WESTERN Mrs. Zertha Rowe Thurtday, Januray 25, AMERIC TO O M A N Y T O O L A Z Y T O DO OW N W IS H IN G WHITE Meat Market Grandma's Cakes and Cookies Englund & Henderson TAILO R S W « 1H A ll Kind« of A Iter* Una», d e s a ín e aad r r r . « l « g FM h V « Broadway («4 1 S. E. Corner Sixtk and Pine Portland, Ore. Sold E veryw h ere a . ALLE N BROS Feed and Fuel Co. i abo’ w ith I wax up In dem cool momitatns, « h a r t dor# wui a lake o ( errata! watah, a s 1 Ih ad Iota o t money, an’ nuffla' to do 'eept eat lee cream. 6840 Foster Road a rr.TkH*. IV»*. M E ATS. FISH A N D New Strand Hotel PO U LTRY A W hite Man's Hotel WOOD rntAM HKAT RauiM. II* pat d,y 44.00 per «*r«h «ml up F IR S T AND SECOND W h y run all o v *r town looking fo r apartment* or houaekedping n*om »t I will locate yen free o jl^ h a fr». H A U L IN G JM Stark Sir*at Brt. Park >nd Wr»t Park loealy. "Caln’t aay ea how I would.“ "But e f you Jee had a tool lake, couldn’t I-all come up an' ewtm In Fona A-61758 Portland. Ore®en * J . ur Juat received, our new Spring and Summer aampiee ot A n Old Firm In a New Location Men's Saits F RA N K HUFFMAN, for many ye ara in lh«> tailonng business in Portland, haa o|»nrd a naw atore at 4*dt Washington at feet, near thirteenth', -out of Ike high rent diatnrl, where he will euodurt a medium pnred tailoring shop for urn and women. l u r to do youh oyn wtahln' to' all dem good things aad all dem coolin' s tim u la te . Juan set dar an' W I L T ! " Oat Our Prlcaa Safer. Ordering Voir New Spring Suit M Kimeeewerth Ave., Portland, Oregon Service tor R igh t People Kajiert Denning and Preening in Connerlion Phone Hroedway HA40 C A. NORW OOD Bicycles and Supplias . Fishing Taekl* i nough Mrs. Rowe is somewhat down the list in the campaign for subscriptions to The Western American, she is not in the least worried over the outcome. Mrs. Rowe is the only union candidate in the race. If organized la­ bor will get busy and help her, she believes she can win i n a walk, _______ for the unions are powerful when they concen- trate on anything. She wants all her good union friends to rally to her support in the contest Phone A-427-23 CRESTON G A R A G E ^ L IB E R T Y GROCEF Parties Fail to Meet W orld Needs 4 V egetable*- -Groceries. Faerie j . Goods and Notions 4827 Woodstock Avenue Phone Auto. 630-28 Hansen Sheet Metal Works Dr. C. S. Ogsbury D en tistry P ortlan d, Ore. L e n ts Station N o Job too Small N o Job too Large H H. R A N D O LP H CONTRACTOR—G E N E R A L J O B B IN G Plans and Specifications Furnished 206 E. Fiftieth S t Tabor 6549 M. P e tri Phone * 0 - 8 * J- H . Lu dw ig Ph one 412-81 Green H ill Dairy Cleanliness Our M o tto 7410 F e s t e r R o a d 'Pasteurized Milk, Cream. Whipping Cream and Buttermilk Out o f the ^potlight for a number o f years, Lieutenant-General Nelson A. Miles, retired, one of the outstand­ ing figures in the United States Army. Is generally believed to bq omong the Great M ajority in the Beyond. T o the contrary, he is alive and kicking, as the article below w ill prove. He Is strivin g for the right, as o f yore. The Western American expects to tell. In an early number, what the General thinks o f tte Ku Klux Klan, and bis opinion w ill be worth considering. For amusement Tuesday ons of the W est­ ern Am erican staff phoned to several local editors, asking whether General Miles w ere-living or dead. “ Oh, dead kwtg ago, and almost forgotten," they declared, or words to that effect, «bow­ ing how much they know about men and events in the world o f thought and action. The General always has been active In his fight fbr true Am er­ icanism. BY L IE U T E N A N T -G E N E R A L * N E L - S O N A. M IL E S . parttea to accept new and vigorous methods and leadarthip, those parties will be supplanted b y others throbbing with the last demands and the high resolves ot the Nation The President and -Congress elected in 1924 must be men ot high convic­ tions and Inflexible integrity. Haa Faith In the People. It usually requires some great poli­ tical question or problem, forno vital iasoe. to arouse Uw u a t pmerican public. The American people are a thoughtful. tntelligent and patriotic people. mindful of the valor and sacri­ fice ijpqulred to secure our freedom and independence— mindful o f the pro^ found wisdom and statesmanship re­ quired to frame aad adopt the wisest and best constitution ever created by human wisdom— mindful of the loyalty that haa maintained the Republic for nearly a century and a half of time they w ill continue Its progress o f en­ lightened civilisation. Wa believe that the patriotic men are noble women o f our-beloved coun­ try w ill see the threatening dangers to oar cherished Iflhtitattons sod w ill ex­ ercise their sovereign citizenship for the welfare and perpetuity of our glorious republic. Dentist Office: Room* 2 and 8 Laach Building 67th and Pattar Road Ken.: 4714 f la t 8. E. Puppies for Sale, Sired by A nan wan " S te v e ” A K . C. 3U808 These A re 106% Bred B ogle« e ie d A ird a le l*upa F o r Sa.e W M . P A R R IS H 9 Its Fester Read T a b o r 8711 To Buy o f Sell Your Hom e . See iCLOW REALTY CO NEW SBOYS one Broadway 1878 ED » GODDARD. N Our M otto la : T o Plasm YO U THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL 08 North Third Street, Comer Tinador* Walborn's Correct Millinery T w en ty-five o t them to report nof later then Saturday morning at 407- 408 Plttoek Block. 9ee Mr. Bellamy. Helen A u taon W albora MAURO TIRE & REPAIR CO L W HAT HAVE YOU TO TRADEf S Robinson. Prop. Alberta Tire A R< I have an Interest In n new house net yet complete, hi A s t o r i« Ora. Oood location. 01,060 80 la the amount ot the equity. W ill trade fo r any­ thing worth Ih w td fò e y .». Address H. J- care o f W esters American. Veur Baal F Oeod Q uality and a B. F. Miller laaKary plumbing and Heating Jobbing Promptly Attended to B tove Connections ttnd 04. a. ( . Portlsnd. O r* know your Ph on « Ernst 3510 Portland Top Co, Phone Brondwa; ISiS spruce ur*---------------------------- MRS. Li E. K L E T Z IN Q Acme Pharm acy Reliable A geqt for A ll Magazines ph one east mob B E LL P A R IS CLEANERS A N D DYERS 8 HANDY BOULE Y A M l Subscriptions Guaranteed Phone Walnut MTS 1414 Oatman 3 North Third Street Sunny side Fuel Co. Near Ankeny Established 1864, I no. 1911 Order In Louisiana, reports the lngtal- ' lation o f strong councils at the follow- Office: 1813 RHmont §1. Phone Tabor 4C7S ' MRS. J. ARTHUR HERNDON ORGANIZING IN SEATTLE u » . Headquarters to uphold and strengthen the public i *** Seattle to Promote schools and purge them o f sinister Great Fraternity W ork alien propaganda, to solve our acute _______ Industrial and economic problems, to ’ . . , . lower the burden ot Federal taxation We3t«£P Am,rle4n and to collect ten billions o f dollars I Vancouver, Wash., Jan 24.— Mrs. J. loaned to foreign governments In d e -! Arthur Herndon o t this city. Grand rogation of the Constitution o f the Counsellor of the Ladles o t the In- United State«. 'visib le Empire In the State o f Wash- Problems Must Be Solved. ington. ha« gone to Seattle to estab- Hr«.: 10 1 E. M or riso* St. Phon« Tabor •131 W illard S4erap« Sales end Servies Servie# Boles Thirty-eighth and Sangy Satterlee— Official Station llectrlcal Repairing E. Mth end Hawthorns Awe. Tintine and F a r** Hangln* Plettro Fremine Paint*, Oll«. Vara tab«*, KaU»m laa W «Il Paper Portland, Oregon P. L. LERCH Crystal Market F U N E R A L DIRECTOR (I. W . Latimer A Frank Owens, Props. Dealer* In Freak and Salt « e u . F M . Fenltrr. *dW . Ratt«r. Ckease «e d Mast Á n a n r i n Fk»ne Tsker 8114 M R S L E R C H , AM lstant 394 E. 11th SL, 1 Block South of Hawthorne Ave. 1484 Eawtfcern* Are. P u r « Swept Home-Made Apple Cider i n i apple Juice nothing added nothing take« away -40» a Hello« Phene your order and then come end gat It, or w e w ill deliver Apple« *5r a ho* and up Dried Prune*, fine, lar*e. IS lh*. fm 81.44 (1 T . WKBH Cor. K D avit and «2d St*. Photic Tabor «8*3 D U K E ’S Hodge’s Sweet Shop The Home of Sweets M ARKET Meats, Fruits and Vegetables W e Handle a Pull Line of PaaUIr, - R A D IO ELECTRIC B A K E R Y Special Orders fo r L odfoe and Entertainment« (tracer* and Hatcher*, Feontain and Ke* ta aratri M EAT C. I . Duke, Prop. T H E LAD D Tabor 135« ik »t of Material* A re l ’*ed 1356 Hawthorne Avenue Near I'orty-rlehth «Street The best in all department* Delivery Phone Service Phone 1 W helmal« «ed Betel I Candy When in noflBt Where to Bat T R t THE Union Oyster House CUBI». F. HW CK E V R O LE T Phone Hast 0726 CHAS. C. EM ERY Authorised H ervlce and P a r ts Hallsfaction Guaranteed— I f Tears Imoue Tahor 4681 G A S O LIN E F IL L IN G S T A T IO N Automobil* Tire» und A rc r*§«T I e» -411 gli Orada l.ubrirnttug Oil* «nd Gremir* G** * « d Elretrtc Supplir* 'Vulcanizing, Battery («barging Thirty-third and Balmont Street* Portland. Oregon L. A. PE R R Y grocer Deliveries U » v * at 14 A. M. and J P. M. 87th 64. and Sandy Boulevard. Stare Tabor 8 4 « Portland. Orasen Express and Moving 1131 U rlim i n i HL, P o r t la n d , O re. Hunnyside C ar* to 3Mb 8t. C l e a n e r s V W don't »end your razor to a street grinder or your watrh to a * blaeksmiih. Than wh> sand your garmentt to be rlesned or pressed to aay one but a Master Deanert Wa o|>erate our own plant and know your dark garments get the same «are as your light ones. Men’s Suits and Overeoats Pressed..........A ................ 6BM Men's Suits and Ovsreoel» ('leaned and Preened............I I M Frank Russell Barber Shop Children’ « H air r a ffin g a Specialty Burlington, Oregon 1417 Handy Boulevard Fancy end Staple G ro ceries ^ f t Drinks, Tobacco, Confections (U s —- A u to Supplies — O il FRED C AN TE N B E IN Autos at Your Service Portland, Oregon Long or Short Weed and Caal act adequate 1 « wb to shut out the tide ■ P ortlan d, Oregon of ruinous immigration, to rem ove the r* . ■ »• ■ • shame o f illiteracy from the Nation Establishing W hite English Bull Terriers Rusaellvilla Nursery Ce. teat Mth and Burnalde Sta. Telephone East «U 4 W A N T ID PROTESTANT Portland, Oregon credit o f ita adversary saved the Re- ( DR. L. R. PU G H dannine Oregon O rewn KOOM W A N T E D — Lady without ram fly wants warm. Il*hv room. In pri­ vate fam ily, with hotiekhcplng privil­ eges. W est side prelkrred. \D. B.. 407 P lttoek block. R O S E W A Y B A T T E R Y S T A T IO N LADIES OF IN VISIB LE EMPIRE PROGRESSING The recent election adds to the cum- places in that state In the last two Phone 634-42 Portland, Ore. ulatlve evidence that existing poHOeal Shreveport. Vivian. Oil City, parties are not responsive to vital , Mooringsport and Win Held. DO UG LAS A D O U G LAS Issues o f the present day. B om o f con-I A provisional council of the Ladies ditions incident to slavery and the organized at Woodland. Or»., C ivil war, they fa il to grasp the vast .Tuesday. Gas, O ils, T ire s and A c c e s sa rie s problems now agitating' Am erica and ; Reports of Heady progress are re- tho world. Only weakness and dls- cetved from every quarter, 72d jQt. and F o ster R oad P h on e Auto. 887-48 I« pan rant de aamaeaiKf far yeuraa Oe aemethmg far Uie neat ganeration Exp erienced F u rn itu re end P la n o M over, L an g D ista n ce H a u lin g Stand: 878 E **t tU rria ^ r. Car. Union Phono Beet 6248 Residence: 51 E la t Thirteenth North PVone C u t 877» PORTLAND Phone Kart 8818 <7. 8. Whitcomb, M gr Portland Plumbing and Heating Cb. C ip n lr* D ene on the D a y O rdered 867 dandy Boulevard Near 2«th 81. Portland, Ore. Dance Halt — Dancing ICvery Saturday Evening, . B evea-Flee»