; TH E WESTERN - Knightly Leader of ‘The L.O.T.I.E JOHNSON FIGHTING ! TO KEEP EUROPEAN ! HORDE OUT OF U. S. of whom wa are sin k in g (the Turksi. The house of Jacob shall h« a. fire, and iha house o f Jgfceph a (lame, and tbe house of Kaau for stubble, and they shall kindle In th e * and devour them: and there shall not be any remaining( o f the houao at Baau for the l.ord hath apoken It.' 'The morning cometh and also the alghL1 The great call rlnga out still. 'Watchman, whet of the night* If yo w ill enquire, enquire ya; return, com e!’ "W ill Hdoaa hear" Will Edom coma? It ap, the gate la opqn: but It la - the gale of Jesus Christy iknoe other. *1 am the door ' If Edom refuses to hear: if Edent reCuar* to come, then He who sita upon the throne will start Hta forces In motion * "Men of Britain' Hen of the churchaat Are you saying. ‘There sh all, not he war’ ? Taka caret tor Uod aaya there shall be war. unless Turkey repents and eomaa. 11001 get Into the way o f the progreaa o f tha Divine! "At the very beginning of Israel's history. Uod laid an Injunction upon Israel You shall not attack Esau; you shall not attack Edom. That In ju n c-, Hon holds suit. Wo « ill not attack; we must not attack. We are prohibited . from attacking. BVT TURKEY WILL HURL HERSELF UPON U8. Eveata are upon ua now, u O He who sita upon the throne w ill see when that matter I la settled and that race that has prevented progress and tilled the land with blood, unlesa 11 la Brought In penltencs to Hla feet, will be swept off from (he tace o f the earth. This Is the rumor that He haw heard from the L ord "' The foregoing le plain enough, but m more common language it picana :hat Turkey the Infamous, the Unspeakable, la shout to he wiped oat fc the might of Britain ghd America. This will be a war that will arousejto the highest pitch the fighting blood of the unconquerable Anglo-Saxon race. In "hideous ruin and combustion," lu the merit of decteivenees, lu Its world- «noompassing power and glory, the coming war will cast tha recent struggle Into dial Insigafftainc*. for Jehovah will lead the Anglo-8axoit legions, aud all the positive tabees o f Christendom, mobilised Into mighty armies and navlee. will contead *Hh and destroy the evil and malignant foes "who durst defy the Oganlpotgit to arma." U will he Indeed a holy war. a necseaary conflict, a world-redsetnlug struggle, and America's shining sword will leap from Its aoakhard at tha clarion call, to win unsxatnpted glory tor our stain- leas Flag and »random fur all humauity. American Fraternal Feder- ation o f Oregon Helping in Great Problem Weatern American Special. > Washington. Jan. IT — Representa­ tive Albert John «on. chairman of the House Committee on Immigration and ' Naturalisation, la cooperating ac­ tively with t%S American Fraternal Federation of Oregon and other pa - triotic bodies. In a constructive effort ; to solve the great problem of tmmlgra tion Hr. Johnbon made public today a letter sent to F. W. Wright, execu- « | tire secretary of the Federation, at ' Portland. In which he tolls some facts but little known to tbe general public. ‘ The letter follows: ~ Washington. D. O , Jan. 4. IMS f Mr. F. M. Wright. Secretary, American Fraternal Federation of of Oregon. 121« Northwestern Rank Building, Portland. Oregon. My Dear 81r: — I haye your letter of Dec. IT and note change in the name o f your or­ ganisation. Newspaper reports lead yon to a misunderstanding as to the purported passage of the bill through both houses of Congress, permitting Immigrants to eater this country under bond la excess of the quota. The reports refer to « hill which passed the House last March to authorise im- 1 migration to the number of' 2400, which had come in excess o f the quotas during the first trial year of that law, to remain in the United State* The Senate has la st enacted that meaapre. which hi now before the president. About one-fourth o f these Immi­ grants came through an honest mis­ understanding of the new law; others had started on the seas before they Ibad knowledge of Ik e quota law. About a thousand were picked op in Capstan XiT. l t H SAWYER. Grand tinople by American ships, sent here, and could not well be returned, ex­ Empire, Imperial Headqaarters at 326 Pittock Block. Portland. Oregon. Dr. Sawyer Is well known internationally, cept to almost certain ,death. Other M^p now pending nhdertake foundational work tor the grant organization to provide that Armenian refugees, but also because ha Is one of tha three distinguished Americans from Turkey, now in Greece, may be ^ icè-Patrons of The British-Israel'Vforld Federation. RedOgìiiaing’ the fact ^admitted to relatives in the United that the Anglo-Saxon nations are the continuation of the Israel Nation, tha of bar Charter*, the possesso rs of bar. guarantee^ sari punanlSe* States. Proponents of this mfaanpe inberitaas i dedtraotlB^ this great Federation is atrrrtW efdctfcsely k * n are undetermined as to wehthar the from 1 number might be 19,000 or 50.000, or executors of Israel’s commissiona, for the g lo r y o f'C o d and humanity. Oven more. As a •ubstUnte, I have The FederaUoa has three Vice-Patrons In America and three In Canada. offered a substitute to the effect that The Patrons in Britain are: H. R. H Princess Alice. Countess of Albione; from certain countries where quotas Tbe Rt. Hon. The Countess-Dowager of Radnor; His Grace The Duke of for the year ended June SO, 1123. are Baocleucb. K. T.;~ The RL Hon. The Earl of Dyaart; The Rt. Hon. Lord now exhausted, that the quotas from Gisborough; The RL Hon. Lord SL John of Bletaoe; The RL Rev.-The Bishop such countries which might begin to of The Falkland Islands; Tbe RL Hon. W. F. Maasey. P. C„ Prime Mlntator Tome July 1.1923, be permitted to o f New Zealand ; Major-General C. A. Hadfield. PresidenL The Rt. Hon. Lord come now. The whole number will be Gisborough; Deputy Presidents. The Rt. Hon. Lord St. John of Bletaoe and less than 8.000, and there will be no Major J. Knowles. O. B. E. The Secretary-Geaeral Is Herbert Qattlson. F. R Additions whatever to the total nnm- G. S., F. R. C. I., and J. Arthur Jutsum. Esq., head of a great London bank, bdr to be admitted to the United is treasurer. ‘ J States from the countries in question. The Vice-Patrons are men and women of exalted .social and educational - ' T ress reports concerning this reso­ rank, throughout the cirilized world, including many titled personages of lution particularly were erroneous. the world's first families. "Together In Unity” is the motto o f the Federation, Yours truly, which has for Its object the unirersal spread o f Anglo-Shxast civilization, - ALBERT JOHNSON, which embodies the American Ideate o f Liberty, Equality and Fraternity: Chairman. The leading editorial In The National Measage—official weekly Journal of the Federation— in Ita Issue of December 23, contained thè follow ing sig­ nificant statement: • ........ Thursday, January 18, 1923 AMERICAN ' f - t Is Now on in Full Force W d are giving exceptional bargains in every department o f « h it Large Stock. W e also have made a big cut in the prices o f Men’t, Women ’s and Children*r Shorn. It will benefit you to visit our store. W a lte r K a llu n k i v “ The Leading Store in W ert Astoria” #— HERE'S HOW TO JUMP INTO LEAD IN BIG AU TO CONTEST O b agdb 5-jrear subscriptions, or approximately its equhralatt in shorter term order», to The Western American, £5,000 votes are allowed, providing same is tüm ed is during “ first period" schedule o f votes, now is effect. Then, fet addition to the regular number o f votes allowed oa each subscription, 50,000 SPECIAL EX­ TRA'votoe* are given on every “ d u b " o f $20 in sub­ scriptions received. Therefore, two 5-year subscriptions (amount­ ing to «SO in business) means an even 100,000 Sot j y » " readily be seen, by glancing at the totM ^ bove, that Just a few such aubacriptiona for any one o f tbe varioua candidates would at once furnish a new lender in the race. , ’ In feet, an entirely new candidate who at this time has no votes at all, could, by a little enthusi- on the part o f themselves and friends, top o f the list and thereby acquire the the big prize automobile, one trims into consideration the prizes to be awarded, end the short ipetition is In force, they are certainly .worthy o f any effort they might take to securer Then} is yet time to enter if you do so right away. — — ■ ' ‘ _ Phone 1026 *' __ T _ * \ . .. ’ .. ASTORIA, ORE. New O v e rc o a t Special « W e are offering 25 Overcoats at a special price o f $16.50. In models o f double and single broastad, with half or belt all around. This lot is made o f pure 100 per cent virgin wool. T*- Pentilla & Granlund Astoria, Oro. Lindsey Fights . For Children By JUDGE BEN R LINOSEY The State Is becoming more and more the overparedt of the child. The next phase ef the struggle con­ cerns the responsibility of the State for the health and morals of the child. Since health and morals are so nearly 'related, they mag be considered al­ most as one. Tbe Parenthood o f the State In­ cludes Its duty to aee that the child “ Without hesitation we say the breaking of this nations of Europe was la well born. By the strictest hind of not without a specific reason, and this reason was that they had lost their marriage law« the State must forbid, faith in Christ the Saviour and iqng. and transferred their allegiance to the j far as possible the bringing of Rex Ramsey, who lives with his gods of ambition and power. If they were broken for this reason, they will children late the world unless they parents at 1783 Phelps street. Is the not be restored by the activities of the Kingdom while that reason continues come from healthy parents. The child champion, so far, among the enter­ to exist. “ Thus saltb tbe Lord" by a thousand voices. Europe shall not be must no longer be tbe victim of condi­ prising little merchants who have restored to- peace, prosperity and power, until her faith and allegiance nre tions over which 11 has no control bnt WESTERN AMERICAN routes. Rex restored in Jesus Chrlat as Saviour and King. Politicians may make en- for which society and the State Itself ' la not yet in hla ’ teens, but can sun deavora. financiers may lay their plans, national councils may be held and are t0 b|am„ pass the average boy of 15 or 16 in dissolved, but until tbe Christian faith is restored la Europe there will be w hen the State is Imperiled, It calls salesmanship. Ha is a natural-born no effective reatorstlon. ctie "child" of eighteen to defend It salesman and, himself believing in his "From the standpoint of the Kingdom, then, restraining hands will be with Its life. When the child Is Ira- paper, knowing it to be altogether upon the nations during the time of their rebellion from the King, but upon I periled, it baa a right to call on Its ‘ Xlhfcrican and good literature, he Iarael-Britain is laid the task of renewing among those nations he faith of • overparent, the State, to protect It makes his sales with an enthusiasm tbe Kingdom and of Christ the Saviour. This is the most practical line, and with ita wealth, [that nothing can discourage. There’s the first esaenUal of statesmanship for the day. The time will cable when It will l>e a prize watting for this boy at -the regarded as a crime against childhood "Toward the other races, the Influence and authority of the Kingdom end of the month. He sold 75 papers If the State permltg that child to suf­ in record time one evening last week. must be maintained, ami the final relationship to the Kingdom most be ese- Some day. his friends say he will be I tablished by adding to the authority of the Crown the faith In the High Priest- fer from nndemouriahment, due either a great merchanL or perhaps a lea d -! hood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Kingdom and the established faith must to poverty or ignorance. Since It is ing lawyer, or a congressman. Other! work together in these and all lands. Again we say. this la practical politic*. the accepted duty Of the State to edu- lads are doing well on salesmanship, efflclent statesmanship, the declared policy of administration of the King- ! cate the child. It |g far more Ita duty I to feed the child. but will have to go some to equal dom. So much for the constructive line. The time to save many a boy bandit Rex Ramsey's record. “The action of the nations toward the Kingdom will, however, lit the '" ........... ■ , Immediate future prevent the carrying out of the declared policy of the King, la In the nine months before and the I and will Indeed put the Kingdom upon the defensive, therefore we shall have nine months after hla birth. We must have maternity lava. We must have to consider the defensive policy of the Kingdom.” (Students interested in this profound subject might do well to read, as laws to see that the child does hot a help to understanding, a little volume by Edmond De Molina of France, en­ suffer for tbe lack of proper nourish­ ment If the parents ate unable to per- titled ‘‘Anglo-Saxon Superiority; To What It Is Due.” ) Supporters of the Brltlsh-lsraet World Federation—and all of them are ; form that function, and If they are scholars1 and thinkers, deeply learned In history, science and bibHcal lore— *We to perform it. eee 4o It that It I# firmly believe that Turkey In Europe Is nearing Its end as a troublesome performed. world poweg, They declare the Turkish people are the Edomites o f the Old I? this Is patenallsm, then all of Testament Scriptures. One of the Vice-Patrons writes: j y ou r tree school system la paternalism. “Three watchwords has that race— loot, tribute, taxation—and down ■ !f ft*« achoole are paternalism. through the ages he has left behind him a trail of blood< and ashe*. . . . then giva us more e f It. Now the end haa come. . . . 1 am speaking of the great onward march of the 3cheme of the Divine plan. The cup of Edom is full. And now, mark you. 'Thus salth the Lord. I will lay my vengeance upon Edom by the hand of My people. Israel.' France withdrew; Italy withdrew. It la a sign of the age. What happened at Alexandria? Why did the* nUions Hit their anchors and sail away? . . Where the Turkish war horse treads no grass Will grow. There will not be peace and progress » t i l t the Turk remain«. j New Haven, Conn., Jan 17.—Klan "There Is a marvelous picture In the Book of Obkdlah; It only consists of officials here stated today that tha one chapter, and It Is hung In that picture-gallery of the Bible. It deals membership of the mysterious Order with one theme, and with one only, and that la the end of these very pSople la Connecticut g e t numbers more than 40,00« and that * mammoth Initiation and naturalization of can­ didate« will take place soon. ------------------ ^ — Still lime to make New Year’s reso- ! luttons. J Nutmeg Boys Busy Mobilizing Forces J U S T A R R IV E D Tbs much asked for Logsers' Shoes, loo. noUtlat better and v e anticipated your wants, so placed a ruth order. T ltoj arrived yea* trrday. Rubbers for men, women and children. Expert shoe repair work done here. O . JA M SA Astoria, Ore. 217 West Bond Street Rex Ramsey Leads Newsboys’ Phalanx V: ' Pre-Inventory m SALE I-------— * ; OUR * ■ Smoke “ RUM M Y" Cigars - IS cents and Tw o for a Quarter JOHANSEN BROS. 1362 Franklin Street Aeterta, Oregon BIGELOW FURNITURE CO. Rankin’s Clearance Sale Special v Still in business at the same old stand in the S P E X A R T H B U IL D IN G 358 Commercial Street - Astoria, Oregon Suit« and Overcoat« V $36.00 to 646.00 Value« Furniture Beds .00 •2.60 C a p a ............................ «2.18 Dishes Hardware Springs Mattresses Complete Line o f Household Equipment ««.00 H a te ............................ $3.15 «3.00 Shlrte ........................ 81.65 W e Can H andle Y our Needs N ow THE J. H. Rankin Co. Clothlsrs Haberdashers Tailors Complete Line o f Lang’s Restaurant and Hotel Ranges Now on Hand 112 Sixth Street Broadway 1211 o . A. Dar Kareful — Klean — Kompetent DAY PRODUCE C 0. Wholesale Produr« Merrhaata Drssssd Foultry Our «psslalty 11« Front atrsst Portlsnd, Orsgen LEBECK & SON CONTRACTORS , Pile driving and bridge building. Rouse raising and movtnf. 4S7 •> West Bond SL, Astoria, Ore. »• • A * - .