V ' . - ■ ? . for Self, but for Others/ the Great Klan’s Open Wide to Love. Appeal Always to tl - ■; ’ ■ ■ / '^» 5 a '• ■ Tlir OKlolnl Paper oi T lw lloyal R ider» ot (he lUd Hubr, laip rrlal hredqxortrr» ióu Murgas Hulldisv, l'uri Unii, U n o « . ■ * • A ddre»« a ll aiall for ihr pnper lo U I . llr «o r , Fdltor, IO» l’ Itturk lllurk, l'urtlaad, »Irrito». t I-JJ1...J. Tan «(O rla i Tapar •* al Uta Ra YE SHALL KNOW THE UTH T R U T H S M AKE YOU f f f t ^ fm s B g r m s I— Voi. I, No. 21 SHALL •AY, DECEMBER PO R TLA N D , OREGON, T H P U B L IS H E D W E E K L Y LOUISIANA KLANSMEN ARE INNOCENT OF ANY CONNECTION WITH H L U K BURNS MENJRYINGJO FOOL PUBLIC AN YW H E R E IN U. S. PRICE 8c JOHN JACOB ASTOR r Thouw ndi o f Rollers to Expended iri Mobilizir S u p p o rte ra i Paper Associated Press Carefully Refrains from Mentioning Klsn in Connection with Mysterious Episode, W hich., Is Purely Local in Cause and Effect Hostil* H I SCR» «N H R I IK "VELLM HO” M R FIM I C O N O _ MAV GET THEIR PATRONS INTO TfiOUBU ✓ Louisiana People, Including Roman Catholics, Respect the Klsn for Its High Ideals, Its Splendid Services, and Repudiate Calumnies Bom o f Malice Th» nouno» W u t ir n next wai salesmanship eai (W estern American Special) of which w ill bo NF.W O K L K A N S , Dec. 2(1.— Answ ering your query fo r the s c rip t!«« h«t. facts in the kidnaping and murder case« In Morehouae parish, British otataemen frequently aro ar» the truth compels an admiasion that no fact or detail so fa r Sont aportamen In tholr loleuro hour«. ■eveloped justifies anyone ia connecting tho Ku Klux Klan, or Haro I» Mr. A. Sonar Law playing In a :¿Unsown,/A-ith the crimes, and all such deductions ao fa r have __________________________________ _______ ?***• Qr fS* IlK » I W Oil.' A ll- tat*, ao follo w «: second boat salesman will rsesivs a Klantmen Offering Help Man H ig h l y E it e e m e d B y A ll Although lyoulalann has n strong Catholic population—tho only ftouth- rrn' Stnto of which this Is true— the Ku K lu i Klan always has been and now is held In high esteem, because o f Its unquestionable ideals and ex­ cellent public service. It gave pro­ tection against the terrors of black rule during tho reconstruction period after the Civil war, re-established lib­ erty In the South and restored the white man’s rule. For those reasons, the sensational deductions of “ yellow kid" reporters from Chicago and of overrealm ts rtstectlva# from fs r »field have received scant attention tn this section, where the fine character of the Klan and Its members Is knowa to everyone. N O LD philosopher, win* wss none the le t» a philosopher fur his constant and close observa­ tion o f men. remarked that we onn' best Judge men's temperament ami Ideals by watching them at their work and at their play. A keen ob­ server would hate very lltUe difficulty In Judging Americans by their work, une such has aptly called this Country "Th#~ Land o f the Strenuous L ife." Hven our sports partake so rancU of this strenuoslty that the medical pro­ fession Is beginning to warn us of overlndulgeuce In the more violent forms o f athletics. Rut all peoples have ways o f amus­ ing themselves on »pedal occasions and at d ied seasons after s manner so well established that It base cofne to be regarded a kind o f ritual, .soya the New Turk Herald. This hns come 1 down to us from the ages when our forebears first pushed their way out i ef the dry tablelands of civilisation. Kves the mighty power o f the churches ha« set been able to brush aside some practices that have their roots deep In paganism. A la te st Vnodel.. tKS‘ TAlod«r, h e . acquired fcòhtrol the London Tim e«. It I» r«parted loatt a / O U M O of tho A »tor money Involves In the deal. A m e r W r Special) • -‘j * 27,— Despite the recent threat« o f Muyor m agistrate« who « r e becking him, o f .the Ku Klux Klan held « jubi- a fter tbe spectacular ii in a Parie Row hall not NEW T M modsrata priced ear: the third a first- class phonograph; tho fourth a soli­ taire diamond ring; tho fifth a com­ p ute radio sot; tho sixth $100 In gold ; tho ssventh $60 in cash, and the eighth $26 in cash.’ Those who enter tho campaign and fall to win one o f the prizes, following tho rwteo o f tho eoateet to the close, w ill bo paid 10 per cent of »v e r y dol­ lar tum sd In. Evory man. woman, boy or girl who enters tho campaign will bo paid lib­ erally fo r the work. Tho Wsstorn American has en­ gaged Frank W. Cameron as campaign manager. Ha comas highly recom­ mended In this line of work. Watch for full details In next w eek’s ¡«sue, and then, without delay, nomin­ ate your favorite candidate. In the meantime, if you know of anyone who might make a good sales­ m a n -m a n , boy, woman or girl— kind­ ly drop The Western Am erican a postal card and the campaign manager w ill call and explain the proposition. A fter reading the plan In full next week, w e know you w ill help The Western American go over the top. Neither The Western Am erican management nor the campaign man­ ager w ill have anything^ to do with awarding the prizes Th is w ill be done by a com mittee of well known profes­ sional and business men. This is your newspaper, the only one o f its kind west o f the Rockies. Get behind it. and help us promote the good cauee. 1 Purely Local Episode Tho State authorities are dealing with a purely local episode. In which the Hums detectives, operating for the federal government, perhaps as­ signed to help on request of Governor Parker, have Jumped, to conclusions ns to responsibility which are utterly without merit In fact. I,ocat Klnnsmon have stated that the enemies o f their ^>rder wHI be permitted to go as far as they like, but that a reckoning Incom ing In the courts, perhaps In the form of suits for heavy damages against the au Old Cuatoms That Continue. liters o f the special press reports and Probably after Halloween and against evory newspaper which pub­ I Cnrlatmas there la no festival of the 1 year so girt about with long-estab­ lishes such dispatches as news. lished customs as New Tear's day. Clever Eecape From P rie »«. Among tho best known o f these are Ham burg— Four inmates o f the the auguries drawn from what was Fuhlsputtcl state prison effected an In­ railed the "Oandleraas hull.” In Scot­ genious escape when the leader of the land and other northern countries the group stole a warden's ’cent sad cap. term Candlemas, given to this season He marched his three fellow prison«-!« o f the year, la supposed to have had In lockstep through, the gates and Its origin in religious ceremonies per­ passed out unnoticed, other guards formed by candle light. The candles tnklng It for granted that a working used were very large and highly orna­ mented. and were brought In at the pnrty was being taken out for duty. midnight hour to the assembled guests, who, since the falling o f dusk, had " '" : a — 1 been drinking freely of the wassail Fell Ten Stories but bowl. Then, lo- procession, they marched out Into the night, and to Finally Caught Elevator their Imaginations tbe passing clouds assumed the shape of s bull. Front ; Manuel Hernan.dea, laborer, of tbe rise and fall and general motions Dallas. T e x , fell tin storiea o f these clouds the seer foretold good (lowo an elovator shaft, landed or bad weather. Sometimes, too, In a wheelbarrow o f mortar, and auguries for the future were gathered stepped out unhurt. from the state of the atmosphere on Through a misunderstanding N ew Tear's Eve. and also from the of signals, the elevator on the force and character of the wind. thirteenth door, where Hernan- In the Imagination of most primi­ des was working, was lowered tive peoples, especially those of the unknown to him, and when he North, who were forced to battle stepped for It down he went. against the elements of nature for He caught up with the elevator life and sustenance, the eves o f great at the third doer, landing In the soft mortar. A fter scrupLug off some of the mortar be continued The lash o f adversity loves the fat on the Job. back, and tha lean bound bas the : keenest faugh. or of at la or woman, aetl- Meripttene than t o u r in g A ll Pseplee Have Ways of Amusing Themselves on Special Occasions and at Fixed Seatons. ef in- The Associated Press, which has an unmatched reputation for fidelity nnri accuracy to maintain, so fa r has carefully re- frafhed from even insinuating that the Klan or any o f its mem­ bers had any connection with the crimes. Even in New Orleans, where the anti-Klun influence is n strong factor in the manage­ ment o f the newspupers and in public affairs, the sensational deductions o f the Chicago special reporters and the Bums de­ tectives have been spumed as pure conjecture and imaginative. Governor Parker is said to disavow strongly every report that he holds the Klan responsible fo r the outrages in Morehouse parish, and he recognizes the fact that they were due to local feuds and had Ho connection with the Klan or its members. The Governor has stated that the only Klansman he knows happens to tie one o f the best and most honored citizens in the State o f I/juisiana, and his good friend. Customs and Their Origin; Hap penings of Long Ago. ear w ill No|l Already Power in Boroufk A ffairs Crowing Powerful, Numerically and Despite Executive's Foolish Threats the M a l l » of • 1» Representatives of iho Klan. It 1» --tt» orit inlzntlon bed something to do with the crime». An Independent Investigation of the murder mystery 1« now ia progreas. It 1» no now thins for masked rider» to commit surh Crime» In th l» »ee- llon, which usually are due to lullnre o f the authorities to enforce iho lav/», a» woll a» to rrlnio» agatnnl tho white race, through concubinage with nc groes, commlttcsl defiantly by disre­ putable white men. It 1» regarded a» certain that the kidnaping» and k ill­ in g! were the result o f a persistent violation of Iho written and unwritten laVs, Involving certain phases of the rare problem. Preservation o f the purity of tho white raeo, which moans also the protection of negro»», hns be­ come »Ince the war part of the un written law which no man now mny violate with Bafety. The rarolesa dis­ regard of other day» has changed to a determination that concubinage shall cease at nil routs. • Tlw official faprr r l r. Imperial ‘ A N ew n z m m z z n y N N E W YEAR S K V S In England. All in tn» olden day. The children w«nt »-caroling. All tn the olden nay; And ever a» they Journey'd on, This choroe would you hear: "Ood send you kattpy, Qod evnd you happy, ¿- Pray Ood evnd yoil e nappy New Year!" O *■ A . | ' " ----------- ----------------- » I f . 1SSX. Westers Nreepeper Cnkie.)' • O T by mourning because life cannot be all springtime. Not by thinking that youth can l/o powdered, painted, dressed uud a f­ fected Into renewal. Not by looking backward and living upon reminis­ cence. Not by counting np our losses. In fourfold beauty life Is on tiie wing. As well try to change the course uud succession o f seaeora as to hold back the progress o f our ages. Spring, summer, autumn, winter are not only Tor nature, but for human nature. No One Is deceived by Imitation when we are not Just as young as we used to be. Fadiug picture« and a passing allow, “ slings and arrows o f outrageous for­ tune." are JuiR the differences In life s weather. ____— -—:---- But every season has Its own pecu­ liar beauty. Every day o f every year Is really a gem on Time's finger. There is even a majestic and terrible beauty In a storm. In the long monotony o f the doldrums at seu one could hail a cyclone. In the dusty glare o f pro­ tracted drought a flood could be wel­ comed. In too much o f any season the wish arises fo r the rest o f the pro­ gram. Change opens tip new vistas o f the scenery o f our histories. The afternoon o f life Is meant to be a pleas­ ant outlook upon Its harvest fields, a gathering In o f that wealth o f produc­ tion that requires time and patient toil. The enjoyment o f that richness of character that Is given only to long experience. Wisdom can never lie hastily acquired. Nothing can be done in leas time than It takes. Even Ood mnst wait until fall for a ripe apple. Age marks progress and gives leis­ ure. T o look forward and go on with power of choice hitherto-denied, and to have time and opportunity to do one likes, rather than as he must, these are quick. T o have acquired new I lowers o f thought and to have time fo r books, to hobnob with a few cronies, to have a little something to do, to sit on the porch and see the world go by. rtP*1oofc beyond the set­ ting sun to a new dnj\ and bejTnd the coming winter to a new spring—all these and more may mean that age has kept the best wine until now! N E D U C ATIO N W I L L ABO LISH POVERTY |~ T o live cheaply, miserably, to have Across - the Held» and meadow» 1 the dread o f hunger, the fear o f leav- Amt 11«rough the frosty light. While staray eye* and starry skies ! Ing loved ones In want and on the Illumed In« wintry night. The children caroled blithely on. j world's sesnt mercy, to work hard and In chorus sweet and dear: , “God sand you happy, Qod sand you gain nothing except a bare livin g— h»ppy. Pray Ood send you a happy New Year!“ i this Is the essence o f poverty and It I coon must be remedied In America. Our days ere sadly nwdern. Our way» are modern, too; The conditions that produce poverty Rut hearts atUI' beet ha high with love must be changed, and thereby the red As once they Used to do— So take the old-time' meeeage. socialist will be abolished. T h e rem­ Good friends, both far and near; “God lend you happy. Qod send you edy. the change, must come through happy. i eduestlhn and «volution, never by re­ Pray Ood n s d #ou a happy New T e e rr volt. —Nor* ArchtbelJ Smith. i Klansmen from every part o f Greater N ew Y ork and others 09me singly «nd- in groups by subway and surface cars. Policemen oh the beat where the Klanfest was held de­ clared they knew nothing and saw nothing o f any KJansmen, but that every body was making merry'. Police reports were minus any reference to Klan activities, but the newspaper re- potters were “ wise” to the program and many o f them, it is be­ lieved, took part in the festivities. Mayor Hylan has declined to com­ ment on the reported defiance o f his Y H E K L A N S M A N ’S KREED recent order», which placed a ban on Klaasmen similar to that on “ wobbly*' The Klansmen accept the disturbers. Tbe Mayor’s friends have American's Creed as the beet "Joshed" him about the Klansmen un­ summary: ' * y til he Is said to be ready to take the “ W e believe In the United warpath. The general quip in the States o f Am erica— a govern­ clubs and hotel lobbies is: "T b e Ku ment o f the people, by the peo­ Klux’U get you, If you don’t watch ple. for - the people, whose just o u t!" power» are derived from the The New York Klan No. 1 (» said consent o f the governed; a de­ to have a large and rapidly growing mocracy In a republic; a sover­ membership: furthermore, that It in­ eign nation o f many sovereign clude« scores of l?bw York's famous states; a perfect nnlon. one and millionaires and business men. t o ­ inseparable;, established upon gether with many highly placed news­ those principles of freedom, paper and magazine men. equality, justice and humanity Mayor Hylan’s threats against the fo r which Am erican patriots sac­ Klan are not taken seriously in New rificed their lives and fortunes. York, where the futility of attempting We. therefore, believe it is nnr to suppress a purely American order, duty to our country to love It; organized and Incorporated for Ideal­ to support Us Constitution; to istic purposes, la generally recognized, obey its laws; to respect its even by leadingO atholIc» and Knights flag, and to dfefend it against all o f Columbus. enemies.” ;{ Mayor Hylap's political adviaqjrs are sai<( to have warned him to "la y o ff" the Klan. If he cherishes any hope of ] ♦ M AKE DUE A L L O W A N C E ♦ further political preferment, because * Christmas w e e k conditions * the Klan already is a power to be I * compelled us to reduce some- * reckoned with In borough affairs. * what the amobnt o f news m atter * The Mayor's dilemma is said to be * for this issue, but next week's further complicated by lbs alleged fact 4 Issue w ill more ^ « n make up 4 that several hundred policemen and 4 any lack. Be sure and get your 4 many high ranking officers are either 4 copy next week. It w ill contain 4 m em ber! of tbe Klan. or have' filed 4 news and announcements o f 4 their applications for admission. 4 great Im portance'to the cans«. 4 The organizing KI eagle o f the Klan 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 444444444 4 4 has “ made no bones" o f declaring that ! ♦ ------------- --------- ---------- --------------A New York Klan No. 1 soon w ill be one SAID T H E G R E AT EM ANCI­ o f tbe storngest In the country, nu­ PA T O R • m erically and financially, with the aggregate wealth o f Individual mem­ “ The way fo r a man to rise Is bers mounting high Into nine figures. to improve himself ia every way So far there has been no visible he can, never suspecting that demonstration qf Klan activities. anybody wishes to hinder him. LORD ROSEBERY ON SCOUTING Lord Rosebery, prominent British statesman and warm supporter of scouting. In speaking ou scout train­ ing says: " I f I were to form the high­ est Ideal for ray country. I f would be this; that It should be a nation of which the manhood was exclusively composed o f men who bad Been or who were boy scouts and who were trained IH (he boy scout theory. Such a nation jrould be tbe honor o f man­ kind. It would ne the greatest moral force the world has ever known." Allow me to assure you that sus­ picion and jealousy novar did help any man in any situation. There may sometimes be ungen­ erous attempt.« to keep a man down; and they will succeed, too. If ho allows his mind to bo di­ verted from Its true channel, to brood over the attempted Injury. Cast about and aeo if this feel­ ing hae not Injured every per­ son you have known to fall Into N.M - — Abraham Linoolh.