The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, December 28, 1922, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Tkurufar, Û seain U 89,1988
Every Day, 1In Every Way, the Ilian Grows Better and Better
Published Weekly by
The Weetem AmeHeM Publishing Company
Publication Office, 432 Plttock »leck. Portland. Ore. Phene Rfdadway
Lem A. Dover ............................................... . . . . .........................................E d iter
Courtney T. Sandora.............................
..........Accodato tdltrr and Manager
................... .........................................»to o A Y EA R
..»oR rrr.K sss :tr
E rr
•rod aa eeeond-claae matter A ugutt 1. 1M
, under the A c t ef March ». 1*7».
illcatlen made to hM tm aater at Acterta ter i
i n k « at Portland, Oro.
Ice at Attoria.
■ clam privilege
Freemasonry is a grand and glorious, ancient and honor-
aaie institution. Klankraft embodies all the tenets of Freema­
sonry, giving especial devotion to the code of the Knight Tem-
idar, but has an additional program of achievement, designed for
general benefit along practical lines.
The Masons have reached their present pinnacle of success
and world leadership through inherent virtue aa^ heroic, faith­
ful efforta, sustained through hundreds of years, despite malig­
nant persecution. The Klansmen profit by tbeir inspiring
No private hatred or feud can be carried to the threshold of
the Masonic lodge, still less political or religious disputes. Ma­
sons are bound by that religion alone in which jd l men agree—
belief in God and the Golden Rule—leaving to each man his pecu­
liar opinions. For hundreds of years the Masons have striven
to overcome s e lfis h n e s s , which is the universal basic evil, and
to establish the reign of love.
The KUm’s ideals are identical with those of the Masons,
but it is an order with a special mission. Instead of being uni­
versal, it restricts membership to native-born Americans, this
being the same restriction that is placed upon the office of Presi­
dent and Vice-President of the United States. The Klan also re­
quires a member to be a believer in God| and in Jesus Christ, the
Son, and because the Roman Catholic church is alien in its gov­
ernment, heretical in its teachings, tyrannical and despotic in its
/practices, claiming both spiritual and temporal sovereignty over
llm souls qf apea *hfr*"yh th<Aexercise of poiiuegl and ecclesiasti­
cal power by the Pope, the Klan restricts its membership to men
of the Protestant faith. '. .
The Klan 8 program of service and achievement embodies
the principles of the ancient Knights Templar, whom the Klans-
man, in principle and practice, more closely resembles.
Every Klansman should be familiar with the glorious his­
tory of the Templars.
In the 12th century, moved by the enthusiasm of the age,
eight Christian knights established the society. In a few years
it came to be the most powerful corporation In Christendom. By
the principle of secrecy the members were bound together in the
closest unity and cemented in the bonds of a mystical friendship.
It was a religious order, with great military power. The Knights
wore, besides their armor, white cloaks adorned with octangular
blood-red crosses.
After the Pope found he could not rule the order, and being
opposed to its principles of liberty,, he made war upon it, of
course, just as he is persecuting the Klan, today.
• The society of the Templars was accused o f horrible crimes
and heresies. The Pope and his priests, and their ignorant and
miserable dupes, charged that the Templars worshiped th^ devil,
that they practiced sorcery, adored an idol, condemned the sacra­
ment, and practiced unnatural vices.
The Pope and his dupes finally got the upper hand. Many
of the noble Knights were burned alive in France by order of the
infamous Archbishop of Sens. Pope Clement “abolished” the or­
der by a bull on March 2, 1312—six hundred and ten years ago.
Grand Master James Bernard Molay, and Guido, the Grand Prior
of Normandy, were burned alive at Paris on March 13, 1314,
after Molay had cited Pope Clement and King Philip to appear
before the judgment-seat of God within a year. The despotic
and infamous Pope died within 37 days, and the king died eight
months later.
‘ if
The last moments of the lives of Molay and Guido were
marked by sublime heroism. Molay, the Grand Master, of
haughty and dauntless mein, ascended the scaffold over the fu­
neral pyre prepared for him by the fiendish Pope. He died with
the fortitude and calmness of a Christian hero. In dying he pro­
claimed the future downfall of the Pope and all despotism. "I
summon you, tyrant of Rome, and you, despot of France, to nnet
me within one year before the eternal throne.”
This was humanity, bleeding and tom, and outraged in all
its sacred rights, summoning all despotisms, whether spiritual
or temporal, before the judgment-throne of the future ages, to
receive their condemnation and to witness the inauguration of
the divine principles of justice, equality and fraternity.
The positive ideas of the Templars could not perish; they
continued the contest with the tyrants of the earth, and, advanc­
ing through the centuries, brought kings to the scaffold and laid
the foundation of liberty. Klankraft embodies the positive ideas
of the Templars, which now are being wrought into realities for
l he benefit and glory of all men.
Such was the destiny of a mighty fraternity^ whose valor,
devotion and achievements form so brilliant a chapter in Euro­
pean history. It was the strongest bulwark of the Christian
faith—the ablest champion of the Cross.
The Templars, like the Klansmen of today, were earnest,
sincere and worthy men. Behind the veil of mystery they con­
ceived vast and magnificent plans for the social and religious in any cam may not jeopardise the welfare of the Klan and its
regeneration of Europe—plans fa r in advance of the agv. but friends.
’ practicable today. They planned the political unity of Europe by
.. “Kindness is the greatest good,” we know, of course, and the
the universal overthrow of monarchy and the founding of an im­ Klan teaches all to return good for evil—to overcome evil with
mense republic, and the complete purification and reform of the good, but sometimes, we must plead, this course seems humanly
Catholic faith. The splendid Order finally fell, by treachery, be­ Impossible. Throughout the new year we will do the beet we
fore the united powers of civil and religious despotism.
can, and If we seem to forget this good resolution, the reader
Statesmen today despair of finding a solution of the Euro- may be assured that the provocation w is unendurable.
;*an problem. On January 2, next week, the Premiers are to
“The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak,” in prac­
confer in the slender hope of reaching an agresmeqt, and If they ticing the Golden Rule. One should do one's best, and angels
fail, as seems probable, France threatens to occupy the Ruhr re­ cannot do more.
gion of Germany on January- 16, thus making certain another
No sooner had we adopted the Golden Rule policy than a
world war, involving every- nation. The Premiers and the Presi­
friend advised its immediate application to “ Fatty” Ar-
dent need only to consult the history of the Tbmplara to find a
buckle — the atrocious monster of the movies — Ah, peccavi!
way out of then morass of despair; they need only to yield to the
divine principles of liberty, equality and fraternity, as exempli­ , VThere we go again.) * * But never will we fail to denounce as
fied in the history of the Templars and in the sublime martyrdom infamous any proposal to reinstate him as a public attraction.
* The Klan stands for the sadetity of womanhood, and for­
of Molay.
ever opposes the reappearance of Arbuckle, because his crimes
at San Fjcucisro, in which a young woman lost her life, have
unpunished, in circumstances of a revolting and hideous
Klankraft is friendship, love and integrity, translated into
Never, never sWuld such u wretch be preeented in the pic­
terms of action. It is a friendship which rises Jtiperior to the tures before the boys^nd girls, most of whom know the history
factitious distinctions and arrangements of aecrnty, the preju­ i f the case and the -rate of Virginia Rappe.
dices of religion and the pecuniary conditions of Hfip. Within the
The carefully laid plan to bring “ Fatty” back is commer­
Klan all members meet upon terms of absolute equality. It is a cial in its motive, of coufsc—the design of the evil-minded,
friendship which knows no limit, nor inequality, nor decay—eVer money-mad Jews who own and control the movies.
living, ever active, to bless and to console. It is a truth, an honor,
Will Hays, alleged c u r of filmdom, now shows himself In
which binds men to the eternal law of duty, in opposition to all proper calibre and true to type—the hireling of men who have
the calculations of interest, and in defiance o f the wrath of the I an eye single to the glitter of the almighty dollar. The titular
wicked. ' -
, noun-“czar,” so often used to indicate Hays’ status in the movie
T he basis of Klankraft *8 the law which rcqdues men to love business, is quite correctly used, considering that it implies a
God; that say, to love truth, goodness, virtue, above all poor weak person, of minimum moral courage, utterly hemmed
things else, and to conduct himself toward others,4in all cases, as ¡n an(j hedged about by executive powers beyond his control A
in like circumstances he would have others deal with him. This c2ari
implied, is a person to be pitied, indeed, and the worst
is the law of mutual love, or intimate and abidmgrriendship, ofi usuaHy happens to him.
inflexible probity, honor and truth. This law is as wide as the j
Thq outraged moral sentiment and public opinion of the
universe, deep as eternity, stern as fate in its demands. It binds country will banish Arbuckle so fiercely and so far, after his
all Klansmen in all places, to the everlasting duty of charity, and ;mpudent attempted come-back, that no other undesirable of his
woe to the soj ! that seeks to escape the obligaltens which it type will ever dare defy the decent public. Let “ fa tty ” go back
' to the vile slums, whence he came, and stay there.
_ __
In au citics- may~Tie found certain shews for adults only,
with vaudeville, wax works and a grew some chamber of hor-
After “digging up” and preparing for publication the chec- rora. In these let “Fatty” serve. The reproduction, true to
kered personal records of several men whose treachery seemed iife, of the hideous tragedy which cost the life of the girl in
to justify condign punishment, the editor of The Western Ameri- San Francisco, with “ Fatty” there in person to explain the
can received on Christinas Day a personal letter from an illus- abominable affair and point out with pride the horrifying de-
trious Knight Templar, residing in the South, which, after long! tails, would be quite appropriate for a chamber of horrors, sure
deliberation, caused him to burn the "high voltage” itories and j to attract the crowds of the sensual and the morbid. For this
decide upon the poster of applying the Golden Rule to every- role he is qualified by ghastly experience. There jpt him, play
thjling hereafter appCS
«eflrlrfg in this journal involving the personal his part, but iwSt in public.
There 1» one Clod, of Infinite
Isvo and mofojr. who mads all
Chines. Its govarna tha worlda
by ltla providence. Ha ought lo
ba worshiped by adoration, praysr
and thanhaslvlnf.
Tha moat acceptable asrvlra
to Ood la doing good to man
Usefulness to aoalsty la tha only
traa moaaura of worth.
Tha aoul u Immortal
Ood will aaalt goodnra, and
sipooa aln. rsward virtue and
panlah vice, slthvr bars or hare*
On« School, On« Flag* On«
Ths ehlldrsa la our pabUo achooU
Are taught to aad all strife,
Tbsy ara taught lo Uva tha Qoldea
They ara taught tha waya of Ilf«.
Why ahould wa fight sach otbarT
Wa'va a ll ons point to sain —
To gtva our chlldran knowisdgs.
To rsash a his bar plaar.
Soma waat to tsarh raligtuo.
A privilege of ibia laad.
Soma araat to taach a forslgn crasd
Our Nation to dlahaad.
No prloat. no pops or potsatals
Of any forslgn band. —
Can mli tha lawa of church with Stats
I d this our aatlvs land.
Oar natlvs horn, oar forslgn bora.
Our rich aad poor oos atatloo.
Shall have oas flag, oos school.
And first of all, one Nation.
By svsryona uniting
And working to thW aad,
We can make this nation boitât
Tha White H»ro to defend.
Teg, the White lines of all nation«.
United they must stand
For Freedom * raaaa sad Liberty,
United hand la hand.
— Copyright applied kor by A.
SI Cox, dd04 t t u ■ ( fl. *..
Portland. Oregon, l l t l .