4 t -Y / / Subscription, $1.50 the Year. SUPER-KLAN TRIES TO RUN AMERICA I HENATOKH, GOVERNOR*. JUDGKN ENROLLED IN SECRET BODY, HAYS INVESTIGATOR JURY FIXING IS GHARG(l) I 1 GRAVE INTERFERENCE »1111 KURSE or JISIK E DE- CLARES MAJOR DALRYMPLE LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1923 Klan in the South or* invite over­ whelming defeat, if not extinction at the next Presidential election. "The Ku Klux political party Is a fungus growth upon the noble party of Jefferson, Jackson and Woodrow Wilson,” he nays, “and in the South, at least, is no completely napping its vitality and has so nearly eaten out Its heart, that there remains little more than an empty shell. Unless this leech-like, blood-sucking process is arrested, the dead wetaM W Klan­ craft removed, and a healthy process of rejuvenation is applied linin'dint.- ly to our sacred quadruped, the Democratic donkey, those of us who have loved him long, if not too well, fear that he will not be equal to the supreme test In thin handicap of 1924. South’s Illegitimate Child LOCAL HAPPENINGS Mrs. W. D. Ix>ckwood is quite ill at her home, 4504 65 street. Miss Lois Handsaker spent the week end with Miss Ada McLaugh­ lin of Milwaukie. The evening services are being held in the old Kelly home, 1171 Powell Valley Road. Mrs. Ada Jolley, 5032 60 street, visited her niece, Mrs. Eckatrom, in Montavilia, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jordon, 5331 37 avenue, are the proud parents of u son, born April 11. Several new tennis courts are being laid out on the campus of Franklin high school. Robert Lawrence is quite ill at the home of his brother, Nelson Law­ rence, 4910 60 street. Mrs. L. E. Bentley, 4405 70 street, underwent a surgical operation a week ago at the Portland Sanitarium. Mr. and Mrs. John Kisaberth, of 4828 32 avenue, are receiving con­ gratulation on the birth of a son bom, April 10. Mr. and Mrs. Levy have recently come to live with Mrs. Levy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harmon, at 7010 52d avenue. I .it tie Franklin Day was the guest of Mrs. 8. I. Payne during the week, while his parents were away at Sun­ nyside, Wash. The children of Mrs. Pat Foster, who is visiting her mother, Mrs. Thomas McNish, 7703 55th avenue, have the whooping cough. W. M. Brown is in Redmond, Ore- gon, closing several farm deals. Ben Hur court No. 9 will give a “500” party and dance tonight. Perry Bros, are making the comer stone for the new Arleta Baptist church. This will be laid a little later with appropriate ceremonies. Since the burning of the Clinton Kelly Methodist church the Sunday school and morning service of this church is being held in the Creston school Mrs. Lester Blakley and small sons, of Dixonville, Oregon, who have been visiting .Mrs. Blakeley’s mother, Mrs. A. H. Mulkey, 6030 83d street, have returned home. Mrs. Bruce Polworth. 3712 76 street, has recently organized a "Home Making Club” in connection with the Joseph Kellogg Parent- Teacher association. “That the spawn of local political greed, religious bigotry and race Methods employed by the Ku Klux hatred is an illegitimate child of the Klan in spreading its influence South, the cradle and home of the through the Super-Klan are described Democratic party, cannot success­ fully tie denied, and whatever may be in “Ijberty Dethroned” an exhaus­ | its pernicious activities in the North, tive study of Klan activities compiled East and West in the future will not by Major A. V. Dalrymple, which will suffice to remove its stain from the escutcheon of the Democratic party. be published in the near future. "If the Invisible Empire has Major Dalrymple, who became na­ achieved distinction in championing tionally prominent by his suppression liberty by committing murder, in of the Iron River "rum rebellion" preaching tolerance by sowing the three years ago, has spent several seeds of hatred, in upholding the purity of womenhood by the lash and thousand dollars to obtain first hand the tar bucket, in protecting the home information concerning the inside by banishing men from the com­ workings of the secret organization munity, in promoting business by and its endeavor to enroll federal rigidly applying the boycott, in ad­ and State officials and members of vocating separation of church and the judiciary in its ranks. Attorney- state by aligning the Protestant General Dougherty, Assistant Secre­ clergy and laity in a deadly combat tary of the Navy Roosevelt, James against Jews and Catholics, and in M Cox of Ohio, former Governor maintaining white supremacy by the Alien of Kansas, Mayor Hylan of knout and the noose, then a Senator New York, Mayer Curley of Boston, from Texas has al»« achieved rare William Jennings Bryan, former I distinction in being the first man in President Wilson and Chief Justice I the history of this country to present Taft furnish statements on this situa­ ¡himself before the United States tion which are included in "Liberty i Senate to take the solemn oath to Dethroned." ¡support 1 the Constitution of the "This new organization” (the Su-|( ’nite<| States while owing allegiance, i United per-Klan) says Major Dalrymple, “is by a secret iron-clad oath, to an In- composed of senators, congressmen, ! visible Empire and its Emperor. governors, judges, other high officials "In 1922, the Democratic State of the government, national officials Convention of Missouri abolished the oi the Klan, and men of prominence Democratic donkey as its emblem in political, economic and social af­ and adopted the Goddess of Liberty fairs. This Sutter-Klan admits as instead. This is interesting in view members only those too prominent of the fact that the Democracy of and with too much political sagacity the South, about the same time, stood to be identified with the common idly by while the Ku Klux Klan herd of Klansmen. It ia so secret ruthlessly knocked the same Goddess that its membership must forever be of Liberty from her pedestal and kept unknown, not only to the pub­ placed thereon a Klansman wearing lic but to members of the regular his hood ami robe and holding aloft Klan as well. . . . We know that his whip and tar bucket. they have three United States Sena­ “The artist presents here a mod­ tors and probably five others. We ern centaur, the emblem of the new know further that there are fifteen Demoklan party, which, in some members of the lower house of Con­ ' mysterious way, has inherited the gress are ordinary Klansmen. grass who an- Klansmen. >t'ld attributes of the oatrich—that The lower |HH.u|iBr bird whicn which buries us its neau head •ow«r house of the legislature I s peculiar of Texas is controlled by the Klan, ; j(j t||c an<) that it can­ while in the Senate the Klan lacks not be seen. .. . . ...... If this new hybrid poli­ five of having a majority. About the tical party possessed the slightest same proportion is found in the conception •ention of political expedicncy.it expediency, it states Georgia, Arkansas, Okla- would stairs of oi wronria. Id uncover its ita head and view homa, Tennessee, Oregon and Ala- alarm the approaching storm bama. Mississippi and North Caro­ from the North. East and West. lina. although badly infected with ' Should Seek a Divorce Ku Kluxism, have a lower renresen- I tation of Klansmen in their legisla- | “As a life-long Democrat, the tures. . . . The original theory author offers the modest suggestion that Ku Kluxism thrives only in a that the party of Jefferson, Jackson R. M. Cottington and family have warm climate has been disproven in and Wilson file a petition in the the case of Indiana, Illinois and Ore­ I court of public opinion for an abso­ moved here from Oregon City and gon, where the hooded knights have lute divorce from the Ku Kluxism, are located at 4220 57 street. Mr. made considerable headway in local and follow the lead of that great Cuttington works for the P. R. L. & affairs, but have shown the rare dis­ state of Missouri in adopting a more cretion of leaving behind the whip suitable emblem — certainly a more P. Co. at Estacada. attractive one—to adorn its banner and the tar bucket. Mrs. Freeman Whitman, 4951 74 in the future.” Signals Passed to Jurors "There must be no class distinc­ street, is very ill with pleurisy, It "While the courts in all of these tion in the Unit«! States,” Major was necessary to tap her lungs last states have been more or less tainted Dalrymple says. “Catholics must be by Klan influence, for actual domi­ on their guard. I am a product of week and it is feared that the op- nation and control of the courts the public schools. Nevertheless, I eration will have to be repeated. Texas surpasses all other states. It recognize the worth of Catholic Dawson & Failing, owners of the is common knowledge that Ku Klux schools. What happened in Oregon lawyers, under the protection and may easily take place in other com­ 67th street garage, have sold to G. connivance of Ku Klux judges in this munities. Catholics must awaken to L. Miller, who has started an electric state, brazenly pass the Klan signal the danger at hand. Catholic men welding plant and, in addition, a used to jurors being examined as to their and boys have always upheld the fitness to serve, and in this way in American flag and institutions in this car exchange in the old Alvoid store. criminal and civil cases juries are country. They are as necessary in Three women of this community, packed with Klansmen who have sub­ time of peace as in war.” Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Childs and scribed to the following oath: Mrs. Fires, will serve as demonstra­ “ ‘I swear that I will be faithful Girl Scouts to Compete in defending and protecting the home, tors for the Henninger & Aye presser reputation and physical and business The Arleta and Woodmere troops cookers in the downtown stores this interest of a Klansman and that of a of girl scouts, both under the leader­ week. Klansman’s family. “ 'I swear that I will keep secure ship of Mrs. Ruth Demeter, are pre­ Roy Harza, who formerly lived on to myself a secret of a Klansman paring to put on stunts at the girl when same ia committed to me in the scouts’ rally at the Central Library 60th street, but is now a civil engi­ sacred bonds of Klansmanship, the Saturday afternoon. Prizes for the neer with headquarters in Chicago, crime of violating THIS SOLEMN visited relatives here Sunday. He is OATH, treason against the United best original stunts are being offered. a nephew of Mrs. Ada Jolley, 5032 Mrs. Demeter has written two play ­ States of America, rape and mali­ cious murder alone excepted.’ lets for the girls of these troops. The 60 street. "We have diligently searched the girls of the Woodmore troop will put Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pasedel, 4922 records and are unable to find a on a health play with Miss Elizabeth 86 street, have a son born, April 8. single instance where a Ku Klux The Arleta W. C. T. U. expects to juror has failed, in the trials of a Dillon in the leading role and Miss case to do his whole duty to his Ijitona Kimball nt the piano. have a meeting on Law Enforcement, fellow Klansman. The girls of ‘ho At lets troop will April 28. Mrs. Jackson Silbough of "With the assistance of every agency at our command, we have fol­ present a play, “The Reformation of Seattle will be the speaker. lowed the action of Ku Klux grand Pat McGiddle's family. Some of the The attendance has been good at juries in cases where members of girls who will play leading parts are the Klan have been under investiga­ Leotis Mobra, Lucile Jones and Doris the lectures on “Good Health,” which Dr. Collins gave thia week at the tion for murder, tarring and feather­ ing, whipping, and other acts of mob Denham. Mrs. Demeter gives much Anabel Presbyterian church. Next violence. In each and every case, the time and thought to the Scout work. Monday night Dr. Collins will begin verdict was ‘no bill.' With the Klan Both troops are flourishing splcn- a series of three lectures on food. in control of the office of district­ didly under her leaderships. attorney, sheriff, police department, Thirteen members of the Millard Mrs. Alice L. Dustin, 4531 71 street, jury commissions, and, in many cases, the courts, it is not strange that a is acting as chairman of the Chap- Avenue Presbyterian church attended Klansman cannot be indicted or con­ erone committee for the children’s a dinner given by the Presbyterian victed. Imagine, if you can, the city matinee to be given at the Liberty extension club at the Y. M. C. A. of New York, Chicago or Philadel­ Tuesday evening. Those present were phia turned over to the safe-crackers, theatre on Saturday. Dr. Henry White, W. W. Dillon, ni-jackers and murderers with the Frank Whittlesley, Mrs. Hickling, Stork Shower most highly trained experts in each of these lines as Judges, jurors, prose­ The women of the Fremont United Mr. Schofield, Mr. and Mrs. Glen cuting attorneys, police officers, Brethren church and other friends Sanders, George Lewellen, W. Wor­ Jailers, mayors and members of the council, and expect them to convict gave a stork shower for Mrs. B. R. rell, the Misses Strong, Miss Aimel and Miss Daisy bootleggers, petty thieves, and ordi­ Evans last Thursday afternoon at Hollingsworth nary pickpockets, then you have a the home of Mrs. Frank Garretson, Thomas. In view of the fact that fair idea of how one Ku Klux will 69 street and Woodstock avenue. the new church is now under con­ violate his ‘sacred oath’ and convict Twenty-one women were present and struction thia congregation ia keenly a brother Klansman.” The author, who is the friend and many pretty gifts were brought". intereated in the work of the ex­ intimate of many politicians of na­ Light refreshments were served. tension club from which they have tional prominence and has been a Mrs. Evans la very popular with the been promiaed substantial help on life-long Democrat believes that that their building. party must cut itself loose from the people of her husband’s church. Four services a day have been held this week at St. Peter’s Catholic, at 5:30 and 8 a. m., with a special serv­ ice for women at 2:30 in the after­ noon and a general service in the eve­ ning. The latter part of the week Father O’Fiynn has been assisted by Father Kenny, a Franciscan priest from Seattle. Father Kenny was born in Ireland, educated in England and studied in Rome and Germany. He speaks six languages fluently. The mission will close Sunday with the 10:30 service. The Indies aid society of the Tre­ mont United Brethren church ha ve arranged with Mrs. Myrtle Eastman to give a series of four lessons in cooking at the parsonage, 7121 59 avenue, on Wednesday and Friday afternoons of the next two weeks. A charge of 25 cents a lesson will be made and all ladies will be welcome. The program follows: April 25, cake making; April 27, pastry; May 2, deep fat frying; May 4, salads and salad dressing. The sewer is being laid on 65th street from Foster Road to 50th ave­ nue. It is hoped paving will follow immediately as this would provide a paved street to Arleta school. At present the streets leading to the school are in such bad condition during the winter that it wouli be almost impassible for fire fighting apparatus to reach the school in case of fire there. Patrons of the school are very anxious to see this situation remedied. Word has been received by friends here that Mrs. Iva Bush, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Reid, died of spinal meningites in San Francisco, April 3. She leaves a husband and four-year old daughter. In her girl­ hood she lived in this community and has many friends here. Her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Reed, now live'at Talent, Oregon. The music pupils of Miss Bernice Woody will give a recital at her home, 8239 49th avenue, on the eve­ ning of April 27. Miss Woody will present nine pupils. One of the most accomplished musicians will be Miss Thelma Zeising. Miss Woody and Mrs. Ruth Demeter will sing four numbers. Miss Daisy Hart, 6903 52 avenue, hopes tp return home from the hos­ pital soon. She is recovering nicely. V. H. Reineking, 4832 0 street, has gone to Dufur where he will do some engineering work for the Dufur Or­ chard company. Mr. Reineking ex­ pects to be away from home for a week. • Long & Stage are the new owners of the Eagle Garage. For four years they have been in charge of the ma­ chine shops of the Crystal Ice com­ pany. Mr. long originally is from South Dakota. C. S. Fuller, for­ merly manager of the Eagle Garage, has moved to a farm. Mrs. Anna Winsor, 6928 51 ave­ nue, has just had her house given two coats of paint, making it look even more spick and span than usual. Mrs. B. B. Swetland, 7008 51 ave­ nue, expects to leave Sunday for a two-weeks visit with her daughter at Molalla. Mrs. Sadie Orr-Durbar, 7118 43d avenue, will be one of the speakers at the Portland association of Congrega­ tional churches to be held at the Park­ rose Congregational church. Mrs. Durbar will represent the Laurel­ wood Congregational church. The women of the Laurelwood Congregational church gave a lunch­ eon in Lucky cottage, Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Wanamaker of Ore­ gon City is visiting her brothers, Nelson and Robert Lawrence, 4910 60 street. The Woman’s Missionary society of the Millard Avenue Presbyterian church met at the church Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Roy D. Armstrong read a paper on the American Negro and Mrs. F. Gahler, a paper on Africa. Prizes, consisting of Eversharp pencils, were awarded Wednesday to the pupils of every room in Arleta school who had written prize-' win- ning essays on the telephone, The telephone company furnished the prizes. Word has been received of the death of Charles W. Davis, late of 6304 95th street. Mr. Davis has been ailing for the past year. He died at the home of his daughter in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. DiriN had been earnest church workers in Lents for many years. Funeral services were held from the Kenworthy parlors in Lents. Rev. Mr. Dcwns of Lenta M. E. church officiated. Interment was in Mt. Scott Park cemetery. Eldon De Lashmutt, eight year old son of L. R. De Laahmutt, 5414 85 street, who was struck by an auto stage on 82 street, April 8, and who has not been recovering, was taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital Tues­ day. It was found he had a fractured skull. R. J. Robins is building a new house on 64th street and Powell Valley Road. He expects to have it ready for occupancy about May 1. Mrs. Robinson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. I. Payne, 4923 65th street. Delbert Wittner, 7537 45 averna. who is working at Cochran, Oregon, accidentally took a dose of codine, mistaking it for cough syrup. Quick relief measures prevented injuries beyond a burned mouth and throat. Miss Mildred Boon, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Boon, 0930 46 avenue, has announced her engage­ ment to Arthur A. Borgenso». Both young people are students at the Oregon Agricultural college. Mrs. Ward Swope and Mrs. Leonard Fishburn went to Salem Friday to attend a meeting of the state wom­ an's missionary society of the Chris­ tian church. Mrs. J. F. Fulton, 595 Yukon ave­ nue, visited Mrs. S. A. Diel, 5712 44th avenue, Tuesday. Mrs. Fulton for­ merly lived at 5830 39th avenue. The Neighbors of Woodcraft will give a card party at the Woodman Hall, 65th street, next Tuesday eve­ ning. Prizes will be awarded. Rev. E. T. Allen of Walla Walla gave an address on Near East Relief last Sunday evening at the Millard Avenue Presbyterian church. The Welfare club of the Millard Avenue Presbyterian church will meet at the church nejt Tuesday evening at 8. Rev. W. E. Rambo spoke last Sun- day night at the Kern Park Chris- tian church in the interest of Near East Relief. The Calendar cycle of the Laurel­ wood Methodist church met Friday afternoon at Mrs. Brooks, 6027 42 avenue. Miss Jean Wheeler of White Bluffs, Wash., was the guest of Miss Lois Handsaker, 5630 44 avenue this week. Leroy Newton and family, 5735 44 avenue, visited relatives in Albany over last week end. G. W. Stokes, 5711 47th avenue, is ill at his home. KELLOGGS P.-T. A. MEETS The Kellogg Parent-Teacher as­ sociation met at the school Tuesday afternoon. The children of Miss Michell’s room gave three most en­ joyable numbers. Mrs. Etyles gave a piano solo and Mrs. H. T. Blakeslee sang two numbers. Miss Diana Shepherd recited “The Raggety Man.” Miss Priscilla Knox of the Arleta Library gave an most excellent talk on story telling. Miss Michell's room won the prize for having the largest number of parents present of any room in the school. The prize consisted of a polar cake to each child in the winning room. The Woman’s Missionary society of the Asleta Baptist church will meet next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. F. Thompson, 1474 East 19th street. Rev. Owen T. Day, pastor of the church, will install the new officers. Mrs. Henry White, 7614 61 ave­ nue who has not been well for a month past is now able to be out again. D. S. Hodgson is remodeling his residence, 8221 Foster Road. Mrs. Cora Gaines of 62 avenue and 69 street, who has been sick for a month with the “flu” is recovering. Mrs. Riley Exline, 7110 60 avenue, is convalescing after quite a serious illness. OUR LADY OF SORROW’S PARISH Under the auspices of the local branch of the Holy Name society, the men are taking a very active in­ terest in the social affairs of the parish. They have inaugurated a series of dances to ' be given bi- weekly. The first, given two weeks ago, was very successful and en­ couraging. Thursday, April 19 is the date for the next. Messrs. Ed. Harris, Jos. Deters and Jos. Lesmeister have been appointed as a permanent _entertainment com­ mittee of the Holy Name Society, May 3 is the date selected for the following meeting. Obituary Michael Thomas Galvin, . „ W aged 67, passed away Sunday afternoon, due to paralysis. He had been bed-ridden for over year. An old-time railway engineer at Granta Pass he had retired a few years ago and moved to Portland. Besides his widow he leaves to mourn him six children in­ cluding Sister Mary Beata of the Sisters'of St. Joseph, St Paul. Minn. VOL. XXI, No. 16 SOUTH MOUNT TABOR, KESER VOIR PARK AND VICINITY Ruth Guerin was a week-end visi­ tor of Mrs. T. Adams, 71st street. Harley and Dolly Wingrove of Rockaway, Ore., were recent visitors at the home of their unclS, C. W. Gray, 68th street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Fiest and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lake, 68th street. Mrs. McLain, Division street, is visiting with her daughter in Seat­ tle. Mr. Blanchard, 67th street, spent the week-end at Amboy, Wash. The Ladies Aid of Third United Brethren church will hold a bazaar, selling useful and lovely hand-made articles. May 1. Luncheon will be served at noon. W. M. Stites purchased the house at 3613 68th street, and is busy re­ modeling. Mr. and Mrs. Stites, the latter a teacher of music, have moved into the house. Mrs. Walker, mother of Mrs. Tip­ ton, 71st street, has returned to her home in Warrenton, Oregon. Helen Dustin has joined the Pep- per-box cooking club, and has been selected as secretary. A birthday surprise party was given to Laura Belecz, 68th street, by her schoolmates Wednesday eve­ ning. The evening was spent in games. Refreshments were served. Miss Belecz was the recipient of many gifts. The Parent-Teacher association of Joseph Kellogg met Tuesday. Mrs. Knox, librarian, gave a talk on “The importance of the story hour.” Miss Mitchell's room gave the program, besides a piano solo by Mrs. Stites and a vocal number by Mrs. Blakesly. LOWER MT. SCOTT SERVICES CHURCH Tremont United Brethren 11 A. M., John’s Message to Pergamas; 7 P. M., Christian En- deavor, Alfred Frey, leader; 8 P. M., The Great Lamp. Millard Avenue Presbyterian 11 A. M., Knowing God, or David’s Charge to his son Solomon; 7:30 En­ tertaining Jesus. Laurelwood Methodist 11 A. M., The Triumph of Faith. Sunday evening the secondary de­ partment of the Epworth League will present a pageant, “The Living Christ,” at the church hour. Kern Park Christian 11 A. M., The Rest That Remains; 7:45, Russia's Challenge to God. Special music and baptismal service in the evening. Fifth Church of Christ (Scientist) 11 A. M., The Doctrine of Atone­ ment; 9:30, Junior Sunday school. Primary Sunday school meets during the church hour. UNITY MOVE MADE BY PROTESTANTS STEPH TOWARDS UNION TAKEN IN NAME OF SCORE OF CHURCHES POtTIG STAGE IS PASSED EPISCOPAL BISHOP SAYS UNITY PROGRAM IS NO LONGER VISIONARY New York.—Tentative plans have been made and preliminary steps taken toward a world conference on faith and order through which it hoped to unite all Christian churches of the world, according to announce­ ments just made by the North Ameri­ can branch of the continuaiton com­ mittee of the world conference on faith and order, representing about 40,000,000 Protestants of all denomi­ nations. The North American branch held a three-day conference at the Kew Gardens inn, Kew Gardens, Long Island, N. Y. World Conference in Washington According to plans being made, the world conference will meet in Wash­ ington in 1925, and will “pave the way for official action by the churches whereby they may meet on some common ground looking toward concerted action in furthering the ideals of the Christian religion throughout the world.” The confer­ ence will represent the following churches: Anglican, Armenian, Bap­ tist, Congregational, Czecho-Slovak, Disciples, Eastern Orthodox, Friends, German Evangelical Lutheran, Meth­ odist, Moravian, Old Catholic, Pres­ byterian, Reformed and South India United. Right Rev. Charles H. Brent of Buffalo, Protestant Episcopal bishop of western New York, in opening the meeting, explained its purposes as one of preparation for the forth­ coming world conference. “The movement for church unity has passed through the poetic and visi­ onary stages,” he said, “and has reached the point at which the time is ripe to place its feet on the ground and make its aim a commonplace of the day.” The proposed union is one of churches and not of creeds, the bishop explained. REV. PAXTON RESIGNS Rev. John M. Paxton surprised his congregation by handing in his resig­ nation at the morning service last Sunday, the resignation to take effect the last of June. Much regret is being expressed by the members of the congregation over his loss. Mr. Paxton came to this church a year ago last August. For several months KENDALL STATION NEWS he has been in ill health and on Mr. and Mrs. Wunder moved from closing his work here will take a the Jantz place Saturday to Astoria. much-needed rest A boys and girls’ club has been organized, Joseph Thompson is in MENTAL CULTURE CLUB MEETS charge- of the boys and Mrs. Clara The Mount Scott Mental Culture Ressel in charge of the girls. The clubs meet in the clubhouse Friday club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. O. Boon, 6930 46 avenue, nights. Mr. and Mrs. Yeast shopped in Luncheon was served at 12:30. Mrs. Boon was assisted in serving by Mrs. Lents Tuesday. The mothers of this district met Ramsey. Mrs. J. T. Rogers, Mrs. with the teachers Tuesday afternoon Jean F. McLoney and Mrs. J. J. Han- saker. Mrs. Hargrove had charge of to discuss school problems. The Harmony ladies club will the rollcalL Mrs. Fowle gave a most meet with Mrs. Morris next Wednes­ delightful solo. Mrs. W. W. and Mrs. R. J. Woodward nave readings. day. Mrs. Lincoln Loyal Wirt of Oak­ Rev. Seeley of Portland preached land, Cal., was the guest of the club in the clubhouse last Sunday at 3. Regular services will now be held and supplimented the program of the each Sunday at 3. Sunday school day with a talk on her recent trip to Japan. also will be held at 2 each Sunday. Mr. Zurftur’s sister, and family, “Braddy” Armstrong Celebrates from Portland visited here Sunday Birthday evening. Bruce Armstrong celebrated his Mrs. Hildebrand’s sister and four coursins, whom she has not seen for sixth birthday with a party at the a few years, visited her Wednesday. home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parent-Teachers’ held their regular Roy D. Armstrong, 7013 52d avenue, business meeting Wednesday after­ Saturday, April 14. His guests were Mildred Legler of Gladstone Ruth noon. The women will give a Hard Time Steeves, Elinor and Agnes Hessemer, dance at the community clubhouse Alice and Jean Davis Homes and Saturday night, April 21. Two Junior Corder, Morris Tottwin and prizes will be given for the two best Elaine Armstrong. The little folks played outdoor games and enjoyed Hard Time dress. Lents music. Mrs. Runyon will give a dinner ice cream and cake. J. A. Dunbar, 7118 53d avenue, has Thursday evening to her graduating class, at the home of Mrs. Lenna been suffering from a severe attack of poison oak. Battin. Sunday School Class Social The young married peoples Sun­ day school class of the Kern Park Christian church held their month­ ly social at the church, Friday eve­ ning. After eating dinner together the evening was spent in transaction of business and a social time. This class is growing rapidly. Last Sun­ day there were 80 present at Sunday school. Ward Swope is the teacher. Mrs. Day’s Father P Mrs. Owen T. Day, 5521 69th street, was called to Sunnyside, Wash., last Friday by the serious illness of her father, Rev. Mr. Terry, who passed away before she arrived. Rev. Mr. Day left for Sunnyside Sunday night to be present at the funeral, Mon­ day. The many friends of Mrs. Day deeply sympathise with her in her bereavement