The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, December 28, 1922, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    T H E
Thursday^ Decomber 25,
A M ER icÀ tt
an interesting woman, capable of coating on infalligsnt voto,
In foot, tho women’« clubs
bcaidi'H raining u worthy family.
hove dope mjich V* druw out tho home recluse ond make a reoi,
live ohtf useful citizen of her. •
Small Opportunities Priceless
Small opportunitien confront us daily, and a number of
small opportuaititn are equal to one large one- Few people
icai'se thia. And when you hove availed yourself of a small
upp rtunity, you have the satisfaction of lu rin g accomplished
so'.icthing toward an end. Thtt happy condition offers inspir­
ation, and inspiration will carry you far If you will but follow.
To help’yourself, is .directly to help your family, and that
means that*iou are helping your community, which helps your
city and Nation. The effect spreads like a ripple upon the
We ull believe in organization. The Protestant women’s
patriotic societies, though still in their Infancy, already are of­
fering vast opportunities to women who long for self-improve­
uM her time come» amp)« opportunity for development: Even ment, local improvement and national improvement.
Ix-t us learn the meanings ef the words, Charity, Fraternity,
lack of finances fails as un excuse because facilities are now„,at
«•very hand and are visible plainly to those who wish to aei. Unity and Strength.
Their dkpense is negligible.
Must Work to Realise Vision
Sometimes, I wonder how many women, today, are holding
‘he vision of better.days and" finer things, while they calmly sit
with folded hands awaiting a miracle, f Mg. Henry Ford never
could have become the mechanical witnrd and multi-millionaire
that he is, without the vision and the w'ork, the hard work—
«(»ward realizing his vision.
Most certainly, the progressive woman is not idle, and she
is being richly rewarded. Behold her knowledge, poise and in­
dividuality! Are not these* things worth attaining? They are.
Progressive means advancing, improving. And the pro-
Astoria’s Great
■ ■ ■ '
Merchandising Event
W ATCH for and take advantage of
our January Clearance Sale beginning
January 2. *
Wishing A ll o f Our Patrons a Happy
and Prosperous New Year
Astronomers declare that ràdio signals are coming persist­
ently to the earth from either Venus or Mars, most likely from
Phone 862
the former.
v \
•' v ' * -
Astoria, Ore.
56 Columbia St.
We can only wonder at the wireless, and stand in awe before
the power that hurled the bowlder that fell into Lake Michigan
mi thp niirht (,f November 2«. 1919.—a meteor of unprecedented
«ressivc woman hiiH muntrnwrnrp mim« Horothnrr TTwirp ihn
. . by scientific
. . investigators
____ to
. i have been
........... larger
cures, pleasures and marriages; nor is marriage the state at
a big mansion”—about five times the size of the Oregonian
which one can begin to drift, as so mapy qt our women do. In­
deed. mnrriuge is but the threshold of life, and if we are not
•intenter inves-
President Gernsback of the Electrical
sufficiently prepared for it, surely, our first duty should be to
He also found the wi
put in order our own, individual, physical and mental being,
the gigantic ball o f fire, white and orange colored, which illum­
before attempting a broader field. -•
inated the whole country, flash over the lake south of Grand
"It I* Far Too E u y to Drift” ..... .... —Haven. It Teil into the waters, creating a vast fog of steam
Tcj make the life of an avernge woman a noble
institution .clouds and causing a celestial short circuit.
O vercoat«— All S tyles and Sizes—a t from
jh , indeed, difficult.. Unfortunately, it is far too easy to drift
Telegraph wires as far north as Grand B apds were put out
into a passive mood, of neglect, particularly after marriage, the of business. Power pianta were stopped, including those at K *
________ Z-- *10.50 to £15.00 J
eery time one should be alert and eager for improvement.
lama zoo and Berrien Springs. _
If, in the mind, one could Institute inquiry for apathy. ' When the giant,meteor struck the lake an immense electrical
Progression would lx* bom, npd the change would be
instantan- force was liberated, says Professor Gems back— a titanic short-
pous and marvelous. An inquiring mind is usually a healthy circuit, in fact. The bottom 6f the lake formed,the “ground” or
one. Inquiry spells death to tedium, discontent, monotony and return circuit and the electrical di
dullness to one’s self and to others.
niture as to bum out the big fuses
Civic;‘questions. Religion and National and Foreign affairs The effect was compared to the
are son^ of the things thut offer interest, diversion and learn- which often knoclu^^owi^ than ape
All Wool—and the Best T hat Money ( a n b*i. ‘ 'w- "Mtvle and Quality of These
h*g, aiijl are of paramount importance. The modem club-*' ttiKWnCe-from the iwwt- vrtrbre the
Plothen Are the Tory L a te st amt Beat—T b rP ru v i£~u le Lowest. ~ ~7 '"r 'T’
woman is on easy terms with these issues, snd, usually, she i#—r - The speed of the meteor was t
We G uarantee E v ery S u it and Overcoat We Se ll to Be Satisfactory to th e Piir-
eluder A fter He H as W orn It, or We Will Return the Money.
Same Courtesy, Same Prices
Now, A s Before the Fire
A Happy New Year
any field of force, particularly -ap
G et in Line and Buy Where Your
M oney Goes the Farthest
How ignorant is man! What a puffed-up piece of stupidity!
We shall appear to the scholars of a hundred years from now as
puny and insignificant as the Igorrotes now getgi to us, because'
this is the golden age of science and discovery and we live at the
dawn of it. Progress beyond our wildest dreante will have been
made by the year 2000. Our swiftest automobile and aeroplane j
will be antiquated relics at which the people will laugh and make
We smile when we think of the high "ordinary” bicycle, big
wheel in front, dinky wheel behind, and the tremendous headers
which we took sometimes on "coasting” downhill.
Educate! Educate! Educate! That's tire only thing worth
ManV divine powers now are dimly perceived, or sensed,
or vaguely felt. Titans among ns are striving for enlightenment, I
struggling thlRmgh the darkness toward tira goal of the soul's
desire. , Man wants to know what lies beyqndj-tfia great secret
of the central universe. Himself part o f HwS M w u a l Mind,
man some day will win through to the light.
The savants and inventors in the year 2#00 witt respect only 1
a few; names of today. .Edison will be.Teniesnhered as the
mighfiest of His time. Who else will be often mentioned? . ;<s |
In The year 2000 man may enjoy, perhaps, a summer vaca­
tion on Venus, an excursion to the moon, or to Mars, and our
sky will be filled with wonders now unthinkable.
Even a superficial study of the universe and its system of j
hn>«Mt t
wonderful ¿worlds «»nvinoes any mind that admits realities in the i
6s fsresté
light of reason that, indeed, there is ji God—an infinitely power­
ful Creator—and evidences on every hand attest .the fact that
N ew portrait of Friedrich tbert,
lie is, as the Good Book assures us, a God of infinite mercy and w ho
haa been elected tho flrüt proel-
loving kindness.
dont of the Germ an republic by tho
Reflection, in the Silence, will .convince any normal mind national aeeembly at Weimar.
that true religion is the greatest force- in the world; that the
church, with all of its imperfection.\;ia the.otightlsft and most
1 important of, all institutions. ‘ !
• ?
A am nt of Tacoma, Wash.. Troop
declined an offer to go to camp for
Knowing,.-therefore, that infinite power rules the universe,
tho reaaonS state-1 In the following let­
¡and that love is the spirit of God. poor prny man need feel no te r: “b e a r Scoot Executive: I regret
alarm when a pebble of iron-nicKei the size of a huge building to *ay that I ronnot accept jo ttr offer,
although I would like to do eo under
, ¡a dashed through space from a Whirling planet', which may he ordinary
circumstances. I have made
racing with mother earth. Meteors, large and amUl; afre rbecom- a faithful promise on my honor to help
1 ing common, hdt they always fall harmlessly or explode into an old widow woman. I told her I’d
stick to my Jol* and pick all tho ber­
tiny bits before Teaching our globe.
' .
ries I could, for her because It's her
One comforting thought is that the whole universe is in mo­ living for this winter. 1 doubt If she
tion—Nothing can stand still—everything and everybody, in our' will make enough to tide her over. If
not. our troop will tide lief over. Ko-
own and other worlds, are going-somewhere all the time at fh- member, '« scout is loyal,' bo I must
«•onceivahlo speed.
f ; rOrder, harmony, la th e ,first! law, o t
. - Speed, por-*
hup«, comes neat. tttvd « i »•; j
c-u ui ^
,Jd* »bp whip«» U liukatl before the
f v fldr brogt+Ssivfe effiea “should profit by the q^gstial exem pt^ cut at lb* whto- srrlvoo, Out the tyr­
(liven harmony—unity r f ,1 c-iftih—-»here fre-no hmlt to spued,-no1 anny o( woman :, te a rs ha.- won the
i danger of wreck, but only joy and eternal satisfaction.
, 1 heart e{ a beast.
Square D eal
Cigars—Soft Drinks
Candies— Lunches
Same Courtesy, Always
Now Located on Astor St. Bet. 7th and 8th Sts.
ri;.uiiiaitiiti(iwrwwiaii!Hwii'tiit'itwiiiiithdwiwiWhSii«!’rii>e, nininwBi'iwwaswiiwwattdsmuh ‘iiitasadwaiaaii. hwchisisiiwm
Still in business a t the
same old stand in the
358 Commercial Street
Astoria, Oregon
Mattresses -
Complete Line of Household Equipment
W e Can Handle Your Needs Now
Complete Line o f Lang’s- Restauran*, and Hotel
Cor. Seventh and Astor Sts., Astoria, Ore
Ask for our liberal prices and terms
Finnish Mercantile Co
A tt o r C o u rt
U nlontov
Astoria, Oregon
Reopened for Business
- at 87 Bond Street
We specialize in ìloiliè •portraits.
Mum- of the Photographs Taken Before,
Fire W ere ílavecí—Còme anct ^ c r V o u rs
A Happy and Prosperous New Year