The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, January 25, 1923, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    to oaai o cibata i r draft :
back to tha old country and didn't
care to have It esaminai. On Inquiry
ho odd tbo cheek waa tor K L N t
"Gee," exclaimed t^e grocery man, “ 11
mover sow o check that big.'' and tha
Greek showed It to him. When asked
how ho got so ranch money, ho sold
"worked fra- It many years and saved !
ft le quits probable that K woe the
earnings of n family of several men
who are sending ft to Greece, and will \
follow It neon to llvn In sane.
America a “ Good Thing."
Another Incident wo can prove Is
that of certain Oreek brother* who i
Stalwart and unoom*reml«lnq i„ hie They know the lew.they waat U «a for gralioo latra ta (it lita occaalon. ac- may aay that Home Mil No. M, If own a barber shop snip bootblack
We Make Free Delivery to All
and Port- stand on upper Washington street.1
- - -**M -f»e 4M roturo
Amorto» ta Vta-lAB* JtPUsUM .or ftojr property a»d Isordtof.. ta tSa fol»owln, troia Ih* t a t a , will
of the City--
oaoola ta Whom it h .io n « Mr M F bu«lo«««. •»«» y.l they openly da(y a Portland New» of rocentfar*:
Tard , ommaretoW. « « 7h
sod employ white’ barber*.
. part oi Qur COBWit#l|OB. -And loo
brother looks after the business here,'1
Wrlfht, aaaautlva aaaratary of lha many of thaaa man ^tra bolding raapoa-
will withdraw from Portland. They the other resides In Greece and the
Phon* Yogar Order
ta ira h
“ Allan Law to Bo Changed; Now
Amariaan Fratamal Fadaratlon, haad- aiMa publlo poaii
may soy this from a selttek stand earnings of the shop are sent there.
M U ."
The protection given the Japanese By Lawrence M Benedict, United point, because they fear for their Every tow years the brother hero re­
quartara at Portland. It living valua-
pocket books. If they «ere real man. turns to Orsaos and the other comes
bla aid In tha adueatlonal effort to bp the big buatnaaa man may bo ilk-
Pram SUN Corespondent.
who would stand firm for an Araert
to tbo' above atatamant, tbofr
obtain tha naoaaaary laglalatlon and
B e a t boro and conducts the business,
“ Washington, Jan. 14.— Tha bourn
The Mme amnMcefnenls are made
for gold to aa otrong. aa<! Immigration committee dal out today can merchant roartee. they would sot
publlo support. Tha data glvon In the
Phone E81
221 W. Bond St» Astoria»
artlala balow waa gatharad by Mm atrongar than tbalr graod for boooo to redraft the present ‘I par cant’ Im­ have their fear. They are so eager hy , palr ot well knoWD ,ta,laB
tfc, no, - t r coacaaalon
and ha aoavmaa raaponalblllty for tha They think of tbomaalvaa only and migration statut« Into auch shape that for gold that f t * tight the Amerl era who ara
cam merchant raartov and allow th>- bualneee, following the fairs, street
antlra artlala. Tha faota whlah ha not of the country in which their live, It wll stand aa a permanent law.
givag ought to maho ovary A marl dan nor bow they JoqgordHa the popula­
“ A acara of more changes will be Japanese to carry our timber from onr »bows and carnivals, who make trips
thoughtful on thla vitally Important tion or prriapertty.
oonaldared. One of the moat import­ ibores In Japanese »hips, and the (0 ]tAlx frequently where they invest
timber loses Its Aararlcen Identity he- tb«lr- American made money.
aubjoct. •
Predict» Olgantle Struggle. ‘ . ant la President Harding'» recom­
fore it leaves tha mills by being sawed
Tha Now York Trlbuna In a recent
“ Last year Italians in Amarles sent
In bla book. "Tha Problem of the mendation» thattoll allana be required
odllorlal oald: "Tha prevent dlactm- Pacific In tbo Twentieth Century,“ >to register several times a year so into Jap squares.
of their earnings to their homo lend
The Willamette river is full ef Ji not loan than >3>0.000.fl00."—Telegram.
aloo about laaaoolng the restrictions General N. Golovin la of tbo mind (hot a close Ub can be kept oa their sctlv.
' upon Immigration aeema to ovrrlook tha problem !■ bow to avoid war be. It lea and the pace at which they at- pones* ship* and *a newspaper* brag Jan. 17, 1023.
of onr oh taping, while hundreds of
Worst Phase of Problem.
tha fact that tbo main porpoae of lim­ tween tha United HI*to* and Japan, s Udita ta Americas ideals
American vessels 'll* rotting in ‘ the
In one block la tha north end
itation la to give tha country time to and etataa that all too eoon "the Pa­
“ Another major proposal to bo
the American
trlct o f Portland there Is not less than
aaalaillato Ita annrmoua number of cific and the countries bordering upon taken up _ by h
Is (hat
foreign born."
*° f five joint* operated by foreigner* with
the ocean will be the arena of a gi­ I per cent’ law boroaftar be based , r - ** 1,vln* wW1 not *ll#w
Ask for oar liberal prices and Is
Thla atatamant la oorract In tha gantic struggle" between the United on the censu# of 1K»0 Instead of the ,
( tamlllos. Of one place In particular
eaaa of the foreign born that can and fltatas end Japan, and that the United census of 1»10. Going back to the I
grttlah Tosoh Us Lesson.
. wn.can produce p man who will testify
win berume aailmilatod. but what Htatoa will fight aa a diaodvaataga 1X90 census would greatly Increase , How different It I* In the British i ‘ Nat No entered to use a telephone
about tbo forelguer that cannot and whan the conflict cornea, not because tha quotas lor the northern countries Empire I British grown sad controlled
m*n w ,t In front of the place
And ota- Low Cash P r i c e s
will not become atilnjllethd T Tha Japan already enjoy* strategic ad* of Europe which would supply deair- cotton raised la tndla is mid to the
two children. He called the
problem that la (aclag Oregon and vantages, but because America "will able Immigrants and al the same’time worfd with the proviso that It be car wom*n and hlpiself took the children
tha Paeifte ooaat autaa at thla time not realise her shortcomings until tha reduce materially the quota* (or the
iry only in Brttleh
welked down the street. The
la tha problem that already baa been w»r la actually upon bar.“ in «harp countries of southern Europe." >
i I* true of other ,o m *n conducted the visitor to the
bottom* Tito
faced and ia now a National problem contrmat with tbla heed lemmata ha
ouutrles. But he ‘ "lophone In the rear room ana there
Jap “American«" Increasing.
sell onr products shnply tor the money »«vred to sett him bootlqg whiskey,
In the HawsMna (aland», that at Orl- ¿aplota Japan aa Canning tha flam#
antai control, an.l the J » m n t a J m w rootal hatrod." preparing for a
port o7tTn Ïorrou
"of ' Z
e**wr,8d * "d *’ *° '* * '* her“ 'f “ * Pr°*U’
tha prtnrlpU menace at this time aa - ho|y w
for lb#
of tha ^
(bough our merchant marine rot tnt*-
State of Oregon Informs us that there !
on thla aoaat. aa it haa baan on tha
In the harbor* asid onr American sail-
Thoae conditions exist because we
Aster Court
lalanda la tha Pacific, thanka to lb#|
“ ° w 17°,1
ioroery tor WPta."
>| * » ■«« l a t i t o proper «mt-alle« law. I , Uppertown
children »»dar the W of I . ymre.
to govern the alien in our country and
ao called
• gentlemen's agreement" — ,
Astoria, Oregon
^ « u a e the big Interoot. want the
which haa gentlemen on bat oaa aide, i *■ « toglleh ‘•■gaaga echod In that worn born In Oregon and are fu \
tha Hawaiian Islaada aa American lure clUsena. Thla Is the number now
alien labor.
Two C l i t i t i % K aai II m ^
alas, of
Hiding —
her*. Of
but • —
544 .r e iai|ors
“ U_ U would
W*.". prosper
“ ,0 ° ° snd
r wpor!
f 0Br
We quite agree with Mr. Haynoe. ‘ t#*ch#r
ta»chlng a —
w. Jk
#»- re
. —.-...-
— them - —
our flag
P i * . National Prohibition Enforcement P“ «
*“ Wroa Amerlcanl.m. lellta* Chin«««: that ‘ »■•r. ’.« r . born In *0 known „ „ t„ a ^
VhT th<m]a th„
officer, who, while vl.Hing In Portland ,hen>
ta J a p M o o . end 47 C hlnroa. hut in ^
f6f ^ , Hw Un(,
last waak said
m»7 >*• »» » « n and woman, whatever 1»»1 there were 75 Japoneae children bold#p r
j apaneaav ■?*<•
"There are two slaase. of people
lh'>r owe born, an Increase of It blrtb* A m e r l r o n cannot hold or lease land
that are making oqr work hard. The
'»• ” «“ ««»
t America, their t ^ e were but N O B p children
^ wfcy ^ tfce
* the
alien and the group ef big, rich aDd «»MiaUen. “ »elr money, their all. One horn In Oregon la Iftt. p decrease In c#Jtw| 8ut4| vlp » yau,la u ;
Influential buslneaa raid professional uu*« J*P toy spoke up and said. "I j births of 1
. . . . ....
Obseso!su 0 %AN Japaiwoo.
» men who seem to tktaa themaeWes 4on t “ toerstand. Tou say ovorythlng
This report also placet, the ram
■ ■ ■ ■ increasing menace
Line o f
Imperative Need o f Anti* Alien Laws Stirs Federated Societies
of Oregon to A ction for National Defense
vy est Bond Grocery
on C R E D IT
F innish M e rca n tile C o .
A t Your
and a square deal for all at the
Tremont Bakery
Nevenfj.»cread RL H. E.
Portland, I
malea working for wage*, in com roer
dal pursuits J46. agriculture 7S8. In­
dustrial l&l: females working for
wages in commerciai pkraulta 44, ag-
jrtculture 4», Industrial 24.
Japan*** Becoming Dominant
It ts Interesting to not« In the above
True ef All Undeelrable*.
The same is not only true of the that the industrial workers exceed the
Japanese hut of ail undeofrahle Im­ farm laborers and that 22 Japanese
migrants. and the government officials control Industriel plants and 4M con­
There are 2.756
add the Immigration officials see this trol agriculture.
and are redrafting |h* present imml- Chinos« In Oregon of which 258 ere
fcmalos. Of these 442 are In com­
mercial fields and 232 in agriculture.
While 240 male Chinese are earning
wages In the commercial field. 1(2 In
agriculture and 1302 In Industrial, but
37 female Chinese are wage earner«
In the commercial fields.
The above will chew that the Ja­
panese are coming and the Chinese
are going.
Conoids ring Profita Only.
The Commercial Club committee
Royal Blue Line Busses
Portland* Astoria and Seaside
Leave Terminal
10th and RurasMo
Portland, Ore.
9:00 A. M.
3:00 P. M.
13:04 Midnight
Leave Astoria
h sad Commercial
4:34 A. M.
4:04 A. M.
3:0* P. M.
Brown Electric Co.
We are praparod to do all kind; of electrical work
in our new location. Lot ns figure on your next job.
140 P41* cent service.
Phone 59S
33 Sixth St., near Actor
Attoria, Ora.
1923---------- FORD C A R S — 1923
I pave some'good buys In second hand cars
Rea. Phone (Evening«) Empire 1292
C. W . K A R LSÖ N & S o n
Funeral Director g and Embalmert
“ equaij serv ic i : to a l l 1*
PronkIto Ave. Del! lift and 13th
Phone 3*«
Astoria, Oregon
29th Street Garage
Greeks Save Up Fortune.
A tew day* ago a certain Greek en­
tered the grocery store^ at East Mor­
rison and East Twentieth streets and
asked the proprietor If he could get
a blue envelope or one blue lined.
Not having oae. ha offered the Greek
a white envelope but he declined it
saying It was too easy to see through
Telephone Ml
- Following are same of tho nominations seat to the Contest De­
partment of The Western America if* big eubaerlptlon campaign. Just
starting. Pick ont your favorite candidate and assist them in get­
ting subscriptions, tor that la the only way they oaa ktep in the lead.
Mrs. H. B. Hadley. Barilagton (Llnnton)—
Mra Fred Armbruste«, Cecilia Apartments...
Mabell B. Jonee. 117* Gladstone Avo----------
A. J. Newman, Llnnton. Ore...............— -----
Roy R. McClelland. 445 Morrieon St—........ ..
W. E. Bailey. 662« 7Wh Bt.......................... .
Ethel Howard. 1311 Tabor Bt...... ....... .............
Mat R. Long. »40 E. 24th St------------------------
Mrs. Zertha Rowe, Cooks' Union----------------
H. W. Rohrer, Huntington, Or*....... ..............
Lawrence A. Ten Eyck. 414 Tale S t -------------
Arvid & Carlson. 754 Corbett Bt----------------
Jlarry Federsptel. 0213 Powell Valley.------------
Logan A. Read, 501 E. 37th St.....— x --------
Snot* B. toex f, 44 E. 74 tk Bt..... - ..........
D. E. Buckman. Viking Bakery-- --------------- —
Geo. A. Marvel. Boyd. Or«. —------ --------— .......
Mra Alice F. George, Eugene. Ora.......... ......—
Mr*. Martha Dunn, Newberg, Or«— . . ..........—
Marshall C. Fisher, Boeehurg. Or«-----------------
Bari Johnson. 1044 E. 12th St. N— ......------___ _
Mra. H . W. Hunt. »843 55th Av'a. a * . ......... .......
Gladys GalchuU, 88 E. Lombard St--..»—_
Mrs. J. W. Minor, Bak4r. Ora--- *— .......a.........
A. D. Monteith. 587 a 16th R^.......................-f_.
Mra Olga M. Klctalng, Astoria, Or*...................
Eleanor McAllestar, CIS Columbia Bird.--.......
Mrs. Lnlu P. Hildreth, Sacramento, Cal_______
Sheriff Harley J. Rlaaher, Astoria, Ore-...... .....
Mtss Lola Meredith. The Dalles. Oregon.............
___*-------- ------ 544.510
.................. 602.700
___ I______601.360
___ JU~.... 410,200
i i - i ------ 27L300
__________ 240.320
....___ I____115.000
____ m — 144,100
........ — 4— 48,700
................... 18,06 J
...._____ ___ 88,135
............... 53.000
.......... ——. 1»,000
..... ...... ì l i 48.635
......... —
— — '4TA«4
I L ..............41.000
________ ». 40.300
........ -4.HM54
.... » » UfiOO
.............. — »1.000
- , ------------- »U00
-... —* »MBO
-------- ----- 8.100
---------------; 5,io«
Nota- Read story lu box »cm »honing how easy It h to jump Into
Tobacco— Candies
313 Astor Street
”■ .
;;; ...
„Ä s , B
-i „ •
E n jo y m e n t
when you
Triangle Cafe
Standing of Contestants
Is what you
Auto Expreas and Quick
Delivery o i »11 kinds
Everything scrupulously clean and your
cooked to the most particular's taste,
Drop In tor h lunch or dinner. We are here to pleet
an that is what spells our eueceea.
222 Taylor Start '
717 Broadway
“The only difference between good work
is a few doliars and a bunch of regrete.”
Samuel Nelson
Local represontatlve
Phono M
561 Commorclal
Astoria, Ore.
end bad
Thos. A. M cK ay
Guaranteed Plumbing and Heating
Old Line Life Inaurane*
Americani Central Life
Insurance Co.
L. W . K te lar
P. O. Bon 104
e. Oro.
• Best Quality
*• *Nllo w* harbor, pr
,0 '“ eh these children whe
ara our future cltltens. their parents,
who cannot and will not becom. cltl-
sons, are tearing down our work and
Instilling their own teachings, and In-
»tilling prejudice against the United
Htatoa Into their brains.
• a man who haa beds used to llquofj
all his life, cannot have It ao«r. fl
have a little sympathy for him, but of
course be must be made to obey tbls
country'* laws."
“ As for the buslaeas and profes­
sional men who are defying the con­
stitution. I do not have any sympathy.
< «■ i TZ- /v* • r
. ..£•
ir you have a breakdown on
t«L 105 Thlyd street» Portland, stepped
your way, phone as. We
into the grocery store of B. McKereg-
HELP yap IN qalckJy. No
han of 104 Third street. „ Mr McKer
delay In getting on your way.
aghan Is o j frisk) birth, but a good
naturalized American. * The Jap who]
appeared to bo
^h* influence o f :
liquor said. "Y
, Ton----- . born
Auto Repairing
In old country.
American cltlsen.
not can't be, no
And Acceaoorice
vote, not right IBThat difference m e!
- V”
1 i
borq Japan, rou - born Ireland, both
men. Not fair, {feme day Japan and
America fight. I shed blood for Japan.
Whip United State«." At this moment
McKeraghan ordered the Jep ont or
hie place of bealhoee. Mr. MeKerag-
2tth and Franklin
Astoria, Ore.
ban will testify to tho above and pro­
Phono M1J
duce other witnesses.
Wiring sad Electrical Supplies
Batteries Charged
t i l W. Bead Rt
Phene IMS
J V/t North Seventh St
Seaside, Oregon
1352 S. Fessenden St., Near Columbia Boulevard
Roosevelt High School
Western American
Ice Cream . - ,
Bread and Milk