Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 23, 1923, Image 3

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B lind M ai ¿5
E ye
BY j
not find anything which helped ner.
She pushed the letter» away, then,
■ nd sat thinking. Mr. Warden, who
CltAFTKn I-«tobrtol Wartm. S mi U.
appeared to have known more about
rapItoltoL i.lia hl» butler ha la »»p»ctlM
Eatou lhaa anyone else, had taken Ea­
a naUer, te be admitted without auooUow.
Ha Informs hie wife of dancer that
ton’s able; It was because lie had been
tore.i ana him If ha eurouaa a oourna ha the enly hbearable oaa War-
going te help Eaton that Mr. Warden
dan laeaee the houee la hla car end moole
had been killed. Would not her father
a man whom ho lahae Into the machine
When the oar return, homo. Warden la be ready to help Eaton, then. If he
found dead, murdered, end alone- The
knew as much about him as Mr. War­
dbUer. a round man. naa been at War
den had known? Hut Mr. Warden,
don e bouaa. but iearrea unoboorved.
apparently, h»d kept what he knew
i'll A1“1*I8H 11.—Bob Coaaery. oeaduotor.
even from hla own wife; and Eaton
Erlroe brdara to hold train for a party
e men and a girl board the train
was now keeping It from everyone—
I father of the <irl, Mr. Dorna Io the
her father Included. Rhe felt that her
•eraon fur whom the train wan hold
Ptrlllir 1>
Baton, a young maa, aloe
father had understood and appreci­
boarJed the tram Horn, tofis hie dauah
ated all this long before herself—that
tor an l hie aocratary. Don Aeerr. to nod
•tat what they ran cnnraml.e him
It was the reason for hl» attitude
toward Eaton on ibe train and, tn part,
CHA ITCH 111.-The two mahe Atone
aeeualntanra The train to .topped by
the cauae of hl» conalderate treatment
of him all through.
CNAPTBH IV.-Baton raroleee a toto-
Ho. Instead of being estranged by
Hru .ddreorad to lawrenco lllllw.rd.
Eaton*» manner to her father, she felt
Ich h. clalma It warna him ho to
ng followed.
an Impulse ef feeling toward bltn
flooding her, a feeling which ahe tried
CHAITKIl V - Panning through the oar,
Connery notice. Itnmo a hand hanging
to esplaln to herself as sympathy. Hut
outaide the berth
lie aocortaine Daraf’s
It waa not Just sympathy; she would
til han rooonlly rung
Perturbed, ho
roatlgatoo and flnde Dorna with hla
not say even to herself what It w » l
ahull cruahod
Ho celto a eurvooa. tar
Uh«- got up suddenly and went to
Mnclalr. on the train
the door and looked Into the ball; a
CHAPTKR VI -Btnclalr reoedntMo the
servant came to her.
tnjurrd man ae Baall Maatolna. who. al­
though blind, la a peculiar power la the
"Is Mr. Avery still with Mr. Ban-
■nanclal world aa ad»leer to "big Inter
tolneT* she asked
sato." Hla recovery to a outttor of doubt
“No, Miss Antoine; he has gone
CHAPTER VII -Clreumatamoo point to
Baton aa gantotno'e aneallant.
**Thsnk you.”
CHAPTKR VIII -Alon la practically
Itoeed wader err eat Ila refuaea to make
Hhe went beck, and bundling the
E^^eofore boarding the train, >ve-
correspondence together as It had been
tototto ho erne the man who called on
before, she removed the books from a
[arden the night the Bn eactor wa. mur
shelf to the left of the door, slid bsck
another panel and revealed a second
PWR fX.—Paton plaada with Her
wall safe corresponding to the one to
lolno to withhold ludgmont, tall-
ho to In eerloua danger, though
the right of tlie door from which «lie
of the crime agalnal her father
aela the girl bollevea him.
had taken the palters. The combina­
tion of this second safe was known
CHAPTER X gwntolne recovers euin­
only to her father and heraelf. She
dent Ir to quoettun Alon, who rofuaer
to reveal hie identity
The dnam-ler re­
put the envelopes Into It, closed It,
quire. Alon to accompany him to the
and replaced the books. Then she
Antoine home, whore ho to la the poet­
lion of a eeml-prlwmer
Went to her father’» desk, took from
a drawer a long typewritten report of
CHAPTER XI - Eaton meota a rooldont
ef the houee. wallace lllalchfurd. and a
which lie had asked her to prepare a
yming girl, Mlklred Davla. with whom
digest, and read It through; conscious­
apparently ho la acquainted, though they
conceal the fact
r.lun’i mlaelon la to
ly concentrating, »he began her work.
•»■ ure certain documenta which are vital
At three »he heard Avery's motor, and
to hla lot.rente, and ble being admitted
to the houee la a remarkable etroka of
went to the study door amt looked out
The girt arreen to aid him. Ho
aa he entered the hall.
become, deeply Inleroated In Harriot An
tolna, and aho in him
“What have you found. IkmF' ahe
CHAPTER XII.-Harrlet telle Alon aha
and Donald Avery act aa "ayea" to An-
“Nothing yet. Harry.”
tolne, reading to him the document, on
“You got no trace of them?”
which ho Imaea hla judgment..
walking with her. two men In an auto
“No; too many motors pass on that
mobile deliberately attempt to run Alon
dawn. H. aw ape. with alight Injurio.
road for the car to be recalled par­
The girl one of the men ae
ticularly. I’ve started whai Inquiries
having been on the train on which they
are possible and arranged to have the
camo from Boattlo.
road watched In case they come back
X III—Antoine quoatlone
Aton cloaely. but the latter la reticent
this way.”
The blind man telle him ho la convinced
He went past her and up to her fa­
the attack made on him on tha train wa.
ther. Hhe returned to the study and
the result of an error, the attacker hav­
ing planned to kill Alon Hantolna tell.
put away her work.
Harriet ah. l. to lake charge of certain conne-led with the "lattron prop­
Hlnner was served In the great
ortion," which had hitherto boon In
Jacobean dining room, with wall» pan­
Avery*, oharge
eled to the high celling, logs bias­
ing In the big stone fireplace. A» they
(Continued from laat week )
Tltla correa|>on«l.*n<*t»—a consider- j seated themselves, she note«! that
Avery seemed moody and uncommu­
able bundle of letter» held together
with wire flip» and the two envelope» nicative; something, clearly, bad Irri­
tated and disturbed him; and as the
bound with tnpo which »he hud put
Into the »sfe the <!«> before—made up meal progressed, he vented his Irrita­
the paper» of which her father had tion upon Eaton by affronting him
more openly by word and look than
spoken to her. There letter» repre-
•etiled the contention» of willful, pow­ he had ever done before In her pres­
erful »nd sometimes ruthlcaa and vio­ ence. Rhe was the more surprised at
lent men. Hulu of one man by an­ hla doing this now, because ahe knew
other—ruin Ananda), social or moral, that Dooald must have received from
or »11 three together— wm the Inten­ her father the same Instructions a»
tion . of the principal» concerned In had t>een given herself to leant what
thia correspondence; too often, »he over was possible of Eaton’s former
knew, one man nr one group had car­ position In life.
Before Eaton’s entrance Into her
ried out a fierce Intent upon another;
life »he had supposed that some time,
and aometlmea. ahe waa aware, theae
as a matter of course, she was going
bitter feuda had carried certain of
to marry Donald. In spite of thia, she
her father*» client» further even than
personal or family ruin; fraud, vio­ had never thought of herself as apart
from her father; when ahe thought of
lence and—twice now—even murder
marrying, It hrtd been always with the
were represented by th!» correspond-
Idea that her duty to her husband
ence; for the paper» relating to the
must be secondary to that to her
Warden and the I-atron murder» were
father; she knew now that she had
here. Rhe had felt always the horror
of thia violent and ruthle»» aide of accepted Donald Avery not because
he had become necessary to her but
the men with whom her father dealt;
but new »he knew that actual appre­ because he had seemed essential to
her father and her marrying Itonald
ciation of the crimes that pnssed a»
would permit her life to go on much
bnalnea» had been far from her. And.
strangely, »he now realised that It waa as It was.
Donald had »odal position and a
not the attack» on Mr. Warden and
her father—overwhelming with horror certain amount of wealth and power;
now suddenly ahe was feeling that he
a» theae had been—which were bring
had nothing but these things, that hit
Ing that appreciation home to her. It
waa her understanding now that the own unconscious admission was Mini
fo be worth while he must have them
attack wa» not meant for her father
that to retain and Increase them was
but for Eaton.
hla only object In life. Rhe had th«
Though Harriet had never believed
feeling that theae were the only things
that Eaton had been concerned In the
he would fight for; but that for these
attack upon her father, her denial of
he would fight—fairly, perhaps. If he
It had been checked and »tided be-
could—but, If ha must, unfairly, de»
cau»e he would not even defend him­
self. She bad not known what to
Rhe had finished dinner, but ahe he»
think ; ahe had aeemed to heraelf to
Itated to rise and leave the men
be waiting with her thought» In abey­
alone; after-dinner cigars and the fic­
ance; until he should be cleared, »he
tion of the masculine conversation
had tried not to let heraelf think more
aigmt the table were Insisted on by
about Eaton than wa» necessary.
Blatchford. Aa ahe delayed, lookln*
Though he wa» Involved with her fa­
across the table at Eaton, hla eyet
ther In some way, »lie refused to be­
met hers; reassured, she rose at once .
lieve he was against her father, but
the three rose with her and stood
clearly he was not with him. How
while she went out She went up
could he be Involved, then, nnle«» the
stairs and looked In upon her father
Injury he had Buffered win some »uch
he wanted nothing, and after a con
act of man against man as these let-
vernation with blm aa short as aht
tars and statement» represented? Rhe
could make It »he came down again
looked carefully through all the con­
No further disagreement between tht
tents of the envelopes, but she could
two men. apparently, bad happen««*,
after she left the table. Avery now
was not visible. Eaton and Blatchford
were In the music-room. With a re
pugnauce against bar fatliar's ordert
which ahe had never felt before, she
began to carry out the Instructions
her father had given her.
Rhe noticed that Eaton was familiar
with almost everything she had liked
which had been written or was cur­
rent up to five years before; all later
music was strange to him. To this
extent be had been of her world,
plainly, up to five years before; then
be had gone out of It.
Hhe realised thia only as something
which »he was to report to her father;
yet she felt a keener, more personal
Interest In It than that. Harriet An­
toine knew euougti of tlie world to
know that few men break completely
•II social connections without some
link of either fact or memory still
holding them, and that this link moat
Often 1» a woman.
Toward ten o’clock Eaton exc*uae«l
himself and went to hla rooms. Hhe
•at for a time, Idly talking with
Blatchford; then, as a servant paused
through the hall and »he mistook mo­
mentarily hla footstep» for those of
Avery, she got up suddenly and went
upstairs. It was only after reaching
her rooms that she appreciated that
the meaning of thia action was that
she shrank from seeing Avery again
that night. But she had been In her
rooms only a few minutes when her
house telephone buzzed, »nd answer­
ing It. she found that it wa» Donald
speaking to ber.
“Will you come down for a few
minutes, please, Harry?"
Rome strangeness In bls tone per-
plexsil her.
“Where are you?" »lie asked.
"In the study."
Hhe went down at once. Aa he came
to the study door to meet ber, she saw
that what had perplexed her in hla
tone was apparently only the remnant
of that irritation he had showed at
dinner. He took her band and drew
her Into the study.
“You don’t mind my calling you
down. Harry; It la so long since we
had even a few minutes alone to­
gether,” he pleaded.
"What la It you want, Don?" she
“Only to two you. dear—Harry.” He
took her band again; she resisted anil
withdrew It “I ran’t do any more
“Will You Com« Down for a Few Mln-
i/t«». Ptoaae, Harry?"
work tonight. Harry. I find the cor­
respondence I expected to go over this
evening Isn’t here; your futher has It,
I suppose.”
“No; I have It, Don."
“Yea; Father didn’t want you both­
ered by that work Just now. Didn’t he
tell you?"
“He told me that, of course, Harry,
gnd that he had asked you to relieve
me as much as you could; be didn’t say
he had told you to take charge of the
papers. Did he do thatr
“I thought that was Implied. If you
need them. I’ll get them for you, Don.
Do you want themr
She got up and went toward the safe
where ahe had put them; suddenly ahe
stopped. What It was that she had
felt under his tone and manner, she
could not tell; it was probably only
Irritation at having Important work
taken out of his hands. But whatever
It was, he was not openly expressing
It—he was even being careful that It
should not be expressed. And now
suddenly, ae he followed and came
dose behind her and her mind went
swiftly to her father lying helpless up­
stairs, and htr father’s trust In her,
she baited.
“We must ask Father.” she said.
“Ask him I” he ejaculated, “Why?"
Hhe faced him uncertainly, not an­
“That’s rather ridiculous, Harry, es­
pecially as It la too late to ask him
His voice was suddenly
rough in his Irritation. *’I have had
charge of those very things for years;
they concern the matters In which your
father particularly confides In me. It
la Impossible that he meant you to take
them out of my hands like thia. He
must have meant only that you were
to give me what help you could with
them I Harry, don’t you see that you
are putting me In a false position—
wronging me? You are acting ae
though you did not trust me!”
"I do trust you, Don; at least I have
no reason to distrust you. I only say
we must ask Father."
“They’re in your little safe?"
She nodded. “Yes."
“And you’ll not give them to me?’
Ho stared angrily; then lie shrugged
■nd laughed and went back to his desk
and began gathering up hla scattered
papers. Rhe stood Indecisively watch­
ing him. Suddenly he looked up and
she mw that !>• had quite conquered
hla Irritation, or at least bad concealed
It; his concern now seerm-d to l>e ouly
over bls relation» with heraelf.
"We’ve not quarreled. HarryF be
“Quarreled? Not at all, Don,” she
Hhe moved toward th« door; be fol­
lowed and let her out, and she went
back to ber own rooms.
•antoln«’» “Fy«a” Fall Him.
Eaton, coming down rather late the
next morning, found the breakfast
room empty. He cboee his breakfast
from the dishes on the sideboard, and
while the servant set them before him
and waited on him, be Inquired after
the members of the household. Miss
Antoine, the servant Mid. had break­
fasted some time before and was now
with her father; Mr. Avery also bad
breakfasted; Mr. Blatchford was not
yet down. As Eaton lingered over his
breakfast. Ml»» Davis passed through
the hall, accompanied by a maid. Tlie
maid admitted her Into tlie study and
closed the door; afterward, the maid
remained In the hall busy with some
morning duty, and ber presence and
that of the servant In the breakfast
room made It Impossible for Eaton to
attempt to go to the study or to risk
speaking to Miss Davla A few min­
utes later, he heard Harriet Santolne
descending the stairs; rising, be went
out Into the hall to meet her.
“I don’t ask you to commit yourself
for longer than today, Miss Hantoine,"
be Mid, when they had exchanged
greetings, “but—for today—what are
the limits of my lenshT’
"Mr. Avery Is going to the country
rtub for lunch; I believe he Intends to
ask you If you care to go with him."
Rhe turned away and went into the
study, dosing the door behind her. Ea­
ton, although he bad finished his break­
fact, went back Into the breakfast
room. He did not know whether he
would refuse or accept Avery's Invita­
tion ; suddenly he decided. After wait­
ing for »»me five minutes there over a
second cup of coffee, he got up and
crossed to tlie study.
“I beg pardon. Mias Antoine,” be
explained bls Interruption, “but you
did not tell me what time Mr. Avery la
likely to want me to be ready to go to
the country club."
“About half-past twelve, I think."
“And what time shall we be coming
“Probably about five."
He thanked her and withdrew. He
did not look back as MI m Davis clotted
the door behind him; their eyes bad
not met; but be understood tbst she
had comprehended him fully. Today
he would be away from the Antoine
house, and away from the guards who
watched him, for at least four hours,
under no closer espionage than that of
Avery; this offered opportunity—the
first opportunity he had had—for com­
munication between blm end his
friends outside the house.
He went to his room and jnade
some slight changes tn his dress; he
came down then to the library, found
a book and settled himself te read.
Toward noon Avery looked In on him
there and rather constrainedly prof­
fered hla Invitation. Eaton accepted,
and after Avery had gone to get ready,
Eaton put away hla book.
minutes later, hearing Avery's motor
purring outside, Eaton went Into the
hall; a servant bronght hla coat and
hat, and taking them, he went out to
the motor. Avery appeared a moment
later, with Harriet Suntolne.
She stood looking after them as
they spun down the curving drive and
onto the pike outside the grounds;
then she went back to the study. She
dismissed Miss Davis for the day,
taking the typewritten sheets
some other papers her father h
asked to have read to him, she went
up to him.
Basil Antoine was alone and awake.
“What have you, Harriet?" he asked.
Rhe »at down and glancing through
the papers In her hand, gave him th«
subject of each; then at his direction
she began to read them aloud.. A«
she finished the third page, he Inter­
rupted her.
“Has Avery taken Eaton to ths
country club as I ordered Y*
”1 shall want you to go out there
In the afternoon; I would trust yout
observation more than Avery's to de­
termine whether Eaton has been used
to such surround Inga.”
Rhe read another page, then broke
off suddenly.
“Has Dooald asked you anything
today. Father?”
"In regard to what?"
“I thought last night he seemed dl»
tnrbed about my relieving him of part
of his work."
“Disturbed? In what way?”
8he hesitated, unable to define even
to heraelf the Impression Avery's man­
ner bad made on her. “I understood
he was going to ssk you to leave it
still In his hands."
"He has not done so yet."
“Then probably I was mistaken.”
Hhe read again for half an hour
after luncheon, finishing the page» she
had brought.
“Now you’d better go to the club,"
the blind man directed.
Rhe put the reporta and letters
away In the safe In the room below,
and going to her own apartments, »be
dressed carefully for the afternoon.
As she drove down the road, »ha
passed the scene of the attempt by
the men In the motor to run Eaton
The Indeflnlteneas of her
knowledge by whom or why the attack
had been made only made It seem
more terrible to her. Unquestionably
he was In constant danger of Ito rep*
titloa. and eepaelally where -as t*
And still mother and children smile paper mark* or eight times what
day—be was outbid«- her father’» \ gravely out of the oval, like the ljing had received fdr his preMRta-
Instinctively she hurrlad OTal „f the ,-re«t »melling wood over tion of the leading character in on»
aer horse. Ae etopped at the rtn?t- which the cunning pencil passed.— of the most fame us production» in tha
house only to make certain that Mr. > Boston Monitor.
Avery and bls guest were not there; >
then she drove eu to the polo field.
“Well,” Mid the cheerful wife who
BY OBERAMMERCAl.’ERS thought she had a soprano voice, “if
the worst comes to the worst I can
Oberammergau.—(By N. C. W. C.) keep the wolf from the door by sing­
—A contract has been signed where­ ing.”
by 60 of the artisans who worked on
“I don't doubt that would do it,”
the production of the Passion Play replied the husband, who had suf­
here last summer will go to America fered much, "but suppose the wolf
next fall. This step was made neces­ should happen to be deaf?”
sary because the directors of the
Oberammergau Home Arts company,
S757 «Sth St. 8. E.
SUnset «621
which produces the Passion Play, was
financially unable to raise the money
necesMry to begin preparations for Piano and Furniture Moving, Bag­
the next play. The artizans' work
gage and Express
will be exhibited in New York.
Daily trips to Mt. Scott and Woodstock
In this connection it was revealed ag’ts for Rock Springs and King Coal
Portland, Or.
that Anton Lang, the Christus of the Stand: 1st and Taylor
play, received 26,000 paper marks for
his services during the past summer.
Recently Lang had occasion to visit
a dentist in Munich and the bill for
the latter’s work amounted to 200,000
(Continued Next Week.)
A fair-haired youth walked gaily
along the forest path. He waa tall
and graceful, and as he went on, with
a long, swinging stride, he whistled
and sang. His big brown eyes looked
keenly about him, and his full red
lips seemed made to smile. A hand­
some youth, indeed, was Raphael San-
xio, one whom everybody liked. By
profeMion he was an artist; already,
though hardly more than a boy, he
had painted some wonderful pictures.
Today the fancy had seized him to
take a »troll by himself, a good long
tramp in the glorious air amor.; the
Tuscan hills. Suddenly he came upon
a clearing in the center of which was
a quaint little cottage, and next it a
sort of workshop. All about were
large barrels with stout hoops around
them. At the door of the cottage Mt
a young woman in a quaintly carved
chair with a bambino, as the Italians
call a baby, in her arms. Near her a
beautiful child played with one of
the stout barrel-hoops.
“Good morning, Signora,” said the
youth politely. “It is a fira» day.”
“It is, indeed,” she replied, “but
you must have walked a long way.
Wil) you not have a glass of milk
and some goat’s cheese?”
"Since you are so kind, I shall be
glad if I may,” replied young Raph­
“What lovely little ones you
“Yes,” she said, xs she poured out
the rich, foamy milk. “My husband
is a cooper. He has gone to town to­
day for the fiesta. A holiday is good
to take. I am having one quietly at
“I, too,” Mid the young man, “am
taking a holiday.”
“And what may it be that you work
at?” inquired she.
"I try to be an artist,” he said
“Ah,” she cried, “I wish I could
see the pictures you make.”
“I will make you one now,” and,
with a merry wave of the hand, he
began to draw on the head of one of
the big barrels. “Move closer to your
mother," he Mid to the larger child.
Then he drew rapidly on the smooth
sweet-smelling wood. He forgot where
he was. An inquisitive squirrel came
to hi^i. A songbird alighted near him.
The sun sent golden splotches of light
through the cool green. The woman
sang softly and the children watched
“Ah,” Mid Raphael, “it is done. AU
I can do now, at least. Come and
The woman looked and gasped in
astonishment. “But it is beautiful,"
she exclaimed.
And beautiful is what people still
say when they look at the Madonna
della Sedia (Madonna of the Chair),
for the artist made from his sketch a
picture so lovely that for hundreds of
years the world has admired and
wondered at it. It hangs stiU, rich
in reds and blues, at the Pitti palace,
but you may see copies of it every­
where. The cooper's wife, with her
two children, looks placidly at you
just as they looked at young Raphael,
centuries ago, in the quiet green
forest with the birds and squirrels
frisking about them. One also wishes
to see the handsome boy as he happily
worked, but you may see his picture,
painted by himself; and it shows you
just how he must have looked when
he took his holiday and found a new
picture to draw, where he least ex­
pected it.
One likes to think of the happy
morning this simple gay group spent
together, and how interested the good
cooper must have been when he came
home after the fiesta. None of them
could guess that today artists would
say “If only I could do work as good
as that! What color! What charm!
What gracious loveliness!"
J, S. Miller Transfer
6eo. W. Crockwell, M.
Naturopath, Spinologist
The wonder,cure for Rheumatism
70S, 720 Dekuat Bldg.
Stomach trouble, Chronic disease I
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No matter what your trouble is
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Consultation and examinations I ot beautiful imported and demestic
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No knife. No operations. No in-1 of new spring patterns that will suit
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Knit Ties
The sizes are 6 to 11 all widths.
Price $2.75. Pay Postman on re-
ceipt of goods or send money
order. Money refunded if shoes
■re not satisfactory.
The U.S. Stores Co.
1441 Broadway, New York City
Unexcelled in quality and in clean­
liness of preparation
are still going strong. We carry the
well-known line of Berkley, “The tie
of a thousand knots.” $1.60 and up.
James Burdette
Others 75c and $1
Phone Sl'nset 6705
Brennan & Whalen Co.
353 Morriton near Park
O give yon service we
We have just bought a tremen­
dous stock of Army Munson last
shoes to be sold to the public
direct. These shoes are 100 per
cent solid leather with heavy
double soles sewed and nailed. The
suppers are of heavy tan chrome
thereby making them waterproof.
These shoes are selling very fast
■nd we advise you to order at
once to insure your order being
moved into the heart of
the city.
We’re in the Railway Ex­
change Building, Stark Street,
between Third and Fourth Sts.
T he Columban Press, Inc.