The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, January 18, 1923, Image 1

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    - •
New Offices at 407-408 rittock
Telephone Broadway 0187
The Official Paper s f Tha Bayai «M ers s( ths Bad
«aha, Imperial headquarter* M « a r g * * B elM bt.
I'urtlsad, Oragsa.
- 'V 'r_
Address alH aall 1er ths paner la L. A. «a ta r, « « t e r ,
dtT-dW Plllark BkwhTKrtlaad, 0r**aa
n cc=
— * » ----- a ...... . - — -~w. .w are* i WWW — —
Tha Official Pa
Kw«~«*s s f tha ha
Y ,
Beloved Grand Dragon
Realm of Oregon, £
u . Official
Empire, Imparl
18, 1923
e Invisible Empire,
ts of the Ku Klux Klan S
T ~
Con teat Now in It* Infancy, Offering Equal Chance for
Evwyoaa, and Sura Reward* far Interest and
Effort In Grant Proe Conapatition
Captain Skipwith Declare* in Telegram to
American That Farce W ill Explode in F<
Dart— Elections Coming On
The telegram given below is self-explanatory. Captain Skip-
w ith’s officia l position is well known to the public. H e is a re-
q ffiW and -proTwnmnt citlien, a veteran ffitffiffi w i t h « it ujut H
lent record, and known to everyone in hi* community as “ a man
n f hie word.”
NOTE: On pa«— 4 and g
» o f Ala
«tot* Issue
U*ua an-
pears n doubla paga adrartl aaiuaut, g M m in detail
rula* and regulation* regarding The W
©ring io cm
American’* big prixa offering1
‘ 1 - 1 ------a - -
s i
f o r n o w tub sc n o tio n * .
B Á S TR O P , La., Jan. 17.— T o The Western A m eri­
can, Portland, O regon:
The ppen investigation going on here has absolutely
failed to connect the Ku Klux Klan with the kidnaping o f
Daniels and Richards. This whole matter is a stupen­
dous farce, which emanates from the Banka o f the Tiber.
The fig h t is on to a finish and w ill not be settled
until the ballots are counted in the next general election.
with n o damag-
* Wa want twenty »o r e «ood rala—»an. For
further information call or wrila Mr. Ffhik W.
Cameron, Campaign Manager, 407 Pittock Block,
Portland, Ora.
" i
C 1 E V E R A L Ó P T H E M OST A G G R E S S IV E candidate* who have
anterad Tha Western A yw rioan’s campaign fo r new subscrip­
tions have started in the race with I goo(ByTttt*»bPr o f votes to
tiielr credit .but the leaden o f tod a y 'do not Baffin * rlly indicate
(S ign ed)
the winner* by apy mean«, fo r nearly eight week* remain to bridge
the chasm how existing between the highest and those having the
f r w t e t . M i l - ____ —
Don’t become discouraged because you are not the highest In
the Hat on today’s count
The contest Is just
in its infancy
In these columns who could not. I f the proper Intereet and e ffo r t
L. _
im s i "
iw r i , , M T L * n ' b »ten
h i / uin^ tea wo
with rt, bwt. of course, the Klan
was accused by the Portland
Telegram and othdr unreliable
rt s wapapert, owned or controlled
by Catboltcs and Jaws. An ¿n.
veatigatlop is being made and the
official report, whloh w ill be
published first by The Western
Amtricrn, probably next week,
will disclose soma undeniable
facts that will Justify banner
headlinea and rad Ink in tha ex­
citable and lurid daily press.
The story that ia coming will sell
were put into the matter, obtain enough vote« and aubneriptiona!
by this time next week to lead the entire Held.
For that matter,
nn entirely new candidate, who at this time haa no vote*, or who
may not be entered, could, by immediate action, and a little en­
thusiastic e ffo r t on the part o f themaelvo* and friends, make
themeclvea important factors and probable winners o f the very
best prises.
. . .
Every Club of $20 Counts Heavily
ll'Aen one takes into consideration ths fact that 50,000
special ertra rotes arc alloumd an »very "chib" of $20 turned
in, in addition to the regular number of votes allowed on each '
, indirtdual subscription, it readily can bs seen how,high rots
totals ars obtainable, and that no one so far has a 'walkaway
for the big Reo, the Incomparable Six, purchased and on die-
A play at the Northwest Auto Company; or ths Ford Coups,
purchased from I. D. Let, o r the Ford Touring Car, pur­
chased from J. R. Llewellyn.
Time b Limited; Gat Busy, Everybody
N ow is the tiipe tor those who are competing in this race to
make the dust fly. Only three weeks remain in which to ob­
tain the maximum number o f votes on subscriptions.
A fte r
February 6, there is a material decrease in the schedule o f votes.
And after February 28 there is a still further decline in the scale
o f votes— in fact, it is cut almost in half.
Our best advice to those who wish to win, and to thoae who
realize the necessity o f publishing the truth, the whole truth and
nothing but the truth, about the Ku Klux Klan, the Royal Riders
o f the Red Robe, the Ladies o f the Invisible Empire, and kindred
organizations, is to hurry every available subscription to Mr.
Frank W. Cameron, Campaign Manager, 407 Plttock Block, while
the big votes are in offset. N ot to do so simply means that you
are throwing away golden chance* that may bring you the hand­
some Reo touring car valued at $1895.
No Quitter* Are in This Race
They are now “ o f f the post” and the pace is grow in g hot.
Their ability as salesmen and organizers ha* been demonstrated.
Can you finish strong, as you have started, with the best talent
and the keenest w it pitted against you? You most certainly can,
i f courage and determination does not fail your. The contestants
entered in this race ar* men and women who never say die.
I f we know character at all, we believe no quitter w ill appear
among those who are entered in The Western American's cam­
paign, fo r many have sa id : “ Whether I receive a prise or not, I
am happy to help offset the lies now being circulated about the
The winners certainly w ill be entitled to admiration fo r de­
feating such a field as now is entered, and as certainly w ill com­
mendations be due o f those who “ die gatne.”
Get in the campaign with a shout, fo r you’re o f f in a bunch,
and everyone is.saying: “ May the best candidate win.”
. F R E D L. G IF F O R D o f Oregon, who resides with his fam ily in Pjrtland, at 485 East Twen­
tieth street. North, is the bravest, whitest and best man in the State, according to the belief and
oft-repeated statement o f thousands o f good citizens who know’ him thoroughly. His fa m ily con­
sists o f Mrs. G ifford, who is active in good work through the women’s organizations-; one son, Fred
Junior, who is a sturdy and dependable young man o f 17, and three beautiful young daughters.
The G ifford fam ily is a happy one, fo r love reigns in their home. Mr. G iffo rd ’s exalted position in
the Klan has simply widened greatly the scope o f his work and his acquaintance. He has always
had hosts o f warm friends, fo r “ to know him is to love him.’’ Naturally, Bince his constructive
work began in the Klan, he became the target for wicked and cowardly slanderers, but their e f­
forts have been futile. He is altogether decent, honest and square. The envious And the crooked
have exhausted their energies in attempting to “ knock” him, and the harder they “ knock” the
higher he stands in the estimation o f all who know him. His enemies are a credit to him. Mr. G if­
ford is diffident about personal publicity and always deprecates praise. The Western American
obtained a picture o f him, without his knowledge or consent, and is pleased to publish his portrait,
because he is dear to many thousands o f fra tem ity brothers who never have seen him, personally.
He is already famous, and his public career has only begun. Notwithstanding the arduous nature
o f his o fficia l work and the incessant sacrifices required o f him, he is always serene and in per­
fect command o f himself and hia co-workers. He is the humblest among them, too — being the
greatest. Countless thousands o f loyal Americans are ready to figh t fo r him, at a moment’s notice.
Western American Special.
Cuero, Texas. Jan. IT.—Led by a
Detroit. Mich.. Jan. 17.—Appealing
to the Jews for
priests of Michigan have started a
rigorous campaign against the Pro­
testant movement to pass a compul­
sory school la # ’like the and recently
enacted by the people of Oregon. The
measure in this State is termed tha
'‘ parochial school amendment.“ Ap­
peals are being made to oid-country
prcjudices^and the battle la waxing
hot. The bill ia expected to pass, not­
huge fiery cross, a band of SS* Klans-
men in full regalia, including the
New Orleans. La.. Jan. 17.—The Ro­
mask, staged a monster parade on the man £athoHc Archbishop e f New Or­
streets of Cuero Wednesday night lean s Is Out with aa appeal to all
A crowd et 15,0*0 viewed the specta­ subjects of the Pope, especially in­
cle. The American flag appeared near
cluding women.- to qualify themselves
the head of the parade and all hats
to vote in the coming State campaign
were off and men stood at salute
by paying their poll taxee and regis­
while Old Olory passed by. At the
tering. The Catholic Laymen’s Asso­
court house the great throng heard an
ciation also has been formed, and It
eloquent address on Americanism by
claims to hare some “ Protestant“
the Rev. Lloyd B. Bloodworth of San
While the Klan la not in politics, as
While the crowd was diverted by
its officials have declared many
the speaking, the silent Khtnsmen dis­
times, the individual Klansmen are
appeared aa mysteriously as they had
expected to make their Influence felt
come. They had been the object of
at the polls. The Klan strength will
almost continuous applause through­
be consolidated upon candidate# for
out the parade, but there was no an­
governor and other State offices who
swering sign or word.
are not opposed to the Klan. There
will he no official Klan ticket.
Klansman Challenges
Ben Oleott, ex-Governor of Oregon,
In a recent letter to a friend In the
Wertem American Specie!.
Washington. Jen. 17.—The effectual
checkin* of Roman Catholic activities
In official Washington It now con­
ceded by all to be a fact and the
credit le given to the myeterlous end
secret lobbying of the Ku Klux Klan.
Dr. H. W. Evans, Imperial Wlsnrd of
the Klan. and other high Klan offi­
ciate visited here a few days ego, but
smilingly declined to admit that the
Klan haa a lobby at the national cap!
Beet candidly confessed that he had
Austin, Texas, Jan. 17.— The Harvey
made the fetal mistake of lining up child support bill is stirring Texans.
This measure requires the father of
with the wrong erowd, and that If he a child to support that child as hit
had It te do again he would not make own. whether married or. not, until
the attainment of the majority.
euch a political blundar. He paid a
It has the strong support of all the
high compliment to tho Klin of Ore­ progressive elements, led by the Klan,
gon. If Mr. Oleott dealree It, The and Is sure of enactment.
The same support is given to a pro­
Weetem American will publlah a state- posed mother's pension law, and an­
ment from him. “ An honeet confes­ other for the abolishment of the
"Houses of the Good Shepherd."
sion le good for the soeil.”
Wilmington, Del.. Jan. 17.— Rev. C.
L Hubbard, pastor o f St. Paul’s Meth­
odist church, haa received a latter
from an anonymous author, signing
the word. “ ConstltutionaUsts.'’ threat­
ening him with death because he open­
ly espouses the cause o f the Ku Klux
Klan. " If wv hang for killing you,
we die In a good canie,” said the note.
The "Constitutionalists" are known
to be Romans, bitterly opposed to the
Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 17.— Dr. John
Freeman Craig of Atlanta, Ga.. official
lecturer for the Ku JClux Klan, haa
challenged Governor Henry J. Allen.
In a friendly way, to meat him In open
debate on the merits of the Klaa. “I
am.willing to place the decision as
to the winner of this debate la the
hands of the persons In the audience
by a standing rots, or any way that
may please you,” the challenger said.
Governor Allen so far Is silent.
The Meier & Frank Store Has Been Declared Unfair by the Centra] Labor Council