the wor'd is the great itoa mountain, in Missouri. The largest rtlai»d 1866. and died at her home on 50th Ora*cn Things of Interval avenue and 66th street, Portland, Sat­ urday morning. March 3. She moved Ten varieties of plants are known I LAWRENCE DINNEKN, Editor to Michigan with her parents at the to produce black pepper. Web to the length of 25* mites ; age of 15 and was married to Manuel Entered as necond-cla«« mail mat­ has been drawn from the body of a ter February 14. 1914, at th« post- £. Menika, May 14. 1890. at Kala­ single snider. office at Lents, Or., under act of con- mazoo. Th 1906. with her husband Japanese electricians were among : grrsj, March 3, 1879, and three children, she came west and the first to experiment with radio . settled in Portland, where they have telegraphy and have perfected one of, Electrical Fixtures Selected Subscription IVice - -$l-W a year dwelt ever since. Early in life she the most efficient systems. by the School Board? The national shrine to the honor united with the Baptist church, of of Mary Immaculate now in course which she was a consistent member 5312 Ninety-second Street They found them mere efficient of erection at Washington. D. C-, will until her death. Her interests in life cost five million dollars. Phone SUnset 1228 and effective than oeveral other centered in her home, her church and The Revolution, the Blackhawk, competitive Samples shown. Reporter»—Mrs, S. Gray, 3549 Sixty­ her friends. She is held in grateful the Indian. Sabine Indian disturb­ Phone Broadway >781 and have eighth street, S, E. SVnset 1609; remembrance by many for her quiet ances. Mexico. Civil. Spanish-Amer­ sample light installed. Wiring ican. Philippine insurrection and the Morri son Hand-aker. 5®3 Forty­ unassuming acts of kindness. Beside service and e»tir>'-tes given. fourth avenue S. E., SUnset 2814; her husband, she is survived by her war with Germany are American wars Lawrence Dinnoen. 4827 -N»»ri> »$** brother, Frank Pierce and three chil­ which started in April The first rules governing baseball ond street S, E., SUnset 4782. Miss dren, Irma, Mr*. Elwilda Idncolnand I were made in New York Citv in 1357, Ruth Meyer. MAin 3429. 1 and the National Baseball League Louis of the Pacific Telephone com­ 106 FOURTH ST. I was formed in New York City during , pany. The funeral occurred Tuesday ADVERTISING OREGON Bet. Wash and Stark St». the same year. The first champion i afternoon at Holman's chapel and team was that of New York, in 18.18. BRoarfway 5781 Mayor Baker, in hia speech Satur­ was conducted by Rev. E. A. Smith, I but it was not until 1868 that a c j Arieta Station. Werth Bldg. Trade in your old one on your new Baker nor Governor Pierce knew who | again after being at Sellwood hos­ Singer at a liberal allowance. were the sponsors of the dinner when pital the past ten days. they accepted the invitation to at- ■ Ole Spor was a business visitor in tend. On the other hand the Tele­ Oregon City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones of Port­ CALL R. HEYTING. phone SUnset gram says that the two officials were 6131 90th St. 8. E. 2567 for sand and graved de­ in communication beforehand as to land visited here Sunday with Mrs. SUnset 5069 Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lcyd. livered at a reduced price. 17-tf the advisability of attending. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Y’east visited in The Telegram’s statement receive.- Monarch Furniture Polish for Sale FOR SALE—Or will trade for chick­ apparent confirmation from the ci- Montaviila Tuesday. ens, two thoroughbred St. Andreas- Mrs. Anna Stewart and Mrs. Ella cumstance that other prominent citi­ burg rollers. Mrs. Clarence Cathey. ICE zens who «-re asked to attend knew Clark went to Portland Monday on Phone 91, Gresham, Or. business for the Community club. COAL it was a klan gathering and staid A sister of Mrs. J. S. Yeast is WANTED—Men or women to take ' )O away. orders for genuine guaranteed hos­ LIME It certainly adds to the splendid visiting her this week. iery for men. women and children. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nt bos' CEMENT advertising Oregon has received i with her L. C. Pullen, owner. Sl’nset 2517 of the assembly seems open to some s--n the paat four mon*.ii. Mrs. Grace Menan has resigned as doubt for P. S. Malcolm, who admits that he is the most patriotic citizen teacher in the Battin district, ard Get the habit of leaves Saturday for Denver. A.rithcr F of the state, declined to attend. teacher has already been se-ured to expressing your take her place. L, NOTES AND NEWS feelings with— Mrs. Jennie She rod and Miss Anna VLOWE RS The Ku Klux Klan and the Scot­ Shell from Wallowa, friends of Mrs I 0 tish Rite Masons would better inves­ Riley Loyd visited with her Monday. tigate Dr. Elmer B. Bryan, president The Sunday school which has keen I w of Ohio University, who demands the held at the Battin schoolhouse, will E maintenance of religious education. be held at the Community clubhouse In a talk to the educators assembled after, beginning next Sunday, March for the annual convention of the de­ 11, at 2. Preaching is at 3, just after I R partment of superintendence of the Sunday schooL All are welcome. S Phone SUnset 3571 National Education Association, Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson and I Bryan declared that fine school build- Mrs. Lilly Myers attended the chicken 1 in*.:, c . t 2. ■ dinner Friday evening at the Chris- 1 enough. “Christian education is the tian church at Kern J’ark. only hope of the nation, provided we Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nebo shopped place supreme emphasis where sup­ in Portland Wednesday. reme values reside,” he said. "Edu­ cation, like the human being, once New Books at Lents Branch Library Cantilever Shoes Make it has lost its soul, has nothing left (Eggleston) “The Graysons,” a It Possible that is worth having. Unless educa­ story of Abraham Lincoln. tion takes account of the soul, the GET MY PRICE BEFORE (Fuller) “Across the Campus.” Could you do Walter Camp’s nation is doomed to go smash.” (Morley) “Where the Blue Begins.” I famous “daily dozen" with your LETTING THE JOB feet strapped to boards ? (McFee) “Command.” The Rev. Kenneth D. Miller, speak­ Ordinary shoes are like boards (Hope) “The Prisoner of Zenda.” on your feet. Your arch cannot flex ing before a Methodist meeting in (Price) “Fortune of the Indies.” in them because they are reinforced Cleveland, put in a good word for Slns't 4075 6007!, 82d St. (Tarn) “Treasure of the Isle of : with 3teel between the leathers of the immigrant. “The fabulous wealth Mist.” the sole. Ask your shoemaker to of America has been produced by the show you when he is resoling a (White) “On Tiptoe.” toil of the immigrant,” he said. pair of shoes. See how impossible (O’Brien) “Atolta of the Sun.” it is to bend them at the arch. “The immigrant has been like a part (Conrad) “Youth." to a Ford car. He has been cheap. A Cantilever Spring (Brczy) “Nicolette.” He has been subjected to horrible Dr. Douglas Stewart a leading (Day) “Joan of Arc of the North specialist, says: "The foot is a abuse and unbelievable wear and tear. Woods.” cantilever spring so made that when When he breaks down he is sworn at. (Fuller) “One World at a Time.’’ it is allowed to function normally You may get the famous It is noteworthy that nothing is said it carries the body with the great­ (Updegraff) “Obvious Adams.”, about inviting these people to share est possible ease and resilience. ” (Forman) “Man Who Lived in a our life with us. New parts are The Cantilever Shoe is made with Shoe.” a flexible arch which permits the needed for the machine, that is all ” at the following stores: (Eaton) “Skyline Camps.” cantilever spring of your foot to (Crawford) “Witch of Prague.” function normally. It gives that STEWARTS GROCERY Great Seal 140 Years Old ease and resilience which char­ (Galsworthy) “Loyalties.” 6040 Foster Road, SUnset 2424 acterize a perfect carriage. This (Hillyer) “Child Training.” The great seal of the United States D. C. GF.DDES can only be accomplished by giving Juvenile was adopted by Congress 140 years «405 82d St., SUnset 3503 perfect freedom to the muscles of (Teasdale) “Rainbow Gold,” poems ago. The design was suggesed by L. L. DI ER & SON the foot. The flexible arch of the 5010 72d St., SUnset 1353 Sir John Prestwich, an eminent Eng­ for children. Cantilever Shoe fits snugly, while it forms a natural support to the BROWN’S GROCERY (Colum) “Children Who Followed lish antiquary, to John Adams, then instep. 6305 Foster Road TAbor 2430 United States minister to Great Brit­ the Piper Wilde,” fairy tales. Makes Life Easier CRUM & CHAMBERS ain, and was formally accepted by 7136 55th Ave., SUnset 4931 Cantilever Shoes give an added Made in America Congress on June 20, 1782. zest to your pleasures and lighten A. SIMONSON It is composed of a spread eagle, The greatest cataract in the world the daily round of your duties. They 29th Ave. and 71st St., SUnset 2573 bearing on its breast an escutcheon is the Falls of Niagara. are stylish as well as comfortable. R. H. HI NE with thirteen stripes, and its talons The modish, rounded toe and the The greatest cave in the world is 1781 Belmont at 69th St. medium heel are worn by women holding an olive branch and thirteen the Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. TAbor 0378 who are particular about wearing arrows. . ..ii: of Ixith.peace and The greatest river in the world is I. T. BOEHM correct clothes. war. the Mississippi, 41000 miles long. 271 E. 82d St., TAbor 8685 That youthful, swinging step is The largest valley in the world is FRANKS’ GROCERY made possible by wearing Canti­ I looded upon a mountain, 5537 Foster Road, SUnset 2644 the Valley of he Mississippi. levers. Buy a pair tomorrow and I looked upon a plain, know what it means to walk miles CHISHOLM BROS. The largest lake in the world is out-of-door» or at your every -da r 5204 Foster Rood, SUnset 2929 I saw a lot of green stuff Lake Superior, which is truiy an in­ v. ork without fatigue. H. O. HICK OX And it looked like waving grain. land sea, being 430 miles long and 591i 82