THE^ W E S T E R N AMERICAN T h u reda^ J a^ E very Day, In E very W ay, th e K lan G ro w s B etter a n d Better encan P a U b M Weekly %y 1 The Western l u t r k a i Publishing (out peut Publics doa Offices W -M t Pttteck Blech. I'ertUad. Oregon Phene Bread* aj f i s ; PI H 'KIPTION. F O S T P A I» t’ a M State«. Panama Canal Zon*. Porto R*e«s U»«rali Mtid th* PMUpnfn**. t t M A y*«tr tu adviuwe «'anodo and « u re g e . 9AM a y*ar R«mit t v cfcecA. draft. postai o r rx p n o o m o n o onUr. or t*«l*l*t*d wtt*r. ItlnCl* copi««, t conto . __ ^TCHAXtìK o r ADDRR88: TU» aMmia of eulwrrlh. rs can bo ch«n*«.l w otte* a* Amired. In ordartac a chatrc, ploaao r i'« t*»b th« n«w and thè oUl addrea* lianuocnpt atwald bo acoompanlod bj puatajce for return ir unavallabtr. Courte- our attantkm aad palataklnc cara wttt bo rlvon to all rontributkmo PuhIUlty «a - tarlai of conatnarttro raloo to Tba Klan and ita irte rute alll ko »ald for at t£* minimum «para rata of M a ratuma. AU communkatlor.a Inwnded for thè kdltor almald ba ade. But no darkness can abide' Where that fiercely burning emblem Sheds its glow, sio cannot hide. j * J '••if • r- -;r, *- The«« awful men utK>n cmr atmet# Behind a mask of animila. While «n awful «beck to Iff- O To tome were no ao pusslln’. Every hour adds td thy numbers, Chpsen ones lopk to that Light Which is calling you to battle— - N ot fo r gold, but for the Right. O thou flaming Cross-Dearth’s symbol O f a light that ne'er will fade, ', Preparing men for that Great City-d* Invisible, and with hands not mqgt Portland, January 7, 1923. East Thirty-first street. in Mr Oieott’i tear. There is a Picce of bon ting. r And from this corner atretchlng out There ere tome crirasop ban. Do your work honestly and bravely, whatever It may be, re- gardless o f ingratitude or applause, tit is hound 1 to proclaim your SPEAK THE WORD, ALL KIANSMEN! oerfecte« formulae for worth in the end. Professor Coue, a French savant, has perfected ' mental “and spiritual practice which, his clientele declare, will *— • * f bring the blessings o f health and contentment. Lay aside skep­ K n i g h t s o f t h e K . K , Kn r ticism, when his teaching is revealed, and try i t It can do no harm. It m ight do tremendous good. All the wise medicos are I f you are a " Native Bom ” American Citizen .haring the best for him. interest of your Community, City, State and yilion at heart, I f any little Word o f ours can make one life the brighter; tu'ing no allegiance to any foreign Government poUtieal party, I f any little song o f ours can make one heart the lighter; sect, creed or ruler, and engaged in a legitimate 'piicufation, and Let us speak that little word, and take our bit o f singing. believe in: And drop it in some lonely vale, and set the echoes ringing. J “ SECRET* OF A GREAT SCIENTIST A great scientist declares, in a notable work, that absolute control o f the physical body is the first requisite to mental har­ mony, which precedes and controls progress and true success. To gain this control, he,says, one must utilize the power of silence. Perfect silence, absolute repose, the banishment o f all care, worry and fear, for a definite period every day or night, is the exercise required by the universal law which governs the mental and the spiritual world. The Klan, the Royal Riders and theX adies o f the Invisible Empire are Orders thoroughly American which o ffe r opportun­ ities and incentives fo r constructive and noble work. They appeal to ambition, develop common sense, teach and promote persever­ ance, honesty, thoroughness, foresight, enthusiasm for progress and co-operation. The members o f these Orders possess char­ acter. Their meetings and their daily lives are marked by cheer­ fulness, loyalty, courtesy, economy, sincerity and harmony. No wonder that, by the constant exercise o f the positive qualities, they prosper together, better and better, in every way, every dpy. Get into one o f these Orders, and enjoy life. Admission means the immediate winning o f hosts o f loyal friends. ‘Behold* I bring Hina forth to you, that ye may know that find no fault in Him.1 PrvTentlou of f l m and destruction of property by la if tat* el The Tenets of the Christian Religion. White Supremacy. -*•—» - Protetle* of oar pure womanhood. ,' Just Lnws and Liberty. Closer relationship of Pare Americanism. The upholding of the Constitution of the United Si The Severelgnty of ear State Rights. The Separation of Cksrek and State. Freedom of speech aad press. Closer relationship between Capital aad Amerleua Laker. Preventing the ranses of mob violence aad lynching* Preventing unwarranted strike* by foreign Inker agitator*. The limitation of foreign Immigration. The much needed local reform*. Law and Order. Do you know who made thia bannerT And what Ita meaning It? Op back a w%y.!n history, It aurei y anawert thla. Did you ever beer of the Mayflower And why ah» sailed sway? To found this free America. And the price they had to pay? Did yon ever hear of Washington, In Valley Forgo, on bis knees? Of the footprint* In blood the patriot* made? And then, too—If you please— It took strong hand* to bear that flag. It took brave hearts and will. But it atnnda for Liberty, Light and Home, And defend It we surely will! The little red school house on the hill. The very pulse of our land. Shall never perish from the earth. Though fought by a black robed band. Our homes, our school*, our woman­ hood, -*■ We’ll protect to the bitter end. And In this terrible Ku Klug Klan We see our Nation’* friend. Standing of Contestants Following are aom« of the nominations sent to the Contest De­ partment of Tlw* Western American’s big subscription campaign, lust starting, itch out your favorite candidate aad aaslat them In gsl- ttag subscription*, for that to tho only way they can keep la th* land. Mra R S. Had ley. Rout* 3. I.lnnton. O r a . ——- — — »0.900 -16040« Mr*. Prod A- Armbruster. Cecilia Apts, Portland, Ora— ..... 111.300 Mabel! Jones. 117« Uladatone.. Portland. Qya..... ..... 101,300 Hoy R. McClellan. 446 Morrison. Portland. Ore..— ......- — .104.300 A. J Newman. I.lnnton. Oregon — ..................... *1.300 Arvld B. Carlson.< f}0 Corbett 9 t . Portland. Ora - . —- . , Lawrence A. TunEyck, >14 Yale 8t.. Portland, Ora------- Harry Feduraplel. 621« Powell Valley. Portland, Qr*_..~ W. R. Halley, 6624 70th a t . Portland. Ora....- ................ Logan Read. 601 Ra#tK«Tth St. Portland. Or*..—.- — . ,, Olady* Oalchutt. 81 East Ix>mbard St , Portland. Ore...— ..... . 14.600 Mrs. Ida Mates. 378 C u t 48th St. Portland. Ore ............ 13,400 Eleanor McAllister, <18 Columbia Bird. Portland ..... —'...T 18,100 Zsrfha Rowe, Cooks* Union. Portland.'Or# . .... 1,8.900 D S. Ruckman. Viking Bakery Co.. Portland. Ore - ......... —- 15.400 Mr*. Susie D. Enouf, >6 C ut 74th N.. Portland, Orf*.... - ....... 11,200 A. D. Moutelth. 687 East 15th {f.. Portland, Or*...—— . - , ------- 11,00« Mrs Olga M. Klettlng, Astoria. Dragon ........... ....—---------- 9.100 Ethel Howard. 1391 Tabor HL, Portland, Or*——— ———— . 9.000 C. W. Dasher, 878 Vancouver Ave.. 'Portland. Ore —........... .... .... 8.100 Marshall C. Fisher, *11 W. Lane St., Roseburg. Or*-— — . —. - 6.100 Mra. H. W. Hunt. 9842 66th Ava. Portland, Or* 6.100 1,100 Harley Slusher, Astoria, Oregon ....- .... Alice y. Osorge, 219 High St.. Eugwie. Oregon.——— — ...... 9.100 Itou Richardson, 181 N. 16th St., Portland, Or*-......—— — 6.300 Leon Uuchanan. *842 82n dS. B., Portland. O m •'-------- ------------ 6.100 Raymond H. Gaston, 8830 6th Ave.. Portland,*Or*...— ..’^----- 6.100 Bari Johnson, 1040 East 10th N., Portland. Or*-------- ------------- 6.300 Nelli* M. Tarkenbery, 406V4 4th St, Portland, Ore....... ............. 6JOO Dr. R. O. McCall, Plttock Block, Portland, Ore--.....--------------- 6.100 Dan McDermott, Wasco, Oregon t— —-------- — — 6,100 A. Roe*. Moro, Oregon .....- ---- ----------- —...... - .............— ------- 6,100 Frank L. Parker. Portland. Oregon ------------------------- t------------ 6,100 R. W. Brown, Ion*. Oregon — .......— — -------------- — ..._ 6.100 George C. CMadden, White Salmon. Wash......................—...... - a — 6,100 D. F. McCutChan. Underwood, Wash. — ..................— ---------- 6,100 Jess A. Allen, Cascade Locks, Oregon - — ------——— ------ --- - 6.100 Harry Long, Blalock. Oregon —— — - — — ; , 1,100 W. J. Crane« Lyle. Washington— —......- ...... — .......... 6.100 John Duckwall, Odell, Oregon .................. ............— 6,100 Dan Jordan, Parkdale, Oregon .....- ....- .......— --- ------- - 6.100 II. M. Ford. The Dalles, Oregon — ......—..... ...... j —-------- --- 6,100 Mr*. Lena MacKeF, Portland, Oregon ....... —— ...-.— 6,100 Lawrence A. TenEyek, 914 Tale BL, Portland, Oregon--------- 8,100 B. B. Lane, Irrlgon, Oregon - .....- ---------- - ..................... .... . 6.100 H. W. Long, Arlington, Oregon — ----------- — .......... —__ __ 6,100 Oeorgo A. Chaney, Condon. Oregon ............... .................... 6,100 H. J. Beesley, Grass Valley, Oregon .......... — __________ 6.100 A. A. Dunlap. Kent, Oregon - ........ .. ................. .................. . 6,100 Thomas Rrlght, 911 Federal St.. The Dalles, Oregon - .......... 6,100 J. V. Horne, Hood River, Oregon --------------------------- ------------- 5,10« George Marvel, Boyd, Oregon ......— ....... — __________ 5,100 E. L. Nelson, Dufur, Oregon .......- ..........- .......- ............ ,............ 5.100 .. i You are invited to become a member o f the most powerful aecret, non-political organization in existence, one thatjhae the “ Moat Bo don’t be frightened, Mr. O., Do you wish to become familiar with the history and progress T*ke e survey of your range, Sublime Lineage in History,” one that was "Here Yesterday,” And you’ll aee that the Dear People >f the Klan? "H ere Today,” " Here F orever” Decided to make a change. Do you wish- your love to the Klan increased? If further information is desired. Address — P. O. Box 511, Portland, Oregon P. 0 . Box '386, Baker, Oregon P. O. Box 118, La Grange, Oregon P. O. B ox 801, Enterprise, Oregon Elgin, Oregon Loetine, Oregon ' - "Oh, wad some power the giftie gie uaw to make the Christ­ mas spirit last throughout the year! “ Tw ould frao mony a blunder free us, an’ foolish notion.” Margaret E. Sangster ex­ presses It: "A t Christmas-tide the open hand scatters its bounty o ’er sea and land; and none is left to grieve alone, fo r love is REAL VER who** oaths are In viola to an wooded. Heaven and claims its own.” _________ TWTI WITSOVT ITA1 AIP WI R t o l VRUktMJ* Ton took your little farewell trip A* Governor of our State, Mr*'Are glad we found out where you stood. Before It was too late. Do you like more taste for good reading? Do you wish to know what the Klan is doing? Do you wish to become a well-informed Klansman? Do you wish to assist in the works o f mercy and charity to which the great Klan is devoted? And though you met with governors, Do you wish to help protect and develop the free public Frcm north, west, south and #aet. schools, and to make our country safe fo r Americans? You oannot keep Old Oregon From fighting th* Reman bust. «né ,a  . • 1 ••OkRtTtbtltOd Support Your Own Nowspapor