The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, February 01, 1923, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    ■f« I I
ThousandsV Dollars in Valuable Prizes Will be Awarded Absolutely F R E E Saturday Night March 10th
S - - S l ^ n B 9 B
flNine weeks’ gigantic sub­
scription campaign ju st
QCompetition is open to
men, women, boys and girls
of the ambitious and enter­
prising kind, residing any­
where in the Pacific North­
I I BY— ...
Magnificent 1923 REO
Grand Capital Prize
S 99 S S a B 9 B
flit costs nothing to try for
the valuable prizes offered,
and you positively cannot
lose. Every participant will
be rewarded for his or her
flRead this announcement
carefully—every word of it
—then dip the coupons be­
low and send them in for
yourself or your friend.
------------------------ ■ —
' r v
1923 Ford Coupe, Second Prise
Fmil, Equipped Ford ( . i p .
Purchaaod from Mr. 1. D. U t , nlMtnmn for
autborliod Fort t|M L
Phono Empirò US»
__ _
* * ^
aside to be distributed in the form Of salaries
among active atfn-priae winners ea a ten per cent bails. An, candidate who remain, active
throughout the eatlrr campaign, making a regular cash report, bat falls to win one of the big
prise* offered, will participate ii this commission feature. THINK OF IT ! Oat of every dollar
you collect ten par cent goea Into your pocket If you fail to win a prise. ThU arrangement > a «pros
’ compensation to *U caadtdatea and means that THERE W ILL RE NO LOSERS IN THIS RACE!
Could anything be fairer or B o re liberal than this?
With one-man top, tilting windsD
This ear purchased from A R. Llewellyn,
man, Francia Motor Car Co.
Qraad Ava and Hawthorne, Beat 3770
..’ " - i i
FIFTH PRIZE— $150 Radio Set
$200 Diamond Ring, Fourth Prize
Contest Closes Saturday Night, March 10
For complete information call, telephone
or unto
The big object of this prize distribution is two fold; primarily to increase the already
large subscription list of The Western American; to collect arrearages and advance subscrip-
pavments from present or old subscribers, and at the same time to afford our friends aud
readers an unparalleled opportunity to profit, and in a big way, tHrough their spare time
during the next few weeks. 80, it is a plan that works l>oth ways and to the ultimate good
of all concerned.
In order to gain this end quickly and advantageously, the most valuable and attractive
Good for 5000 Free Vote*
Automobile Contest
Pitas« Eatari
Miss (M r. o r M rs.)...... ............... .. ........... ....... .......—
_______ 1
SEVENTH PRIZE— $50 in Gold
list of prizes ever offered by a local newspaper in this section of the country has
ready for distribution among those who participate most heartily.«. Ambition
are the only requisites for success.
. .
, jYV>
, a
The plan adopted is the fairest aud most impartial conceivable. There will be no
“ double vote” offers, extra prizes given or any other inducements whatever inaugurated dur­
ing this competition. The plan of the campaign is straight-forward and simple, and is fully
outlined in this announcement.
Let it be understood at the very outset that this is not a “ beauty” nor “ popularity” con­
test, but a strictly legitimate competitive proposition for enterprising men and women, boys
and girls and one into which no element of chance enters. One feature of this competition is
the fact that there will be nà losers in this race.
Nominating Coupon
;i • ■ •-
SIXTH PRIZE— $100 in Gold
EIGHTH PRIZE— $25 in Gold
The Plan in Brief
N O T I:
. v'
C o n te st D e p a rtm e n t— Frank W. Cameron, Campaign Manager
Room 407-408 Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon
Show at the man ar woman, boy or girl who would act
Ilka to possets such a Jewel end we will »how you oae who
ha* absolutely no aonoa of the beautiful. Too must tee It la
ordor to appreciate Itt Purchased from and on exhibition at
M. L. Smith. Jeweler. I N Broadway. Portland. Oregon.
v _ Y j V/.
Only On* Nomination Cou ¿bn Acctptsd for
la c * Candidato Nominatod
. . . . . . __
l, Contest open, o ffic ia li» Monday morn-
In«. January S. and til) extend over a
losing Hatur-
period o f lime weeks only
day uight. March 1«.
I. Any man. woman or child rsaidtng In
the Northwest I . ellalhle to enter th l. con­
test and rompeto for a prlae. Nominations
may ho m ad. at aay lima during the con-
S. No em ploye.' o f near relative of any
employe o f The Western American Is eli­
gible to enter this contest
The Western
American reserves the right to reject any
4. The winner, o f the prises will he de­
rided by their accredited votes, amid votes
being represented by ballots Issued on obh-
sciipttona, and advert lain« cards, and by
coupana clipped from the papers.
Candidates are not confined lo their own
particular town or community In which to
obtain vote, and aubecrlpUona, but may
lake order* anywhere In thla section: or
ir that m ailer, anywhere in the Slate, or
ft 'nltad Htales.
Ca* moat accompany all orders, where
voles ar* desired. There will be no ox-
raptlons lo thla rule
Candidates will he
nllowod to collect, back auK.crtnnnns and
renewal* a*-w ell as entirely new subscrip­
tions, and votes will be issued on both alike
7. Vote* are free. It coat* the subscribers
noting extra to vole tor their favorite. 8ul>-
arrlher* should aak for vole* when paying
their subscription, otherwise they waive this
V ote« wUt not he laousd on re ­
ceipts covering past payments.
5, Vote, cannot be purchased. Kvery cent
t crept ad through the conteai department
must reprsaeut a subset Iptloa.
Votes will
not 8c Msued on subai rlptlowt for tvs« than
an ten years in
ona year. por for mote than
advance o f any ona candidati
». Vote, are not transferable. Candidate*
cannot withdraw In favor of another caudi-
HhouId a candid«»* withdraw from
the race his or her votoo wdtl be cancelled
Neither will It be permissible Tor candidates
to litre or transfer subaiTtpMamr to another
candidate. Votes on such transferred auh-
sciiptkm will ha *iihj«et,dp dlauuaUftcatlon
at U r discretion of the management
to. Any colluolou on the part o f. candidate«
nullify competition, oh any oihnr com-
binatloo lo th * dalriment o f candIdols. I
thls new*t>apcr will net b « tolerated
■ andldate. or randldatca «aterina Into oc
taklng part tn auch »vreement will forfrlt
all righ t» to a pflae or commtaabm
It. All bnllots läse cd mag he bald tn re-
aarv« at the dlacrellon o f the candidate.
The prlated coupotis. nt'Pearln« from werk
to waek In tlyc pepei muot bo voied befoie
the cxpiitng date appearlng thereon
II. Inw the avant of * tle tor any on* of
tko prlaep. a pvlxe Mrnmvl ln value will bc
«Ivcn cach tyltvg contestant
No Statement or promlae madc by*any
sollet tor. agenl or randldgt« varyin « fitun
the rtiles and Statement* M u H m tnrough
the rolumns of thls nawsMpor will be roc-
ogntsed by Ihe pubbsher.
14. In rase o f typographteaf or olher error,
It la underatood that nellher the puhlleher
nor the campalgn msnagar «hall bo hcld
i esponaiblr. cxccpt to oiakp the necosoarv
corrotdlon upoa dlevorery Qf so rar
11. E veiy candldatc Is ad authorued agent
o f Tne Western American and *a auch mpy
coHci t arrec.irwgc- and awbacriptIO« pay-
menls from tu-esuut subocelbors aa wall uv
fm si new subecrtbeis
I*. It U dtotlnotlv i.sdarotdog and .vgrec i
that candldates will bo roaponsiblc for all
atone) s collected, and that they will remit
such amounts In full at freqhenl Interval*,
or oil demand, to the campaign department
17. Thera will be eight priaaa awarded be­
sides a. 1« per rent cash commission to all
A C T IV E non-prlie-wdnnera. but It is dia-
tin t n
c ir
t l y understood
__ ‘
___ that ‘ ' In the event A N Y
candidate Become* . IN A C T IV E , falling to
make a regular report, he or she will, at
.he discretion of the management, become
dlnoaallfled and tharoby forfaits all rights
lo a prise or a commission.
IS. T o Insure absolute fairness in the
awarding o f prise*, the rwca wHI be brought
lo a eloee under a sealed ballot box" sys­
tem. and will be under the personal super­
vision of two or more Judges selected from
the Advisory Board. During the antlre last
week of the contest, the box—locked and
sealed—will repose in the vault* o f a local
hank where candidate» and their friends
wi:i deposit their final collections and r e ­
serve voles.
And not until the race has
been declared rinsed, will the seals ba
broken, the box unlocked, and the Judges,
In Ihe presence of candidate* and all other
Interested parties, begin the final count
In this way no one, not even the campaign
manager, can possibly know the voting
• le n g th o f the respective candidates, which
lurectudes any possibility ot favoritism and
Insure* falrneaa to the minutest degree.
1». The Weatera American reserves the
right to. amend the rules of this contest. If
necessary, for the protection o f the Inter­
ests of both the randMdtes and this newa-
S ^ W e Western American guarantees fair
and impartial treatment to all candidate»,
hut should any uuaetlon arise the decision
o f the management will be absolute and
It., In accapting nominations candidates
agree to abide by the ahovs conditions.
Free Vote Coupon
Good for 75 Free Vote»
Automobile Prize
Ml»» (Mr. or Mr*.) ------ ------------------ tfc------
>ot liood Attor lek. K, I M3