Ü 0/ 0 * _________ Subscription, $1.50 the Year. LOCAL HAPPENINGS Mr. Charlea Parker la un a ten day trip to «astern Oregon. .Mr. and Mr«. F. H. Sharp vi*ii>«l hie imrenta in Gresham on Sunday, .Mia* Elaine Handsaker baa bven suffering from un attack of brun- chiti*. A »on, John Franklin waa born tv Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Mackcnsie on January' 6. LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1923 MOVING PICTURE HOUHE NEARS REVIVAL AT BRENTWOOD NAZ- IRENE CHURCH COMPLETION The seats of the new moving pic­ ture house The Star, being built at Archer Place bv J. G. Wjtwerng, are being put in and the theatre will be opened In a short time. Much rffort has been taken In the interior decorat­ ing. Tlie wiring for the building ha* been done by Robert W. I arson for­ merly of 1-ent i and v ell known there. A revival campaign in the Brent­ wood church will commence Sunday at 11 a. m. Rev. Sidney Love of Den­ ver, Colo., will preach. George Hillis will lead the singing Rev. S. Ixid- low will huve charge of the testimony meeting«. Evangelist Sidney Love fat a South­ erner with the South’* courteous manner toward* men and women. He i* fiery in hi« denunciation of sin. He preach»« the full gospel in the old-line way, with the old-time power. Special service« »rill be held for pray­ er to heal the sick and afflicted. One of the remarkable thing* ac­ complished by this Evangelist in hi* ministerial career, was the placing vf Bible or Testament in the hand of every prisoner in hia state. Thi* caused a distribution of 7542 Bibles and Testament*. Sidney Ixive ha* addressed »me of the largest men’s meetings in thia country, served as chaplain on the French front, engaged by the Victory Liberty Loan committee of Portland a* one of the «peaker« to put th» 1919 drive over. ............... " ' '■■■ Impressive Statue of Lincoln ■ - VOL. XXI, No. 6 — 16 BILLS PASSED IN 4 WEEKS AT SALEM With But Two Weeks of Ses­ sion Left Legislature Must Speed Up. b T an emphatic negative vote, t|)* bouse killed a houee bill providing tpr the retirement of judge* of the su­ prema court of Oregon and payment for the remainder of their lives of two- thlrd* of the salaries they draw at the time of retirement. The retirement qualification* were that th* retiring judge should have served at least M year* a* a judge, of whieh time 1> year* must have been aa a supreme court justice. L'r S. D. Brigg i of Creston Is re­ Hurd's bill to prevent motion plo- modeling hi* »um« i rx- nonce at Fair­ ture distributora from forcing con­ About fifty boye are out for hare­ view. tracts on exhibitors of motion pictures bell at Kellogg. Several trama will The Arietta Parent Teacher«’ Aaso- fixing the price on films passed th* be formed. meetlng, Friday, Feb. 9, in the as­ bOUM. V. H. Reine king, of 48-12 Bth street, sembly hall of the school, at 2:30, A Hurd Mid the bill wa* designed to ha* returned from a buaineaa trip to talk was given by Mrs. A. L. Dustin protect the small movie man, who, he Washington, D. C. on "Moving Pictures." declared, is unable to keep hie house The Industrial department of the Mr. and Mra. Milliam Jesse of flirt open and maintain the chargee often Women ’ s Kociety of the Arleta Bapt ­ atrvet moved recently to a apart­ demanded by distributors. ist church meet*, Wrdncwlay, Feb. 14, ments on the west aide. The house by unanimous vote gave at the horn«- of Mr*. Cover at 1Ü Frank Sharp, of 4837 doth street, it* approval to house bill 231, which han been called to (indum on ac­ o'clock*. in effect provide* that where places S. L. Rarm-tt. of 8804 48th avenue, count of the aerioua illness of hia handling foodstuff* are found by the spent the week-end at Eugene, at ­ brother. dairy and food commissioner to be un- tending the evangelistic meeting* Rev. J. P. O'Flynn «latea that the Mnitary, change* shall be ordered and being held there by Rev. August Hun- Uizaar held at St. Peter's church last dernp. the inspector shall post a notice upon Friday anil Saturday waa very a uc­ such establishmenL truck or vehicle John Briggs of Creston returned ee na ful. to the effect that It 1* condemned tor Tuesday evening from a surveying further use because of such unsanitary Mr. and Mm. Al. Mcttonald of flOth trip near St Helens. His return I* KENDAL STATION NEWS condition, "which notice shall not be atrvet have returned to thia commun­ occasioned by several fret of snow. removed from any such establishment, ity biter a stay of about a year in Mrs. Hunter returned Sunday eve ­ Mrs. A. L. Dustin of 4511 71st st, place, truck or vehicle until the Mme Tacoma. ha* b-en giving a «erics of dinner ning from a few day» visit at Gres­ has been put in a sanitary condition.” Mr*. Mary Witliama left Friday, parti»* in honor of the return of her ham. Marriage Bill Defeated. Mr. and Mr*. George Worthington February 2. for her home in Ruma, mother from the East. By a vote of 18 to 11. the senate have traded their three-acre trace after visiting Mr«. Nel»<*n Lawrence Hall Bill Tabled. defeated the Riepper bill providing here for a half interest in the Mon- of 4010 Both afreet. With the tabling of the Hall bill in that persons desiring to marry shoujd BOYS KEPT OUT OF COURT tavilla garage. They will move thi« Altar Society of St. Anthony'* the senate the issue of consolidation file a written application with th* week. The Daniel Chester French 175-ton statue of Abraham Lincoln, in the church will give a card parly at th« of state departments stalled In the j county clerk at least ten days be­ People living in Mount Scott will lie maaeive memorial at Washington, compared with a human figure. Re ­ Mrs. Otof and children spent Fri­ home of Mm. Harwim, 8829 44th Ave­ please-1 to learn that only one easy day in Portland. flections on the statue come from stream* of bright eunllght pouring between senate last week The Hall bill, pass- ; fore Issuance of the license. The bill nue. next Tueaday evening. age of which was urged by Governor originally provided that the applica­ of delinquency among boys was re­ Clev* Battin has been on the sick the huge pillar* at the entrance of the memorial. The Men'* fellowship club of the ported to the court of domestic rela­ Pierce, waa laid on the table by a ( list the past week. j vote of 17 to 11, and It is generally be- ' tion should be filed 30 days prior to Presbyterian church met Friday at tions during January from thia dis- the issuance of the license, but thi* Rev. Ghormley preached last Sun­ humanity to which be gave bl* life.” the home of Mr. John Wakefield. Vf tiict according to Cheater A. Lyon. lleved thia action means the death of section of the measure was amended day at three. Rev. Williams, from In connection with the above, I am Dawley led the diaeuaaion. the bill, so far aa the senate la con­ to read ten days. Mr. Lyon ia now working 18 ,li*- Gladstone, will preach next Sunday at reminded of another Inspired and In­ cerned. On Wednesday evening, Rev. Walter triets which représenta over 100.000 three. All are cordially invited. One of the administration law en­ spiring tribute to Lincoln, thia one In Senator Corbett Introduced a con­ forcement measures, the Eddy bill Van Nuy* presented the teaching population. Out of the 18 ten have a We are informed the property on verse, written by James Russell •taff of the Anabvl Presbyterian clean record. The districts having Hinkley avenue, known as the T. F. Lowell, whose most familiar stanza* solidation kUl. which tn qffyot brings creating a fund tor use of the gover­ aU the fqnotlone of the state govçrn- nor, passed the senate with only EUis church with a coronation service. canes reported to the court are: Wool- Norton property, changed hands thi* run: ment under the supervision of the gov­ and Hare voting against It. A class play waa given by the stock one, lent* one, Arleta one, Haw­ week, being traded for a home on Nature, they say. doth dots. ernor, secretary of state and state graduate* claaa of Creatun school on thorne one, Kenton two, St. John* Sandy Boulevard. And cannot make a man The bill provides that 75 per cept On February 12, every »« here over treasurer, who sit a* a coqypisrion of | of the tines collected from violation* on soma worn-out plan. Wednesday evening. Diploma« were one. This shows B total of seven case* Mrs. Hawley served an excellent this country—la It* school* and its Sava Rapeatlns us by rota: presented to the graduate* by the for the 18 district*. dinner Tueaday to her women friends, public gathering*, or In the silent rev­ For him har old-world mold aslda aha three to administer stale affair*. Rep­ of the prohibition law go to the corp­ resentative Carkin, who joined with Mr. Lyon stated that such a good here in honor of her mother, Mr*. erence of the hearts of It* hurrying principal on Thurwfay evening. threw. ties for law enforcement purpose* and And choosing sweat clay from the breast Senator JojHWQP in the introduction 25 per cent to the state treasurer for Mr>. Edith Ludden and son, Ben- record would not be possible if it Hunter’* birthday Covers were laid throng»—the people pay tribute to the Of the unexhausted West, , memory of Abraham Ltneoln. on the With stuff untainted, shaped a hero new, of a consoUdstion bUi In boyi hoqaes. j use of t^e governor in employing spe­ m-th, who have been living with Mr«. were not for the co-operation of tâte for twelve. R II. Walsh for the past several parent*, principals of school*, min­ The Taxpayers league will give a one hundred and fourteenth anniver­ Wlae, steadfast tn the strength of God. bas ore$arod a cotSolldayon MU of cial agents and for other expense of sary of hie birth. And I think that, al­ and true. hl* own, wyob djffejTradically tçjjn Valentine ball, February 14 in the most Instinctively, will conic the uni­ months, removed Saturday, Feb. 9, to iate ru and teachers. law enforcement. .. ’ x. the Corbett bill, in tjat It leave* the Mr. Lyon request* that any parent His waa- no lonely mountain-peak of apartment* on the weat aide. Community clubhouse. Proceed» will versal longing that be were with us The bill has the emergency claq»e. mind. in Mount Scott «vanting help with secretary of stat.q apd tre^urey Senator Eddy’s bill making (papers The parent teacher* association of their boy problem to feel free to call be used to help buy «wings flor the again today, with hl* sympathetic un­ Thrusting to thin air o’er our cloudy out of the scheme entirely apd diVest* school childcn. All are welcome. A bars, derstanding of men, kindly philoso­ liable for Ramage to {xighways by Kellogg school gave a party in honor upon him at any time. Hi* telephone phy and far-seeing vision, to help guide A sear mark now—now lost In vapor* these two oÿoâijfutional officers of all moving fprm m^iosry over them {^s of the graduation claa* Thursday number may be found in the telephone Lents orchestra will play, blind; thé au«uor|iy and duties they now lyive passed the senate. Under the biy, u* through the problems and dangers Broad prairie rather, genial, level-lined. Mrs. Clara Smith »pent a few dny.- evening to which nil graduate« ami book. tn couneotldn With the adnlitiistretion the farmer may obtajn consent of the of the reconstruction period. Fruitful and friendly for aU human kind. in Portland the past week, viattfn,- paicnta were Invited. There were 24 But as we do so, we should realize Tet also night to Heaven and the loftiest of state buslnoM as members of the countl court Or Hie highway compjU- the Randolphs. stars. graduate*. that tlie reverence we now accord hl* board of control. MT. SCOTT CHURCH ACTIVITIES sion and if he complies with the rulps Rev. W. E. Rambo took lunch with WOODMERE PARENT-TEACHER Minted memory ha* been the growth The sentiment In both houses seems laid down by them is not liable f^r The place of Abraham Lincoln In of years, and that In hl* life, fully a* Rev. J. F. Ghormley, pastor of the Kern Park Christian CIRCLE history Is not only secure, but it is to be In favor ofSearrangement of the damages AJso, he may use the high­ much as In hl* death, he suffered the one which will grow from year to year. Krrn Park Christian church, Wednes­ Morning; “The Persistency of an ' state government, fnd efforts will be way for moving bis machinery with­ martyrdom which the world usually TheWoodmere Parent-Teacher Cit- His name stands first tn the Pantheon made to harmonize th* conflicting day and in the afternoon addressed Ideal”'; a »olo, "O’ Eye* That Are accord* It* saint* and seers. It Is not out asking permission, but In that the Women’« Missionary Society of Weary," will be given by J. E. Law­ cle is enouncing a “Hard Times” Abraham IJncoln who ha* grown, but of this republic, and hi* star will shine views. case he la liable for damage. thst church. rence and the double male quartet dance to be given in the school Audi­ the nation which, with the passing down the vista of the centuries, a Ineome Tax Compromise ^IRply. Market CommlMlon Propotod. guiding light to all who follow. To the torium Saturday February 17th. year*, ha* come Into a realization of cause of liberty and equality, to the Income tax legislation piade no The Women of this community will will sing, "Since Jesus Come Into My A state market commission of three There will lie good music and an hie true greatness. I am reminded. In Heart. ” join with the missionary societies of nation and all humanity he gave him progress during the past *^ek. but a members to be appointed by the gov­ Evening: "Hymn* of the Reform­ admission fee of 35 cents will be thia connection, of the eloquent words self in life and death, and a Savior compromise measure U tlje making ernor, two of whom shall be real farm­ the < ther parts of the city In observ­ of Brand Whitlock, spoken regarding could not do more. That Is what con­ asked. and It is believed the v^figjjs factions ers, 1* provided for in a bill sponsored ing the week of February 11-18 a* ation." The chorus choir will giv*, Children accompanied by parent* Lincoln. In 1908, as follows: stitutes hl« universal appeal to the will be able to get together on a bill the Week of Prayer culminating in the "1 Will Praise Thee.” by Senator Zimmerman. "111* beautiful dream wa* not to be. will be admitted free, but will not common people of all nations and all all-day meeting nt the First M. E. The commission would be intrusted Shrewd, logical realist though he ««as, decade» and that Is why we should that will be acceptable to the legis­ be permitted on dancing floor. Anabel Presbyterian church on Friday. nevertheless he^was essentially an pause in our busy, work-a-day world lator*. with the diMeminatlon of information A large attendance is looked for, Morning, "The Guild of God.'” The Mclfahan bjj|, whio| was tt\e on marketing condition*, would be re­ Rev. Mr. J. L. Hcrdtner a Con Speakers at the young people’s and a good time is aesured all those Idealist, and hie Ideal waa too high, on February 12, to pay our humble too far. Mutual forgiveness. Immediate tribute to the greatest American. gdmlplstrgt^ou invpjjie tax fijja^ure, 1* quired to co-operate with existing agen­ gregational minister In Hood River society will be Miss Ruth Ramsey attending. reconciliation, brotherly love, were not being qsed aa the ba^ls fgr Uie com­ cies in the promotion of marketing of and formerly well known in this com­ and Mis* Rrendley. for hl* contemporaries, and their A CloM-Up of President Lincoln. promise Amendments have been farm products and would have juris­ munity died suddenly in his home on ANABEL GLEANERS ELECT hatred bore Its Inevitable fruit In the s^ld to hate the ap­ diction over all warehouses, commis­ The President stood at the door of drawn which Wednesday morning. He waa the Arleta Baptist. bitter days of reconstruction that fol- The Gleaners Society, the Women’s lo««ed. Because they could not under­ the second parlor, with a secretary be­ proval of Qpvernor Piercy. brother of E. A. Herwhner formerly sion merchant* and other agenoies en­ < Meeting temporarily with the Mapy bills deajlog wit£ ayeesrnent gaged tn the distribution of farm pro­ society of the Anabel Presbyterian stand him, the men of hia time reviled side him who gave him the names of principal of lent* grammar school and Laurehvood Congrational church.) church, elected officers. Wednesday, and ridiculed him, measured him by bl* caller*. Ann's first impression was and taxation have been introduced and ducts. now of Crouton school. Morning, Rev. R. M. Jone* will of his extraordinary height, for he they are still in committee. There are February 7, as follow*: President the standards with which they meas­ Senator* Smith, Taylor, Lafollette, Work was begun on Wednesday, speak. Members of the Glee chib of towered over the people about htm, Mra. J. N. Rosembery; Vice Presi­ ured themselves, and, in judging him, and then the amazing charm of bl* 85 such megsurqs in the {lands of the Strayer and Zlqjpiermap introduced a January 24 on the new wing of Kel­ Pacific University will sing. dent, Mrs. J. H. Wakefield; Secretary judged only themselves. Themselves face caught her; tragic, humorous, houee committee and 16 in the senate bi|l tftgt would make the millage tax logg school. The new wing will he Evening, special music by chorus Mr*. J. G. Well*; Treasurer. Mrs. Impractical, they thought him Imprac­ distinguished and kindly; she adored cojpmittee, so that In the joint com- lVT C°r Oregon Agricultural college ready for occupation about the first choir. James S. Hogg. The retiring presi­ tical, who wa* the most practical of him. at first sight He was obviously tnittee on Msessment and taxation and the University of Oregon cover of September in time for the fall men; thought him Ignorant, who wa* dent, Mra. G. N. Beaumont, has held the wisest of men; sneered at him aa bored at the tiresome ceremony of there are 51 bljl*. The*e include all various egtpJpMon and experiment ac- Millard Avenue Presbyterian term. With the completion of the handshaking, but aa obviously deter­ tn* measures Intended to remedy some tivttíés gf thoey institutloa* as well Morning, "Lesson* from the life of the office for the past five yea ret uneducated—him on ««horn degrees and «ring, Kellogg will be a 22-room Rev. Henry White, pastor of the doctors' hoods would have appeared mined to go through with It with of the Ills of the taxpayer. And mure as the Institutions themselves. For structure and will he in Class A, Abraham Lincoln.” painstaking courtesy; he had a routine the Oregon Agricultural college, the Evening, The Whitney Hoys chorus Willard Avenue Presbyterian church pinchbeck and ridiculous 1 A* the of greeting. “I am charmed to see you are pppmieed. being one of the finest in the city. spoke to the Oregon Student Volun ­ There is little prospect of a sev­ btil would set aside 82)3,099.37 an­ scenes of the great ««ar receded, as will sing. here, ” he said, over and over, with a Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Currev Jr. and teer Conference at McMinville on the perspective lengthened and pas­ erance tgx, such as Governor Pierce nually for thi* purpose as a continu­ sion* cooled. men cam* to see how look of grave concern.—From “The suggested In hl* campaign. The gov­ ing appropriation and tor tlje stgte Eugene are now living at 810.1 59th Friday. Cortlands of Washington Square, ” by CRESTON P. T. A. MEETS great, how mighty, how original he enue. ernor wanted a severance tax on tlm- university the sum of 8135.538.78, the Janet Fairbank. MISFORTUNE COME TO FAMILY was A* slowly they grew In the na­ William Parrish has his new rra­ her on land not now on the tax roll. amounts to be subtracted from th* A park Rally and box social, wn» Armistice Day, Columbus Dey and The severance tax bill which has ap­ mtii*|e levy proceeds. The annual J. Brendley, of 5801 51st street, tional spirit he breathed Into them, aa ta u Hint on 92