The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, November 30, 1922, Page Page 3, Image 3

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IHMsible from negligent parents or interfering relative*.
What the Society Rerord Show
The Society’s records »flow that during the l*»t fiscal year i
264 children passed through the receiving home. »Visit* were
made to .170 homes in which ward* are domiciled, some ward* ac­
quiring several visits a year. There were 184 Investigations of
difficult cases or families, on request of county judg** or other
Good Horn«* Wanted for Bright-Faced Boys and GirU, public officials. These investigation* involved 429 children. In
Who Yearn for Real Home and Parent*
tester homes on May 21, 1922, the Society had placed 419 chil­
dren. During the last year the affieiM came'in contact with 799
- ’ * J ' ».
" , : • * '
Why not prove your humanity by helping .the homeless or children outside of the receiving home.
Some people prefer to buy a ear that is broken in,” which lias been hoo -
The financial report of the treasurer shows that the actual
neglected children through the Boys’ and Girl»’ Aid Society of
by careful ami judicious use, so they buy Good Used Cars. •
operating expense of the last year was $31,416.83. It is evident
Oregon, 166 East 26th St. N., Portland?,
You can help by,sending money, clothing, food—«nythihg the Society was not extravagant. -
Said J. Teuscher, Jr., the superintendent; “We continue to
- nmi everythlng_ that a family need!.
Help by giving a pcrfnunent home to a child; by speaking a discouruge temporary commitments, because to receive children
good word for these children at the right time; by giving the and then to return them after a while to the same bad home from
society a hearing before condemning it or its children; by leav­ which they came, is not charity; it is not justice to the children.
ing something to the Society in your will, for helpless children. It is cruelty. It is misappropriation of funds. It is waste. \ et
The Society was incorporated in 1886. It is for homeless, almost daily we are asked to lend a hand to such waste and to
1 Ford Touring Car with starter.......... $265.00
neglected, of abused children. It is under no church, it is not a such breach of trust. Parents in various walks of lif* ask us to
1 Chevrolet 1922 T ouring............ ; . ____ $485.00
turn home, or a grossly immoral mother may reform, and when *
Splendid Reeonl of 36 Years
1 V elie Touring, o n l y . . . . . , . . . , . - . ........... $675.00
For thirty-alx years the Boys*-and Girls’ Aid Society of Ore­ 1 we refuse their requests, we are, of courjte. Censured.
’ Society must be true to its name. It must be The Boys’ and
1 Ford T o u rin g ......
gon has championed the rights of the unfortunate child, the right
Girls’ Aid Society of Oregon. It must serve every county, and
to live in normal surroundings, the right to be freed from the
1 Chevrolet T o u r in g ............. ............ . . .$200.00
; -
blame which a cruel world heaps upon an innocent child for the it must serve unfortunate children, not shiftless parent*. It is
not a reformatory.”
. .
1 M itchell S i* Touring...............
wrongs committed by u father or mother.,
Health Recoid In Remarkable
This Society, which Is the Chief child-placing organization
1 Ford Roadster ........................
Much dental work, a number of minor operations, and some
on the Pacific Coast, aims merely to bridge the gap between
1 Chevrolet T o u r in g ................................... $350.00
<■ the bad home and the good home, believing that an institution, sickness must be expected each year, but the Society has not lost"
no matter how well conducted, cannot compare in any way with n single child by death since the year 1916, and more than a
thousand children have passed through the receiving home since
a good private home, where a child is placed as a member of the
then. This remarkable record is attributed to the matchless
family and receives the love for which the hungry little heart
climate, to good food, cleanliness, ordinary care and the efficiency
is longing. The constructive aim is to prevent waywardness
the medical staff, s
and crime, rather than reformation. It is wiser and less ex­
^ Singular Position Explained
pensive to save children than to punish criminals.
"In the mattter of finances, w* stand in a singular position,” j
¿¡one(¡1 !» Free From Politic»
said Superintendent Teuscher. “We are not fn debt. We have
The State is the Society's field. It is entirely free from Sbm year to near carefully prepared a budget and tried to ad­
\ '
]K>l.itica, and many years of success have made it known in every here to it during the year, and because we are out of debt and not
The House That Service Built
part of the State. This fact shows clearly why no juvenile court1, always begging tnopey, many persons take it for granted that w e,
or State institution can successfully do the worl^ whic his being don’t need money, clothing, food and fuel and many otfler things
done. It is not alone the number of children cared for each year required’ by a great household. Because we are economical, we
i thaj must be considered as a matter of success orTailure, but it are practically being punished for our good management. If we
is also the kind of care which the children receive, both in the had purchased an automobile, employed a large staff of helpers,
receiving home and in foster homes.
maintained a downtowm office, and could show’» deficit, perhaps
, Strict segregation of sexes is maintained in the receiving it would make a stronger appeal to many persons. We are not
home—separate play rooms and seven separate sleeping dormi- asking for more money from the State, nor from the various FREDERICK W . OTTO
* torles. There are spacious grounds and two large play sheds— counties. We do hope, however, that individuals Ijlll remember
one for boys and one for girls. All children of school nge in the our children in their last wills and testaments, a’jyfc ultimately
I'/i North Soventh St
receiving home attend the public schools. They assist in the make us independent of State and county suppoxt.6 *
Seaside, Oregon
work of the receiving home nights and mornings and gain a
"Please make it clear that we are not in politics, and that
practical knowledge of home-making and housekeeping. There w< are not sectarian, that we do not pay large salaries, that we
Old Lino Life Inouraneo
are eight trained adult workers, two of whom give their entire are not here to serve worthless parents, but that we are protec­
American Central Life
time to tbg field work in various parts of the State. One, a night tors of the abused and helpless children. Many friends have
Insurance Co.
attendant, makes hourly rounds of the building.
sent us money, vegetables, canned fruits, and other things that
L. W. h\»l»r
^ L e a d in g QhUd-Plaeing Organization
actk>i| and in many ways’ assisted in good work. For all these
This U the* leading child-placing organisation in Oregon,
things we are deeply grateful, not in a personal way so much as
not because it places more children in permanent homes, but
* ~
1 ----- ji ------------ -
in behalf of the children, for whom all these things were done.” WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRAOET
largely because the placements are usually successful. I t does
• *»%
'• •
• V,-
’ . -
1 have a a Interest In a new house
Can’t You Give Home to “Kid"? i,
t r
not offer nor place mentally or physically defective children.
not yet complete. In Astoria. Ore. j
Reader: If you could see the children at the "receiving home OocsLlocatlon. *1,000.00 is the amount
Good applicants have a right to expect normal children, who will
respond to good case and treatment. Success is the greatest ad­ and talk with them, observing for yourself their sad yearning o£ the equity. Will trade ior any­
Come around Saturday evening and hear the local entertainment
through our Magnavox. which will be In front of our store at * P. SJ,
vertisement; its secret is easily told but hard to follow. The aim for an honestdo-goodness HOME and for the tender touch and thing worth the money. Address H.
We carry everything in radio equipment. Come in and let us
is. to place the children in good family homes as far removed as loving kindness of REAL PARENTS, you would open up your J.. care of Western American.
you about It as everyone will have a set soon. - Why not get
heart, iT circumstances would, permit, and claim one of these
yours now?
bright-faced boys or girls as your very own. If you are inter­
ested, write to Superintendent Teuscher and he will do the rest. Equity In new modern house not
• '
Observing these unfortunate children, considering the sad yet complete. In Astoria, Ore. Write
circumstances which darkened their young lives at a time when Wilson, care of Western American.
Fred Thief
H. H. Tftlsl
life should be joyous and care-free, on*> is reminded of the Great The limit of brass-faced impudence
Master's! condemnation of anyone who harms a childf and also has been reached when, as In Astoria,
Everything in Hardware
a 3-hall banker who fought the school
of His sayfng:
bill, who served to his limit the los­
608 Commercial St., Astoria, Ore.
Astoria, Ore.
"Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them ing candidate, applies to the “ '»u*re
not, 'for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
for the appointment of himself as the
Thursday, Nov. 30, 1922
T tfE
. .
w e s t e r n
Nyquist Motor Car Co,
M ic L in H a r d w a r e C o .
- ■
McLin Hardware C o.,
524 Commercial Street
Phone 38
Aftoria, Ore.
Low est Prices on Dishes
42 Piece Set *4 ^
Cut prices on Reds. Springs, Mettresses, Pillows,
Sheets. Comforts, Rugs, Pabcolin Carpets, Dressers,
< Chairs. Trunks, Suitcases, Conking Utensils and every­
thing for the Home.
New and
Second Hand
Furniture Store
Telephone 422
Eleventh and Duane, Astoria, Ore.
Making Americans
Most Important Duty
who is financially Interested in a pri­
vate school and would see his coun­
try Catholicised before loglng any
Remove the cause and you «Reel a
cure In a great many cases.
cause In this case is 75 per cent Im­
migration. the other 25 per cent can
be laid to priests already in this
The eere can- be made by giving
oarge doses of Ku Klux Klan-ism
through the R. R. R. R.
The Royal Riders of the Red Robe
are men who are foreign-born Amer­
icans and if a Ku Kluxer Is 100 per
cent American a 4-R la 110 per cent
the same. They are men who realise
what the fight means. They have
leR their homeland to find a place
which will be fair to their views and
men who have found it and now reach
forth with ready Hand to help those
brothers from across the sea who
wgnt Americanism.
The Royal Riders of the Red Robe
may he reached by writing to post-
office lock box 118, Portland-, Oregon,
the dutv of anyone, who ts In­
terested, whether he be foreign born
or American bom, to write to the R.
R. R. R. and get |n insight into the
organisation. Literature and Inform­
ation on request at any time to any
point 1* the United States.
chief municipal employe. In control of
all departments. The fablod gall of
the government mule Isn't a circum­
stance in comparison with that fallow.
Ha certainly (a a rare bird. And any
man on the winning ticket who would
look with favor upok that man's ap­
plication for preferment is lower than
a snake's belly and unfit to asAciate
with a graveyard hyena. “God give us
Now that we have' the campaign off
our minds we must taka up< the same
work as our Catholic opposition Is
doing—that of making Americans of
foreign-born citisens who come to this
country to become Americans and not
What do you think of a man who
subjects of the Pope, says that ster­
ling American weekly, the Foster
proves himself so low and baas,
Road News, edited by Mr.- H. W.
lost to all tense of honor and every
Hunt. The rest of it follows:
sentiment of fair play, at to turn upon
in.many Instances they have left
his friends Immediately after they
their own home-land because of Cath­
elect him to office and give hie patron-
olic persecution. On account of this
ago support to tholr chief opponent?
msny of the better class will want to
Anything may bo expected of a coyote,
join an organisation which has for its
or a hyena, but a wolf pup won’t bite
Ideals the best of the {hlngs that are
the hand that fad him while starving.
to be enjoyed In the Coastttution of
Any office-holder who Is so de­
the United Stater.-
praved and cowardly aa to turn upon
We all know the state of afiairs In
hla friends, after his election, and do I
Washington, D. C„ In regard to the
th# bidding of their opponents, is no 1
Pope's hold on the government; what
man *V*H hut merely a selfish and
better way is there than to break ^ls
crooked tMag^of evil, disguised In
hold through the ballot?
human form. Any sueh man deserve» .
If all Americans vote for an Amer­
to be kicked out of office at the earl­
ican who has the love of country and
iest opportunity.
his fellowman at heart, we are bound
to have the kind of government we
Subscribe today for trie Western
American. Any piece In the United
The Inpouring horde of Immigrants
States by mail *2.50 for a full year.
In the last 20 years has made a vote
which ts largely controlled by the
Pope and rlso one which la contam­
(Continued from Page 1)
inated by rubbing elbows with papal
Pad la guaranteed ERN AMERICAN Is reminded of the
The man who voted agalnet the to do tha work. If not satisfactory tn deepairing country youth, who, being
school bill although American born I t ' 80 days your money will ba refunded. rejected- by the lady of hla heart, thus
of this class. He May be a Presby­ See B. M. Heflin, expert truss fitter. walled his lamentation:
"Love la sweet, but OH. HOW
terian, a Seventh Day Adventist. or a 72* Commercial St., or (after « p. m.)
member of any Proteetant church, but Apt. Z, Page Bldg. Phone 1010, As­ BITTER!—To LOVE a Oal, and then
W. KRUSCH*. Mgr. 1 can’t GIT ’er!”
he Is a weak-knegd Protestant, or one: toria, Ore
- •
Brookfield Q uarry
& T O W 3 2 6
C or v T i i p n o d n l x l / y C S A R N U D S H E D R O C K
cem ent
Lime, Brick, Plaster
Sewer Pipe
22nd and W aterfront
Medusa W aterproofing
Truscon Structural* u4
Reinforcing Steel
Phone 85S i
“The only difference between good work and bad
is a fete dollars and a bunch of regrets."
T h o s . A. M c K a y
Guaranteed Plunging and Heating
If It Can Be Done With
P a in ts
P hone 21«
Do u i
895 Commercial St.
Astoria, Oregon