THE WESTKÎR CATHOL FOR Grandma’s Cakes and Cookies Sold Everywhere 6840 Foster Road W OOD FIR ST ANO SECOND G R O W TH FIR ■ SL AB W(%>D HAULING Fone A-S1758 A . S. C O N N E R Fresh and Cured Meats 71« F. A. Bohna CaateeUoaery aad Light Lunch Service (or Right People COMING tEGON FIGHT True to fo r a und prediction, the A BRILLIANT AFFAIR FOR SWEET CHARITY militant soldier* of (he Pope o l Rome are mobllistag bi the stste of Oregou. with Portland «a ihrir base snd gan -. oral headquarters, for the purpose of waging war open the Ku Klux Klan and to fight tfe Public School BUI. Enchanting Music and Fun Galore Enjoyed by Throng at Portland Auditorium. adopted In tha tt n a t election. FMat came tha notsft Wriest. Dominic, from ' auspice« of the Klan was of a . very Sixtieth Avena« S. E. EAGLE GARAGE Storage aad Repairing We Are the Trouble Shootere '.. 58S0 M aetj-seeand S t S. B. Phone Auto. S44-4S J. C. COCKERHAM Raw r a m Dr. Bulgln. Amarle«'* foremost • vangali«!, aaaiatad by th* Rev. P. C. Junta, formerly at tha great Moody c urch In Chicago, are conducting a remarkable revival at th# East Side Baptist church. Tvmntl.th_.nd Salmon A great goapal moating la held every night. Or. Bulgin la delivering an old- fashioned message— the old-time reli­ gion, with his usual fiery eloquence and apostolic seal. The juvenile chorus organized by Mr. James sings Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, after school. 3:45 to 5 p. m. - . , \ Dentistry dance' waa a distinct triumph. It por­ Portland, Oro. trayed the poor little butterfly dancing S2C7 Foster Read Lents Station around the fire, bat alas! getting too Phone SL'nset 2513 near. Its wings were scorched and it soon died. No Job too Small No Job too Large A group of pleasing violin numbers was given by Miss Jordan. This little R. H. RANDOLPH CONTRACTOR—GENERAL JOBBING lady, who though slight in stature is * great in artistry and power, has Plan« and Specifications Furnished mastered the technique of the violin. 206 E. Fiftieth 8 t Tabor 6549 After her principal numbers she •played ‘‘ Believe Me, If All Those En­ J. H. Ludwig M. Petri Phone 642-87 dearing Young Fharms," which sent Phone 642-82 the meThory of all hearers winging Green Hill Dairy back to other days. Cleanliness Our Motto 7410 Foster Road Lieutenant R. L. Crane, who is a Pasteurized Milk, Cream. Whipping great favorite with Portland audiences, Cream and Buttermilk Phone Sunset 3442 Portland, Ore. combined his vocal solos with two piano solos by Mrs. McCalL Lleuten- ant Crane has a powerful and pleasing Douglass & Douglass baritone voice. His wide range and Service Station especially his resonance in the lower 22c GAS register made his last number, “The Gas, Oils, Tires and Accessories Sea Makes a Man a Man," a splendid ... . . . . .. ............ 72d St. and Foster Road ■■■'• • stti^ehs. , f Mrs. McCall played two numbers, the first being a Scherzo by Mendelssohn, Phone Sunset 3753 I n which her magic fingers seemed fairly to fly through a maze of stac- DR. L. R. PUGH cato notes. Her second number, of a Dentist I more sombre character, demonstrated Office: Rooms 2 and 3 Leach Building her splendid musicianship and her rare ------- 67th and Foster Road 4714 71st S E. Portland, Oregon P°wer of sympathetic Interpretation The Honorable Kernel K. Kumtax and hi* wonderful band of 30 piece*, The Cottage Restaurant escorted by a guard of honor from the WM. PARRISH, Prop. Royal Riders of the Red Robe, rounded QUICK SERVICE out the evening'» entertainment. Their T ry Our Regular 30c Dinner: 11:30 to 8:00 numbers were well worked out foe eon- Con.e in and Let’* Oct Acquainted trastlng effects. Considering tbe sliort •43 Foiter Road Lent*, Ore. time this band has been organized, Opp.“ Postoffice Kernel Kumtux Is entitled to all praise for his skill and ability as a leader, Tabor 6713 Immediately preceding the program, Krank W. Cameron, Advertising Man- To Buy o r Sell Yonr Home 8ee ager of The Western American! came before Me curtain and in part said: "I have been requested to explain tbe meaning of Kernel Kickshaw Kum- VERN* E. CLOW, Manager tux. Many of you may be A eve that | CITY ASD SUBURBAN HOMES the KKK means Knights of the Ku | FARMS - ACREAGE - LOTS Klux Klan. It really means Kick, EXCHANGES Kick—out of our America everything unAmerlcan. whether It be dew, Gentile Autos at Your Service . or Catholic.” , ' ' , - aj USI Relmsnt 8L, Portland. Ore. At this point Mrs. H. F Stevenson, BiuuiyiiOe C aro ta sstk St. wearing a wonderful dress made out [CLOW REALTY CO. We Do All Rinds of Alterations, ( leaning and I’ resaUg Phone 17* Broadway K94I S. E. Corner Sixth and Pine Portland, Ore. La France Hatters Telephone 119-98 A Masonic Home Association has been formed at Green Springs, Ohio, and has already paid $1000 on a alte of land. This Is the first step In the preparation for the building of a Ma­ sonic Tern^Jg. on which work will be­ gin in the spring. The petitioner in Missouri for Ma- eonlc degree* must, pay $20 for the benefit of the Home. There are two rival Masonic Grand Lodge systems In Argentina and rela­ tions between the two bodies have been rcry acrimonious. MEATS, FISH AND We Carry a Full Line of Ladles’ Trimmed aad I nLrlmmrd Hals Buckram, >el. Wire Frame« aad BllUnery Happllea POULTRY LA D IE S’ HATS Cleaned, Blocked, Dyed, Trimmed and Remodeled Two Deliveries a Day 10:30 A. M. and 3:30 P. M. Vhe car cam* through from Chicago, and Is In charge of one Oeorpe Hen- Arrangements are being made for the « a T t o leave Portland Saturday. Its movement will be Just received, our new Spring and watched with tneraaalng Intereet. Summer samples of So altck and «trident h r* th Men’s Suits ------ Roman workers Out they are Methodist | Uomo In and hava a suit mads to order some of their ■actings In at hand-mo-down prlcoo and other Protastant church notably I t > In Pseco, Wash., where "Father" Phone Walnut «71 Eaton. Methodiat preacher, arranged Open Evenings their meeting In his church, Isn't this «0 Kllllngswerth A vs., Portland. Oregon the limit* Morse & Hicks li.L AMERICAS u n io n sh op Sunny Brook Dairy ■ TAILORS L. a At the Union (epo< stands a palace car In which anSth,- 'bunch“ of KC*s are traveling, ffc,. car 1« placarded: 'The Catholic flhuroh Extension 80- clety of the UnKSi States of America." j (Oh. they era active In the Pope's ram- j palgn to make America tributary to Rome.) . r On on* and of the ear hangs this s,gn; . . g , ^ ^ ch#p#1 » Thi* tr* » ‘ •» worth Being n,,lM *• MW- Mr. James Is the greatest manager of yerug folk in the Chafauqua world. A large tabernacle may hsva to ba built to accommodate the eager crowd«. Splendid results are being W AN TED— Gent lem an who desires achieved. room and board. M * real home. Large room with us« of garage If preferred. Telephone Walnnt 75S2. ROMAN DUKE QUEER CATHOLIC SPECIMEN A Meat Market Petar Col- At a recent dedication of a Protest-, mt Church in England a Catholic The Service Barber Shop Duke performed the ceremony of lay­ -O B. COOJ4R< ■ : 1 Proprietor C A. NORWOOD ing the corner stone. The London Portland, Oregon Times, commenting on the occurrence, 93 Stark Street Blcyclee and Supplies Fishing Tackle Noar Fifth Repairing said: The first stone of a new Church has 5807 Foster Road Phone A-627-Ï3 bron laid at Attercliffe. The Duke of Norfolk presided at this ceremony, at­ Columbi» Gardner tended by Earls Surrey end Fltxwlll- Batteries Cars iam. Lord Milton, several Lodges of CRESTON GARAGE Freemasonry, Odd Fellows, etc. The Oribbts Bros. singularity o( a Catholic Duke per­ Führer and Zurbrugg 50th and Powell Sts. forming the ceremony of laying the Phone «14-0 Portland, Ore. Pure Milk and Cream first atone to a Protestant Church, ellcIUd the following remarks from “The Right Place to Trade“ “ :i!n WS8 hi* Grace. “That he felt no scruple« ■onte Box m 1 LIBERTY GROCERY at what he had dode; that In many Bureau of Uealth Vegetables, Groceries. Feed. Dry respects he felt himself as much a O rV fkate Goods and Notions Protestant as any of hit feUow-sub-^ 45{7 Woodstock Avenue Jeets: that he had taken, the oath of ** Phone Sunset 3028 allegiance to a Protestant King, and if that King were ever to become a Catholic, he should consider himself Hansen Sheet Metal Works, absolved from bis oath.” Manufacturers of Cornice, Skylights Furnaces. Tin. Capper, and Sheet- Benjamin Franklin, while Grand Iron Work. Estimated Furnished. Master of Pensnylvania, edited and MRS. H. F. STEVENSON - 4615 67th 8treeL 8. E. published an edition of Anderson's Kern Park Station Wearing a beautiful gown made of "constitution,“ which was probably A. L. CAMPBELL ythone Sunset SS25 Portland, Ore. The Western American. AUTO TOWING —FJjoto by Redmond and Jenks, 142 the first Masonic work published in efficient Oiling and Grassing America. This was jn 1734. Broadway, Portland. Dr. C. S. Ogibury E n glu n d & H en d erson •ifr“ organisers *na speakers. auditorium under the high standard of talent The sermon given in Swedish dialect by Forrest Boslee was a great delight to tha audience, i t waa rich in wit and humor. “ A sketch given by Henderson and Henderson also was well received, j - Mrs. Harvey Blakeelee s solo« are well worthy of special mention. Mrs ' Blakealse has a good dear voice, which in well, shown in her high sustained tones. The number, "Pale Moop." by Logan was very wall done. But the real treat in her selection was in her enunciation It was a joy to hear this noted soprano speak her words so that the audience could share them. Miss Beetle« gave a group of dancea : of her own creation. Her butterfly WHITE 1748 Sandy Bealevard llna of Boston ggd a whole carload o/ Unlike some benefit entertainments, tha on« given last Satordsy night at the Portland Thursday, February 22, 1B23 Ireland—father aScfessor to McSwInay the “ martyr.“ ALLEN BROS. Feed and Fuel Co. AMERICAN While You Walt. Crankcato Drained Free. All Klnda of Good Olla and Gasoline. Sixteenth and Aider Streets Phone Broadway 1939 leg for youreoff the n «i) generation you can't d< So something G e n u in » O re g o n T R E E S Russellville Nursery Co. JI. L. ChrNteasan, Prop. Expert Workmanship Phone .Vain 101« VAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION 392Vi Morrison Street Opponilo Olds, Wortmaa ft Klag New Spring G ood s at M organ's Wo ar* now stoekrd with a com pute line of flue whit* good« for spring— English lon g Cloths 2tc. 30c snd 40c - Fins Jap«nrso .Nain­ sook. very soft and fine, prices 3*c to 55c per yard {too our l,m- Weaves In fine sheer mute tin I (or Baby Dresses. 40 Inches wide and finished like linen, pries« S»c to 65c per yard--W r pay all jio sta g o - Qhre ua a trial order. MORGAN DRY GOODS STORE Phone HgRwood 1894 18i t Anal 13th NL — Caat Sath and BurnaMo Sta. 1 ‘honoa: Tabor 0204. 1*4*. 7&M. A ik for Mr. Lawla GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY R E D M A N ’S Ta’ rphone East 0134 W albom ’t Correct Millinery We Deliver 5936 89nd ML, Lents Helen Axelson Walborn Sun.el MSI SOS Union A v*„ N. Near Rusaoll Bt L 8. Robtnaon. Pro© Telephone Broadway ISIS Kt> K 0< >1 >I>.Utl •. Manager Our M ott« I t : To Pleas* YOU ■» THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL Alberta Tire A Repair Shop 197 Light and Airy Rooms VULCANIZINQ._ New and t’ sod Tlrso All Work Ouaroalsod 1015 union A v s , N. Portland, Ora. 02 North Third Street, Corner Flunder« All White Help Employed P h one B ro a d w a y 'STS Sunnyftide Market - '- « I Phone Hast 3410 COR. NINTH and OAK — TWOC-"STORE* — COR. EIGHTH * 0 « COUCH PORTLAND, OREGON K N O W Portland Top Co. YOUR CLEANERS OU don’t »end your r«f«r lo n street grinder or your which 1« n blacksmith. Then why send your gnrmrnt« lo tie rlenned nr pressed to nhy one but a Master Clrahert \\> oyerntc our own plant and know yonr dnrk garments get the Mime rare as your light ones. Men’s Suits and Overcoat» Pressed........................... ..........iOIWf k Men’s’Kuits and Overcoat* Cleaned und Pressed.............. fl.SO i< Y Auta Tops Made and Repaired . teat Covers. Cushions and Curtains 121-123 East W ater St. Holmes * A S q u a re Doai A lw d ys GOODYEAR BKRVICR MfATlOX We Deliver , 997 Belmont , Portland, Oregon M A U R O TIR E & REP A ll? CO.I Bros. MEATS, OROCIRIES AND VEGETABLES PORTLAND, ORE MRS. L. E. KLETZINO SPRUCE UP” ----------------------------------------------- PHONE BAST 0306 Reliable Agent for All Magazines „ BELL PARIS CLEANERS AND DYERS C. W . MKBHITT Subscriptions Guaranteed ■me Walnut 547* : Acme Pharmacy G ro w n MEN S FELT AND PANAM A HATS Cleaned, Blocked and Retri mined 038 SANDY BOULEVARD 1414 Oatman St. ROSEW AY BATTERY STATION Sunnyaide Fuel Co. Willard Storage Batteries—Official Station Seles and Service Electrical Repairing Thlrty-Slghth and Sandy Katabllehed 1904, Inc. 1*11 ....................... ................. ........................................... ............ .— Pereonal Service Phons Esst 07S1 of The Western American, came to the 3 North Third Street (ootlightiyHfl Mr. Cameron introduced Near Ankeny her, sayii^Sf “ Allow me please to Introduce to you I the living image of The Western Amer- Portland, Oregon ¡can, for this noble niBther represents the greatest Institution in our land, auit that Is the home. To make her. doubly 100 per cent, she is wearing a I L IIETES and C, HEYEH. Mgrs drees made frem The Western Am erl-; Pioneer Fish Co. can. the official journal of the Knights i Wholesale aad Retail of the Ku Klux Klan in the Realm of . 305 Vamhin Street Port bind. Ore, Oregon, the Royal Hlders of tbe lied Robe, and the Ladles of tbe Invisible HIIIP A SAI.RO.N EAST Empire, and which newspaper has just a---------- —-------------. ------ ----------- —— 4 ore object—the thorough Americaniza- '»bnr 1.779 *- 18S1 Hawthorne tlqn of all the people In the United Hodge’s Sweet Shop States. To this cause The Western The Home of 8weets American is devoted absolutely, and Its remirkablo »access In the last aeven W hole month* has been due to this devotion— to the sincerity of purpose and honesty When in Doubt Where to Eat o nillioil which form the basis of It* TKV THE every effort. 'It is an honor, Indeed, 4 o be the publicity medium of the great and IVnsliiiigtM Street glorious Klan, in d to be helpful to the Near Third brother organization, the Royal Riders of the Red Robe, and to the ladles’ or- L. A. PERRY ganlzatlon, which promises such GROCER splendid results. Ddtveriea L$*av«? at 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. "The aifh Is to make The Western 67th St. and Sandy Boulevard. „ American a great national exponent of Store Tabor »406 Portland, Oregon Protestant fraternalism, and this aim already has been partly achieved. The FRED GANTENBE1N ¡.-ai«r is circulating effectively In New York. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, the Dlrtrlct of Columbia, and In many of Experienced Furniture and Piano the southern and western states. IU Mover, Long Distance Hauling purposes are constructive altogether, 6tar.d: 37* East Morrlsuti. Cor. Union Phone eae* 0*4» and ar* designed to maintain a friendly Residence: *1 East Thirteenth North spirit toward all of Its opponents." Phone Eeet »775 PORTLAND Union Oyster H ouse Express and Moving Crystal Market ° G. W. I-atiniiT A Trank Owens, Prop*. Dealer* In PrMh und Salt Maat«, PUh, Paaltry, Iff*. Batter, O te«« add Maat Accessori« Phono T abor 11X4 Tabor 17SS -- ----------------------------------- P. L. LERCH FUNKRAL DIKM TO H MR». LERCH, Assistant Pertlaifd, Oregon 2*4 E. 11th i t , 1 Block South of Hewthsrns Ave. 14*4 Hawthorne A r t . D U K E ’S M EAT M ARKET C. E. Duke, 1'rop. IHA8. J. MKYKHK, Prop. Moats, Fruits and Vegetables l’ bsn* Tabor 5873 t u t Sóth KL and Hawthorn* 1'urtlsnd, Orgfon 7».1 Aldrr 8t We llaudlr a Full l.inr nt Patlrle« THE LADD RADIO ELECTRIC BAKERY Grocer* a n i Butcher*, KotrnUln and Hestanraat Special Orders for Lodges and Entertainments fw-.l of Matrriula Arr I'erd 1356 Hawthorns Avenue J - Phone Tabor »794 XrSr Forly-rl*hlh Slrrrl The best in all departments Phone Service Delivery H th a n d H a w th o r n s CHEVROLET S u n set 175« Phone East 0720 GASOLINE FILLING STATION CHAS. C. EMERY Automobile Tlrra nnd ArrrHierlr*—High tlfn Ir f.ulirlràlln« Oil* mid Omise* (• mb mid Electric SuppHra—VuUnnlaing—llattrry Charging Thirty-third and Brlmont 8tr«li Pertland, Oregon Authorised Service and Part« Ha tia faction (Juaranteed—IS Year« Knowing How 267 E.« Eighth at Hawthorne Portland Frank Russell Barber Shop . E. H A D L E Y Children'» Hair Cutting a Specialty Burlington, Oregon MI7 Handy Ilualevard Fancv and Staple G roceries Soft Drink«, Tobacco, Confection* G a t — Auto Supplie» — Oil - -4 Phone E**t 0SI9 C. 8. Whitcomb, Mgr Portland Plumbing and Heating Co. Contractors Repairs D ons on the D ay Ordered 147 Sandy Boulevard X ta r 23th St. Phone Tubor 0*31 UHUS. Y. HEICK Portland, Ors. Oaneo « Hall — Dancing E ver/ Rntnrdsy Evening, Boven-PIcco Orcbastra. •