íHt. ^rntt lirralù Subscription, $1.50 the Year. LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1923 COLUMBAN PRESS. INC, IN NEW I SOUTH MOUNT TABOR, RESEIt QUAR1ERM I VOIR PARK AND VICINITY TELEPHONE COPMANY INSTRUCTIONS ISSUE CHANGE IN PUBLIC SENTIMENT IS REFLECTED % G»mn VOL. XXI, No. 5 COMMITTEES SLOW IN REPORTING BILLS t ansa t Lon of the head* of the state university and agricultural college and limits the pay of professors. The Columban I’roaa, Inc., will movn Velma, daughter of Rev. E. O. The Pacific 'telephone A Telegraph 8alem, Jan. 30.—(Special corres­ Literary Test Provides. ^’< rk was begun recently on the Its plant this week to the Railway Ex­ Shopherd, is home from Philomath company has issued a pamphlet ex­ pondent)—Three weeks of the legis­ The senate by unanimous vote adopt­ change building, 26814 Stark street., college. Christian endeavor of Third plaining th« use of new equipent and lative aernion of 1923, or half its nat­ k wing of Joseph Kellogg school. ed the Clark resolution which would Unitori Brethren church gave a radio left It at subacribere’ premise» wher­ ural life, have passed and no far the With Half of Session Gone Only Is now wing, when completed In Ix-twoen Third and Fourth streets. provide a literacy test as a qualifier- The Mount Scott Herald will be dinner party at th» churrh Monday ever the subscriber is using a dial in ­ • ' for the beginning of the fall Catholic citizen has little to complain Six Unimportant Measures tion tor suffrage Ths measure ta- kn in tieptember, will make Kellogg printed at the above number here­ evening. Covers were laid for 24. t strument. Thi* pamphlet explain« of. There has been a vast change in valvee a constitutional amendment and Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Harrison of the few simple rules necessary to ob- public sentiment since the political L’-room building of Claaa A eon- after. Have Passed Both Houses. if passed by the house will go before The Herald's rwportorial staff will Taj-onia were week-end visitors of E. action. There are 590 pu|iil« en- ccrve In using the new service. First - campaign which ended last fall and the voters for action at the general .F )<*d thia aemeater, an Increase of continue tus heretofore: laiwrencc M. Hell and family, of Sixty-eigtr’h Consult th«- directory in orejer to se­ that change is reflected in the course Balam—When the legislator» as­ election In 1M4. A companion bill cure the proper telephone number be­ which both houses have wiopted since hit 40 students over last team. 'I’he Din neon. Sunset 4782; Mrs. 8. Gray, street. Mm. Dustin, of Seventy-first street, fore placing each coil. Second—Re­ a few days after the session opened. sembled Monday for the fourth week which covers the proposed test in de­ rhing force hoe remained the same, Sunset 1609, and Morrison Hand- of the session there was very little tail requires that before a voter eaa bhe Gleaners society of the Anabel saker. Sunset 2814. Any of the above is entertaining with a series of din­ move the receiver and listen for the The radical enemies of Catholics in and particularly Mr. Dinneen, the ed ­ to its credit In the way of bills passed he qualified he or she must pass a test ner parlWR in honor of her mother. dialing tone. The dialing tone is a ■bylerian church meet*, next Portland, where they can make a big itor of The Mount Scott Herald, will and seat ap to the governor. Only six la reading and writing. "humming ” sound which indicate» Mm. A. B. Crosman, who has just dnesday at the home of Mrs. J. D. noise, imagined that when their rep­ unimportant bills had passed both The senate refused to approve a Mil handle news, subscriptions, advertis ­ that that line is ready for the sub returned from an extended visit in Farland, 5231 Fortieth avenue, resentatives assumed control of the introduced In the house which provides Most of the failure to ac­ scriber to dial the number desired. It legislature program they would have houses New York and Boston. ite. J. W. Go* will speak on “The ing and other matters. for the physical examination of teach­ complish results during the first three la particularly necessary that sub ­ Elk» Lake and three other boys no trouble in putting through all 4 inese Side of Home Missionary.” ers tn the puMlc schools. The bill was NEW BOOKH AT LENTS BRANCH of Franklin high school left Monday, scriber» having party line service kind» of annoying and oppressive weeks Is attributed to failure of the referred to a committee for drastic |. h »I talent will be displayed at LIBRARY shall listen for thia dialing tone as it measures, but in a very few days committees to report out bills referred January 22, for a few days hike, « Tremont United Brethren chureh amendments. found that the balance of the to them for attention. The boye will not come in on the line if the they ■day evening. February 9, in the Another one of Representative Wood­ Vandenberg, A. H.--“G r e a t e a t going to Wabtum lake. str.te was not in sympathy with them With one-half of the session gone have not yet returned, and a party line Is already being need for another and that in order that Porta!nd might *n of a muaieal entertainmenL American," Alexander Hamilton. ward’s educational bills wont into the call. by without any legislation of major be able to obtain any legislation at JBper will be served from 6:30 till discard when the house defeated a pro­ "Washington stand» as the father will be sent out tomorrow in search Third—The new telepnonc directory all it« members must abandon the Importance, both houses must turn In posal providing for transportation of ■) o'clock. of hi» country, but his great aecom- of them. radical leaders and their bills and and do some real work this week if shows every telephone number with Five girls from Portland schools Bha. Ward Swope «poke before the phlshmenta were possible largely devote themselves to the bigger and they wish to keep the legislative pupils who reside more than throe ?rouver W, C. T. U. on Thursilay, through the constructive ability of who have distinguished themaelve» an office prefix and the first two better things which the state needs Thesis from being clogged late in the miles away from a school houee. through their efforts and success in letter» of that office prefix capi­ for its development. Dairymen, milk dealers and (llatrlbn lary 2f>, <«n the "The Menace of another, Hamilton. The house had an apparent ma­ session. Doubtless both houses will tors would be protected from the heavy conning class««, have organised a talized. These letters are capitalized Herford. Oliver — “ Neither Herd a Cigarrtte.” so-called All Star Canning club. They in order to call the attention of the jority of Ku Klux members and sym­ quit cutting oat Saturday’s hereafter, loss now suffered through the pur­ Homo*'» Missionary society of Nor There.’’ pathizers to begin with ar.d they had and In the future work Saturday morn­ “Who but Providence (or Mr. will join in making jam» and jellies subscriber to the n o esmity of dialing full power in the organizations of that chase and resale by junk dealers of • Kern Park (Siriatian church will ings and bold a short afternoon see- the capitalized letters a« a part of for sale, the proceeds to be for higher body so far as Captain Kubli could alon, instead of suspending activities milk bottles, proponents of a bill by ■1 a special guest day meeting M | Hoover) could ever have thought of study work. Margaret Stark la presi­ tach call, from a dial instrument. give it to them, but there has been Representative Meimll, which passed a churrh on Wednesday, February the happy expedient of providing each dent, Helen Dustin secretary. Other The two capitalized letter» of the quite a change and the house i» de­ Friday afternoon. and every Pussy Willow, not only in the house, claim. Bn>m 2 to 4 P. M. Special music At the close of the third week of members are: Elizabeth Dunning, prefix and the four figures are veloping into quite a sane body of A bill introduced by Senator Eddy ■ be given by Mrs. J. C. Ghormley the United States but also in Eng­ dialed in order after which either legislators. Marion county and east­ the session the house had a total of and amended by the committee ob Audrey Winchester and Elizabeth land. France, Belgium and even Ger ­ J Mr«, Ham Ennis. The topic will ern Oregon have furnished a power ­ the busy signal or the ringing signal 191 bills before it and the senate 104, Fehmbacker. group of members who have been a grand total far less than any ses­ roads and highways, provides that 3’Among the New Americans.” many, with a warm ftir overcoat ? will be heard. The busy signal is a ful And who but Mr. Herford would have farmers who obtain permission of the laboring in the interest of economy ^rhee to be given on the aubjiwt rapid “buzz-buzz" sound and indicates and fair play and they are getting sion in recent years. KENDALL STATION NEWS state highway commission to move as follows: “Benefit» and Peri's thought of mentioning it?” that the called station is in use. The good help from Washington, Linn, Not many of the bills before either heavy machinery over the roads on Stock. Ralph—“South of the Line." inmigration," Mrs. Ellen Knight; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson and ringing signal 1» an intermittent lume and Coos counties, so that the house are of much controversial mo­ the state and comply strictly with the Hurricanes and bananas ar«- incom ­ Imperativ» (Thailenge to the Mia.« Grace Haverkamp attended the "burring” sound the same as la heard “organization" is faced with the alter­ ment. and ought not to require much eh," Mr* L. Glover; "ftoeial patible, but Ilf» in the South Sen concert at the auditorium in Portland over a manual telephone and indicates native of being half-way decent or tipe for their disposition once they regulations as laid down by the com­ mission, shall not be liable tor any suffering defeat. )lems and Their Solutions,” Mrs. islands is fascinating in spite of the Sunday afternoon. that the called telephone ie being Tn the senate the radicals never get out of committee and up for Anal damage that may result The author cruise.1 I Mulkey Hchirk; others on the hurricanes. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones of Port­ rung. If the busy signal is heard had a chance of putting over any of action. Compensation for Shsrtffs. ram will be: Mrs. K. I. Dixon,) through the islands on his own ship Insurance Bills Missing. land visited Mrs. Jones’ patents Sun­ the calling subscriber should hang up their stuff this session. and hia enthusiasm for the tropics I Compensation for sheriffs or depu­ llulda Elie and Mrs. Ward the receiver and wait for a moment The Prevailing Spirit Some big pieces of legislation much ties injured in the pursuit of their is bound to communicate itself to the day. >*. or two before dialing again. If the On the whole the prevailing spirit talked of before the session have not Mrs. Hunter went to Greshhm Tues­ render. * Quickenden, formerly Miss ringing signal is heard and after in this legislature today is for useful, made their appearance. Particularly, official duties or for their dependents Ford, Henry—“My Life and Work.” day to visit frienda. in the event of death of one of these constructive legislation, for economy ord, who taught commercial sub- Mr». Ella Chirk left Friday for a a reasonable interval the called sta­ in expenditures and for the equaliza­ the measures bearing on the Industrial officials is provided tor in a bill intro­ Mr. Ford’» purpose in writing thia at Franklin high school up to book was not to toll bow he became short stay in Seattle. tion does not answer, the receiver tion of tax burdens. The only trouble accident commission, expect to come duced by Senator K Tepper, which seta ■ time of her marriage two years a multi-millionaire, but to give to the 1-e« Falkner's friends gave him a '.hould be hung up and the number ia that while all are favorable to from both sides of the fence, have not aside an appropriation of »25.000 for < has returned to Franklin. such a program, the subjects are ro been put in. One of these bills from people his ideas and theory of buai- surprise Friday evening, it being Ms dialed again a little later. this purpose to be administered by the hen a townbound Mount Scott neaa—"theory that look» toward mak­ birthday. The letter “O” in the sixth finger large and have been so poorly studied, the labor side would be to propose Industrial accident commission. that no man has a plan that even its 0" na derailed by a defective switch ing this world a better place in which hole on the dial is freqaentiy confuse! Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stewart at- author is fully satisfied with. But a constitutional amendment to make The tax on gasoline would be raised (Troston station Monday eve- to liver. Power and machinery, money tended the Ella* reception in Port­ with the figure “0” (zero) in the even if nothing definite is accom­ the act compulsory, and the other from 2 cents a gallon to 4 cents an* about 6 o’clock, traffic® wa4 and goods are useful only as they set land Tuesday evening. tenth finger hole. There is no oc­ plished at this session except a make­ from the employers' side would open license fees would be reduced on all for about two hours until us free to live." It is th».story of a Rev. Mr. Williams preached here casion for anyone to dial the lefier shift horizontal cut in salaries, the the act further to stock Insurance automobUte under the provisions ot lamage was repaired. Sunday afternoon instead ef Rev. Mr. “O" as It is not one oj the two first ground work will be laid for a per­ companies and self-insurance. While Ghormley. letters in any prefix used in Portland manent system which will come tiro measures covering both of these have two MJls introduced In the house by e Mount Scott Mental Culture j ears hence. Senator Klepper and Representative Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. McDonald It is necessary frequently to dial ths met with Mrs. F. R. MRoy, 2704 ARI.KI A LIBRARY NOTES consolidaii->n and the income been prepared, and have been at the Melndl. visited with Mrs. Loyd Sunday eve­ figure “0” (zero), but subscribers tax The fifth street Luncheon was measures presented are not suf­ capitol for some little time, appear­ Under the new license regulations, should remember that it must not be ficiently digested to insure the pass­ ances indicate that neither may ma­ sd at noon and in the afternoon The Portland Library association ning. if this bill is adopted, licenses for J. P. Nelson had lumber delivered confused with the letter “O” in the age of either of them and whatever terialize. nteresting program on "Jnpan’’ ha» secured Dallas Lore Sharp, the automobiles weighing less than 17op giren. Mrs. la*Roy was aasiated In famous naturalist, as one of the the past week for the building of a sixth finger hole as the letter need is enacted in this line will come Practically all of the general ap- pounds would cost *7.50 instead of *15 duties as hokteaa by Mr«. Webb speakers in its lecture series. Sharp, bungalow on Hamilton avenue, just never be dialed under any circum­ through pressure from the governor’s prtation bills have yet to come in. only as at present, and automobiles weigh­ office, as Governor Pierce feels that an intimate friend of John Burroughs, west of Eighty-second street. Electric stances. Mr* Pettys. the manner of his election makes one deficiency bill having been put ing more than this would be licensed ke music pupils of Mrs. Helen E. is to speak February 6 in Pythian lights also are being put in on Eighty- necessary some tangible measure through to save interest charges, and OUp LADY OF SORROWS PARISI! promising at least to give tax relief one of the measures to provide par­ for a flat rate of *12.50 instead of i»h and Mrs. Grace Jones united hall on “The Magical Q»ance.” The second and Stevens streets. on the sliding scale now provided to the fanner. Iving a recital at the Laurelwood following books by Dalia» Lore Sharp tially for legislative expenses. which reaches a maximum of *97. C ower mount scott church Governor Pierce is harassed day and Liegntionnl chuivh on Tuesday ir» In the Ar lets library; The Hall consolidation bill will take An Open Letter to Oar Friends The tire width basis of computing night by a small army of seekers ACTIVITIES “ The Face of the Fields. ” Ing. You are cordially invited to attend after appointments, the most insist­ its place upon the calendar of the motor truck license tees is abandoned “ The Fall of the Year." Our Lady of Sorrows* parish bazaar, senate for final passage this week. k>rk is progressing on the Arleta ent being the young Ku Kluxers who and a flat rate of *60 for motor trucks Anabel Presbyterian “The Spring of the Year.” which will be held February 8, 9 and supported him with a vision of the Senator Johnson, whose bill was and *25 tor trailers provided whek )iwt church. The old structure has Morning, “ The Demand of Religion." “Summit-.” 10. Thia event will mark the formal loaves and fishes. They have thronged sidetracked by the committee in favor | moved unto its new foundation, Wil 11 a Fostvedt will be the speaker opening of our new parish halL “A Watcher in the Woods." the corridors of the capitol every of the Hall measure, abandoned hja solid tires are used and *40 for motor ¿instruction of the new building trucks and *25 for trailers when four An excellent supper — adults 50 at the young people ’ s meeting. hour and are howling with hunger. “Where Rolls the Oregon.” plan of attempting to substitute his pneumatic tires are used. 11 i-in soon. cents, children under 12, 35 cent»-- All danger of troublesome attempts “Winter.” . will be served from 6 till 8 P. M., at radical legislation is not yet past, bill for that ot Senator Hall. The Hail Mra. J. Brindley of 6804 Fifty-firs* Tremont United Brethren Would Post Lord’s Prayer. Do you know that any Fourth of February 8. but it is safe to predict that anv bill received the indorsement of Gov­ IV" Th° boat tu two ri6ter»-in- July in Ft Yukon, Alaska (north Morning, “ What We Need and How A bill introduced in the senate by of effort to rush in last-minute stuff ernor Pierce In a speech in Portland Bazaar features of every- kind will f the society on Friday eve- tures of approximately 40 offices, league at 6:30 P. M., topic, "Chris- retary,” by J E. McLachlan. It originally was Introduced in tie Absent voters hereafter will Include God saw, but spake no word; n£| February 2. boards and commissions now opera ­ ti.-uiity Changes Caste,” missionary house by Representative Woodwarp railroad employes actually employed Yet overhead Marion Macintosh, of Fifty­ tive tn Oregon, was oritlcised severely and received tnvorabie oonaid ‘■ration topic on India. Evening worship, 7:30 LION TAMER MOVES In maintaining train service and ab ­ With food a wild-bird neat ward sped la a letter seat by Governor Pierce street, Is in the Sellwood hos- o’clock, theme, “The Unknown God." by that body. On love-buoyed wing. sent on election day if the bill which I vith appendicitis. to 0. J. Smith, chairman of the senate Dr. P. J. O’Donnell, who ha» main­ The third sermon of the aerie« on passed the bouse becomes a law. ways and means committee, and W. M t to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Olney, tained an office for many years on “Paul’s Visit to Athens." Prayer The young man who is born rich is Minors are prohibited from being And Io! there dropped a seed 19 I I'ifty-ninth avenue, January 26, the second floor of the building on meeting and Bible reading Thursday, D. Fletcher, chairman ot the ways and very apt to be particular about his Beside the way; employed in pub)io danoo halls either That night dew drenched it lay. means committee of the house. Cor­ hour» of labor, says a one-time poor the northwest comer of Ninety-second 7:30 P. M. Come. In connection with dances or furnish­ Then sank in earth. recting the existing evil by placing boy, now a millionaire. Not so the I Pauline Pratten, of 5430 Aixty- street and Foster ro«d, has moved ing the music for them, under the these offices, boards and commissions young man who has been brought up ST. PETER'S, LENTS MHtreet, has returned home after to a suite of rooms over the Mount Along the lonely road terms of a bill passed by the houee. upder the jurisdiction of the ways to work early and late. The young teaching several months near Dallas. Scott drug store on Ninety-second In later years. Enforcement ot the prohibition and Bazaar street. and (deans committees was suggested fellow who want» to get along ip the Heart-full of bitterness and tears, Rev. J. J. Handaaker, 5630 Forty- The annual bazaar opens midday narcotio drug laws of the state will bo A man passed by. Dr. O'Donnell enjoys a large prac­ by Governor Pierce in his communi­ world, and is particular about hia fo’irth avenue, spoke at Imurelwood Friday, February 2, and closes the put squarely up to Governor Pierce in cation. hours of labor, is on the wrong track. Methodist Episcopal church last Sun­ tice as an orthodontist- whatever that following night. Dinner will be served case two bllla introduced by Senator And all along the way is — and hia patients will now find It One notable feature of the present Employers don’t like the man who is Saturday from 5 till 8, prices 50 and Eddy meet with favorable constdera- day on his trip to the near east. Wild roses grew; much more comfortable while wait­ 25 cents. The church hall is located session Is the absence of "salary grab" always watching the clock. He saw their beauty and knew Mrs. C. W. Mollett, of Sixty-third Again, the poor young man, after at the comer of Foster Road and U oq by the legislature. ing their turn in the new office. bills Instead of increasing salaries buxines« hour», is more apt to try to God loved him still. 't, Is collecting clothing for near The house passed Kay's bill direct­ The doctor became famous as a Eighty-seventh street, on a paved the present legislature seems inclined improve himself than is the rich ■elief. the tax commission to levy each lion tamer during the recent election highway. Passengers take the Mount ing not