteitt party baa renominated awe Brother., home tows 1 » me*« w lav Rouge and Jamaa 0. Phelan, member of Ignat lan taka tba office of T o*§ Marshal, be-1 fraternal leader«. * Council 9S, of our Inetltute. T b a ' Having that tha faat the« tha new A quiet but renaaleaa war IS being Democratic party alee baa shown It- waged by thla Committee regarding •aif loyal Ja our moat holy eauao. In-, man did not batons to B» ring would alien labor and alien property holder«, j fluancod by our aotlve work*«*, they matarlally contrlbuto B the reforma­ It la oppoalng tha Tenure bill and do- ‘ have placed In nomination alavan of tion of the town. On— ell. the new Ing affective work among tba city 1 tha adherente of our Faith far the ( Marshal, however, yuiisd to (ha c a ll; alataan general office«. They have a< b0 COMPROMISE \ For your belt trouble« conanlt ua I i . u a ■■ . Ji .Jtir.iiiii«. ’l l 1 -. t .- i t t b u h ' ii 1 . i . i i » . . i B a s | w, Open Until Midnight Prices and Quality Are V/t North Boventh Bt POSSIBLE A T LAST v-t ' Jobbers in all clease« of fabric belts Seaside, Oregon Every Day in the Year Now, hare was tha Issue right then: ( . R IG H T The law was admittedly Impotent. It Groceries. Fruit, Vegetables, PEERLESS B E L T Dairy and Bakery Goods, waa a question o f whether Mer Rouge (Continued from Pag» >>' 0 * 0 . W ELSHH ON8. Pro*. 1 * i and Cured Masts. would be lurranAhred to tho outlaw. I First Street Perttond, Oragaa ISt Fourth SL Bence« ISSN IN SID E B L O C K ’ W O O D g whole. It la a matter of record that Watt Daniels, er whether good men. he destroyed the character of two girls W. a Fawkes. ll-ln c h Manager In one family. After the older girl be­ Ike McKotn. could live without dan-j UKn^ tS turin, Cash on Delivery ger of being oaaaaalnaled. There was came a mother of hla Illegitimate The Portland Locksmith child, he waited a few months until no compromise; H had to bo ona of GENERAL REPAIRING E. D. Bo we the tw<^thln|s. R la certain that at { r xpert Kay and Lock work. Saw Filing, ic i» 8 tvanbou H i „ Umpire 025« her younger slater had attained an appearance of maturity, and then ahe least twalve men of Marehous* parish soldering^ Grinding. Mod-i Making, Electrical Repairing figura > rw » Pipe* — Caady followed the aame road to ruin that decided they were not ready to turn 208'/, Fourth Street "Smallest Cigar Storr In Town“ her lister bad traveled. Some of you Mer Rouge, with It* women and chil­ Between Salme n and Taylor That have read of the girl In tbla caae. Ad­ dren. ov«r to Watt Danlala dle May Hamilton, and have gueaaed brings us to the night of August 24, DEW EY RAND K N IG H T S that ahe la the younger slater that I 1922. a - The Klan did not authorise the kid­ SHOE S H I5 I5 0 PARLOR Artisan» Bldg. SB Broadway at Oak have Just mentioned. Main 4477 Ladles—Gent« In addition to thla, this man con­ naping o f Daniel* and Richard*. That l>oa*t keep That Cold sorted regularly with a negro woman Is certain. For Immediately after H Shop: 17th and Savior A5D CIGAR 8TAKD In the bark of hie store. Thla man happened, Klammen began to assem­ ble and aak wbat waa going on. They > DR. V E H R 188 Second Street Partlaad, Ore. was a deacon In the church: taught lift* All the Modern Equipment tha Bible class, sang In the choir and sent up to Captain Sklpworth's room W. K Pea« Deway L. Bristow ilailhi, I.ltfht nnd Rlectrlclty Ptxdta Mala 0*30 ...Union Shop Mattag« donated to charitable and religious for him. Now, it must be remembered that this was shortly after the men causes. He was at that time a pillar The SL Charles Hotel Waah. N «ar 5th 301 Buchanan Bldg. BARBER 8HOP of light "shining" In the church. I were kidnaped. Sklpworth Immediate­ Per Painting, Tinting and Paper Hanging Ed. Moore, Prop. have held this man up bafor* you ly came down town and was aa much Paint - Hardware * Wall Paper - Building Material because he la a typical specimen of ■urprlaad aa any one. I have every 1 « S’rent B*., Bet. Morrison and Yamhill Portland, Ore. and a square dual for all at the C H A S. W A R D E & S O N _________ 5702 92nd S t the cltlaenihlp of the Mer Rouge bad reason to believ* that Sklpworth did --------------------- — ---------------------------------------------------------------- element. He la typical In that he not know that these men ware to be Main 1024 Elast 0555 6*39 Hrvrnty-arcoad SL H. E. Funeral Directors was the leader along business lines by kidnaped. I have reason to believe “ From the Cheapest That’ s Good to the Best That’ s Made” Portland. Oregon Union Transfer Co. reason of hla wealth; leader of reli­ there were three men In the band who _____________ __ ______________ _____________ , Oliver Hall, Prog. gious sentiment because he waa dea­ did not belong to the Klan, one being : Weat hide Marrlaoa at Twelfth the father of a girt that Daniels had an* Furniture Moving B U IL D IN G con In the church. Broadway 0490 \ storage CONTRACTOR ruln* d - - Special Tripe Mede Anywhere In order that you may know that I do not know, but I assume, that m H First Street Portland, Or*. lOBtt Fotg-th Street Opposite S. P. Ticket Office 1 have not created a fictitious charac­ ter. I will call thla man’s name; It la Sklpworth subsequently baa been ap- — • i praised of wh«t actually did happen. ,v’ ° CONRAD Rea Phone Wet 0375 or make alteration« at your real W. E. Hopkins, and the man la at lib­ W O O D S ’ IN D IA N V IL L A G E donee or business place, I would b erty to Institute proceedings agalnat Portland ««1 Washington Street glad to help dealgn your work. 2: me If I have not written the truth. 1 Mineral and Surfaced Shingles and Pendleton Indian Blanket* Bath Robes yeara In Portland. it was known to th«s* men that Dan­ Beth Robe Meterlel* by tho Yard He is typical of the men who have Roll Roofing Birch Berk Porch Baekcta Moccaelna testified agalnat the Klan in thla "hear­ iels and Richard« were the men who The Home Theatre of Sellwood All Kinds o f Roof Repairing All 1*0 p *r Cent American fired upon Dr. McKotn. Whether Rich- All Kind of Other Indian Roof Reahlngllng W . N. Eisminger ing.' Made I ards gave them thla Information when 3M Third Street Phone Mein 1« First Class Entertain­ E. «01 h !1. Tabor »ECENT CITIZENS * they first took him out to be quea- j Frederick T. N ot* Essie H. N ot* j -IT P O R T McKOIN * ment A ll the Time CANDIES TOBACCO tloned. la (or you to oonjecture upon. 1 CIGARS Let me draw you a graphic picture THREE MEN HANDLED A W HITE MAN’S PLACE C. E. NICH0L80N. Mgr. Dr». F. T. & E. H. Not* of Mer Rouge. Fifty per cent of the D IT L A W LEADERS Chiropractic and Electre Therapy ISIS Eaat Thirteenth S t G R O C E R IE S married men and SO par cent of the Twelve men were involved In tha i Phones: unmarried men were consorting e^th kidnaping, but only three men were , 5H-H5 Pekum Did« Broadway 5334 Empire 0140 «SS W. Lombard Si negro women. Poker games on Main engaged in the task of handling Dan- 1 Empire 009? Em ni re 1371 street; whiskey aa accessible as water; 'ela and Richards. The other men THE BEAVER Phono Sellwood >01« Sportine Good nreachers forced to condone these con- were taken by the remaining nine, to T E D R. M O Y E R PHARM ACY Sellwood Jewelry ■Itlona because the men who supported , ascertain aa to what extent they were j K. R. Mowrrv. Prop. Salesman for P. Livingston, Prop. the church participated. Manhals ; Involved In the conspiracy to kill Dr. Secoad and Ankeny Jeweler aad Watchmaker ntl Mayor« elected on thla tort of . McKoln. The chances are' that the Reliable Auto Repairing DURANT AND STA RCARS Phone Sellwood 14B» T ry u* for workmanship and earvle» Battery and Electrical Work lllxh grad* Watc-hee. Expert Watch •leket. j nine men mentioned did not know Storage. Washing and Accessorise and Jewelry Repairing MO r mattila Ave ’ Partlaad, Ora. 1«S1 la Clock * There were, of course, some people In who were the three men who carried East 5798 N. A. NELSON. Manager __________ GEO. LOCKHOVMN, Shop Foreman s t nth •«. Portland, Or, Ree.« Walnut 7S89 Mer Rouge who wet* representative of Daniels and Richards away In the ’ he very hlgheet type of cltlsenship. ; Ford truck. But I can state thla much Stop! Look! Listen! Phan« Sal I wood 0070 nr. McKoln’s home waa only a few t authoritatively from the evidence !t- ELECTRIC PAINTED Portland’s White American Shoemakers miles from Mer Rouge. It waa tha , self, that this was the intention of the SPANIOL * PETERSEN ollcltatlon of the good people of Mer ! three men who had Daniels and Rich- Rouge that Induced the physician to - ards at tba time they left the little Donee Painting Paper Hanging 108 Fourth Street Between Washington nnd Stork Phone Broadway «4*2 novw to Mer Rouge. Certain munici­ town of Colllnston, headed toward B E R L IN B. D AVI8. Proprietor pal projects were under consideration ~ * - * ( tm Men’s, W om en’s and Children’s Fine Shoes at that time and all agreed that Me- both a good ’’threahlng" and then let LU N C H EO N D IN N E R 1 ------------- - BREAKFAST SCHOOL SHOES A SPECIALTY Koln was the man for tha Job. He Richards come back home to bis wife M c K A Y ’S PI ACC “ Tha Stora Whore Quality la Always First and Price« Right” was elected Mayor, but In Improving end children and force Daniels to leave «w c iV F t I O r L A t - t Opek Evening! tha street«, water and lights of the Mer Rouge. This waa evidenced by ! Wa Ara Determined to Grow In Bnalneaa by Deserving to Grow and Solicit CIGARS AND TOBACCO W e H ave Reduced W ir Price*. Not the Quality Tour Patronage «own, hq also undertook cartel« tm- (he fact that one of these men told Steam Cooked Hot Lnnckee All Hour« We Appreciate Tour Patrono«* its Sixth Albert B. Co* PORTLAND, ORE. n rove manta along moral llnaa. He Davenport and ha »wore It on t h * ) «ten «, Liberty Merket, Fifth and Yam- IS7S Egal Thirteenth SL P o rtla n d , < Phon* RroaJwoy 7IH Joel H. Cbe parsuaded an old friend from hla old (Continued oa Pago 4J kin streets Trod» at tha TO Pacific-Bay City Market . G“ Thoresen Choice Meats • B u n g a lo w M ark et The Particular Market for Particular People The Gem W affle House HERE’S THE GOODS ON BtACK KNIGHTS I Hams, Half or Whole 24c per lb. i Insist on May Motor Company BARKER’S BREAD I T ’S D E L I C I O U S TERMINAL EAT Grocery ' Leather Belts The Parity Lunch Mer Rouge Facts REPAIR FACTORY 59 Furniture Repairing FAULKNER *o C a ll S U n s e t 4 0 2 7 Compiimanta of The Portland Mortuary Best Quality Tremont Bakery E D P. H E I M , T a i l o r If You Are Doing to Build ISIS SL'iZTJJZ STZ 'DEAL ROOnNC CO J. ] L . S C H A F E R American Shoe Shining Parlor M ULTNO M AH HOTEL G A R A G E SIGNS Sellwood Shoe Store DAVIS BROTHERS „ ST. NICHOLAS CAFETERIA * |1