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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1923)
I mt Scoti herald KDl’CATKD MEN Fur Faasiliea With CbiMrea U. G. Dewell., pure baser of the eight houses formerly owned by the Emergency Fleet Corporation, Lo rain. O.. has announced that he would not rent any of them to families without children. "I'll do better than that," Dewell said. “To each baby born in my house» 1 will give a 85 savings ac- count," l»ewvll said he was prompted to make this offer because he had read an advertisement offering houses for rent at 82 a month leas to familiea without children than with. "That does not give the kiddies a show,** he said. Why Pay More The accomplishments which make up an educated man may be enum Than 7c and 12c lor a loaf erated under five heads: Knowledge, Published Ewary Frida.' *» Portland. judgment, talent, taste and manners. of bread .’ Griggon 1(1) Knowledge mean» the perception We hake the best of pies, cake«, of facta, truths or realities as the rooktr». French pastry. LAWRENCE D1NNEEN. Editor materials on which Judgment can be exvrvised (2) Judgment means a JTA SARFA l.Vh’C.HES estimation of these facta, Entered as secund-rlass mail mel right truths or realities in themselves, and ter February 14, 1914, at the post- office at Lent». Or . under act of eon- tn relation to each other. (3) Talent means the power of the facultiee to 6232 Fan/r Jfoeri groas, March 3, 1879. acquire and retain knowledge and to SUnset 2463 add to it. and then to apply it prac Subarrtptlon Trice . 4L» » Jrtgr tically to action of production (4) Ta»U- means the perception not mere ly of things in their useful aspect, M12 Ninety-second Street but in their ornamental aspect, so as Phone SUnset 2T28 .to embrace or adopt what is beau tiful, and to avoid aad repudiate Reporters—Mr». S. Gray. 3549 Sixty- what is ugly. (5) Manners mean» Optometrist and Optician eignth street. S. E., St sect 1609; the regulation of one's actions, ac CALL R. HEYT1NG, pnone «25-47.; Morrison Handsakrr. 560.3 Forty cording to the standards of taste.. for sand and gravel delivwed at a { 351 Morrison Street fourth avenue S- E., SUnaat 2814; so as to present oneself agreeably reduced price. 17-tf Lawrence Ihnm-en. 4827 Ninety-sec to others. A man begins to be an educated 45 Step* Want From Broadway end »inert S. E-. SUnset 47S2. man as soon as he poaaesaes some WORK WANTED—Able-bvdied man thing of these elements. will de any kind of *orlt. 6227— EDUCATION With Carl Greve, the 96th Street Quebec Icgialaturea Prayer The ptwkleat at California Vol Square-deal Jeweler i Below is the official prayer offered vs rally. Dr. Dartd Barrows, in aptte in the Quebec legislature. Hou pleas MT.;SC0TT TRANSFER CO. of his official rou »action with a pub ant it must be to the God of na lic Inatltatioa of learning, is able to tions. That it ia answered can be 5757 46th St. S. E. SUnset 4021 A'rtV snj Seiomi H uh J Seuiitf see the value ainl irairurtanoe ut main seea from the uniform justice of J. S. Miller. Prop. taining the private »-haul He Is Quebec's law». "Almighty and eter Daily trips to Mount Scott and nal God from whom come all power quoted as saving In a re-ent address and wisdow, by whom reign all lent*. Stand. First snd Taylor sts., FOH SALK CH RAP "I do not took fur groat dlaceveriee kings and through whose inspira Portland. or new idiu ta sriecaiion to come out tion they make just laws, look upon Trade in your old one on your new of public Inetltattvaa Leak Into the u, here assembled in thy presence to Singer at a liberal allowance. history of America and you will And enact laws for the welfare and Grays Crossing Barber Shop prosperity of our province; and that nearly all of our great Ideas were grant us we beseech thee, most mer 6407 Sîd street, next the metal work. privately conceived ar that they am ciful Cold to deaire nothing but what conform.» to thy holy will, which we anaied from private cultag«« CHILDREN S HAIRCI TTING, 25c "I do B*X want ta eee A martr aa -d are to follow with prudence, which John J. Conboy, Prop. we are to learn with care and ac ncallou stereotyped Men and «omen complish with perfection, for the be trained la honor and happiness of our country. Monarch Furnitur« Polish for should tn many cat eeparate college«. —Amen.” Position Wanted By "We should be tn ICE A uality. and this we Practical Nurse COAL private colleges" I Specialist in WOOD Education has to LIME process In the great Maternity Cases ✓ CEMENT versttlee It is not «ncemuMa in Dr. 1 Phone Si nnet 1308 PLASTER Barrows' institution to find several LATHS hundred students In a class Mani FEED r testly under such roadllioae there can R. and M. fob that DANCE Franklin Barber Shop Millers’ Service Station Delaney’s Orchestra HAIR CUTTING. FACIAL MAKSAOINU AND HAIR HOHHIM) Associated G A S O L I N E >' O I L 8Sd and Powell Valley Read Phone SI'»set 2164 W. M. Donaldson 6436 Foster Road, at Aileta Watchmaker and Jeweler When your watch ■tires you trouble bring II Io me. Delay may rauae more trouble. Are you a* are that in the coOrue of one year the balance of your Watch makes 157.tWO.OOO revolu- toons? Think of it In time the oil gums, produces friction ami wears away the delicate bearing*, destroying the high finish and per fect fit, thus ruining an accurate tipi epiece. A clean and well oiled Watch means better time and longer serv ice. IV.n’t let your wntch run to ruin from neglect. Remember, my biisineaa Is the care of Watches and my opinion costa you nothing But SUU In Business HOME SHOP J. W. ADAMSON, Prop. 4849 84th 81. 8. E.. Cor. 49th Ave. MAIN 7728 Formerly at 8221 Foster Road Only th* b«*»l material for your ahora M. L. NOBLE & SON For Dressmaking 6254 FOSTER ROAl) MRS. PAXTON Groceries and Fresh Meats 8015 Foster Road We grind our own hamburger and our own sausage THE BENJAMIN STUDIO MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY * Every Sitting a Study** View Work. Home I’ortrnita, Kodak lini.hing 64.35 KISTER ROAD DRESSMAKING GRAYS LADIES* TAILORING CROSSING MRS. N. J. BRENNAN Sheet Metal Works 4938 Ninety-seventh St,eet 8. E. (Next door to the Callin'» residence) Your inspection invited at the (¡KEEN HILL DAIRY LETTING THE JOB 80071. H2d St. A Thrift Year SHOE Now nt 5631 83d Street GET MY PRICE BEFORE Make 1923 Bet 4Mb aad Nib Sts. .mN... Scotty’s Express ACCESSORIES GEORGE A. JIGGAR ... Burned Out! all kinds of Dr. Patrick F. Mahar IJW DIVISION TAbor 0647 Eastern and Western Laurelwood Bakery Classified Ads wk arit tAUsi in Phone SUnset 3442 74th and Foster Road Perfectly Pasteurised Milk, Cream. Whipping Cream and lluttenuilk Short Stories HOUSE'S RESTAURANT be little education beyond what the student give* himself Indifference to the lndivldusl student Is f.wied on the instructor by the neevsstty of the case. In this regard the smaller urhoois have a distinct advantage. L. C. Pullen, owner. F Get the habit of expressing your i L feelings with— 0 FLOWERS w E The Nippon R Florist Co, S Phone SUnset 3571 When you want to borrow money on your property see OTTO & HARKSON Bldg. “Here, boy. take these flowers to Mis» Fannie Honeysame, room eight." “My, sir, you’re the fifth gentle man wots sent her flowers today." "What’s that, you grinning dub? What's that you say? W—who sent the others?" "Oh. they didn't send any names. They all said. ''She’ll know where they come from." "Well. here, take my card and tell her these are from the same one who sent the other four boxes." '• INSURANCE Division Bakery give thought to the matter. In regard It I» ot interest to know the late Jobs Waaomaker. taia- merchant, suggested In his will a portion of his estate be used We are like bricks, made of clay; illd " a home tor boys In the city and wv are not fit for use in the City hiladelphhx. whose misdemeanors of God until we have been shaped m subjected them to the law and. the mold of His will, and have been burned in the fires of affliction.— Austin O'Malley HAND-BRAIDED RUGS ARE EASY TO MAKE 50th and Division Streets Pay our new shop a visit We have white, raisin, rye, wholewheat Pullman, French and twist bread. Variety of rolls, too. IVr the original French coffee cake come here You Can Earn My wishes for you this year I Per Cent on your savings. STAPLES—The Jeweler OPTOM ETRISTS—()I*TICI ANS I)o It Now! 266 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon Multnomah State Bank Constipation lent», Portland. Or. is the forerunner of nearly all human sickness. I Every Saturday and Sondai, French doughnuts and pastry. Cantilever Shoes Make It Possible Could you do Walter Camp's famous "daily dosen" with your feet strapped to boards ? Ordinary ahoeg are like boards on your feet. Your areh cannot flex in them because they are reinforeed with steel between the leather» of the «ole. Ask year shoemaker to show yeu when he is reenllng a pair of shoes. See how impossible it is tn bend them nt the arch. A Cantilever Spring Dr. Dougiae Stewart a leading pecmlMg. any»: "The foot ia a canUlever spring so made that when it ia allowed to function normally it earriro the body with the great eat poeaible ease and rwilieneei" The Cantilever Shoe ia maria with a flexible areh which permits the cantilever spring cf your foot to function normally. It gives that e.iec and rembence which char acterise a perfect carriage. Thia can only be accomplt»hed by giving perfect freedom to the muscles of toe foot. The flexible areh of the Cantilever Shoe fits snugly, while it fotmte a natural rapport tn the instep. Makes life Earner Cantilever Shoes give an added seat to vow pleasure» and lighten the dailv round of your duties. They are stylish as well as comfortable The modish, rounded toe and the medium heel are worn by voren who are particular about wearing rvrrect clothe«. That youthful, swinging step Is made preriMe by wearing Cbinti- Ivvers. Buy a pair tomorrow and know what it means to walk miles or at your every-dx - work without fatigue ‘‘Remember, everybody liies candy” Special Valentine Brick Ice Cream for that dinner party. PLUM PUDDING Order early FRANKLIN CAND. SHOP 1394H Division St.. Near 50tb LAUER REALTY CO. Give us a trial I Richmond Plumbing & Heating Company 1078 Division Street Francis E. Nandie PHONE TAbor 37M Proprietor TAbor 7236 ----- M I L K----- Cleanliness—Quality—Flavor Scored 99 at Stock Show. Novem- i ber 1922—winning third prise James Burdette Sl'naet 3287 Dairyman MATT GREENSLADE Wagon Repairing You may get the famous 2-J Powder Soap at the fol lowing stores: STEW ARTS« ROGER Y l oMer Road. SUnart 2424 D. C GEDDE« 6405 R2d St. SVnrt 3503 L. L. DUER A SON 5010 72d St. Sl’nset 1353 BROWN'S GROCERY «¡05 Fro'.er Road TA her 24.30 CRI M A ( XAMBERS 7136 55th Ave.. Sl’nset 4931 A SIMON SAN 29th Aw and 71st St. Sl’nset 2573 R. H. Hl'NR 1781 Belmont at 69th St TAbor 077» L T. BOEHM 271 E 82d » . TAbor 8685 FRANKS’ GROCERY 5537 Foster Road. Sl'nsrt 2644 CHISHOLM BROS. j'204 footer Road. SUnaot 2929 H. O. HlfhOX 5914 «2d St, Sl'nset 1283 YOE'S GROCERY S8C7 92d Street. 2-J SO AP COMPANY 343 Ruvsell St. EAst 0154 Waste matter remaining in the intestines sends its poisons throughout the body. Resistence is weak ened. Strength is undermined—colds, headache, in fluenza and other sickness are invited momentarily. The Old Way you feel constipated in the morning. You wait until night, then take a laxative of the old-fashioned, slow acting type—What follows? You wait till next morning for results. A whole dav lost! The New Way Fruit and pound cokt and all varieties of pie«» Have YOU a Youthful y^alk? Splendid Glasses Good Reading Make Candy Yonr Valentine Friendly Constable—Come. come, sir. pull yourself together; there's your wife calling you." Festive Gent—Wha' she call—hie —calling me—Billy or William? Constable—William, sir. Festive Gent—Then I'm going— hie—'»ne. From It to 14 years hare been added to the average human life in the last half century due to the prog reso of medical science. But MN0,- 000 persons still die in the United Hi a tea annually from preventable vaswvrmrw" v m, Sl'aaet 2517 — -■ Ix>ng Winter Evenings It’s all in getting started. MEALS AJID1LUNCHE5 NOTES AND NEWS The sixteenth amendment to th« federal const I tut ion given Cougreee "power to lay and collect taxes on In comes from whatever source derived " The ordinary man In the street road Ing this would conclude that Congress has power to levy taxee on Incomes from whatever source derived, but apparently that Is no« so for there Is now being proposed another constitu tional amendment to give C o ag r ise power to tax incomes derived from Mate and municipal boud*. which now I go untaxed. frJLLARD AVENUE fEED &FUEL CO. 128 Third at, bet. Washington and Alder sts. Just 1H blocks from “M-S" car. Good Health Start a savings account today. It only take» a dollar. After that you’ll, learn what every other depositor know»—that it's fun to save. Horsfshedofl à Gai. BtocksmltMmj CITRREY’S SYSTEM CLEANSER is a harmless water laxative and intestinal antisep tic. It really flushes th« system as only water laxa tive can do—quickly, gently, completely it removes the poisonous waste material. No waiting till night to take—then waiting till next mornir.g for results. Cuney’s System Cleanser taken on arising gives relief while the morning in yet young. It safe guards the health—removes the poisonous M’aste from the bowels without dangerous loss of time. Relief is certain and complete. Curreys Pharmacy grays crossing AUTO REPAIRING 9327 Feeler Rond LENTS We Deliver! Anything that’s good to eat: Groceries, Meats, Fish, Canned 3 T io a consoling thought to know that your dear one was laid away by a firm that does not con sider the service mere ly as a business trans- acting A. D. KfNHORIHY á CO fiatral Direttóri Day and Night Servi«« Ha«. 6I8-J1 A M9J-4 St L Goods—anything. U 0 0 MATHES man market J9JT NINETY-SECOND STREET S. R. Phone SI nari 12IB (lents) PORTLAND WE DEI.11 ER