The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, February 01, 1923, Page Page 8, Image 8

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W E^TfltN
are fostered and propagated to est ill
ILh a religious hlerarrhy. must mwt
with rvsistanco by every liborty-tovlns
Freemason. Any orgnntsathm. be It!
1 Frvemasonrv, Klan, or any society that
What are the religious aftalllatlons
does not m»a»ur* up to 100 per c e n tia( Wayne It. Wheeler, general cuuns.1
l l l T i n U i Amsrkan at understood by the fouud-j 0f tha Anti Saloon laagueT
I |Pr
N i l 1 1||n| ' era ot our government. Is un-American.
Mr. Wheeler la a Protestant but I«
unpatriotic and mutt be met, not b y , not a Mason.
■ . ...- I
violence or unlawful act. but at the bat-
• -
H i J . P r U d n f R n a a l 101 ^
’« . e panacea of «narchv. so-j Is Senator Oavld A. Reed, of Penn-
vaTailU n i g n r n e a t O f « » o y t l vt*iism or rellglo-polltical effort*, ialaylvanta. a Mason?
Arch Grand Chapter
•the ballot. Will Preemaaona Mae It. j He is
A member of Fellowship
> of will the politic Kreemaeon betray | Lodge at Pittsburgh,
hia trust*
la Senator Jame* A Reed, of Ml*-
“ Bvery Freemason haa the right to
William F. Kuhn. Grand High
any organization that I* not sub- souri, a Mason*'
Inaugurarte against aflog»J
ESTION BOX1 report from Udine A
" that the Mexi­
can r i caldea t'a action produced a deep
und palnTul Imiireaalon at the Vatican
te d O u tdoor Ceremony
The uwtlce o( expulsion was tqsued
alter telegraphic .ommunloollon be Hundreds Hasten to Special
tween tbe central government and the
— —
— -
Rally to Waleome Fa­
authorities of the stale Of Uuamajualo.
mous Grand Dragon
The officiala o f thU state described the
apc-atolic delegate a* haring been the
BAKER, Ore.. Jen 31. — A little
directing head •* these outdoor eer-
thing like celling e epeclal meeting ol
V T T r o , f a monument
* ° T ° to “ , Ih s rt.t,
? ! »*•
l h m Ku ^
lügt U a a|
. .„ v r
--- J
meeting does not prevent the Eastern
The consultation I. .perlfte la It. 0n cuQ Ku n .m en from shimming over
... ..
— ........ ......... — — —
— — - --
Several hundred naher Klanaraen
.losmd to organize lodges In the tonth the Treasury, .old today that Mezlco n pra#ud th< famoua 8UW officer and
have -------------
crested --------------
the im- C r i i n W d H I P R A R I I M
° f ^ laad’ '
laws were liberal M reesrd. rettgton . , 5. a|Un. Brp,
b) tha
pression by their nropaganda that the r t L L U V V S M l r r U K U I W
No. There are several strong lodges and that their violation could not be rast growlng organization
Kn Klux Klan la
U an
eztreneoua or-
HONEST, EFFICIENT in Dublin and there is a strong Pro- overlooked by the government. Men
Mr 0 1 fford . „p U n a U oo
on extraneous
testant sentiment throughout the coun- 1 later of Interior t'allea la quoted hy
|t Mor Uou„
,vaa ac.
ganlzstlon of irrmmmoonry and douhly . Mr E. r JUmaav of San P r.n,! lry g ^ p u . th.
that It h a. tosn
Kzcelaior as havtag-a.d
reptad> by the Ilaher
unfortunate that attea Orand Matters i Western manager of The FVIIowahlp nnd#r CalhoUc domtaatlon for year*
Bare Portion Churchmen
Klan. The East Oregonians also were
and Orand Lodges have bean caught • Forum, the famous Masonic weekly
M eile« in the future Intends to Bni-ouragod In their marvelously lit-
k . ,k i. nmnaMnda T h . Klan la able newspaper published at Washington.
What Is the status of the Towner- take steps to prohibit high foreign dig-
strength by the report of the
by thin propMSnda. T h e Klan I. »ble q ^
# ^
^ c , rUon Hotel. i sterling bill*
nltarles o f tha church from the prac- {irttnd I)r. |un 00 th. „ p w progreM
to defend Itself and doe« not M od » jp o r u o n g
He is placing represents-1 Thanks to the efforts of Reprooenta-
tice of tholr religious belief In Mexico. „ „ g , by th, Klan ,n g|, p , r u of , h.
by Masonic orators or the Ms- ».veo
is this field for the purpose of Uve Simeon D. Fees, senator-elect from Thli .,rlTU. _
to , hi cl, r_ - of 7 * „ .
*v‘ " ,u
m ""
Dr. Kuhn. “ It U obtaining
„ MalniDg , ubaoribari.
Ohio. It is dead Jor Ahl. wwslon of Con-1 M ey,cT i ! r Stipulated
^ iE X
*Bd MpwU,,3r ,B
» . ^ t • t » o T e Ï
organisation Independent of Free-
The Fellowship Forum subscription gresa The bUl was referred to the '
obregon I. of the opinion
At lM .
. » . „ g k„ _
and needs no Masonic anoist-
price is only $3 a year, and each 1*- House Educational Committee, of
th u taterf.rence on the l*rt of w, r.
^ lh Mr o i f f o i d . T n
ltber must Freemasonry pro­
sue is commonly Mid to be worth which Few is Chairman. Afterward for#lg> pr, , aU# „ Uacr. dInl( , 0 Mezl- nounfanwnt , h. t
obnrtlr wUl ^
scribe It. Freemasonry should attend
that much. The paper has been very Fes. refuted to call the committee to fBB clrrvmMkw ^ i . Uy . . there am p r e - e n t e d l o ^ ‘ m n J v er, sio ri
strictly to Its own business and not fair and generous toward tbe Klan. Its meet, which wan his way of responding #ufftc|ani
of h,fh lU n dln ( 1P" “ WC lo tnem in • .very .1 ort
with or In the business of best staff typorter—one o f the best to Catholic pressure. In that he wos’a lw ho n n fulf1|,
obl|M tloo( lo th.
In America— was sent to Bastrop. La„ candidate tor the Senate. A majority | cj,urcb-
“ I ate not a member of the Klan, but to send out the truth concerning the of the member, o f the committee is in j Report, * g j » .„ I d s u t Harding had POPERY IS BLAM ED
I ate not willing to denounce It, aa the fake murders, framed by the halfbreed U ror of the measure When th. new (aIteBd— a oordlal invltatlou and
philosophy of history la that all
p n w e m o r and a group o f Congrea. convene, the bill will be re- haarty
Mgr „ „ p p ,
to the CIvU War. Abraham
ganlaad agencies or fraternities must
New Orleans Catholics for the pur- introduced and referred to the same I dan)ed by Ameglr.n Charge d'Affalrea
totahllah reason and justice for their pose of discrediting th e Ku Klux committee, of which Representative, SummarllB gl u # American Kmbaaay Lincoln said:
"This- war never would have been
existence or they will die pr*maturely. Klan. For thU aervice the Klansmen Horace M- Towner of Iowa, will be
let Mexico City. President Qbregon poMlble without tha sinister Influence
“ Freemasonry teaches the Father- aTerywhere P are _ grateful
Chairman, being the ranking Republl-
hood of God and the Brotherhood 01
* : The Fellowahip Forum's staff rep-1 c m < m > the committee. Hf la Joint firmly end curtly refuse^ to consider of the Jesuits We owe It to popery,
It, therefore, recognize* ***** ■ reaentative showed up the other re-1 author of the MU. Then it wlU be re- pardoning the priest for his conduct, that we n ow ‘ tee our land reddenad
Flllppl la exported In Washington the* W|tb tb# Wood of
Dablrat . oq .
ewery tinman being, whatever his race
l e g le s s liars and irre- ; ported out favorably.
1 f,r** °* n u * wash.
Though there were great differences
aatioaalUy may he, to entitled to (pongjhie nincompoops- He exonerated
" * ------------* '
___ of opinion between the North end the
What Is the numerical strength of
all tbe rights and prlritagoo that
the Klansmen and proclaimed their in -. ..
i HENRY FORD A U T H O R South on the question of devery,
tbe Ku Klux Klan?
drained nation may offer. It
u riiu p r j Jeff
r u Davis nur
n y on«*
OF A U T O SU G G E ST IO N , neither
nor a ony
one ui
of in
.... . .
According to the latest Information
nixed that a man's religion U sacred,
Tha Forum is
entitled to
Klan sun-1 ..
leading men of the Confederacy wquld
we can gather, the membership about
bo b o Protestant. Romanist. Jow or
At a meeting of the Dutch Treat ' dared to attack tbe North, had
oy* y*______________
' December I had Just passed the J,000,-
Mohatetesnrttn Thors can bo no pro­ ****
000 mark There has been an abnormal Club of New Turk City last week tfcey not felled on the promisee of the
scription for *00110010000 Sake.’
S H O W N UP monthly Increase since, however, due ! Emile Coue, agoelle of autosuggestion. Jenults. that, under the mask of dem-
i IS
__ ___
“But we must dearly recognise a
OUTRAGE to the Mer Rouge affair In Louisiana, ftn<1
Bugera were the leading ocracy, the money and arms of the
l t d Igloos belief from a Tellglo-polit­
1 lights on the program. The French Rornan Catholics, even the arms of
It Is said.
ical ballet.’ Freemasonry, while recog­
The following letter was published
autoeuggaothtetot furnished the eer- France, were at their disposal. If they
nising tbe greatest liberty to rights. a few day» ago by The Fellowship ;
privilege, and religion to every man ~
.J .
~ . ’
^ ' H“ the v * Uc* n *n »mbasiador ‘ o | loua portion o f tke meeting, while WlU wou|d gtUci, u, •• (rirty Years In th*
n !> r ir L r ^ t t o r ^ .“ y
m u w ic w
the vn,,e<i s u ,m ’
p « » ^
u . 1^ . ^ ^ » « . -Churcb of Rome. p . , .
r« u . rk.
rellglo-polltical propaganda that to
' N° ' 11
ter“ *d *“ “ AP0» { for thoa* In seed of chaarfutaei* The .b le and thoroughly authentic expose
To the Editor:
tollc Delegate,' ’ who endeavored to be-1 latter claimed that Henry Ford was 0f
i o f the rights and privileges
Having recently read a copy of your come officially recognized when Pres!- , the original Inventor of autoeugges- Charles Cblnlquy o reformed priest
o f a free people, or that to unpatriotic,
excellent paper, and am much pleased dent Harding first took office, hut 1 ,|0n< M d D*twlUtetandlng
w lltotaadlng the
tt* pr
presence and e personal friend of Lincoln.)
a scheming to aonvert the religion H ■ b * h ,te
of our free American ; tailed. Ho Is supposed to b* the sal-1 of the r misent
sat Jnwochman proceeded i Thus It Is svldsnt that behind a
right of the people to Ita spedai tue
r» tt » TTnttdMt
. . . f ta*t,t“ 0on* M *l“ d ‘ he aggreaeIona of bassador, however, and In so far os be I to substantiate hto contention In these "smoke screen” of religious and patri­
. ™
"“ r ?
7 the Roman Catholic hierarchy, also can without recognition, he fulfills words, says th* Mew Fork World.
otic pretensions, the Romanists bare
rellglo-polltical effort that is not Amer- wlth yoor Btutud. towgrdg tbe Ku
“Henry Ford. Invented autoeugges- been plotting and conniving to over­
lean, not patriotic but whose efforts R] „ x Klan, on organisation which lo
turn. He Invented It when he firet throw democracy, usurp the authority
very similar In principles and aims to PRESIDENT OF MEXICO
made a synopsis, of hia car. Ford's a o f Christ, and again plunge the world
the Masonic fraternity.
EXPELS POPE’S AGENT great feller. He gtu 't always righ t ^ Into darkness and chaoe. An all-
In Yarn Hour
Hope you will (if you have not al-
— ■■
like when he mtxpd np in religion. He American Proteatant organization has
ready done so) make prominent and
In addition to the trouble# wnlcn the
of Neod
was all wrong thore and the Jewa were arisen to defend America against this
emphatic denial of the false press re- Pope Is experiencing with some of the
all right. They seriously considered • papal plot: and Christ, though Invlsl-
ports representing Mr. Clark of The European countries who are objecting boyeotttog his ear, ___
hut they couldn't ble. is on the field.
Taker U&8
Klan as favoring the admission of to his political interference, now come* • ^ d V n otter oM Utet'wss^aaThesp*
Catholic, to membership In the Klan; the Government o f Mexico on th . ^
moM Jewl<h wtor> „ „ „
g„ Y. M. C A. IN PERIL
Snook & Whealdon
and that will show up tbe unjust and American continent, whose K°*crn' I enough money to buy s Ford buy a
malicious persecution of the KUn In ment heed. President Obregon. Issued ;
ArrQw aM ow, the dlff, r, nc<s
Fanerai Directors
Louisiana by Governor Parker and h!s an executive order directing the ex p u l-
a »hole day with Henry
Pprlngfleld. Maas., Jan 30 — Friends !
whose prswnees is nev er
K. C. supporters.
islon from Mexico within three days of ont on hl< farm ^
m r H# d|d tha ot tbs T. M. C. A looked askance at re- j
felt, but who quietly» effi­
Scores Governor Parker
Monsignor Ernesto Flllppl. the apos- „ „ fc jn g for Ba
^ „ 1 Bnd one e* Bt
to admit Roman Catho- '
ciently attende ta all detail■
Unless you have received informs- tollc delegate In Mexico.
• other feller and wo did s lot o'ta lk in g ,,w ' ** w>* declared th* suggestion-
tlon other than that published by the
The order for expulsion came as the ^
R l h f DurBal bad w** th* •’♦ginning of an attempt by j
Associated Press, you are not sware 1 result of Monstgnor Flllppl'» directing
put 0Bt bJ# B#w g U (,
#Q(1 j the Roman Catholics to create dlssen-
of the diabolical methods employed by and participating In religious ceremo- ^ ,4 to Henry that he'd have to cut his |,lon * nd
“ >ls great Instltu- \
the Parker-K. C. combine to make the hies contrary to the federal laws of ‘ prJeB And pretty goon fc() d,d; cut u Hon. Dr. John R. Mott, general see-,
Klan a criminal organization in the Mexico. It Is the first Important move
115() btjt tJwt j UBt , Q d|g^0ur8g# rotary-of the Internatlonsl Commit-
which. It Is said, the government will thlevlng
eyes of the public.
| •** of “ >® T. M. C. A., declared laat
"Well, that day I oaked Henry just 1 8ur><Uy lh* 1 th* "Roman Catholic
Following are some of the nominations and standing of the how long he could cut the price. He Church I. organizing sn Internatlonsl
candidates in The Western American’s big subscription cam- said that was getting Into the business ^*|hpalgn to undermine the T. M. P.
paign. Mrs. H. E. Hadley still is maintaining her lead, followed eDd of It. but thoa b* winked at Edael
closely by Mabell E. Jones, who is making a spectacular race for and said they cogld afford to give th* 1 H* m*/,e thl* <,*CI,r*“ on at a meet
tt on unfortunate that the enemies of otherwise. It is unworthy."
first place. Mrs. Fred Armbruster has been ill this week and was
8 *00*9«, PU*. *nd
Mmlnq c o m p e lle d
» t h .nd ro*?' R«^*p^u^Torte.n McClellan
Mrs. H. E. Hadl«ya Burlington (Linnton)...... ......... .......... - ............ ...
Mabell E. Jones, 1173 Gladstone Are.......... ........ ....................- .... ..
Mrs. Fred Armbruster, Cecilia Apartments........ .......................... ...»
Orpheum Bldg.
Phone Rain 1184
Roy R. McClellan. 445 Morrison St------------ L...... ............................. ....
J. A. H A IM T t a - a . a ¿ r ’ EKTHKtt Ethel Howard, 13»1 Tabor ML-................. ............................................
A- J. Newman, Linnton, Ore......— —--------------------------- *
Our Food la Cooked and Swved Clean W. E. Bailey. g626 70th St—.---------- --------------------------------------------
with the "Homey" Flavor
Sheriff Harley Slusher, Astoria, Ore—
------------- -——......... .
O. K. Lunch Sc Chop House Nat R. Long, 840 E. i4th 8 t ---- --------- -------------- ---------------------------
Mrs. H. W. Hunt, 9843 55th Ave. S. E---- ------ --------------------------------
1M Broadway
a w Washington S tr w t
Fortl*nd, Or.BOO
Between First and Second
, c* r * W*T ,f
kept control o f the ,n*
to relinquish second place to Mabell Jones. Roy R - : J ^ V e!"*, be “ 'id ‘me thüTÏ y ^ m ' " ^ T ' â i d S L “1 ‘ ^ e ^ t ï
advanced to fourth place while Ethel Howard, Mrs. H . ‘ Eord would iaed enough bolts la two nMnt ,ollow»d » diwumion of the rulM
W. Hant and Harley Slusher, sheriff of Astoria, advanced into months to pay for itaelf."
• i« ° T«mlng the organisation of certain
Y M. C. A : committee, who have been
big company” this week, by leaps and bounds.
suspected of being altogether too
■ E PATIENT, K L A N iM iN !
Standing of the various candidates is aa follows:
friendly to the efforts of the Roman
M rg
Z e rth g R o w e
C ook , . U n lo n .... ....... ........................ ............. ..................
! 054 075
676 386
4717 00
431 000
413 200
Th* Wet,#r" American In working
out h»"*« conttraatlv# plana, not only
! ,or ***• development o f th# official
paper of th# Re^m o f Oregon, but for
oth*r betterment work. Thee# plans
lnc,ud* • ‘ areoanhlnf nows-gathorlng
All thla
! and
" " " Intelligence service.
take* time. Within present limits a
great amount of nows mutt swolt Its
turn i t the linotype. W# hop* ooon
to Increase th* also of th* paper to
sixteen pages, with many deslrabla
Improvements^—'The Editor.
for • $555 8*piece 1 0 ltd
walnut Dining Set
consisting of 72-inch
buffet, tet of 6 chair*
and flLfoot table with
4Bx60-in- top. See it in
our window.
for a $180.00 all white
porcelain C on||^.V ion
with 4 burn «era for
wood and 4 burner» for
gag, 2 separate ovens
and broiler.
Calef Bros. Annual
Clearance Sale
Every Article Reduced
(on trnrl Good* Always Excepted
*19 .95
.5 0
for a beautiful Italian
style mahogany Dav­
enport Table in 2-tone
' finish - k A ~ __
A r»*«l bargain at the
regular price of #27.50.
Queen Anne stvle for
#25.(H>. •
for a beautiful
mahogany Queen Anne
Library Extension
T o p 28x4«r> in c h e s a n d
e x t e n d s to (» f e e t. R e g ­
u la r p ric e # 48..'X). O t h -
ers as lo w a * # 2 7 .5 0 .
.5 0
Vz Price
for a handsome semi­
poster two-tone walnut
Bedroom Suite
eou.suituig of bed. semi-
v a n i t y euse, chiffo-
rette, bench and rocker.
Oompare it with any on
the market at ilouble
the price.
W c h a ve a fe w
Genuine W illo wChairs
and Rockers
in ivury finish to cloae
out at Vi» price. Coiuo
in und sec if vou ean
use theni.
hom e ^F I^I s S e RS
0 0 -7 0 -F IF T H
S T .
Always Your Money’s Worth
1923----------- FORD CARS— 1923
t hsve som . good buys In socond hand cars
Res. ¡’ Lese (Evening.) Empire IMS
The Largest sod Most Completely Equipped Automotive Servies
In the Mount 8cott District
The Right Place for Right Service
AX KL KIDDAHL. P r o r e * or
8S1S Fester Rood
Phone tlS-M
M ade by One Who Knows
' '■ *1 1 .. ..
Catholics to break Into the" ranks of
the T. M. C. A.
Peacen 17*4
D rop m e a postal and I will call
Res. Walnut 1101
Shipley Transfer St Storage
upon you , subm itting sam ples.
Flow ers are guaranteed to be
HoTlrng, Parking sad Shlpplag
furniture and Plan* Moving n
8 per laity
108 Fourteenth St.
b e a u tifu l or n o charge m ade.
Portland, Ore.
H. W. Rohrer, Huntington, Ore—........ - ...........
Preeh Em it and Vegetables a 8 per laity
Susie B. Enouf, 96 E. 37th 3t :—.....— ------
Lawrence A. Ten Eyck, 914 Yale S t .......|— ........— ——
1 Arvid B. Carlson, 750 Corbett St-.—-—......— -------- —■»
Frederlckburg, Va., Jan. 30.— Letters
Harry Federsplel, 6218 Powell Valley ..... .......... ............ -
warning them to leave the city at once
We Delhref
Logan A. Read. 501 E 37th St................... .........................
83,126 j
has thrown tke foreign population of
D. E. Buckman, Viking Bakery..............................— - ......
Phone Tab«r *137
this historic old town Into fever heat.
„ „ wirnec.
B a v . the
surface Oeo. A. Marvel, Boyd, Ore--------------------------------------------
Tha Catholics at once charged th*
tOO per dent Ininrance Service
and TO u save all Mrg. Alice V. George, Eugene, Ore---------------------------------
4M.62C „ rid ng 0f thg letters to tbe Ku Klux
Mrs. Martha Dunn, Newberg, Ore.................— ---- ---------
52,300 n jan> but poHiQ »ad county officials
Talk It Over With
Marshall C. Fisher. Roseburg, Ore— ..... ...... .... ...........*~
47.000 hgTB scouted the Jdea. Bootlegging by
AI Holmgren
Earl Johnson, 1040 E. 13th S t N— .....—.— *— ........— .
41.000 I restaurants and fruit-stand operators
Pala ting aad
Oladya Qalchutt. 88 E. Lombard St.....—a»
Mrs. J..W . Minor, Baker, Ore--------------------—---- -------- —
14.000 »entment against the foreigner«. Many
Main 0699
1036 N.
Bank Bldg
A. D. Montelth, 587 E. 15th N................. ..... .... ......... .... —
New Stock 1833
Eleanor McAllester, 618 Columbia Bird.................. ........ —
Met Ceke* »nt Waffles.
11,100 warning.
* Wall Paper
sed Chape.
Coffee a Specialty
C. W. Dasher. 878 Vancouver A r t— ------- ------------ — .... ...
- _________ _
‘• REAL H O M E C O O K IN G " at
Commence your sprlogfM rs. H! T. Btevenson, Route 1—...........——
— .... ....... ........ -
--- ------- ----
6,100 ' . Masonry is Denmark. Norway, Bwe-
painting and papering Nathan Hale. 602 East 8th 8 t ....
6,100 den and th* riraad National Lodge of
Mrs. F. T. Bell, «22 Lina Ave-------- ----- ------- *--------—
---------------- 8.100 Berlin. Gerxuny •* known an the 1 j v Lunch ifW a . m . t* tun P. M
j m
Nota-—Rend «tory In hwx Hem «howtog hew eoay H h to jqmp Rife fh* C8 rl»nlen greqp. nodenudM sto* must |-
Taber *478
_______A , * * ■ be professor» *f tlte C%rt»Han reUgdtet. CSoiISimV
M RS. B. C. SH R O Y
736 Marguerite Ave.
Portland, Ore.
To Our Many Friends:
If you har« not Bubacrlbefl,
W * carry a com p l.t , line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Your Patronage lo Respectfully
Solicited - -
This Means You
Let's put The Western American
over the top
D. & H. Grocery
144 Second St.
B. R . Perkins
ISM 8a. F ssisndse St.
mmm wkmm m m m