mt. Scott fie raid I Am an American 100 per cent American Published Every .Friday at Portland. Oregon LAWRENCE DINNEEN, Editor Entered as seco nd -cl ass mail mat­ tar February 14, 1914, at the post­ office at Lents, Or., under act of con­ gress, March 8, 1879. Subscription Price - - -$1.50 a year I _ _______ - j 5812 Ninety-second Street Phone SUnaet 2228 (Editor’s “Yankee Joe” has exprvtiaed the proper attitude toward the alien—the attitude o( apprecia­ tion for the gifts his race hem made to humankind. Perhaps a little les* chauvinism. a little mure charity and toh rance are »hat «f need as Amer- lean», i wanted to Uap him cn the back and say, “Go to it, old man. America is yours. Help yourself.” Did 1 do it? Not much. For he was a Dago, and 1.—an American.—one hundred per cent American. Down on Washington street I bumped into a stalwart Englishman, j Now there is something about the English that strikes me like an ea-4 wind. They are xo calmly superior, and as this particular Englishman I gave me a cool, careless glance. I knew that ha was thinking, (if he saw me at all, which i «doubtfully) “only a blawsted Yankee, dontch y* know.” How- I ached to give him a hearty kick. Did I do it? 1 did not for well I knew that he would return the compliment with compound interest. But for the life of me, I can’t see why the English are mi stuck on themselves. They are made of common dust, like the rest of us, and as for ancestors they have noth­ ing to brag of, only a bunch of rub­ bers and murderers who crowded on to the tight little island and pushed the native« off. Wei! they had bet­ ter not try to impose on u*. We lick­ ed them once, and could again, so having regained my complacency. I stuck a cigar in my face, and saun­ tered down Aider street, humming to myself: I am monarch of all I sur­ vey. My right there it none to dis­ pute. For I am an American—One hundred per cent American. YANKEE JOE and how much you spend on various Items of the household. Um it your | “pleasure money” and chooxa whole­ some pleasures. If you like the the-1 uter. learn where to aee the good playa I at reasonable prices, and go consist- > ently. You must realize, early or late, I that if you have one thing worth while you may have to do without uther things not worth while. You must learn that sacrifice means sat­ isfaction. Deny yourself little things to get the big. "There's a poor man outside who want« «.»•«■•thing to eat.” “Give him some bread and pota­ toes.” “But he seenia to hare seen better | days.” “All right; give him a napkin, too.” —Karikaturen (Christiania). I am an American, one hunderd per ; cent American. One of my anc»«- Re porters—Mrs. S.iGray. 3549 Sxty- tore ‘>wr »» the Mayflower. It eighth street. S. E, SUnset 1609; [ is true that this ancestor's chief claim Morrison Handxaker. 5603 Forty­ to distinction seems to have been fourth avenue S. E- SUnset 2814; murdering the natives, but as that Make Candy Your Valentine Lawrence Dinneen. 4827 Ninety-sec­ was being done in those days, it was ond street S. E- SUnset 4782. ’Remember, everybody like» candy” pivbably alright. Anyway, I am Snecial Valentine Brick Ice Cream very proud of my Mayflower grand ■ NOTES AND NEWS for that dinner party. father. Where the rest cf my an­ PLUM PUDDING Order early cestor came from. God knows, I The Tribuna Italiana of Portland don't. Perhaps one of the grand- FRANKLIN CANDifSHOP carries the information that the fathers came with a price on his head, 13904 Division St., Near 50th Italian minictry of public instruction trying to hide his identity and his ia reducing its budget for Italian shame in the trackless, wilds of the ’S schools in Greece and Turkey by new world. Perhaps he took a wife 10,000,000 lire, and that it ia the gov­ from one of the Indian camp« with- ernment's intention to allot these 128 Third at., bet. Wnahington cut the smetion of church or state, 10.000,000 lire, in part, to Italian and Alder sts. I ami as he slunk through the winter schools in the United States and, in Just 1*1 blocks from “M-S” car. wood*, his hand against every man, ' part, to the organization of meetings MEALS AND. LUNCHES and every man's hand «gainst him of Italian professional men resident J How little he dreamed of the great in America. While this kind of props- j honor that was in store for him, that gar da, frankly acknowledged, is on a one day in the distant future he different plane from the secret propa­ would have the great distinctin cf ganda in which government» engage, being an ancestor to me, an Amer­ it ia distasteful to American senti­ ican. one hundred per cent American. ment and as it becomes known will It is highly probable that mcsA of react in a fashion unfavorable to the 50th and Division Streets the long line of grandfathers and Italian government. grandmothers came from all parts of Pay our new shop a visit It begins to look as though the the old world, some were ignorant WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE American press has forgotten the some were dirty, all were poor, but We have white, raisin, rye, debt tn La Fayette. Here is an edi­ in the heart of each, there had burn­ “Where do we go from here?’’. wholewheat Pullman, French and torial comment from the Washington ed for years, a tiny flame of hope The doughboy asked hi» friend. twist bread. Variety of rolls, too. (D. C.) Herald of January 22: “Ger­ that semetime they might come to “We are tired of the road we tread ! Ftor the original French cnffee man militarism was nothing com­ this- wonderful land, anil be free. We want to see the end." cake come here. pared to French militarism—a fool­ once heard on Irish lady remark that ish futile imitation. The stupid kaiser a true American was a mixture of “We went to the battle front Fruit and pound cake«, mince merely tried to be a Napoleon. When­ scum of all the earth, but of course And we fought the wary Hun, and all varieties of pie*. ___ _ ____ _________ that was only jealousy, as she was ever triumphant. France has made herself* a tyrant—the imperialistic, ■» «B« and not one hundred percent We lived for years in the mud and Every Saturday and Sunday. filth French doughnuts and pastry. militaristic menace of Europe. France American. Till they told us we were done.' The other day as I »as walking J it again sowing the wind, and she will Give us a trial reap the whirlwind. Her present down Second street, met an aged 'And when they called a halt. Jew. He was dirty and he was rag ­ course leads straight to another Blen­ We thought that we had won Francis E. Nandie heim another Waterloo, another ged, his flowing beard was long and Though we never found out, what unkempt, but somehow I forgot the 1 Sedan.” ’twas all aobut Proprietor rags and dirt. I seemed to see ‘he I And we’re not sure we are done." Bible pictures of my childhood Abra­ ARLETA BRANCH LIBRARY TAbor 7236 ham and Isaac. I ran the Judean “For France has crawled into Ger­ NOTES hills, where shapers kept their flocks many's bed Mis» Grace Anna Johnson, formerly at night. 1 saw* Solomon's temple | And is hogging all the clothes of the South Portland branch, has bee a an(j beatiful queen of Sheba And what will happen when Frits appointed children’s librarian of the bringing rich gifts to the king, an 1 wakes up. Arleta branch library. i wondered if this old man might Perhaps only the Kaiser knows. For those who enjoy a bit of fun not be of the lineage of David. A» ! in their reading the library has prov- I looked into his serious eye*. 1 “Will they eat each other up ided a shelf of humorous books. Thia longed to gain an entrance into the Like the cats of Irish fame? You may get the famous includes, humorous books of travel, chambers of his memory and to see Would anyone care very much of they poetry, essays and stories. ‘ the pictures hanging there, pictures did? Stewart Edward White’s new book, f the squalid home in Petrograd. • Would the world jag on the same? “On Tip Toe,” has been added to the I pictures of war, of famine, of pest­ at the following stores: book collection. This is a romance ilence and sudden death. And deep “Now Greece and Turkey and Russia STEWARTS GROCERY of the red woods. Ancient buccaneer­ in the innermost chamber burned a too 6040 Foiier Road, SUnaet 2424 ing methods are applied tn a modern tiny flame of hope, that some day Are spitting like alley cats D. C. GEDDES situation, with a bit of satire and he might come to this wonderful 6405 82d St., SUnset 3503 While even the neighbors, out here and be free. burlesque. at Lents L. L. DI ER A SON I wanted to bare my bead and 5010 72d St. SUnset 1353 Are trying to stir up spots.” grasp his knotted hand, and say, ROBSON’S STORE HELD VP BROWN’S GROCERY May “Welcome Father Abraham, 6305 Foster Road TAbor 2430 “Where do wv go from here? * Stick ’em up,” i« what two robbers the God of your fathers grant you CRUM & CHAMBERS Beyond the shadow of a doubt said to R. A. Robson, grocer at 48th peace and length of days, in this 7136 55th Ave- SUnaet 4931 We’ll go to the bug house mighty ____ ______ avenue and 92nd street, Saturday at ' land of freedom. Did - I — do .JI it? I’ll A. SIMONSON soon 8:20 p. m. i And. wisely, Mr. Robeon te]j the worH j didn’t for he was a 29th Ave. and 71»t St- SUnaet 2573 If we don’t watch out.” did, for there was a gun in ' a robber *■ ’s “ dirty Jew, and I,—an American one R. H. HUNK YANKEE FOX. 1781 Belmont at 69th St. hsnd. hundred per cent American. TAbor 0378 Two men entered the t-tore about In a rickety tenement down on the How to Cultivate Thrift I. T. BOEHM 8:2ft, asked for cigars, were waited waterfront, I saw a red-cheeked Irish First learn to distinguish between I 271 E. 8td St- TAbor 8683 upon, proffered their money, and were woman busy at her tub«. At her luxuries and necessities. You do not FRANKS’ GROCERY about to receive the change when | feet played several husky lads who need all you think you need, and cer­ 5537 Fo«ter Road, SUnaet 2644 the man cloeest Mr. Robson turned will one day be our traffic cops, per­ tainly not all you buy. You want CHISHOLM BROS. him about with his gun and took haps, one of them will hold down things because you see them—that is .5204 Foster Road, SUnset 2929 shop window» are for. Second, about $40 from the till. The men Mayor Baker's chair, and as tl.e | what learn to know good value. Learn H. O. HICKOX were unmasked. Mr. Robson says he mother worked she sang the heart where and when and how to buy. 5911 82d St- SUnaet 1283 could identify the man who held the gripping ar ng of old Erin, to her lit­ I.earn to know good meat from ba.i, YOE'S GROCERY gun on him, but he did not pay at- tle brood. It was a pleasant picture nourishing from the worthless. Learn 5807 92d Street. tention to the ether. in spite of its poverty, but it faded to judge clothing and shoes, and buy 2-J SbAP COMPANY good material—it payB in the end. and I saw the little hut in Ireland. i Third, keep track of your expenses. 343 R umc II St- EAat 0154 GIRL SCOUT NEWS I saw the long years of grinding toil, Know how much it coat« you to live and ’em ¡starvation. I saw the lit­ A new troop of Girl Scouts ha.? is* hoard in the old teapot, that gre.v been organised at Woodmere school j so pitifully and ao slowly. For in with 40 girls enrolled. the heart of a young girl in that hut The Girl Scouts of Arleta school 1 there burned a flame of hope that gave a bazaar, February 2 at the 1 some day she, too, might come to this school. The proceeds were $32.50 I wonderful America and be free. How -vhich were divided equally I svanted to sing out, “The top o’ the Near East Relief, the Arleta______ Parent morning to ye, cousin. Welcome to Teachers Association and the Girl the land cf freedom where all your Scouts. Some fancy work was left , dreams may come true.” Did I do When going East you may include and wa3 offered for sale at the it? Not so you’d notice it, for she that longed-for trip . to California at Parent Teachers meeting Friday. was an alien, an Irish emigrant, and practically no additiv additional cost. The Giri Scouts also told candy at I, one hundred per cent American. You may choose one of several de­ the meeting. The Troop of Girl lightful routes each distinctive in Down in the market, at a fruit itself. Scouts went Saturday, February 10, stand, I ran across a flashing-eyed for a ssvim in the Y. W. C. A. Tank. son of Italy. His dark face was alive Then, too, you have liberal stop- over privilege«. with hap pines and ambition, aw he Four “Shasta Route" trains are at Herbert Lilley, and Ernest Tepdin darted about, waiting on hi» custom­ your service every day. have installed radio sets in their ers and raking in, *da mon.’ But Let your local ticket agent furnish houses. the market faded and ill its place I detailed information, time tables Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Arton are saw the pride, the power, and the booklets, or write. entertaining evening guests quite glory that once was Rome. Perhaps JOHN M. SCOTT frequently, listening to radio concerts one of this man’» ancestor was a General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon from Colorado, Idaho, California, and Roman senator, perhaps one of his many other points. grandmothers was a famous beauty A Good Time Mrs. Hilbam of 89 street is enjoy­ in Nere’s court, who watched with But the ing a visit with her son, Edmond him while Rome burned. to Visit the empire fell, ax all empires most, Kilbam, from Werner, Idaho. WEST COAST A baby daughter ha» arrived at the which forget God, and there came —OF MEXICO home of Mr «had Mrs. Stevenson, 53 stalking down the age«, the triple Low ro avenue and 89 street. furies of war, famine and peetilencc. ticket« And deep in the heart of this boy Feb. 14th- there burned the tiny flame of hope that some day he might coma to this wonderful land and be free I r HOUSE’S RESTAURANT Division Bakeiy 2-J Powder Soap Possibly You ’t Know R. and M. FOB THAT DANCE Franklin Barber Shop Millers’ Service Station Delaney’s Orchestra MAII CVTTINU, FACIAL MAAMOINtl ANU tlAlt IMiBHINU «1 »FBCIAlJM IN Aiaociatrxi G A S O L I N E TAbor 0647 ( I B«i. 4*th «o4 Htk $u. U«e 8IM8IUN . Eastern and We«tern O I L But SUU ia Buiness Burned Out! all kind« of Scotty’s Express ACCESSORIES HOME SHOE SUOI’ Now nt 56.31 N.3d Street 82d and Powell Valley Road Phoae SUnaet 3l«4 MAIN 773» Formerly at 8221 Faster Road W. M. Donaldson M. I. NOBLE 4 SON 6435 Foster Road, at Arleta Watchmaker and Jeweler «354 FOSTER ROAD Groceries and Fresh Meats When your watch give« you trouble bring it to me. Delay may cause more trouble. Are you aware that in the course of one year the balance of your Watch make* 157.680,000 revolu­ tion«? Think of it. In time the oil gums, produce« friction and wean away the delicate bearing«, destroying the high finish snd per­ fect fit, thu* ruining an accurate timepiece. A clean and well oiled Watch meant better time and longer «ent­ ice. I>on’t let your watch run to ruin from neglect. Remember, my buxineas ia the cate of Watch«« and my opinion conta you nothing our own hainburjcrr nrul our own »ausa#« Wr GRAYS Only th« beet material fur your ahoee For Dressmaking ---- bee ---- MRS. PAXTON MH& Fueler Road THE BENJAMIN STUDIO MODERN PIIOT4M1RAPHY * Every Sitting a Study“ View Work, Home Portrail«. Kodak Finishing 6435 FOSTER ROAD DRESSMAKING LADIES’ TAILORING CROSSING Sheet Metal Works MRS. N. J. BRENNAN 493« Ninety-a«« «nth Street H. E (Next dour to the Callin'« reeldenee) GET MY PRICE BEFORE GREEN HILL DAIRY LETTING THE JOB Make 1923 SI naft 1075 Your inspection invited at the 6007', H2d St. Phone Ml'mael $441 74th and Fuater Road Perfectly Pasteurised Milk, Cream. Whipping Cream and Buttermilk A Thrift Year Good Health !.ong Winter Evenings Splendid Glasses Good Reading My wishes for you this year Start a saving» account today. It only take» a dollar. After that you’ll karri what every other depositor know»—that it’» fun to save. It’« all in getting started. You Can Earn I Per Cent on your savings. STAPLES—The Jeweler OPTOMETRISTS— OPTICIANS 266 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon Do It Now! Multnomah State Bank Constipation I^ntz, Portland, Or. LAUER REALTY CO. is the forerunner of nearly al! human sickness. Waste matter remaining in the intestines sends its poisons throughout the body. Resistence is weak* ened. Strength is undermined—colds, headache, in­ fluenza and other sickness are invited momentarily. i HEAL I JÍTATE The Old Way CITI PBOPBKTT la« FAHM» SUnaet 3883 WIR TSad »tr«e< FIBLAND BTATKIX you feel constipated in the morning. You wait until night, then take a laxative of the old-fashioned, slow acting tyjie—What follows? You wait till next morning for results. A whole day lost! Richmond Plumbing & Heating Company 1078 Divirion Street The New Way PHONE TAbor 3760 CURREY’S SYSTEM CLEANSER is a harmless water laxative and intestinal antisep­ tic. It really flushes the system as onlv water laxa­ tive can do—quickly, gently, completely it removes the poisonous waste material. No waiting till night to take—then waiting till next morning for results. ----- M I L K------ (lex n linens—Quality—Flavor Scored 99 at Stock Show, Novem­ ber 1922—winning third prize' James Burdette Sl'naet 3287 Dairyman Cuney’s System Cleanser MATT GREENSLADE Wagon Repairing taken on arising gives relief while the morning is yet young. It safe guards the health—removes the poisonous waste from the bowels without dangerous loss of time. Relief is certain and complete. Horseshoeing A Gen. Blacksml I hint) AUTO REPAIRING 9327 Foater Road LENTS DR. P. J. O’DONNELL Currey’s Pharmacy EXODONTÏA Phone«—SUnset 1510 (office) SU next 1818 (residence) Cor. 92d and Foster Road GRAYS CROSSING Painter-Decorator D. H. LETCHER We Deliver! 8439 FOSTER ROAD SUnaet 4075 «007'4 82d St. Anything that’s good to eat; Groceries, Meats, Fish, Canned Goods—anything. I U0D MATHES HI & II MARKET 5927 NINETY M