Judas Iscariot was a Patriot, In Comparison with Some Tom tit Politicians W h o Espouse a Cause Only to Betray It, and W h o Stab ► a Friend from Behind. y " * YE SMALL KNOW T H E T RU TH VOL. I, No. 17 P U B L IS H E D W E E K L Y CREDIT MASONS FOR GREAT VICTORY IN ADOPTION OF OREGON SCHOOL LAW ANO PAY NO HEED TO FOUR-FLUSHERS P O R T LA N D , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 30, 1922 HON. HIGGINS M U H T EVANS is imperial ENOUGH TO ASK FOR M O IF IRE HAS EVIL THAT MUST BE ABOLISHED BY CITY MANAGER POST EXECUTIVE ACTION OR BY RECALL Famous Texan Wins High Rank in Leading Ameri­ can Order; Simmons Is Emperor Three New Commissioners _____ , ' Under Suspicion of Judge Eakin Still Mum on Vitally Important Subject, but Gross Treachery Special to Western American Must Explain H ow System W o rk « and Then Put -------- Final Stop to It, in Interest of Justice A T L A N T A , Ga„ Nov. 28.— K. OF C. PLOTTERS AT WORK CAMPAIGN 10 GO ON FOR NATIONAL GOOD until foreign A N Y W H E R E IN U. S. PR IC E Sc a." Powell Disclaims Giving Out Seattle Interview, Which Evidently Was Designed by Enemies of Klan and of All Patriotic Societies 11778166 UTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE — a— are ousted M A Y O R -E L E C T O. B. S E T T E R S of Aeteria v i . l t . d Portland Monday on Creation of Department of Education With Head in hid « a y to Kennewick to on joy a tMftk*d #1 tha Kern, of h‘a « e th e r, « President’^ Cabinet Npxt Victory la Sight, i prio r fa tha u nw alaa'HIa tea* af 'p ic k - W ith Big Majority Assured mg winnere" for m unicipal Jobe undar tha new commlaalon-managarlal aya- A fter veins o f patient and systematic educational effort, tam of government adopted Novem ­ ber 7 by the Aetorlana. “ Th e re len't the A. & A. Scottish Rite o f Freemasonry, under the brilliant near enough pie to go 'round,' eaid IreUersltif* o f I’hilip-Schu> J e f Malculr»;' 33d degree, S o v e r e ig i n the m jyo r-«i*ct ih conversation with a group of frienda at tha Oregon. “ In (¡rand Inspector-Genera! in Oregon, Hhs won the adoption by fact,” he added ruefully, “tha task of the people, at the November 7 election, o f the great foundational aatiafylng a m ajority with our selec­ statute requiring all children to receive their primary training tion», to ba mode aoma tim e In De­ cember, la harder by far than the work in the free public school«, thus safeguarding liberty and pro­ of getting elected." Judge Settere moting Americanization in Oregon by compelling all children predicted "tremendoue progreae" for alike to receive the same instruction and drilling In fundamental Aptdrla and Clataop county within knowledge, as a basis for education and good American citizen- the coming year. Dr. H. guished W. Evans, publicist a distin- of Dallas, MR. FULTON CLAIMS NO MAN IS IN SIGHT BUT THE WOODS ARE FULL OF ATTORNEYS Banking Clique Scheming to Texas, already famous for his Get Grip on City and constructive work as Imperial Port Finances Klokard, was elected Imperial -----—~ •- * In AatorU. Clai Uu-xsewu atobftoa. and ■wS«w"'tYie W izard o f the Invisible Empire, ,here Knights jof the Ku Klux Klan, all beaded by O B. Setters, won a com­ plete triumph, strange reports are here. Dr. Evans Will succeed Colonel t U Tin^ U 111 8UCC<^ a 'r?1011^ current, to the efftK't that two or ^ tk n 1 1 «a.« •< C r m > m lo a in W illia m J. Sim m ons, fo u n d e r o f Astoria has surpassed Reno, Nevada, in the disarraceful ^ 2 the present Ku Klux Klan precedence o f having a -divorce m ill” that loosens the nuptial Higgins. president of th* As.orts Ns- The new office of Em oeror. knot at a rate fa r exceeding that o f m arn a gea -d ivorces by mail- . r. _ * “ at c tionat Bank, campaign manager of was created fo r Colonel Sim- order, and while you wait!,| This divorce mill is operated in and M p stone, defeated mayoralty can mens, to which he e .e -ie j and through the Circuit Court o f the Twentieth Judicial Dis- d.dau. opponent of the Public School fo r ,ife. by acclamation. trict> o f which j . A . Eakin is the presiding judge. mu. Ulllkum of the K.Cs, said Hlg glne having had the unmatched au­ * Ed' ' ' ird ounR r w °j What do you think o f a court that operates a “ mail-order” J dacity and Ihcredtble Impudence to served as Imperial W izard tern- porarily. during a long illness system o f divorcing men and women from the m arriage contract apply to the new board for employ­ ment as City Manager—a position In i f Colonel Simmons, was elected and its sacred and holy vows, apparently without regard to the which he would bo Lord High Boss to the office o f Imperial Giant. y hip. rights o f children? of the Whole Works. In theory. Thoughtful observers everywhere are declaring that the The constructive work o f the i f the charges are true, and they stand unchallenged a fter Prom u reliable correspondent in Oregon Public School I.aw, conceived by the Freemasons and pro­ v a s practically having been published on November 10, the State B ar Associa- Astoria tbe WESTERN AMERICAN Klomokatior. moted by them to tile angle o f success, the greatest and most has received „ detailed «c o u n t of the ; finished today and the officers ^ and ^ ju d ic ia l authorities should take notice and far-reaching piece o f constructive legWation enacted in unv sayings and doing, of the persons in- and delegates, here from all State in fifty yeanrs voived ln the attempted plot, eapos-j p a rts 0f the country, are pre- P ut 8 stoP to w h a t appear* to be a most outrageous travesty ing the raotlres o( «II concerned, a nd. n a r j n g tQ f e t u r n ho^ e T h e y upon justice. Clean Town and Military tolling things that would cause a com Backed by Patriotic have been shown every courtesy, Whoever is responsible fo r the "m ail-order” divorce system, Efficiency Assured if munlt) stir In Astoria. Societies in General and honor while in Atlanta and i f * exists 89 sieged, in the Circuit Court o f the Twentieth Ju- lu this Issue the WESTERN AMER He Heads Police were the recipients o f countless dicial District, ought to be removed from office without cere- ICAN Is giving the three Commission Hats o ff to the Masons! The chief orettit for this m agn ifi-! ______ ■ ---- - . . . . . . . r . . A S T O R IA . Nav. Z8— W alter Gobin ers-oleot the benefit of a doubt. Every social invitations. mony, by action o f the judicial authorities i f practicable, and by cent victory, which will bring showers o f blessing upon Amer-| 9mith, noted motor mech. nlcl. „ , nd man's Innocence is assumed, until he The Klonvokation adopted a reC8^ or impeachment, i f necessary. ii'nn posterity to tin1 last generation, belongs to the Scottish Kite garags man here, it generally regard­ Is proven guilty. U Isn't fair td’ as­ ___ o f Freemasonry, to the Supreme Council o f tha Thirty-Third ed as the popular favorite fo r appoint­ sume that Dick. Tom and Harry are new Constitution, which is said, Degree, nnil to its patriot leader in Oregon, Philip Schuyler ment by the new city commission aa CCRS BENEATH CONTEMPT, slm- to be a masterpiece o f construe- The W E S T E R N A M E R IC A N published on Novem ber 10 head of the police department, though, uJy booauBp a bad odor pervades their tive work, designed to make the Malcolm o f Portland. It I. understood, h»» not formally Immediate neighborhood. TJiey prob- pr^at Order imperishable jn the original statement of-the alleged facts upon which action is Never before has seemed so resplendent and so appropriate applied for th. po.itlon, , ably have been foolin' w,th a SKUNK, j A m e ric a n fr a te r n a l a f f a i r s . to be taken. Many days have passed and Judge Eakin makes no 'M IN ELECTION BAHLE the Triangle in the blazing sun surmounting the Crown upon the Mr. Smith, who le a n ex-service man double-headed Eagle, and its motto: “ Deus Meumque Jus.” The with an honorable record, was the glorious old Masonic Order, rich beyond measure in Its prestige leader In the battle for the w inning ticket In the Novem ber 7 election. Th e o f a thousand years, never did anything finer and more timely remarkable mobIHzatlon of votera and than this Public School Law in Oregon. tbe constructive preparations for team It was backed, o f course, by patriotic societies in general, [ work on eioction day were due, a. ccn- nnd by the Ku Klux Klan in particular, the great Klan being con- C8ded bz 411 concerned, to M r. S m ith ', secrated to Liberty and tie voted to the educational work o f which1 ,lr* le** ,f,ort*' The' t ’ 0** •*p.r|encd d preposterous oolltlcl*n* hfr* dee,,re th,t Mr> the Public School Bill is a part. It were foolish and man to claim that “ the Klan did it," und no true Klansman will w ill make make ’ I eincts, *nd h i. .y .te m of quietly keep- The western S e lectio n « - « « » « • "* J T i“ ' to 1 ^ ” , ^ i* If. however, said Dick. Tom and ' tending the Klonvokation is thar* es are adjudicated before a higher tribunal. Whether he Harry see fit to obey the bidding of headed by Fred L. G ifford o f or not- however, he must answer before the great bar o f the s k u n k , it then win he the time! portiand Ore Grand Dragon Pnblic Opinion, which is the overruling and supreme authority to take off their hides and bury the q{ thc Northwest in America. carcasse* main. Mr. G iffo rd ’s popularity1 Great sums o f money are being expended by children’s aid Men often hear storie« of disgust lnK and horrid acts committed by Dick, was attested in many ways dur- societies and other charitable organizations in the e ffo r t to He is a na- take care o f minors who are the victims o f the divorce evil, which " UolnK «-i.»» of th« dirty.! tional f iifur* in the development >« in large measure to corrupt and crooked lawyers and to th« depraved, the « le de- o f the i : e a t 0 r d e r . courts which make a mockery o f justice. Ing tab on a ft voters, never h * . been vltallied and tho dainnwl—victim, of Is it possible that these" scoundrels have no vestige o f con­ ; equalled In an A .to rla election. the devils of aln and uilafortuno. W ise] A clean town and strict law en- science? Do they never think o f the scriptural condemnation o f men. however, discount such-stories. — forcement »re «aid to be a.aured. If making allowance for exaggeration i » O V C m O r men who sin against children— that it were better that a mlll- IlttO IT n e d such a tsiast. Only Harm Is Done b y Stupid Publicity i Mr. Smith ¡a appointed Chief of Po in the Northwest press, since the election, stories have been iice. He ha. declared that h i. f ir .t blazoned to the world quoting Mr. L. I. Powell to the effect that ^ official work would be the ousting of the Klan had "put over" the school bill in Oregon, and that he ‘ b*fl'"lnfl w ith the boot- “ tvas preparing a campaign to duplicate the achievement in the '*9B*r* down,°wn' *tre*u ' He de' State of Washington. Mr. Powell has denied having given out , , ont of th, ,iquor law .r, committed any such interview, or authorizing any such nonsense. T h e 'bY undesirable foreigner», m o .tiy story evidently was conceived by enemies o f the Klan and o f the w ith Sm ith a. Masons, and was designed to hamper and delay, perhaps to de- C h i.f. would be .tric tiy . m ilitary or. feat, a duplication o f the Oregon law in the State o f Washington, ganiaation. it it ■aid. with every man A l l investigation is said to he in progress to fix responsibility for working .y «tem atlcally and perfor-n- the fake interview aiYd its false and damaging statements. It ln° hl* duti** wlth pr«ci,ion. goes Without saying that the Oregon School Law ultimately w ill1 Mr' 8mlth ‘‘‘ '“ "O' t0 * ,» m"y "otrd t)e duplicated in every State, treatise th6 Masons and all patriotic In' 1 * 7 " h ° i . * u 7 «7 *^ n e 7 " Gobi"«, iiocieties demand it. backed by their vast Protestant m ajorities; w . . one of the fa m o u . heroe. ef the (Continued on Page T ) Union arm y In the elvll war. Tom and }t«rry - stories of conduct ing the^essions. and human credulity. “ I must SEE that, to believe It." Is the common remark; or. In the language of the Ml.sourlan, "Show me!” Therefore, unless and until the aald Commlssloners-elect prove themselves by action the victims of the SKUNK, the WESTERN AMERICAN will hold Its fair opinion of them, in charity, confidence and trus^. After all, in this day of rule by the Almighty Dollar. It Isn't unnatural for even a Commissioner-elect to mak" goo-goo eyes at the presided of a powerful hank Concerning (*, R Iliggln. and the Job of City Manager, which he valnlv and pathetically covets, the WEST- (Coatlnu.il on Pag. f ) Of Great Ceremonial e^one about such a man’s neck and that he be cast into , the sea. rather than offend against an innocent child? To grant it "m ail-order” divorce without due regard to the Baton Rouge, La., Nov. 28. — The rights o f children, as alleged, surely would be the worst crime mansion occupied by Governor Parker was placarded last night with printed o f the kind imaginable, ______ 'nfttur* notices of a "ndfurallratlon" ceremony In Defense of the Innocent of the Baton Rouge Ku Klux Klan scheduled for Thanksgiving night. We take up this cause in defense o f justice, alleged to have The governor today saw hundreds of sticks arranged In rows appearing been murdered in the Temnle o f Law. W e present a b rie f in be­ ns tombstone, on which were attached half o f th e innocent and helpless. the dodge rl He took the matter as a j n behalf o f the people, we demand an immediate reform Jukj ‘ , . . . i o f the divorce practice in the Circuit Court o f the Twentieth The handbills invited the Judicial District, in which J. A. Eakin is presiding judge, and public to » “.end the ceremony. we will press this cause to a finish. Furthermore, i f the charges Governor Parker t* openly oppoeM up« proven true, we demand that Judce Eakin resign from of- posted to the O t a . | (CoetfaueS on Pete T .) Si •