Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 23, 1923, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.50 the Year.
George Corn«« of Karn Park left
At a business meeting of the young
people’s Christian Endeavor of the last Wednesday for a trip to Ism An­
First Presbyterian church last Sun- geles.
day Theo Ze h rung of Firland was
Mrs. M. Patt and daughter arrived
K. I. Dixon Is sick with the fin.
elected president, Other officers of home from St. Vincent’s hospital thia
Garden clubs have started in the the class are: James Smith, vice- week.
public schools.
president; Dorothy Andrews, record­ *Mn, Elds Rogers of California is
Mrs. C. O. Gressett has moved to ing secretary; Catherine Cress, cor­ visiting with friends in Firland and NOTED EDUCATOR BELIEVES
5219 R7th street.
responding secretary, and Christina Park Place, Or.
Mrs. E. L. Collins, 6828 45th avs Holt, treasurer.
Mrs. Tucker, 5000 60th street, has
nue, Is improving.
Wednesday morning a musical as­ been spending a week with Mrs. C.
Sidney Cal) is working at the Ford sembly was given at Franklin high W. Maury in Mount Tabor.
assembly plant.
school at which time select ton« from
John F. Meitzel and his bride, who
Edward Chase, 70, of 76th street, the opera, “The Gondoliers,” soon to was formerly Mrs. Alice McGee, are
l>e produced by the music department, living at 5806 40th avenue.
la quite low with cancer.
Robert Riddell. of 5 2d street and
Harry Porter has planted two
29th avenue, has been iU with the flu. vacation at Oregon Agricultural col­ maple trees on his perking. Now he
Wsaley, son of William Woodham,
is wondering if they will grow.
of 3616 36th avenue,.ls.lll with the.flu. ent at the assembly.
The Mountain View Social club
“The notion that the American
Rev. Harold Stevens and his party, will meet at the home of Mrs. Meyers, Catholic cannot be and is not as good
Clarke Walsh, of 4904 34th avenue,
has ent»red his fine collie at the dog consisting of his wife, Mary Agenw 3810 62d street, Tuesday, April 10.
a citizen as the American Presby­
Ntevene, song writer, and Mr. Wei-
Miss Daisy Hart, of 6903 52d ave­ terian, the American Baptist, the
The Welfare club met Tuesday gua, soloist, who are conducting evan­ nue, who recently underwent an op­ American Methodist er the Ameri­
evening at Millard-Avenue Presby­ gelistic services st the White Temple, eration in St. Vincent's hospital, is can Unitarian because be owes mys-
held an afternoon service at the quite ill at her home.
stenous allegiance to a foreign po­
terian church.
Anabel Presbyterian church Wednes­
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. day.
Pauline Wolfe, a student at Frank­ tentate, is the most utter bosh; that
Walter A. Meek, 4928 71st street,
lin high school, and a violinist, broad­ Americans will listen to it and devote
March 13.
casted from the Oregonian radio sta­ any time to thinking of it, is the sign
of a diseased mentality. Let anyone
tion Wednesday evening.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
name better American citizens than
Mrs. Peter Doran. 4923 35th avenue,
Misses Helen and Vashti Johnson the late Cardinal Gibbons of Balti­
present were: Mesdames M. Wil­
March 12.
and Robert Stanley and Robin Reed more, the late Archbishop Ireland of
liamson, A. Rasmussen, G. Foreman,
A daughter was born to Mr. and D. IJtera), I. Durham, M. Keane, N. are among the former Franklin high St. Paul, or the late Bishop Spald­
school students who are home from ing of Peoria.”
Mrs. William J. Mascott, 7106 40th Call and A. Munzer.
Oregon Agricultural college for the
avenue, March 2.
This is the statement made by
The women of the Millard-Avenue spring vacation.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Nicholas Murray Butler, president of
Mrs. Sidney Ziegler, of 6037 58th Presbyterian church held an all-day
The Woman's Missionary society Columbia university, New York, in
meeting at the church on Thursday of the Arleta Baptist church will the course of an interview with Ed­
avenue, March 14.
for missionary study. The book,
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wilson. 8041 "The Erend of the Races,” was meet at 2 o’clock next Wednesday ward Marshall, which has appeared
afternoon at the home of Mrs. George as a copyright article in several
Foster Road, are the parents of a
studied under the leadership of Mrs. Jennings, 4711 72d street, to cele­ newspapers.
son. born March 13.
W. W. Dillon.
brate the golden jubilee of the Bap­
Dr. Butler believes that the present
M. E. Weir, 36th avenue, has re­
The Christian Endeavor society of
turned from California and will make the Millard - Avenue Presbyterian tist woman's missionary society. wave of bigotry and intolerance is a
There will be election of officers serious menace to the country.
his home In Salem.
church will hold a sunrise prayer Mrs. Wolfington will give n talk on
“The United States," he said, “will
Mrs. Grassens is president of the meeting at the church on Easter
not be true to itself nor even meas­
“Fifty Years of Woman’s Work.”
altar society of St. Peter's church. morning. The theme of the meeting
urably achieve its ideals, until this
Mrs. Cecile Porter la secretary treas­ will be “Messianic Prophecies Ful­
ACCIDENT VICTIM WAS BURIED religious antagonism is brought to an
Work has been resumed on the ex­
The P. N. G. club of Arleta gave
After reviewing the periodical man­
cavation of the basement for the new a "500” party at the 7 Plus clubrooms
The funeral of Lewis Stutte, 22, ifestations of religious intolerance
laurelwood Methodist church on 54th Thursday, March 15. Mrs. F. Peters son of Mr. and Mrs. William L. which have marked American history
won first prise, Mrs. E. Mathes sec­ Stutte, 6121 72d street, was held this since the foundation of the republic
Mr». Amanda Reasoner, of 4935 ond, M. Rehberg first men's prize and morning. Services were held in Our and especially the Knownothing move­
Istdy of Sorrows church, Woodstock. ment with its religious intolerance
74th strset, who is ill with pneumonia F. Crum second.
was made in Mount Scott and racial prejudice. Dr. Butler said:
at Sellwood hospital, Is slightly im­
A benefit entertainment was given
“Today, well on into the 20th cen­
at the Star theater at Archer Place, Park cemetery.
Lewis Stutte died in the Astoria tury, these two American, un-Chris-
Mr». Owen E. Stanley, of 2601 49th Thursday evening, for ths Foster
street, returnad Monday after a Ua- Road Junior baseball team. A spe­ hospital Tuesday about 4 P. M., as tian and uncivilized sources at in­
weeks' viait with relativas in Cali* cial program was riven in addition the result of injuries received while tolerance are again at work and with
to the film. “The Giri With the Jazz in the employ of the Warrenton redoubled energy. The Ku Klux Klan,
Lumber company in the yard at War­ with its childish and preposterous
renton, Monday morning. Stutte was ritual and nomenclature, will be
lege, was the guest of Miss Itois
Mrs. Ada Jolly, of 5032 60th street,
on the running board of a truck when killed by ridicule which its very ex­
Handsaker, of 5630 44th avenue, is taking the place of the state sec­
a train, spotting cars in the yard, istence invites. With regard to it we
retary of the W, C. T. U. at the
crashed into the truck. Stutte re­ need waste little time in argument.
Basil E. Roettger of the Roettger
ceived fatal body injuries.
But far subtler, often invisible and
Hardware company, Kern Park, was change building, while the secretary,
Until two weeks ago I>ewis Stutte more dangerous influences are at
married last week to Misa Elizabeth
was an employe of the G. A. Morri­ work in American communities to
son Lumber company at Tremont. spread religious animosities and race
Miss Isabel Anderson, who has Prior to that he had been employed antagonism.”
Mrs. Julia Zervaa, of 60th street,
spent Monday and Tuesday with her been making her home with Mrs. R. by the Southern Pacific company.
daughter, Mrs. Henry Holbrook, at H. Walsh, of 4904 34th avenue, leaves The family came to Portland four
High School Teachers Report
this week end to visit her sister at years ago.
On Friday evening at Franklin high
The Mountain View Social club and
Surviving the young man are his
school, Mrs. Ella Ehmsen Wilson,
7 Plus club will give a dance Satur­ will Join her family in Loa Angeles, parents, a brother, Wallace, and two
dean of girls, and R. B. Walsh, head
day, March 31, at the Woodmen’s
sisters, Margaret and Thelma.
of the music department, gave re­
Thursday evening a reception was
hall, Arleta.
ports of the national conventions they
Rev. E. R. Martin, of the American held at the Kern Park Christian
recently attended. Mr. Walsh at­
Sunday school union, spoke last Sun­
the national convention of
day morning at the l^urelwood been received into membership since
Monday on music supervisors in Nashville, Tenn.,
Methodist church.
last spring, and Mrs. Wilson has just
added to the church during this time. business.
The annual Congregational meet­
Mrs. Emma Spooner visited with returned from the national conven­
ing of the Anabel Presbyterian church
tion of deans in Cleveland, O. Music
Mrs. Brady Tuesday afternoon,
will be held at the church Monday Marysville Parent - Teacher associa­
Mr. Fredrick, of the Kendall for the occasion was furnished by Mr.
tion is sponsoring a dance to be given
evening. March 26.
is having the interior of his Dillon and Miss Howard of the Frank­
Wednesday, March 28. The proceeds
lin faculty.
The University of Oregon pictures
will be used for social service work store remodeled and more shelving
of the Oberammergau “Passion Play”
in the community.
will be given in the Laurelwood Con­
Thurston Erickson Married
John Johnson's new house is going
Judge Kanzler and Judge Morrow
gregational church Friday evening,
up rapidly.
Erickson, 7123 43d ave-
spoke to an appreciative audience
March 30.
The Kendall baseball team played nue, was married to Miss Eva Ray,
Tuesday evening at Anabel Presby­
An educational show was put on
ball Sunday afternoon on the school 1643 Fulton Park boulevard, last
terian church on parental problems.
at Arleta school Friday afternoon.
Saturday, The ceremony was per-
Little Dorothy Haines, 7 years old,
Pictures of the sugar industry, the
The Harmony club will give an old- formed at the courthouse by Judge
pottery industry and historical scenes 6311 71st street, is at the Portland fashioned dance Saturday, March 24. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Erickson will
Sanatorium, where she has been op­ at the community clubhouse.
in New York city were shown.
live in Fulton Park and the relatives
erated on for acute appendicitis.
George Furukawa attended the fu- of both parties are planning to cele-
The Christian Endeavor society of
June, little daughter of W. E. neral of Mrs. Council Tuesday.
brate the marriage with a dinner at
the Kern Park Christian church is
Fred Johnson i* able to be at work the young couple’s home next Sun-
making plans to send several dele­ Whitman, of 6720 53d, who has been
gates to the Christian Endeavor con­ in St. Vincent’s hospital with diph­ again after a week’s illness.
theria, has returned to her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Rinick, of East 65th
vention at The Dalles next month.
William Mission, a student at Ore­ and Glisan streets, visited Sunday
New Real Estate Office Opened
Dr. Frank H. Finnell and a group
Agricultural college, is spending afternoon at Mr. Loyd’s place.
of boys from his Sunday school class
William Woodham and M. A. Loehr,
The Harmony club women will
of the Arleta Baptist church, at­ Easter vacation with his parents at
both well-known residents of this
hold their next meeting March 28,
tended the older boys’ conference at 63d avenue and 63d street.
community, have opened a real estate
A marriage license has been issued with Mrs. Daisy Ulen.
Reed college last Sunday afternoon.
office on Foster Road next door to
to Marion L. Maxwell, of 7930 58th
the Chambless building at Arleta.
Alva T. Custer, of 6429 50th ave­
avenue, and Phyllis G. Benedict, of again, but is reported somewhat They are listing much property.
nue, and his brother, Irvin, field »er-
370 22d street North.
retary, Albany college, went to
Mrs. Cadwell of Portland visited
The Hungry Ten club surprised
Creston Community Meeting
Marshfield last week in I
with her sister, Mrs. Hawley, Sun-
a wire stating that his sister was
meeting of the Creston Com­
day evening.
her birthday. The women presented
very ill.
The Taxpayers’ league will give a munity club was held Friday, March
her with a beautiful fan.
dance at the community clubhouse 16, at 8 o’clock in the Creston school.
as her
Miss Margaret Smith had
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney C. Holland, of March 31, for the benefit of play­ A musical and literary program aug­
house guest over the week end Miss
6803 41st avenue, are the proud ground equipment for the school mented in the Creston district.
DeEtt Myers of Sheridan, Or. Sun­
parents of a daughter, bom March 3. children. A prise will be given for
day Miss Smith entertained her guest
Mrs. R. B. Walsh is substituting the best waltxing couple. A Lents
Teacher—Johnny, spell needle.
with a dinner party. Those present
were Miss Etha Abbott of Ashland for Miss Paige, of the English de­ orchestra will furnish the music.
Mrs. Fred Johnson visited Wednes­
Teacher—No, Johnny, there’s no
and Miss Marguerite Tifft of Lente. partment, at Franklin high school.
Ralph Belmore, 6804 62d avenue. day with Mrs. Loyd and Mrs. Brady. “i” in needle.
The W. C. T. U. of Multnomah
is home from Oregon Agricultural
Johnny—If there’s no eye in needle,
county is giving a bazaar, March^30
L. B. M. C. Meets
college for the Easter vacation.
it ain’t no good.
and 31, for
W. C. T. U. farm
The regular monthly meeting of
The family of John Breirdley, of
home. Arleta Union will have a
Lents Business Men’s club was There’s beauty all around our paths
booth and asks for donations of any­
held Wednesday noon in the Lenta
if but our watchful eyes
thing salable, including hardy bulbs proving and are able to be out.
Wayne Miller and Miss Vivian I. O. O. F. hall. A chicken dinner Can trace it midst familiar things,
and plants. Leavo at Blue Bird Cloth­
and through their lowly guise.
ing parlor, Arleta, or phone Mrs. Ada Colver were married March IS at was served by the women of the Gil­
—Felicia D. Hernans.
Jolly, Sunset 4461.
Harvey Scanlon Collins aad Miss
Marvel Sherwood, daughter of J. Sallie Smith were married M*.reh 14
H. Sherwood, 4003 70th street, fell in the parlors of the White Temple.
on the cement steps at the Joseph Rev. Owen T. Day performed the
Kellog school last Wednesday and ceremony. The bridegroom is of Ore­
I fractured her arm above the elbow.
gon pioneer stock, being the oldest
Miss Barbara Chilsom, 3926 73d grandson of the late Judge Collins
street, has been ill during the past of Dallas, and the son of Mr. and
| week.
Mrs. Edgar L. Collins, 6828 45th ave­
The Baker residence, 71st street nue. While a student at Franklin
and Powell Valley, was sold during high school and the University of
the past week.
Oregon he was prominent in athle­
W. W. Olmsted, who is living with tics and won many honors for him­
his nephew at 7116 40th avenue, was self and his schools. During the war
called to Albany last week to attend he served in the navy. Ha is now in
the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. the employ of the telephone com­
Simon D. Olmsted. Her death oc­ pany.
Mrs. Collins is the daughter of Mr.
curred while on a health-seeking trip
and Mrs. James H. Smith, 6822 44th
to California.
She is an accomplished
A two-block site, the space oc­ avenue.
cupied by the old gravel pit at 40th musician and has been closely con­
avenue, between 7 2d and 73d streets, nected with the musical and religious
has been selected by a firm from life of her community. She is a
Sioux City, la., who expect to es­ member of the orchestra of the
tablish a plant for the manufacturing Arleta Baptist church and secretary
of brooms, manila rope, saddles and of the Sunday school.
Tuesday evening the members of
harness. P. Chansee and crew are
now at work grading, in preparation the Arleta Baptist church tendered
the young couple a reception at the
for the proposed building.
The baseball game scheduled for home of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Whit­
Wednesday between Joseph Kellog man, 4951 74th street, and presented
and Mount Tabor was won by Kellog, them with a beautiful set of table
silver. Mr. and Mrs. Collins will be
24 to 6.
W. R. Wheeler, an old resident of at home to their friends after April
Reservoir Park, but now living in 4 in their apartments at 882 East
Firland, has sold one of his com­ Ash street.
positions to a popular magazine issu­
ing over a million copies a month.
Alfred Gutherie, 3544 64th street,
That the editor published the stuff
and Thelma Coleman, of 65th avenue,
that we have him under this fair
were married at the Fourth United
Brethren church Wednesday evening caption ?
That we’re going to try his patience
at 8 o’clock. The church was beau­
with some more?
tifully decorated in pink and green.
That if it has reached your eye,
The bride wore a becoming gown of
dear reader, it probably has been pub­
white silk, with veil. Rev. R. B.
Evans performed the ceremony. Mr. lished ?
That March came in like a lamb?
and Mrs. L. Atig, also old residents
That Canada received only one half
of Reservoir Park, attended the
its usual annual coal supply from the
The Parent-Teacher association of United States during 1922?
That the city of Pueblo, Colo., is
Joseph Kellog school met Tuesday,
preparing to expend 14,000,000 in the
March 13. Mesdames
Othus and Shepherd gave some in­ construction of dams and levies for
teresting talks on pre-school work. the prevention of the recurrence of
Mrs. Dustin spoke on club work. Tea the flood of June, 1921?
That the contract for the construc­
and cakes were served, following the
of the first subway in Tokio has
yogram. which consisted of. a folk
dance by the pupils of Miss Russell's been tot?
That Signor Mussolini, the Fascist!
room, patriotic number by Miss Nel­
son’s room and piano solo by Roberta I premier, is out tb catch all the gam-
biers in Italy?
That the governor of South Carolina
The Ninovan Bible class met at
the home of Mesdames Guernsey and is strongly in favor of a law prohibit­
Landers on 52d street. The course ing the sale of “extracts” for the
of study is “How the Bible Came to making of beverages?
That one fly killed now is as good
Us.” The next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. Lewis on 71st street. as 1000 killed next August?
That if you see some certain fault
Mr. and Mrs. Southworth, of 68th
street, entertained a number of din­ in a friend you overlook it while if
ner guests on Wednesday evening, you notice the same fault in some one
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. to whom you are not friendly you
begin immediately to “rip ’im up” be­
hind his back?
That it is time to get the old fliv
Sunday School Class Gives Tea
tuned up after her annual hiberna­
The ladies' class of the Arleta
Baptist church held a silver tea at tion?
That if she does not need the top
the home of S. I. Payne, 4923 65th
repaired nor a coat of paint she is
street, Thursday afternoon. The pro­
sure to need a new tire or new brake
ceeds of the tea will be used to buy
linings or something else?
materials to be made up into articles
That it is time for spring cleaning;
for a bazaar which they plan to hold
also spring dresses and hats?
about the first of May.
That the old fishing itch is likely
to attack the youngsters any time?
Local Boy in Needles, California
That a little sense is found among
Edgar Ijtwrence, son of Nelson all this nonsense every once in a
Lawn-nee of 4910 60th street, who while.
has been working as a carpenter in
Los Angeles for some months, writes
School Plans Interclass Games
that he has been transferred by his
Every room in the Arleta school
company to Needles, Cal. He reports from the fourth grade up, about 13
hot weather and poor water, both of rooms altogether, has been provided
which are hard on a Portlander, but with indoor baseballs and bats and a
says $9 a day wages are some com- a series of inter-class games is being
compensation for these drawbacks.
planned. There will be but few inter­
school games this spring, but all
Mias Mulkey Hurt
children who are physically able will
Miss Anna Mulkey, of 6130 83d be expected to participate in the
street, was knocked down while try- inter-class games. It is hoped that
ing to board a car on her way tc tennis courts may be established on
work Wednesday morning, She was the grounds so that all pupils will
lacerated about the head and internal have ample opportunity for physical
injuries are feared. Miss Mulkey is training.
well known and greatly loved in this
community, and her host of friends
Women Obaerve Holy Week
are hoping for her speedy recovery.
The woman’s missionary society of
Edwin L. Baker Dies
the Kern Park Christian church will
Edwin L. Baker, proprietor of the observe a week of prayer during
Tremont Confectionery, and beloved Passion week.
Monday afternoon
by the children of the neighborhood, they will meet at the home of Mrs.
died Friday, March 16. Mr. Baker A. H. Mulkey and the leader will be
was the step-father of Ray Oren- Miss Lenora Glover. Wednesday after­
dorff. His widow, Mrs. Mary E. noon they will meet at the home of
Baker, survives him. The funeral oc- Mrs. Conrad Elie with Mrs. M. A.
curved Monday afternoon at Ken­ Ghormley as leader, and Friday they
worthy’s chapel in Lents. Rev. Henry will meet at the church. All meet­
White conducted the services.
ings are at 2:30 o’clock.
l.ucile Lawrence Has Birthday Party
Mrs. W. H. Small’s Son Dies
At 9:45 o’clock the Sunday school will
George Hart, son of Mrs. W. H
her 14th birthday with a party at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Small, 6820 52d avenue, died of
Nelson Lawrence, 4910 60th street, tuberculosis at the hospital in Salem
Wednesday evening, Marc! 16. Six­ on March 14. The funeral was held
teen guests were present The eve­ at 4 o’clock Saturday afternoon at
ning was spent in music and games Lerch’s undertaking parlors and ia-
and delicious refreshments were terment was in Mount Scott ceme­
. ......... BL
VOL. XXI, No. 12
Dary man Returns from California to
Take Over Bette Property
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gesme returned
this month from California where
they had spent the winter. Mr. Gesme
was forced to take back his dairy
ranch on Powell Valley Road, oppo­
site the county hospital grounds. The
Jersey Lily Dairy, sold by Mr. Gesmo
to Mr. Potter some months ago, has
been renamed the Butte Dairy and
under the new name will be con­
ducted by Mr. Gesme.
Mr. Gesme says he found things at
the dairy in bad shape when he re­
turned and was forced to go into the
courts to get quick action on the re­
turn of his property.
Mr. and Mrs. Gesme enjoyed their
visit in California immensely. Mrs.
Gesme, particularly, is delighted with
San Diego. The Mount Scott couple
motored on their trip and ran into
the severe snow storm of some weeks
However, they declare^ the
southern California sunshine made up
for any severe weather.
Tremont United Bret hern
Morning, “The Seventh Great Won­
der”; evening, “A Man-Made Doc­
Miilard-Avenae Presbyterian
Morning, Palm Sunday services,
“An Oriental Procession and Its Vital
Message”; evening, “The Authority
of Jesus Challenged.”
Kern Park Christian
Morning, “The Supreme Sacrifiée";
evening, “The Answer to the Charge
That the Bible Is Responsible for
Religious Differences.” Song serv­
Anabel Presbyterian
Morning, "The Eternal City.” This
is the fourth and last of a series of
sermons on “Building.” Evening, 7:30.
Arleta Baptiat
Arleta Baptist and Laurelwood
Congregational are meeting in the
Congregational building temporarily.
Morning, “The Meaning of the Suf­
fering of Jesus,” by Rev. B. H. Jones,
pastor of the Congregational church.
Evening, “Varying Views of Men,”
by Rev. O. T. Day, pastor of Arleta
Baptist church.
Baptists Plan Easter Services
Easter Sunday this year has spe­
cial significance to the Arleta Baptist
church. Not only does it mark the
culminating triumph in the life of
our Lord which marks it as a season
sacred to all Christians, but for this
congregation this year Easter Sun­
day is the date set for their return
to their own place of worship after
having worshipped with the Laurel­
wood Congregational for some weeks
past, while their church was being
remodeled. Therefore, the day will be
marked by several special features.
At 945 o’clock the Sunday school will
give an Easter program and at 11
A. M. Rev. Owen T. Day, the pastor,
will conduct an appropriate “home-
coming” services. In the evening the
large chorus choir will give an Easter
The annual Easter party of the
parish will be held in the new parish
hall at Fifty-second street and Wood-
stock avenue, on Thursday evening,
April 5. It will be sponsored by the
local branch of the Holy Name so­
ciety, assisted by the young ladies.
As the first social in the new spacious
parish hall, this affair will, of course,
be above criticism in every respect.
Word has been received from War­
renton of the death, by accident, of
Louis Stutte, one of the promising
young men of the parish. He was
injured on Monday and died on Tues­
day. The family left for Warrenton
as soon as news of the accident ar­
A Whaling Voyage in the Old Days
From the Deep of the Sea is the
real diary of the adventurous voyage
of the whale ship Diana in 1866, by
Charles E. Smith.
Men and women who like a true
story of a fight put up by brave men
against imminent danger and of en­
durance under the most wearing hard­
ships will find much to admire in this
diary of a Quaker surgeon on a year’s
voyage in a whaler out from Hull.
Apart from its record of suffering
and peril in Arctic ice packs, when
the supply of food and fuel almost
failed, the diary is filled with Arctic
lore and characteristic incidents of
life at sea in the old whaling days,
as well as many amusing stories told
by the captain of the Diana, whose
conscience wouldn’t allow him to go
after whales on Sunday. The Mac­
millan company, publishers.