The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, January 25, 1923, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    •Jay, Janmr&y 2S, tft23
with gusto, they had just been sttsndtaff a memorial mase in
honor of a departed Polish politician.
A few days ago the Oregon Journal editar, presumably Mr.
Irvine, gathered together, with the help o í "Old Brains“ (the
. shears) ail tha derogatory and scandalous editorial comment
against the Klan which he could find in the kept dallies and pre­
G o to * t o
Tho W ooten Americas Pnktlshiag Company
sented the mess as a feature in the center o f his editorial page,
PabUcatloo Offteeo 407-408 PSdock Block, Ferttend, Or«*««
surmounted with a heading defamatory of the Klan on the
rhOM Broa4way SW7
subject of the Mer Rouge alleged jnurdera.
Thousands of Klansmen for some time have been booatihg
Oregon Journal, having been advised that it was trying
Fnuüt W. Cooaafoo ------------------------------- . ......................-A dvertising JUnogor
to be feir. Their support resulted in a continuous stream of
S tntaa. P a n » » c a n a l Zona P orto
patronage which continues.
In advance. C anada a ^ W u r o n a
txprtap m oney order, or roctotorod iottor.
What is Editor Irvine trying to do or *Kh>*iny about or la
i a t —bacrU w r» can *» efcaasaS aa
at all? There’s a limit, even to Klen patience, end
«!»• bo»h tha aaw an d tha old »ddraa*.
l o a u f t for r a tu m If utuvaUaW *. Cy>«KO- this kind of treatment will not be tolerated.
S V fS T to a ll contribution*. P ublicity m *-
an d Ita W anda wtU W’ P aj£ JW a t th e
n a s a a i i k a U o w latao d ad ta r th a B dltor
BtocJc P o rtlan d . Ora. Addraaa all coaa-
B eloved G ra n d D r*
R ealm o f O regon;
divisible E m pire,
ài th e K u K lux K lan
Mr. William Allen White asks, “Whnfh the m atter with
America?’* in Colliers.
“We assume all men are equal, but. granted the presence of
the moron in our country, whet makes them worse than their
fellow half-wits of Europe? What is our disttectiDa? We fash­
ioned this blooming land for men who are mental adults. The
European statesmen took account of the wenk-witled in ma king
their institutions. We Americana assume all msn are created
equal. It was a good enough assumption in Jefferson's day, but
cur blood in-changing. _
“In another hundred years we shell have an America for
which our fathers did not die, by a long shot. We may come
heck to the U. S. A. , and find, not the land of the Pilgrims’
Pride, but Italy, Greece, or the Balkans, o r nil three, gorgeously
Heartfelt sympathy for fire-*tricken Astoria and a desire blended.
to help in the solution of Its reconstruction problems, impel the
“The melting-pot is not melting; it’s boiling—yea, slopping
proposal that follows.
For reasons well understood by all Astorians and requiring
no further publicity, the Committee of Ten has outlived its use­
fulness. The civic burden now will be taken up by the city com­
Paid liner rates, as usual, for editorial support in the na­
mission, composed of the Mayor and four commissioners. To tion-wide barrage against the Klan,-the “kept” dailies and mag­
lighten their burden through general and generous co-operation, azines now are charging boldly that the Klan and Klansmen
a larger advisory committee could be organized, advantageously, were responsible for the two alleged murders in Louisiana.
including representatives of all the property owners in the burn­ Slander of that kind never is promoted except for cash, or its
ed district, without regard to race, creed, or previous condition equivalent It is slander of the most wicked end venomous kind,
of politics This co m m an d group, serving as a town grand and it comes under the ban of the laws against criminal libel.
jury in considering various phases of reconstruction, could be
The eitorials and “news stories” carrying the atrocious
very helpful to the city commission in mobilizing all the positive slander declare that the members of the alleged mob were
and constructive forces for team-work. For a beginning, The dressed as Klansmen. The testimony describes them ss wearing
Western American respectfully submits a proposal to organize black masks, overalls and unionalls. Many of the mora villain­
a committee of twent y-five, of which fifteen should constitute ous editorial slanderers- refer to the Louisiana inquisition as s
a quorum for debate and business, as follows: /
trial before a jury, knowing well that it is not s trial s t sD, nor
Hon. John H. Smith, chairman; Messrs. William P. O’Brien, in sny sense of the word a trial, but only s hearing or presenta­
W. F. McGregor, Charles W. Karison, S r , Dr, C. W. Barr, Dr. tion of one side of the case, and no witnesses are allowed to be
Jay Tuttle, Sam H. Webb, Theodore L. Gaul, Joseph Roman, cross-questioned. .All the testimony so fa r adduced may be re­
Frank Patton, Edward E. Gray, Olaf Anderson, Sr., Sven Lon- futed and all persons accused or suspected may be vindicated
berg, Gustav A. Hellberg, E. R. Keefe, Morton Nelson, F. N. legally and in the minds bf all fair-minded persons.
Every little editorial ra t in the country is bidding for the
Whitman, Joseph Strauss, W. Clement, William Madison, Mike
qf the enemies of the K lan . bending the pregnant
Gorman, S. S. Gordon, Walter Gobin Smith, Martin Francisco-
knee that thrift may follow fawning,1
vich, and J. V. Burns.
staffs of the kept press composed and this is •
Other groups of twenty-five, equally able and representa­
to all men.
tive, doubtless could be selected, but no one can deny that these
barrage against the Klan will be futile as
men, if united and harmonious in their efforts for Greater As­
investigation always vindicate a just cause.
toria, could give effective aid to the city commission in its work
against the Klan are well identified. They
for the common good.
The Roman 'Catholics cannot claim, now or hereafter, that are weak and ineffective, because their motives are.corrupt, and
the Protestant Klansmen were unwilling to co-operate with them the American public cannot long be deceived.
The Klan and *Klansmen are entirely guiltless in the al­
in rebuilding the city and restoring prosperity. <
leged crimes in Louisiana. Whoever makes a contrary state­
ment is, by the evidence, a liar and a slanderer.
GRAND bfcÁGON FRED I* GIFF<jfeD returned We3nes-*
Seattle Klan, ,
day from Seattle, where he delivered the tarter of
No. 4, a t a ceremonial roeetjng of spec(acjular proportions. Ar­
riving at his Portland headquarters, he did a rushing business for
abour four hours, clearing up accumulated mail and matters^re-
quiring executive attention, and then left for Eastern Oregon,
where he will be kept busy!'attending gatherings of Klansmen at
various towns, until probably Saturday evening. , He expected to Possesses Marvelous Art of
return to Portland Monday, January 29. The Grand Dragon’s of­
Making Artificial Flow­
fices at 403 Pittock block will be open during his absence with
ers Exactly Like Real
clerical business as usual. Telephone 3836. Mr. Gifford was
given a royal welcome in the Puget Sound metropolis. Klans all There'» a good lady In Portland,
A nationality famous weekly publication, after publishing
all derogatory gleanings concerning the Ku Klux Klan, now
seems to have concluded that it may be as well to publish some
of the wholesome truths concerning it. Admitting that not one
of the claims against the Klan has as yet been proven, it also
prints excerpts wherein the Klan is compared with other secret
orders, most striking of which is the Knights of Columbus, to the
Klan’s advantage.
The worthy purposes which the Klan aims to accomplish
and stand for are also enumerated, and already we see false
accusations and bitter animosities towards our Order dissolving
in thin air, and in their stead, the gleaming rays of acknowl­
edgement and approval are showing above the horizon df doubt
and persecution.
organization are I
Mr. Ethelbert Stewart, Commissioner of Labor Statistics, permit. He unclei
in the Monthly Labor Review (Washington, D. C.) Page 312, are gratifying. T
Review of Reviews, says:
with "The Little (
“Common labor in the United States may be less efficient/his sterling worth
than it was thirty or forty years ago, but it is no longer Amer­
ican. In such industries as the iron and steel, coal mining, rail­
road construction, brick making, and textile mills, and a great
many other of our basic industries, immigrant labor of low
Lift up your eyes, behold a banner
grade efficiency was sought for, and the industries in conse­
Yet today as in the past,
quence overrun by races physically wear, as, for example, the
Ever guided by an Unseen Hand.
Italian, untrained in any industrial occupation, aa was practi­
List to unseen feet now marching
cally all of the southwestern Europe immigration. These men
» a bugle’s blast—
are physically weak. They have neither the immediate strength
That falls on ears attune throughout the land.
nor the endurance to stand up under hard labor that the com­
Blest Emblem of a people
mon labor of forty years ago possessed, and as a result of this
as one in secret band,
inability of immigrant labor to stand the work it did not prove
Who have pone above you,
One must admire the efficiency of the publicity system cheap, and machinery has largely taken the place of common
Pledged only to love you—
maintained through the dailies by the organized Catholics and labor."
Starry Flag, guide your sons
Jews, who dominate with patronage most of the newspapers and
In the ranks of the Klan.
control their policies, absolutely.
Of late the hierarchy-synagogue combination has been us­
What must be thought of a civic committee, assuming to act
’Neath your folds true Klansmen gather,
ing the motion pictures and also the illustrated supplements of for a stricken city, that picks out the biggest numbskull in the
Heeding not the traitor’s cry,
^he-kept dailies. For example:
community and sends him to Washington, D. C., with a big wad
Fearless hearts are beating all for thee,
Last Sunday’s Oregon Journal had a page of photographs, of “relief” money for expeqses, to obtain federal aid from the
Who by one clear call are summoned
carefully arranged to give the best effect, in which the hier­ Congress, instead of entrusting that delicate task to the exper­
By that Spirit from on high,
archy scored several times. At the top of the page appeared a ienced representatives and senators from this Stole, who were
Scions of ah ancient race made free.
large group of officials who are conducting the Roman inquisi­ competent and perfectly willing to function, aad who under­
Thou Flag of our Fathers’ country,
tion in Louisiana, including one man, a special prosecutor, who stand the situation as well as anyone?
Precious heritage of man,
recently threw- up his assignment in disgust. The editorial cap­
Lobbying is unnecessary in such emergencies, and it hurts,
your foes hate you,
tion stated that the Klan was held responsible for the Mer Rouge in fact, for obvious reasons. The wasting of relief money for
hyphenate you,
murders—a statement wholly unjustifiable. Immediately be­ such a purpose Is almost as bad as letting a wealthy church, or
though we die /
neath the defamatory anti-Klan picture appeared a beautiful rather its preacher, collect a large sum from ths relief fund to
of the Klan.
picture of the Pope of Rome and his cardinals in a consistory, cover the use of dishes and other cheap tableware borrowed to
—E. I. M.
whatever that is; still another papal group at the right, and at serve a stricken people in a time of emergency.
the bottom, for lagniappe, full measure and running over, ap­
Is it any wonder that many preachers and churches have
America is not perfect, bùi token as a whole, it is
peared an enlarged and retouched group of “rednecks” with bccotne objects of ridicule, distrust and suspicion?
perfect than any other-country. Be thankful for oct
Secretary of State Charles ‘Evans Hughes and Mrs. Hughes
Woe unto you, hypocrites, grafters! How shall ye escape grumbling. It indicates a destro for perfection, the on!
emerging from St. Patrick's cathedral, where, the caption stated the damnation of hell?
Mr*. B. C Bkroy, living at 7J5 Mar­
guerite avenue, a widow with three
im all children, who poeeeuea a mar-
▼clous tiilem for m aking artificial
flower«, term ami planta of all colora
and tints In this way »ha la trying
to make a .living If the well-to-do
peopla only knew the magic of tbla
lady’* nimble fingerà— how »he trans-
forma Hernia paper and othor mato-
rial Into duplicale» of tha loveliest
flower«, ao perfectly dona that the
fjnlahed product look* exactly Ilka the
real--h er mall would bo burdened with
ordpra. Aa It 1», only a few know
of her wondroua a rt and bualneoa la
poor, In consequence.
If »he could aell tw enty doxen roaea
a week. It would mean an Independent
living for herself and tha three llttla
Mr«. Shroy'a artificial flower» m ake
lovely decoration for the business
place, office, or home, and a re Ideally
ndapted to decorative achomos for
public hall» or ballrooms.
If Mr». Hhroy were a rich woman,
aha would be tuition» in society for
such a talent, (liven her a tria l order,
and tell your neighbor» about It.
W aatarn American Spacial.
Poodlaton, O re, Jan 24 —W ith tha
nana! cnthtrslasm that alw ays »palli
KUcce*» the Tcndloton Klan 1» pre­
paring to put on n drlvo to double It»
membership and with tho rig h t qual­
ity, thus to make easier the Klun'a
ambition» plana for m utual betterm ent
work and (or the geuoral good of the
entire community. The Klan la al­
ready the leading lodgo In this city
and section any many applications
a r a aw aiting Investigation.
The Meier & Frank Store Hag Been Declared Unfair by the Central Labor Council