The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, November 30, 1922, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Thur»ctày7 Nov. 30, 1922
homrian doctrino that the swot<l Is futur« ta un the lap of the maU.
the key to heaven ami hell, but they Thara'a aotiiethlnp of an affinity be*
jaJVl ív* ready to uimheathe fWelr tureen the Frenchman, the Turk and
rhlnlni; «moni In lea* than elxbt^-ér the Slav. (ieor*e t'l.-mmeeau's vielt
ten years. Bolshevik >nroads fn the to America for propaganda purposes
Nipponese masses
speed (Me JUyi mean* more than he is w illing to tell.
»The "wobbly” movement The English understand his design.
'b i ^ s(arled Ih' ;jlipa'n.'lN«ded by at» And America, let us hope, will not
Urges Building o f Steel Mills and Other Basic Enter­ Intelligentsia. The rabble is not or­ be inveigled into commitments With
ganised yet. The movement will' be the French militarist*, who probably
prises on Pacific Coast and Training o f
very great, for they iiule<-il*hav>- no­ have und«rstundin*s with both the
Fighters for National Emergency
thing to lose but their chains, and Russian* and the Turks. England la
they have a world to gain The Jap­ our frfbnd. ruclttij;. and It' 1* upon
One of the former leaders o f the I * anise rs are the bread line, the soup anese Socialist leader has moved to that basin alone that alliances now­
TV. XV, In the Pacific North wee t. whoa* houses, and brutal police and unfair Manila, where he publishes his revo­ adays should be considered. Great
name muat be Withheld because, he police court*. The way to defeat the lutionary magazine sending it back Britain will never fight America.
Whoever advance* a contrary belief
saW. some Red might 's e t " him. re IW .W , obviously, I* to do e v e r » into Japan by devious methods.
The Orient is absolutely
eve.u due* It through ignorance or foolish
tuhied on a merchant ship» a few days thin* helpful and reasonable for the
am . from a tour in the Far Baa: and returned soldier», to require tai. and now, under Japanese) leadership. In prejudice. Tbe two nations are Inter
Orar Star'Theatre
the Orient, completely cured” o f his kindly treatment Of all men by the faring the white man. whatave.- tits dependent, with destiny and ideals,
boMtevlk mental malady. He wae In­ police and the lower courts, and to race may be. Day by day. by finesse identical “ Wb«*» all the world is
British «ud the Americana, .
terviewed la Portland by the^edUor constrain the press to fiv e them jus- and diplomacy, with publicity and gfbm. « the
V - J ,, .
‘ Apierica will be comparatively safe,
. ... .
word o f mouth argument, the Japan­ will fight abeulder to shoulder, and
of the WESTERN AMERICAS* who tic«.
-o i
for the Pacific lo a st will be our first
and victory together.-
. . .
ese are- solidifying all Asia for the will win glory
had known him well at Seattle when Leaders of Judaism Now
* 7
! line o f defense. Some day the world
grand final struggle with the white wffat We theuld Be Oeing
an inner circle leader of the Playing Into Pope's Hands
will ring With a repetition o f the war
The article Riven below was
The leaders o f Judaism have com­ race. It was the discovery o f this Here on* Pacific C*«»t
slogan. ‘‘They shall not pass!” and
by lh « ex-Red. transcribed bined with the Jesuits of the Catholic (act that caused me— a white. Amer­ .In my belief America will make it will mean the gateways to Western
It reveal* a number of church, whether the Jews know ft or ican—to renounce my radicalism and war within flvi year*. Realising the America.
suggests a wise course of re- not. for the purpose’of capturing the reclaim my birthright.
This la the moat portentous period
djing^r and th» meaning of delay, our
medial action, and ought to be Inter radical movement in America, lust Lenin Hold* the Key
emigres* will not hesitate, but again In the world's history. It behooves
estlng to every thoughtful American. what their purpose la 1 have no: de- To Fate of the World
will unsheathe tbe thlnlng sword in America to be' organising, educating,
Nicolai I-enln. the Bolshevik tyrant defense o f liberty and civilisation. preparing. We shall have to- fight
Thla ex-Red is a man of cnlture, Amer- tennlned yet, but 1 do know they tre
lean by birth, and Is regarded by hU progressing with their design. As for dCRussta, holds the key to the world'« This time it wilt be decisive. Per­ for our liberty, for our civilisation,
"comrades" as a deeply learned econ- the Ku Klus Klaa (concerning which fat®, tyhllc America feeds his starv­ haps it will be
It be­ for our Uvea.
omisi Weigh what he says.
be was questioned). 1 -know nothing ing masses, he is mobilising a mighty
America to be building a great Need to Raise Generation
about It
If. however, it stands out army, preparing for the ilajr which steel plant a ml allied iaduolrfe*. pf American Warrior»
Leaving the United States on a
for straight Americanism. 1 am for it. may sound civilization’s doom. Be- smelters, rolling mills
Tbe pacifists and communists are
tramp ship, it w^a my purpose to en­
Ins a master statesman. LbhTh fore-' mill«' here on the Pacific Coast If organising along co^ateral lines. They
an all patriots should be.
ter Russia. If possible, by way o f Si­
Of all men P*. América, the Reds sees an uprising and coalition of all we wait until war Is In sight, our must be met with counter propa­
beria. observing conditions and pick­
most hate Henry Ford. He throws the colored races, excepting perhaps posterity will lament our stupidity, j ganda.
ing up valuable information, ulti­
bones to the starving dogs, as they only the negroes in America, and We muat fortify Dutch Harbor, create
Tbe Immediate need Is tbe unifica­
mately to join William O. Haywood
nre fond of saying. The I.W.W. want even the American negro«» are now ing there a great naval base, and build tion of tbe English speaking race, o r
and other emigres at Moscow or Pet-
oppression, hard times, f l a day for the object o f a special -propaganda. a line of impregnable fortresses «long ganitlng internationally in finance. In
rogrnd. On leaving. I was nit ardent
___ r
. . .
, ..
, 10 hours—the worst is the best, they . The Southerners, perhaps the Hlan, the Pacific Coast. The steel mills Industry. In commerc>, in education.
revolutionist, dreaming o f the rise o f , ,
. i
declare. hoping thus to forward rev­ will be able to save them, for their are ^he moot Important, otherwise In stad of preaching pacifism, which
the proletariat in America. On re­
Thomas A. Edison they hostility to tbe while race in. the mobilisation from eastern bates would Is even more reprehensible than com­
turning I feel glad to confess myself
Idolize as the immortal genius who. coming struggle could’ only mean their be slow and Ineffective.
munism. we should be raising a gen-
rejuvenated mentally and disenthrall­
providentially. Is creating no end of annihilation. But watch-J^enin, the „ H ere it Oregon are vast deposits eratlon of warriors, We should never
ed. no longer a Red. but entirely cured
superb machinery and tools o f pro­ monster o f Russia. If Be deCldW to or
. „ a rosi. whlchmttSt be <tc- forget the peoalty of pacifism, as
of the m en u ! distemper which made
duction. "soon to be taken over” un­ strike with Turkey, he will rouse the veloped.
mineral history o f Ore- shown In the seleclive draft— more
me a-Communist. T am an American!
der communism.
Moslem world, which, united with the gon is most pathetic tbs record of than halt of our men (ihyalcally or
Thank Ood! And of myself 1 often
Japanese and Chinese, would let loose a
sh^Apr*. gophering around, mentally deficient.
say. that "while the lamp holds out What Ex-Red Pound in
hell cm "earth. Lenin doesn't desire Here "in' the Northwest we have the
Tbe seed o f war has been planted
to bqrn. the vilest sinner may return.”
I did not need to go farther than to use force, except as a last resort, iron .ore, the coal, the copper, the and nurtured In the Orient. Tha re-
I «bàli do all Penn to make amends
for the coalition might mean suicide quicksilver—everything needful—and, suit Is inevitable. When the economic
for my foolishness in the past. 1 not (be Orient to find the care fo* my
tor Russia; he might start a cjnfla- no development. Near Medrord 1* the. and racial IntereaU of two great na-
only revere, I adore and almost wor­ radicalism. I'm radical yet. but in
which he couldn't control.
greatest quicksilver mine in the coun* tlona converge sharply at a crisis,
ship the Flag. The Constitution, much
trjk this being the most important o f tbe result will be war, as historians
1 found the
Jap-, America Should Unite
abused a* U la, embodies the inm ost4 American citizen!
ill the materials required In the pro- often remind us.
Ood grant that
hopes o f my soul. Perhaps it needs aneae all talking peace with A m e ric^ With Great Britain
ductlon of war munitions In addi-, America may be ready,
Above all things, one would
an amendment or twe. but it is the “ for yet a while,” with a view to ade-
lion to the industrial enterprises, in
Their national after studying conditions In
charter of liberty, the basis of Amer- quate preparation.
dispensable ia peace or war. we must
""lean progress, the bulwark o f the heart Is set upon a successful world Orient, America should form
1ui*h return* by putting a small
white man's civilisation.
are patient, cunning, and everlasting land, . tbe European center of tbe the development of the Inlind Em *d ln the W satsm American a classl-
I.W .W . Makts Radical
!y industrious. They believe tbe Mg- white man.'*, civilization.
France's plre. WffiB these things are done. ,l#d a»®»1« "- ° ° ,T NOW
Change in Policy
- —II? '
While In the Orient I learned from
■ '7
private correspondence that the I.W.
W. intellectuals— the intelllgwaula—
at last had gained control o f the or­
ganization. and that the direct action
policy of Haywood and his violent
cabinet had been reformed. The syn­
dicalist law. in various Su tes. was
the influence which compelled the
change; besides, the war had taught
If you h*ve a breakdown *•"
that no progress ever conld be gained
your way. phone' us. “ We
in Amerkfi through methods o f force
HELP you IN quickly
and coercion. • The policy of non-re-
delay In getting on your way.
slsUr.ce was adopted several mogths
Painless Dentistry
X-Ray — Gas
Lady Attendant
Phone 307
Astoria, Oregon
M a rk et o f
Phone 446
The New
Central Grocery
« r •
A t Your
“ A Bettor Place to Trade"
Where Quality and Service
Rule Supreme
ago. at a secret meeting of the landers
in Cbleago.
It is being enforced,
though -It is hated by about 50 per
cent of the I. W. W. membership, rep­
resenting the roughneck element.
Pacifism, or passivism— non-resist­
ance— Is the new idea. These terma
have been abolished and forbidden In
all I.W.W. propaganda, sabotage, di­
rect action, and revolution.
merely ampuuted the R. Evolution
is now their word.
It means the
same thing, but suggests different
methods. The policy of folded arms,
or slowing down, is substituted for
sabotage. Peaceful means will be ad­
vocated, no violence, in all things.
There will be no insulting talk against
the Flag and Americanism. All ex­
treme radical literature has been or-
, de red burned.
Peaceful Penetration -------
Now the Scientific Aim
Solidarity o f the working class
through peaceful penetration, and fi­
nally the soviet, or communism,
through the organization o f industry,
is the I.W.W. aim. p fen tral Interna­
tional headquarters remain in Chi­
cago, where all local charter» »re Is­
sued. Every city has Its indeperdent
Ten picked young men are now be­
ing educated in economics in the Uni­
versity of Chicago, and every State
university has from one to six stu­
dents. whose expenses are paid by
the I W.W. These men compose the
seed of the revolutionary leadership
for the Great Change which all Com­
munists fondly hope for and confi­
dently expect.
Radical education now Is promoted
largely by the printed word. Thè
police in the various^ cities are the
best r.W.W. organizers.
breeds resentment.
Every time the
police abuse a man, he Is likely to be
an ex-serylce man returned from over­
seas and easily radicalized.
than 10,000 ex-service men from over-'
*es are now carrying red cards In the
The number ia ton
etantly increasing. Tbit It the result
of oppression in various forms, or
what they consider as such. The L
W.W. leaders declare their best or-
458 Commercial, Astoria, Ore.
Telephones 591-592
Auto Repairing
589 Commercial Street
Astoria, Ore.
And Accessories
29 th Street Garage
Help Clatsop County Growers
___ ___
28th and Franklin
Attoria, Ore.
Phons 831-J
Telephone 661
We Sell Clatsop County Oraded Products
Always Fresh—Clean—Wholesome
- V
V egetables, Milk, Cream» Eggs, Butter
Buy in Quantity and Bay#
V -
' V
Blue Diamond Market
Wholesale Fruits and Vegetables
Deliveries 1« A. M. sad 3 P. M.
Telephone 158B-J
Auto Express and Quick
Delivery o f all kinda
717 Broadway
Phone 371
Or Call at 183 Tenth Btrsst
And Got Your Milk from
Sheriff Harley J. Slusher o f Clatsop County, who visited Portland Monday and was given
a rousing welcome by many friends, declared to the scribes, in reply to questions,
that he was doing his level best to exterminate the bootleggers in his neck o f ’ the
woods, hut that the more he caught, the more there seemed to be. He already ha*-----
— won a State-wide reputation for daring and success in pursuit o f moonshiners and
other crooks, his friend declare, and is proving himself a big man in every w*y.
‘‘T h e ‘ complete stamping out o f the moonshining evil in a forest section,” said
the noted‘ sheriff, “ requires thorough co-operation between the sheriff, the police,
the federal officers and the courts, backed up in their efforts by an aroused moral
sentiment— a general public attitude t»f hostility to lawbreakers. We are making
headway in Clatsop County, but the situation requires constant vigilance.”
Sheriff Slusher, wno was substituted for Ole Nelson by common consent in a
recall election last August, restored the entire cost o f the special election. With lines
4*1 forfeitures in less than two months. Tftp moonshiners declare h« has ait un-
caftny ability to spot *hem, and he usual 'y gets them “ with the goods.”
High Class
Shoe Repairing
The Larson Dairy Co.
Henrico 356 Dsys la the Tear *
Hand Mads Loggers for Sals
Prompt Sorvlco
Modern Shoe Repairing
' »,
359 Commoreist
Astoria, Oro.
Dr. E. G. Houseman
Osteopathic Physician
Bpoxarth Bldg.
Astoria, Or*.
'■ 'I
The Sole Saver
Yo Wait
Promptly and Neatly Done— Quality and
Prices Right
602Ví¡ Commercial Street
Astoria, Oregon