1 'n u j r n d a ^ ^ F V b n J i u ^ J L j ^ g M Following the Fiery Gross in the East v Mam Now Council» of tha L-O.T.I.E. to ba opened tbaOtly la Jeraay are j ib Arlington. Morrialown, l.yndhurat. Anbury Bark and Hed Saak. By A. II b e l l o r e e t in g b . w e r t e r n i a b , t I < Tba R.R.R.R. will open new Chapter» shortly lb 1 Huiler, Anbury Bark, and Hilt er Lab«. m no u n Tba Waatam American baa reached |be Eaat and found many reader* A naw Klan ta being formed In mirer Labo, K. J., U mambera | i moo a tba followara of the «P ry Croia, tba Knlgbta of tba Ku Klux Klan. of Bloomfield Klaa Tba BettavUle K laisaea aro ata# geiatoc la number. ; Tbn Royal Ridare of tba Bad Robo, and Tha Ladle* of Tba Invisible Empire. and will aoon branch away from Newark. Pacific-Bay City Market C see THE BUNGALOW MARKET Choice Moot* and While lb# Boat I* not ad far advanced In the great movemeat aa the » The Propagation Department I« now worhlbg to flstearfc, X !.. and wUI j Waat. nevertbeleai w# aro not oui of tha tight by any mena*. Tba Ku Klua open f l i or more naw Klana la tha next faw weak«. Klan la aatlva In «very BUIe. while the two other gréât organization» are Albert Pika Klan No. I, Rutherford. N. lad toVeral * r m r tat Idente ! bu»y piling up n membership that aeon will ba In a po»UU>h to keep iba un of Oregon. • American alema al ta their pkaee. Courteous Service J.. Thaak Tea For Meat# o f the Finest Quality —* at atta Dr W|Utom J. Mahoney, U m Importal KlohaML 10 In the Eaat. we ara right lb the mouth of tha cannon, and wUb Roptan takln« car* uf U m pork ibera and be has a, »tait Cat bollo» bolding most all public «(flees wa am right whom wo are acedad. Th« Ladle» of Tb« InvUlbl« Empir» la th« fcaal hi In Harrlaon, H. J.. tho Ordef haa gone out to arroot any Klanaman and •orna of their Imparta! Offlaar» «Ul toma day «MM Urta « buM him la |atl 1er lea day« I* laat hta anally. CUu you »»pact anything put un tkair worb». Tb« ladies »ara are lelter tettate different from a Rome-controlled clly where they nrreat tbn Pira Department pork. 7. from lb« next ally for speeding they paae through Harrlaon to gnawer-• I ^ lira alarm? A wtae young reporter tbdugbt ba had discover«* » 1 « -MtUng-plaae of i *-----tha Klan la Newark and called to gat n awry. Ha wan «Sgeattog to ha mot Tba Balay Roaa Council Ne I. Pntareon. N. J . Indi»» of Tha Invisible 4, u,* door by a whlU robed figure and almost t«U 4 m dto btavutor abaft Empira, entertained Tba Red Blder. at ah.tr laat meeting And provided a Srh.n g Royal Rider In a Red Robe greeted him. nice little »upper which wa* enjefad by the hungry men In lt«d — * 1 - ■ . ........... A _ ... ---------- _ . j "Dr." Harrlaon, n negro I «turar, «poke en tba "Meenea o f Iba Ka Klui Tba Kanrnay Chapter of tha ILK R.R. la to open tha laat of January and Klan" recently In Pntareon, N. J. He • tiled that ba uaaá t o j a a "Protoe- la expected to grow that la tba nett few month«. tant" but was proud to ha able to «tal» that bo «ad nd longer connected with ; *--------- ~ auch n bigoted church. He atetad ha bad two etatorn who war« Catholic» Colled Wa Bland. Divided W« Pall, la the motto hare In tba Eaat and nil After ha had flntahed hie talk on the Klan to aa andlaeaa «boat five Klaaemen. Rider» and Ladite deaire tba Weatoraere to know tkiat they are hundred Jewa and Catholic., ha was much ly y f b a d walked upon lb« platform and tora bla lecture I with you in all thing* tur« « b lu , "H r" Harrlaon would bare dona aa. Tba school bill put over in O rag on la tba talk of the Eaatern But«« and The Brooklyn Rian baa bean barin# It will not ba lonp before It ta attempted In thta neck of tho wood*. to outgrow tba Ootbam Klan U tha buay 1 Al noon on Saturday, a few weeks ago, the oltlxau* oP Palemón, N. J.. wora surprised to «*« aavaral man la tba Red Robe» of tha Royal Ridera «tap Tba Rail Splitter, published at Milan. I1L. will publiât nn original pic out of an automobil« and walk Into tba Preaa-Ouardlan newspaper offices ( tnra of tba Royal Ridare la Us Pabrasry ls«u*. -d ua.t door to tba polle, atado. The Ridar. guv* U m ad.tor au outl.no o f tba An „ lu * J V Û m >.Uruon Ccpndl. UO.T.IM. u i principia« of tbalr organisation sad then departed to visit U m Proto.tant ^ M ^ u tH . *11 boy," and ■alatatars of lb . city and Pledge (ba .« .p o r t of the organisation to th. ladUa M, to r#tol for i hurrhas Publicity count* Now tbara are hundred, waiting to find tbalr * ’ way Into Ua organlaaUoa —1 : Oaorga Washington Kina No, I. Now baa planead tar n Mg time on Washington’* Birthday. Tbyy will bara a Tba A »bury Park Klan (N. J.) la working bard tba«« days. Lecturer» at tbalr naît maettn#. appear each meeting bad give tba Klanaman Intarastlng talks that have made the man gal up on tbalr toaa and go ou tV la r every eligible man at “ A Few of Our Many Bargains” The Gem Waffle House SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALS Cottage Haas, per pound ............ 25c mjM ^ ^ m ea. Compound, our own make, two C. THORESEN Bo tar. R aasta* to ba n tie. -j _________ To attain harmony with the The Klana In Naw York Clly are growing at n rata that would surprise d u ty And p u rp oee o f th e Mayor Hylaa If ha only knew Hylan ordered all Klanaman arrested, bat that doas not mean anything for be ordered aavaral thing« that have navar, bean done. Blnghamptoo, N. T , la one of tba towna that In tba laat faw weak» haa coma forward aa a Klan stronghold They are to bold a big maatln# tbara la tba aaar future and will taka la bondreda of aliéna. IS IS Want to borrow 11.000 for two or throe yaara. Security, flrat mortgage on proparty. 0 par oaat. B. P. 101. ♦0T Ptttock Block. tt« I ama Thaatn at (d it o I f Ton Are Going to Build F in i CltaM Bátartáia- moot Aii the Time or make altarationa ■ at your rent- daaca or bualaaaa place, I would ba glad to balg deatgu your work. t t yaara In Portland. a a B O ttO U M i. Mgr ■ ■ ■ ■■■■........ ■ —— I Ph«M «» iiwm S gags to arti ag Dwb THK BEAVER PHARMACY ». Seil wood Jewelry a a Mowiwr. Pran. ■ A '7 J analer and Watabmnb«» S2b V C S Ï T U ! u r u g a ta i). P » m ee o f the "first period,” tradnating Monday ttight^Vebruary A ,1 V Ten such subecriptione (amounting to $100 in buai- nesa) would entitle you to 260,000 REGULÆ votes. And, according to the offer o f Issuing 60,000 SPECIAL EXTRA votes on every “ club* o f $S0 turned in ($100 constitutes ten complete dub«) making 260,000 SPECIAL votes plus 260,000 REGULAR votes, or .a grand total of 600,000 votes. Therefore, ten such subscriptions or approximately its équivalent in shorter term order*, would mean half a million votes. Easy enough, isn’t it? Haven’t you ten friends who would help you to the extent o f a five-year subscription to The Western Amer­ ican (only $1Q) toward helping you win that splendid, brand new Reo touring car, worth $1896? Surely you have! Try it and seel G R 00SB H 8 C. THORESEN Klan. FIGURE J. L. SC H A F E R W. Lembnrd Bt In ftn ltd C. THOEESEJI Insist on BARKER’S BREAD M ay M o t o r C o m p a n y lanar, Oeorge Washington Klan Nn. 3, Newark, N. J.. and Leif Erlckaon Klan No. I. Paterson. N. J., are working hard to beat each other In membership Shoulder, price par pound . .......... 15c Back Bacon, price par pound . . . . . . . 25c Pure Lard, No. 5.80c Sugar Cured Bacon, per pound . . . .25c tt " TH ORESEN 1 .a