The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, January 25, 1923, Image 1

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    riti* »Ul« Ul P aper ot Th» liu ta i Widers e l the Red
Hub», Im perial hrod«|unrl«-r* l i * B urgau Handln«,
Portland, » re g e s.
Add re«* all aiall für Ihr p a p rr I* L. A. U r tr r , Editor,
♦«7.WH Pittuck Hlurk,
l , Portland. O rrfi)*
Vol. 1, No. 25
.* .
Race Will Be On In Real Earnest Before
Week Is Ended, With All
Doing Their Best
HE WESTERN AMERICAN’S big price Automobile coo-
tcst is now on in full awing. Namea of new hustler* haw
been added this week and it ia aafe to Bay, that before the week
ia ended the rare will be on in earnest. Thus far, no one haa a
"walk away" for the price automobile; neither is anyone beaten
Mrs. Bertha M. Hadley .
K iiw nom T
JE B. 8 TI
A large crowd attended a Joyous
dance tW night of January 2*. given
uodaT au sp ice. of Ute P a ra a t Toachera’
Aeeocaltioo of Woodstock, (or tW pur-
of rata In f fund* (or the better-
of (W school A delicious re -;
pant waa a rrre d by th e Good-Fellows.
T W m anagers of the occasion said _
■peolal thanks w ere dee to Ike Dwight G r a n d
Edward Company for th e "wonderful
coffee"; to tW M orris B rothers, fo r!
cheese, to BUM Brother« for dongh-
nuta. end to Ray Bellamy (or (lading I
Gifford Az
the Realm of
the N orthw est I
Feb. S. betw een
10 o'clock, a i
concert will I
tlon WBAP.
Joyous B enefit *ram
to be Given Worth T“ “ -
F o r Everybody
' ^
Star-T elegram , U ^ e
«u n » -:
■ M if .
i 'f .
*ìh»vt f u
Hosts of fraternity and other folk
to know
In Oregon will be
pal Church, who was confined te th e '
Good. Sam aritan H ospital for tw o 4
weeks with a sudden and painful Ul-1
ueas, now Is m aking rapid progress .
toward com plete recovery. He baa
resumed, in part, bis constructive an-
G ilbert Takes $ 1 0 4 .1 5 For Use of
Dishes, Etc., Approving This
In a previous Inane The W estern
American made an error, tnadvertent-
ty, in reporting th a t Dean Hicks waa
In the St. Vincent’s Hospital. One
p art of the news Item, however, may
Miss Bprague, pianist, and h er ex- ]
be repeated by common content, con­
relian t orch estra furnished m a d e ror
___ .
Feasting Sta­ cerning the well-loved Ttean:
tW festal occasion
i” ?*
to Give
“You b eer th a t man laugh, you thlalc
A nother dance wUI be given th e
i Program
h e's all fun.
Bight of February I. for tW sam e p u r
But the angels laugh, tee, at the good
TW ladles dalcara this la tW
he haa done.”
sa d m ost enjoyable way o fj O rand
L. Oiftord haa
ra ttin g money tor a good causa.
issued a notice
hl« Portland
organization* In
headquarters to !
A N Y W H ERE IN U . S. PR IC E 5c
B Q ga B a Hpggw
TW O lflrU I P apar e f IW In iU ib lr
h night« ef tW Ka K il t Klan, hl the
O rraca.
TW O fflrtol P aper e f tW Ladie« K tW lavM M e
t a l l i r , lai pe ria l H ra d a aa riera a t
and throughout
Thursday night,
hour* of I : Jo and
I «en-. "XKK” radio
ited from ata-
orth S t a r i ele­
tta tloa.
«talion of
Grand Dragon
of aU la the
Western American Special.
Aatoria, Ore., Jan. 24.—William 8. Gilbert, pastor of the
Presbyterian church, on January 8 billed the Astoria Fire Relief
Committee of Ten a charge of 8104.15 in behalf of his church
"to cover breakage, shortage and USE" of dishes, etc., loaned from
the church to the fire-stricken and homeless people and used
for a short time. Gilbert signed the requisition as “recommender,”
and also as chairman of the committee, and drew the money from
the Astoria Saving^ Bank, Check No. 35, as> per statement—
The Committee of Tep requisition, thus prepared by Gilbert,
certified in the requisition that it had “received disaster relief
in the amount of 8104.15,” as aforesaid. Gilbert’s bill for the
Presbyterian church, which is the richest in Astoria, follows:
Astoria, Ore., Jan. 8, 1923.—The Astoria Relief Com­
Mrs. Jack Munson, D ear to
mittee Dr., to the Astoria First Presbyterian Church: cover­
Ex-Service Men, Pasaea
ing breakage, shortage and use:
* Away in A storia
2 dosen teaspoons at 83.50 — --------------- :-------z------- - 8 7.00
------- -----------,—m l—
j. 1'' -11 —. »'.■« ,
" n ^ j j^ T T r r r r -- * --
concert can be heard throughout
nevar wll W forgotten by many thou-
y aareua. a spectacular benefit co ­
'A m erica during th a t boor.
Lights, Pacific Power and Light Co.
■and« of ex « e r r lee men who so often
le rla lam ent «rili W given Saturday, ;
Mr. Oiftord asked all Klanamea to (
Laundering 10 tablecloths______ ,__
Fab. IT. beginning a t 2 P. M„ sharp. Hi ‘
4 were entertained by her splendid slug-
* ’' * • *
- *
tW Municipal A uditorium , under the pass
P* ” the
,h * word to everyone c coucerned.
o n c e r n e d .* , „ Ce » p Lewi«. Wash , In the
m anagem ent of frnternHy men who '
“ >
C r e s t e d la the early days of the world war. Mrs.
------ -------------
are expert In handling social events developm ent of tW radio system of Munson is survived by her husband
of this m agnitude, it win b# stric tly com m unication an d —
‘and a sm all daughter, who have the j
u i l b c r t s bill also contained this item : For cleaning
high rlaas and In avery way enjoyable
The e x a rt details as to tha pro- heartfelt sym pathy of all.
u p th e prem ises used, blLSement of the church, $ 2 0 . 0 0 / '
and unexampled.
gram and the difference In tim e will
Tllp singer was known and ad- bu t foj- gome unexplained reason it WAS m arked OUt with
All Oregonians w ithin reach are ex be published by T he W estern Amerl-
P“ * H »
claim waa $12*15, hut the d e ^ u c
pec ted to attend.
can in its issue of Ja n . SI.
(C ontinued on Page S.)
sunny disposition and personal charm ;
The program will Include not leas
than seven n o r more th an nine high PEA N U T MAN HURLING had endeared her to hosts of friends,
class and U len ted player*
aHraT,‘ 8ecmed haP',F and care
ever *
to brighten “the j
tor evaryone will follow the v.rnle W ANTS TO TRAIN BOYS free,
' .........~
lives and to lighten the burden of
ville Immediately.
T h ere will be
plenty of room, and mueic will be (ur-
_ _______
by th e best o rch estra available. W aater" American Spacial.
causes an irreparable loss among thou- i
Admission wtU be 91, Including tax.
A storia. Ore., Jsn. 24.—R. C. Mose- sands of people, including especially
Spread th e glad tidings to everyone. ley, Aatoria peauut vendor, ha« a n ­ the ex-service men of Camp Lewis.
__________—l _________ 4 '
nounced him self a« a candidate (or the
Everyone is Invited.
position of superintendent of the state
train in g school for boys.
I W hile Mr. Moseley Is urging his.
own endorsem ent among friends in
A atoria and writing to other places for
-• - •
support, his candidacy Is not con-
“May he rest In peace.”
sldered seriously. It Is generally con-
Mr. Jam es F. H andley of A sto ria .1 ceded th a t If a change Is made the of the w in ter season «rill be the Initial
who paaeed aw ay a day or, tw o ago. superintendent will be appointed from dance given under the auspices of
mourned by many friends, for years am ong thoee who worked for the elec- The C am eratta Club, a new en ter­
wes a living exam ple of "T h at Some- tlon of G overnor Pierce In the last tainm ent group composed of prom in­
thing” —the sp irit of self-conqueet and campaign. Mr. Moseley «ran not In the I ent young women, in tbe Pythian
determ ination to succeed w hich la sta te to help la the aampalgn or vote Temple, corner of W est P ark and
exemplified in a famous little book a t the election, es he waa operating YunhUl streets, Friday evestng. Feb.
by th a t title. Mr. H andley, by th e a peanut wagon la Bellingham, W ash­ 2. Excellent m usic will be provided
and a Joyous tim a la assured, for all
way, waa inspired through trying ington.
Cards wiU be epioyed by the' older
years to combat and conquer his phys­
Many prom lnec: persons who have
ical Ills end personal problem s by studied the needs of th e Boys' T rain ­ persons, and delicious punch will be
reading and study of th a t dyuamlo ing School e re quietly urging th e ap­ served. Admission 60 cents. T ickets
Enjoying th e blessing of It, pointm ent of Lewis M. K letslng of will be on sale In a few day*.
be sought generously to im part It to Aatoria, who, they declare, la ideally
others, and d istributed thousands of fitted for th e work. D u lh erm o re. they SAW YER AND JOHNSON
say. position* of tkla.kind. which r e ­ AT RAINIER THURSDAY
Many K lansm en feel saddened and quire specie) training and aptitude,
a sense of personal loaa in th a pass- as «rail a t character above reproach,
Dr. R. H. Sawyer. O rand dow
Ing of thd am iable and kindly, ever should not he Involved In peanut poli­ of the Ladles of the Invlaible Empire,
cheerful and courageous little gentle- tics. It is understood' th a t Mr. Kleta- with Imperial headquarters at ISS Pit-
men, whose reso rt for men waa to well | ing will receive the appointm ent. I f 44 took block. Portland, and the Rev. J.
known throughout th e years before i any change Is made, and he has In- R. Johnson. Exalted Cyclop« of P o rt­
th e g re a t firs. Qlffering, In life, con-1 » m ated hie wiUingneaa to accept,
land K lan No. 1, will attend a special
oernlng m ortal problems, men a re la strongly supported by prom inent gathering a t Rainier. Ore.. T hursday
brothers In d eath and oo-heirs to Im­ persona throughout the state.
night, January 26. on request of Orand
m ortality, ail differenoaa erased, end
Dragon Fred L. Oiftord.
nothing hut the good la remembered of HARM ONY IS KEYNOTE
Mr. Johnson delivered an liuiptring i
th e deed.
IN A FFAIRS O F KJLAN address to men only a t MoniavUla I
Mr. H andler waa a faithful mem ber
Christian church Tuesday n ig h t under
*T rejoice to see *uch splendid co­ auspices of tbe Brotherhood of C h ris-'
of 8 t Mary’s Catholic church In As­
u /
M m. Minn.i fnr hsttrr imne i
T hough en te rin g la te m T h e W estern A m erican a
toria. The body uraa laid a t re st In operation In all tha w ork of our
Mount Calvary cem etery In Portland. O rder,” declared Exalted Cyclops J. R. and for c o n s t m ^ T p ro ,™ » to « ™ 5 ! subscription cam paign, M abell J o n e . climbed quickly to
Johnson of Portland. Monday '‘H ar­ th e Kian tdeaia waa delivered w i t h : th ird place* and expects to keep going until she reaches
A Norsragian. boy in one of our pub­ mony am ong att Prote sta nt people
im pressive effect.
the top. She says th e is not trying to w in any prize for
lic schools, learning bla English rapid­ now seem s to be the keynote, and It
ly. wrota th is essay on T ha Frog: m eant unexampled progress and de­ A popular K iansm an s n ttie g in won Herself, bu t is in th e race to help The W estern A m erican
"W hat a wonderful bird th e frog are! velopment. T he high ■ principle# .of dered why her hair crackled when th e | go over th e to p ; and, furtherm ore, th a t if she win* the
W hen h e stand ha alt alm ost, w h e n o a r O rder e re being practiced In dally combed it. sh e was told th at it waa prizes aha w ill donate it to a certain popular organization,
h a hop. ha t y . alm ost. H a a in 't got llfn. and before th e y eag is ended, w ith sjr^rMtyjn hwjmlr ^Q »; s j f c f f } w hich will use it for a noble an d charitable purpose. A
go sense hard ly : ha a in 't got qo tall aneh loyal taamwork. tkg C a n 's great
hardly, aithar- W hen h i a lt, k t alt program of ach la i'iig |> l will hr*» I have eieetriairv la mr haia, and! com m ittee o f fifteen, composed of loyal an d active mem-
grandm a h . .
* ier stonm eh. • hers o f T he C am eratta Club, i* assisting her.
aa w hat ba ain 't get, alm ost."
been • consum mated." H
Mabell E j Jones
Mrs. H adley look the lead in T he W<
can’s great subscription cam paign from th e Mart and so
far m aintains i t
yet. Just a good bunch of subscriptions turned In to the credit
e f any one of the active contenders would change the complexion
of affairs, and develop a new leader in the itce.
With but one more week in which to turn in subscriptions
And secure the maximum number of votes, and with hut five
more weeks to go before the race finally comes to a close. In­
terest in the competition intensifies. Each candidate realizes
that the big prizes, remarkable in their value, Ue practically
within their grasp, either to be claimed for their very own or
forfeited to more aggressive opponents during the next few
days, depending to a great extent upon their mpreme efforts
put forth while the BIG VOTES are allowed.
If you halt now for a single moment; if you weaken for a
single day, or if you overlook one opportunity to better your
chances to win, you are taking the desperate chance o f toeing
the prize you moat desire, already partially won spd which really
belongs to you, and you are nearly certain to bring dismal dis­
appointment upon yourself, as well as your friends, who will
take it as sorely as you will yourself.
Don’t forget that this is a battle hereafter. Craft helps;
speed, too, but the rugged strength and lasting qualities of a
lew hundred votes means victory here as the same traits win
nny battle.
Vote discreetly; hustle swiftly; watch and battle persist­
ently till the end; and, if you don’t win at that it will be for no
other reason than that some competitor embodied nH your
btrengfh to « greater ■degree.^' ‘ ...1
REMEMBER—3000 votes are allowed on yearly subscrip­
tions to The Western American until Feb. 5, next week, while
the following week only 2000 votes are given; 26,000 votes are
now issued on five-year subscriptions, while during the "second
period’’ only 80,000 votes are allowed.
Mr. James F. Handley
Had ’That Something’
Cameratta Club To
Give Dance Feb. 2