íHL Subscription, $1.50 the Year. LOCAL HAPPENINGS Mie* Frs'ice* Cornes, 4650 6’. th street, ha» been Ul. Bert Hapfar, of 60th street, ia having hi» house remodeled. The family of T. W. Davis. 7123 44th avenue, are all »irk with the flu. Mrs. Myrtle Baker, of 62d street and 56th avenue, is very ill with gall atone*. Mr. («lock, of 6935 47th avenue, ia putting $500 worth of ripair* on ni* residence. Elaine and Donald Stoke»,of 5611 47th avenue, are confined to their bed» with the flu. Nelson Lawrence ia Just complet­ ing a fine bungalow for Mr. McKay at 3610 7 2d »treet Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Brown, 4837 doth street, »pent Sunday with Mr». Brown’s parent* at Tigard. June Whitman, »mall daughter of W. K. Whitman, of d720 53d avenue, ia alck with intestinal grip. <1. W. Stoke», deputy »late fire marshal, left for Kendleton Monday night to be gone six week». Joseph Tenfel, 5712 47th avenue, an employe of the park department, wa» brought home »lek Sunday morn­ ing. Jack. Ted and Roy Wanamaker of Oregon City »pent Sunday with their uncle, Nelson ls. Adna Litton and son, J. Porter, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Mc­ Clelland, 6012 87th street. Mn. Nettie Ricketts, of 4722 79th street, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mn. Taylor, 611 Liberty street. Woodland, Wash. J. II. McClelland has moved from the Friesinger Bros.’ shop, and is now employed with the Goggins shoe re pair shop. Mountain View Social club will meet at the home of Mn. Stief, 3930 67th street, Tuesday, March 13. I. E. Wiley, 9040 Foster Rond, has his supply of »ecus, butk and ¡ack­ age on display, ready for purchase. Muriel Dillon called on Mn. J. H. McClelland, 6012 87th street, Monday evening, March 5. Richard Thomas, of 66th avenue, planted a tree in his parking. What is it, Dick ? J. Matson enjoys hia new shoe shop location at 6035 82d street. W. G. Comin of Salem is moving to 5507 84th street. Mr. Zehrung, 7105 48th avenue, has been ill recently. H. R. Stone, 6935 45th avenue, is the owner of a new Ford. Ueralö VOL. XXI, No.10 LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1923 Mrs. Fred Reece Is back home after »ix weeks in the hospital. Thelma, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mn. Jasper Lent, died March 6. Excavation for the new Millard- i Avenue Presbyterian church is about completed. A son was born to Mr. and Mn. Fay Winchester, 4328 64th street, February 17. Jonathan Mosher, aged 87 yean, died at the family home, 3128 51st street, March 3. A number of the Girl Scouts of the Arleta troop received their ten­ derfeet pin* this week. Kellogg school is planning to take part in the festivities celebrating the opening of Foster Road. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mn. M. Patt, 4507 72d street, March 1, at St. Vincent’s hospital. Mn. R. B. Walsh of Creston has been substituting at Jefferson high school during the past week. C. C. Hessemer ha* sold his house at 5617 45th avenue to E. M. Maul. Mr. and Mn. Maul will occupy IL The funeral of Herbert L. Stevens, of Foster and Deardorf roads, was held Monday at Finley’s undertaking parlón. Work, which was stopped by the recent storm, has been resumed on the residence of J. H. Morris, 5616 44th avenue. Mr. and Mr*. J. A. Freeman. 4861 64th street, are receiving congratula­ tions on the arrival of a son bom February 22. Mn. G. L. Colvey, who left Mon­ day, February 26, with a friend for Fresno, Cal., by automobile, arrived safely Friday afternoon. E. A. Hartwell has moved into the house owned by Mn. S. A. Diet, 5505 37th avenue. Mr. Hartwell is the engineer of the Bender Ice company. Frank H. Griswold, of 498 East 28th street, father of Mn. W. L. Ormandy, of 5426 42d avenue, died February 28. Death was the result of cancer. Mr*. Edith Parson* is assisting in nuning at the Woodmere old peo­ ple's home. Eleven of the old peo­ ple are sick in bed with flu or kindred affections. Mn. Margaret Millard, 94 year» old, died Tueaday at the Woodmere Old People's Home. She has been there for many yean and had no near relatives. The women of laurelwood Con­ gregational church served luncheon in Lucky cottage on Wednesday. A number of the teachen from Arleta school were with them. The congregation of Arleta Baptist church expect to occupy the com­ munity unit of their new building by Easter. The main auditorium will not be done until later. The store of C. A. Darbe, 4904 Powell Valley Road, was entered by a masked robber Monday night, but the man became frightened and left without doing other harm than break­ ing the telephone connection. Judge Jacob Kanxler will speak at the Anabel Presbyterian church, March 20. The meeting will be held under the auspice* of the men’s club. Music will be furnished by Willie Schweitzer, 10-year-old boy violinist, and Mra. Ray Wilson. Two gipsy women recently robbed the Myrtle Park grocery on Foster Road, securing $9 and then went on to the filling station of R. Miller at 82d street and Powell Valley Road and stole $25. They were later ap­ prehended. On Sunday following this robbery Mr. Miller spilled hot water on his leg. The funeral of Mrs. Adela M. Kingsley, who died at Sellwood hos­ pital, March 2, occurred Sunday afternoon at Kenworthy’s chapel at Lents. The services were conducted by Rev. Owen T, Day, pastor of Arleta Baptist church, of which Mrs. Kingsley was an active member. In­ terment was in Multnomah ceme­ tery. Marysville P.-T. A. Meets The regular meeting of the Marys­ ville Parent-Teacher association will be held in the school building Friday, March 16, it 2:30 P. M. After the program and business session tea will be served. Near East Relief Benefit The Mount Scott Mental Culture club will give a silver tea as a benefit for the near east relief at the home of Mrs. Stambaugh, 1174 East Oak street, Thursday afternoon, March 16. Rev. J, J. Handsaker, state director of near east relief, will speak. There will be some excellent music. GOVEKNOR PAKKLK SGOKES THE RIAN I.OUIHIANA EXECITIVK 18 PRIN­ CIPAL 8PEAK ER AT CHICAGO ANTI-KLAN CONVENTION A NATIONAL MOYEMENI CONFERENCE IS CALLED FOR MAY 1 TO DEAL WITH SECRET SOCIETY Chicago, IB.—By N. C. W. C.—A national convention, at which leading men of all creeds and political affi­ liations will be called together to make a national fight for the sup­ pression of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, ia to be held in Chicago about May 1, as a result of a cor.- fe*ence i*'d here in connection with the opening of a six night ”*11 nations anti-Ku Klux rally” begun here Mon­ day evening, and continued at the Coliseum all week. The opening attack on the hooded secret organization was made by Gov. John M. Parker, of Louisiana, who uncovered and ia prosecuting those responsible for the Mer Rouge mur­ der*. Gov. Parker addressed close to 20,090 persons jammed into the Coli­ seum. He was followed by former Senator Leroy Percy, of Mississippi. Both of them denounced the Klan a* an un-American association and a menace to the peace of communities and to national unity and discipline. The plan of the national movement to prevent sworn Klansmen from occupying public office in the United States was made at a conference preceding the mass meeting and in­ volves the following tentative pro­ visions: Plan to Suppress Klan The calling together of leaders in the north and south in a national gathering in this city, organizing every community throughout the United States against the Klan, and arousing the people generally to an appreciation of the Klan’s menace. The organization will be non-poh- tical and non-sectarian in its mem­ bership, and its purpose will be to prevent the entrance into public life of all who have by their Klan oath foresworn their loyalty to the consti­ tution of the United States, which guarantees full religious liberty. One of the first battles of the or­ ganization will be to prevent the seating in the United States Senate of U. S. Senator-elect Mayfield of Texas. The six night all nations rally was called by the American Unity League, the anti-Ku Klux organisation formed in Chicago by men of all creeds and of which Attorney Patrick H. O’Don­ nell is the president. Monday night’s meeting was presided over by Judge Michael L. McKinley, chief justice of the criminal court, who has barred Klansmen from jury service. Gov. Parker’s Appeal On the platform with the speakers were many of Chicago’s leading citi­ zens of the type of Jacob M. Dickin­ son, former Secretary of War. They applauded the attack on the Klan made by Gov. Parker, when he said: “You people should arouse your­ selves to the menace of this mons­ trous thing. It is up to you to act and to act immediately and drastic­ ally. “Every State in the Union should declare itself against masked men and mob violence in such unmistak­ able terms and with such severe penalties that none would dare wear the hood and robes that conceal mur­ der and outrage under a traitorous pretense of law enforcement. “The Klan ia endeavoring to tear assunder community ties and life­ long friendship, by injecting into our lives issues against which Washing­ ton, Lincoln and Roosevelt repeatedly warned us. “The time has come for the most drastic action conceivable. “The Ku Klux Klan has as much right as any society to organize, but no organisation has the right to work under cover of darkness, hoods and masks to commit crimes and out­ rages and take us back to the ages of barbarism. We cannot at this late date mix religion and politics, thus tearing families and communities as­ sunder and creating bitterness and discord where peace should prevail. “The Klan is a menace to the poli­ tical liberties of the people. It strik­ es at freedom and religious con­ science. It pretends to punish lesser offenses, but instead commits greater crimes. It is the deadly enemy of law and order.” Gov. Parker charged the Mer Rouge murders to the Klan and dec­ lared that because of the secret machination* of the Kian, it would be impossible to punish the guilty. He asserted hia belief that even the grand jury would be prevented from indicting the guilty men. He said: "The acts of the Klan at Mer Rouge show us to what uses Klan ism may be put. No one who read* of Mer Rouge can doubt that the time has come to unmask the Klan forever, to compel its members to stand out and be judged. “Actwi—vigorous action is needed. You men and women who love your families and your country and its blessings—it is time for you to get to work against this menace. The answer is up to you.” Former Senator Percy termed the Klan a “monstrous, sinister piece of buffoonery." MOUNT SCOTT IMPROVEMENT CLUB MEETS The Mount Scott Improvement club met at the Arleta library Tueaday evening. An address on “Juvenile Delinquency” wa* given by W. S. Hale, probation officer. A resolu­ tion was passed by the club promis­ ing co-operation with other organiza­ tions of the southeast part of the city for the securing of a Community House at 7 2d street and 55th ave­ nue. Dr. Lu nd burg of Lents, pre­ sented the subject. It was decided to call the attention of the proper city authorities to the need of some safety device for pedestrians at 72d street and Foster Road. Five streets come together here and it is a wide, dangerous crossing. It also was de­ cided to invite Mrs. Florence Holmes Gerke to speak at the next meeting on plans for beautifying this part of the city. Girl Scouts Hike Last Saturday morning the two troops of Girl Scouts from the Wood- mere and Arleta school, under the leadership of Mrs. Ruth Demeter, hiked to Rock creek, beyond Clacka­ mas. Here the girls had a “weinie” roast, found some early spring blos­ soms and had a delightful time. On the way home in the evening they were fortunate in getting a couple of “lifts” in auto trucks which were especially acceptable to the younger girls. Those who went were: Mines Margaret Drew, Florence Beckelhy­ mer, Josephine Lehman, Pearl Howe, Ernestine Stoner, Pearl Watson, Fay Atwood, Fay and Frances Dillian. Virginia and Harriet Hanson, Doris Denham, Achso Powell, Dorothy Hyatt, Bonita Lamar, Shiela Cook, Bonnie and Nova Royce, Lucile Law­ rence, Olive Hobson, Esther Ander­ son, Evelyn Hill, Maxine Dickson, Sylvia Hoskin, Alice Johns. The chaperones were: Mesdames Lamar, Edwards, Demeter, Bryson and Miss Hobson. Sunday School Holds Social About 35 members and friends of the young married people’s class of the Kern Park Christian church, sat down to dinner together on Friday evening, March 2. After the dinnet a social evening was enjoyed and new officers elected. Mrs. W. Browning was chosen president and Mrs Sam Ennis secretary. Ward Swope is the efficient teacher of this flourishi lg class. Autoist Breaks Lad’s Leg A confused motorist broke 4-year- old Willard Heath’s leg last week. The child was playing near the Wil­ son Auto Service garage at Grays Crossing when the automobile driver, in attempting to drive into an alley, stepped on the gas instead of the brake. Local Man Makes Big Catch L. H. Fisburn, 4715 71st street, is with the Southern Pacific carpenter crew at Bay View a month. He re­ ports a delightful time fishing and clamming out of working hours. Among his adventures was the cap­ turing and landing of a large skate measuring about four feet across. Wages Lav Vrgiud Washington.—Briefs have been filed in the Supreme Court attacking the constitutionality of the minimum wage law of the District of Columbia. The case is of national importance because the attorneys-general of sev­ eral states have intervened in defense of the law. The law, which was passed by Con­ gress in 1918, creates a board which prescribes the minimum wages paid to women in the District of Columbia if engaged in mercantile establish­ ments. hotels, boarding houses or laundries. The minimum wage fixed was $16.50 a week. The decision will affect similar laws in twelve or thirteen state* in­ cluding Oregon. SOUTH MOUNT TABOR, RESER­ VOIR PARK AND VICINITY W. R. Lake, of 68th street, left for Ione, Or., last Sunday on a business trip. On his return he will stop at The Dalles and Goldendale, Wash., where he will visit Mr. Bolster, an old-time friend. C. J. Daily*, of 70th street, has been ill the past week with spinal trouble. O. M. Wingrove of Morton, Wash., was a visitor of C. W. Gray and family on Thursday. Messrs. Gray and Wingrove left Friday morning for a week-end trip to Rockaway beach to visit relative*. The annual meeting of the Third Untied Brethren church women’s missionary association, met at the home of Mrs. Junken, of 66th street. After a business meeting election of officers for the ensuing year were as follows: Mr*. W. Jarvis presi­ dent, Mr*. R. Senor vice-president, Mrs. G. Spangenberg secretary, Mrs. G. Bonville treasurer, Mrs. Jenken secretary of literature, Mrs. W. Stevens secretary of thank offering. The fourth annual tea of the Wom­ en's Missionary association of the four United Brethren churches of this city was held at the home of W. Jarvis, of 66th street, Thursday, from 2 till 4. An interesting musical and literary program was rendered, fol­ lowed by serving of light refresh­ ments. The Christian Endeavor will give an entertainment in the form of a rare musical treat, on Friday, March 16, at Joseph Kellog school at 8 o’clock. P. W. Davis, a musician of national reputation, will play his “triple-toned, golden chimes.” All music lovers should attend. Elvira and David Steel entertained the Science club of Franklin high school at their home on 58th street Wednesday. The reception rooms were beautifully decorated for the occasion. Lively games and dancing were followed by a delicious supper served at 12 o’clock. The Hi-Y club spent a very enjoy­ able week end at Seaside. The club motored in three cars. At Astoria the boys took pictures of the burned area. The Franklin high school 0 giving the big Postumble dance in the gym March 9. This promises to be a .merry affair. Frank Vaughn’s orchestra will play. The Kle Kloe club will give their initial hop at the Portland hotel March 17. This weeks’ issue of School Daze was printed on green paper, and dedi­ cated to the 300 freshmen who entered school in the February term. The funeral services of Mrs. E. Bell were held at the East Side Fu­ neral Directors’ parlors Monday, 4. Mrs. Bell died on her 32d birth­ day, March 2. Besides her husband she leaves a son, Oswald, and daugh­ ter, Mabel. Mr. White, of the Arleta theater, is showing three pictures next week that have been indorsed by the na­ tional picture league. Your children will enjoy seeing these shows. Herbert L. Stevens Dead Funeral services for Herbert L. Stevens, manufacturers’ representa­ tive, who had resided in Portland for 13 years up to his death Friday at his home at Foster and Deardorf roads, was held at 2:30 o’clock Mon­ day afternoon in the Finley chapel. Knights Templar were in charge of the services. Interment was in Green­ wood cemetery. Mr. Stevens was 59 years of age. Survivors are his widow, Alice M. Stevens, and three sons— Earl L., Howard C. and Bruce E. Stevens, all of Portland. He was a member of Lents Masonic lodge No. 156, White Shrine No. 1, Mount Scott chapter 110. Oregon commandery, and Al Kader temple. His former home was in Auburn, N. Y. Mr. Stevens was for several years pro­ prietor of the Stevens department store at 5807 Ninety-second street. GOUKT HEARS Of OREGON STATUTE NEW YORK ATTORNEYS INTER­ VENE IN NEBRASKA CASE BEFORE SI PREMB COURT FREEDOM Of EDUCA HON REPRESSIVE PROHIBITIONS SHOULD BE KEPT OUT OF THIS FIELD The attention of the United States supreme court has been called to the Oregon compulsory public school at­ tendance law though no case directly involving the law ha* been presented to the courts. There is before the supreme court a Nebraska case aris­ ing o8t of a statute forbidding the use of foreign languages in the el­ ementary school grades and it was in connection with this that the Ore­ gon law was brought to the notice of the court by William D. Guthrie and Bernard Hershkopf, New York lawyers, who, as amici curiae, were permitted to file a brief in which the Oregon law is declared to be in conflict with the fundamental prin­ ciples on which American institutions are founded. Mr. Guthrie and his associates said that it was not their purpose to at­ tack the Nebraska statute. “It has, however,” they added, “been urged in the course of this controversy that the police power of a state over the education of minors is virtually un­ limited ; that a state may make educa­ tion it own exclusive monopoly, and that it may prohibit any instruction of children in addition to the studies prescribed by it for all With these contentions we most earnestly differ. “Were there no more than that however, we should, nevertheless, not feel warranted in importuning the court in causes not our own. But, unforunately, the views to which we have alluded and which we deem des­ tructive of individual liberty and freedom of religion, have already found legislative expression in an enactment of thy'Ynoat serious charac­ ter and far-reaching effect. In Nov­ ember of last year the people of the State of Oregon, acting under the initiative conferred upon them by the state constitution, adopted a law which attempts to abolish and pro­ hibit, with some trivial exceptions, all instruction of children in private schools and to compel all the chil­ dren of the state to attend the public schools, the desires of their parents and guardians to the contrary not­ withstanding—and in Michigan, Okla­ homa and California efforts to enact similar laws have been made but thus far failed of success. » • * ‘It is undoubtedly true that the state may prescribe certain minimum standards for the education of minors. It may also prohibit certain species of additional instruction duly found to be inimical to the public welfare. Perhaps, therefore, it may be right for the legislature to declare that a foreign language shall not be taught to a child until after it has passed through the eighth grade. We need venture no opinion one way or the other upon that issue. But it tran­ scends anything reasonably required for the decision of the question to argue (1) that the state may take all education of children to itself exclusively, or (2) that it may prop­ erly forbid any and all instruction of the child which is in addition to the prescribed course of study. “The logical outcome of the latter contention is perhaps, its own best refutation. Such a rule would not only prohibit private instruction of a right and healthy child in music, the arts and athletics, beyond or in addition to what was prescribed by the state, but it would also make unlawful the private teaching of reli­ gion to children. That that would be unconstitutional, we submit, is not open to doubt. If there be any field of human endeavor in which sweep­ ing and repressive prohibitions are almost certain to be unjustifiable, we submit that it is the field of ed­ ucation.” Bride-ElectEntertained On Thursday evening, March I, Miss Stella Hulse, 5229 41st avenue, gave a miscellaneous shower for Miss Jennie Lee, bride-elect. About 60 were present and many beautiful presents were received. Miss Lee is employed at the Tabor exchange of OVERSEAS SOLDIERS BURIED the telephone company. W. Edward Sherrow, aged 27 years, an overseas veteran, was buried Mon­ Mr. Lynde Remodeling Building J. F. Lynde is preparing to remodel day afternoon with military honors, his store building and flats at 6142 in the soldiers' plot of the Mount and 6150 Faster Road. This is made Scott cemetery. A squad of soldiers necessary by the fact that in grading from the Vancouver barracks fired and paving Faster Road, his build­ a volley. The funeral services, held ings were left about two feet above in the parlors of Holman ft Sons, the sidewalk. Many of the merchants was conducted by Rev. J. F. Ghorm- on the south side of Foster Road find ley, pastor of the Kern Park Chris­ themselves in the same predicament tian church. Sherrow, at the time of since the paving is completed. ” ' his death, was in the middle west