1 Herald Home Corner for sand and gravel delivered at a reduced price. 17-tf TAILORING AGENTS- All-wool suite tailored to order. 329.50. All- wool tropical worsted*, two-niece suite, 819.50. Wonderful value.«. »money for hustlers. Write J. H. TSON, Inc., Dept. 483, 83! W. Adams St.. Chicago. Chaatecler Salad It Bends! Can you do this with your shoes? Your feet should hsve as much chance to keep strong as vour hands. OrJv a flexi­ ble. snug-fitting arch can assure tnis muscular exer­ cise with the proper sup­ port. The Cantilever Shoe does this — is dignified and good looking as well. CANTILEVER SHOE CO. 353 Akter St Medical Bld«. I PORTLAND, ORE. 1 ICE COAL WOOD LIME CEMENT PLASTER LATHS FEED MLLARD AV 'ENUE F UELCO. L. C. Pullen, owner. Ante. 625-17 Feather Cocoanut Cake MT. SCOTT TRANSFER CO. One and one-half cups of flour, Auto. 646-21; Rea. 4322 90th Street seven-eighths cup sugar, two tea­ spoons baking powder, two table­ J. S. Miller, Prop. Daily trips to Mount Scott and spoons melted shortening, one egg. Lents. Stand, First and Taylor Sts.. one-half cup milk, one teaspoon lemon Portland. extract, one-half cup fresh grated eocoanut Bake in moderate oven 35 minutes; sprinkle with powdered sugar or grated cocoanut. BOUPB AND GARNISHES Position Wanted By soup la the attrac­ tive dish of the turol There are such variation that he la indeed to pl«-«** hard who canuoC And one to his liking. Vermont Chicken Soup.—Tabs ■ I X cupfuls well-eearon«*! chicken stock, add a Utth- grated onion, a head of lettuce ahredded and on« cup­ ful ot pea*. If the 1*?» are fresh, simmer until they sre done. Beat an egg. add enough bread crumbs to make a paste and shape Into ball» Drop the balls Into the soup and alm mer until well h««at««d; serve hot. Quick Bouillon.—Cut line one pound of fresh beef and a slice of fat port. Put into a saucepan with one cupful of cold water, one carrot, one onion finely minced, and cook fifteen min­ utes; then add two cupfuls of boiling water. Simmer for an hour, then Season press through s fine sieve, with salt, pepper and celery salt. Cheese Ball».—Take one-half cup­ ful of flour, half a cupful of milk, a tahleepoonful each of butter and cheese. Mix in a double boiler, cook until smooth and thick, add one egg well beaten and cook Ions enough to set the egg. Set aside to cool. Form Into balls the size of hickory nuts, drop Into boiling soup, cook five mtn utes and serve Immediately Leftover Meat Dish.—Put through the meat grinder two or three me dlum-slsed potatoes. season well, add one small onion also ground through the mest grinder. In a little pork sausage fat cook the potato and onion until well scalded then place in a well- battered baking pan with a layer of chopped roast beef and garnish with halv«w of c«M>ked pork sausage. Bake until the potato and onion are cooked Serve from the dish. See that all the potato water and onion Juice Is added for It will be ti*ed«*d for moisture. Coffee Cake One cup sugar, one cup molas3ei. 2 cups raisins, one teaspoon cinna­ mon, one-fourth teaspoon cloves, one teaspoon soda. Put the soda in the coffee, one cup of butter, one cup black coffee, one egg and five cups flour. Bake in moderate oven about 35 minutes. Practical Nurse Specialist in F ■ L 0 w E When you want to barrow money on your property see OTTO a HARKSON Rroadwav 6889 413 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. INSURANCE Don’t Forget Our Saturday Specials FLOUR CROWN OLYMPIC WHITE RIVER DEL MONTE $1.85 a Sack For the first time in history a woman, Mrs. Annie L. Swynnerton. a painter, has been elected an aaaociate of the Royal Academy of England. Grays Crossing Barber Shop 60*7 82d street, next the melai works Chldren’s haircutting, 25c Milk, Federal, Carnation, Bordens........................ 10c R S Phone Auto 635-71 They found them mere efficient and effective than several other competitive samples shown. Phone Broadway 5781 and have sample light installed. Wiring service and estimates given. For Sale 71M acres good land on highway, two miles from Winlock, Wash., a chicken, fruit and dairy eenter. When once you’ve given us some work we’ll please you so we know you’ll be back. That’s the way, ex­ perience has taught us. we’ve grown. “Pat and Jeny Franklin Garage Tavelli & Mack. 50th and Division Sts. Tabor 5603 Cleanest Easiest Best and not expensive Walsh Electric Co. 106 FOURTH ST. What have you in hou«e and lot, or equity in good house? Bet. Wash, and Stark Sts. BDWY. 5781 Or I will sell cheap, for cash. N. J. How to Make a Call From a Machine Switching Telephone After Saturday Midnight, Jan» 27 1. Obtain the correct number from the NEW Telephone Directory 2. Remove the receiver carefully and listen for the dialing tone. Dial the first two letters of office name (they are in capitals) 3. ....... -__________ .. the - and the four figures of the number in order. FOR EXAMPLE: to call SUnaet 0425 to call REacon 2981 dial S-U-0-4-2-5. dial B-E-2-9-8-1. to call Long Distance, Information or Rejwiir Clerk to call TAbor 3407 refer to the front cover of drectory to determine the projier code. dial T-A-3-4-0-7. Read the booklet "Directions for use of the Machine Switching Tele­ phone” delivered to you by the representative who demonstrated the use of the dial. ; The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Sam Hanna 6360 FOSTER ROAD PHONE ALTO. 624 *5 Walsh’s Electrical Fixtur«^ Selected by the School Board? MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY ’ Every Sluing a Study" MRS. BRENNAN View Work. Home Portrait», Kodak 4936 Ninety-seventh Street S. K. Finishing 6455 FOSTER ROAD (N*xt door to the Callin’s roaldeneel r u»'»! wa.e 1 e» e ----------- — ■) _i . ■ — SF 1 HANDLE FEED AND HAY Get the habit of The Nippon Florist Co. btstki »« THE BENJAMIN STUDIO DRESSMAKING LADIES’ TAILORING My-T-Nice Corn.................. 10c HOW TO MAKE BEST OF LIMITED SPACE expretting your feelingt with— FLOWERS CITY PBtkTBBTI sag raXMa Phone Automatic *13-05 John J. Conboy, Prop. J HEAL UsrTATK Maternity Cases I 6eo. W. Grockwell, M. L Mtturopath/Spinaiagist The wonder cure for Rheumatism LAUER REALTY CO. Phone «38-83 ist* TM atwM rijn-AHn WANTED- Man. with car. to sell e complete line low priced TIRES AND TUBES; 3100 per week and expenses. Sterlingwurth Tiie Co., 3*91 Sterling, E. Liverpool, O. ltx may mail requests for recipes or ask any question* concerning recipes published. A Herald subscriber, a wenian versed in cookery, who desires to remain anonymous, will be do- lighted to publish requested rec­ ipe» or answer questions. ■ -The Editor The white meat of a cold boiled chicken. \ of the same bulk of chopped celery. taro hard boiled eggs, one raw egg well beaten, one tea­ spoon each of salt and pepper, one teaspeon of made mustaid, 3 tea­ spoons of salad oil, two teaspoons white sugar. M oacup of vinegar. Mince the meat wall, removing every scrap of fat, gristle and skin, cut the celery into pieces S inch long. Mix and set asith* to cool while you pre­ pare dressing Rub the yolks of eggs to a fine powder, add the .«alt, ;wpper I and sugar; then add the oil, grinding hard and putting in but a few drops at a time. The mustard comes next and let all stand together while you beat the raw egg to a froth. Beat this into the dressing and pour into the vinegar, spoonful by spoonflil, whipping the dressing well as you do it. Sprinkle a little dry salt over the meat and celery, tesa it up lightly with a silver fork, pour the dressing over it, toes and mixing until the bottom of the mass is as well satu­ rated as the top. Tum into a salad bowl and garnish with a row of white of egg and beets. Cut the white of the egg in rings, then cut through one side of the ring and lace then together in form of a chain; inside this chain put a row of beets cut in pretty shapes with a vegetable cut­ ter. Salads should be served the day they are made. In usitig oil as a mixture, always use it before putting in the vinegar, to avoid curdling, then add the vinegar, stirring all the time. Melted butter may be substituted if oil is disliked. „ KITCnm u Main 6500 January Clearance Sale Almost even' article reduced. These prices are as long as lots last and for JANUARY ONLY Outing flannel, 27 inches wide, per yard....................... 17c and 8c 35c outing flannel. 36 inches wile, daisy doth, now per yard........................................... 23c Percale. 36 inches wide, now per yard .................................... 14c 25c gingham and cloth. 36 inches wide, now per yard.., 21k 25c cretonne, 36 inches wide. now per yard........................... 18c 45c Pillow Tubing, 42 inches wide, linen finish, now per yard........................................... SSc 2*k- Muslin umbleached, 36 inches wide, now per yard.. 15e 25c muslin bleached. 36 inches wide, now per yard. ............... 19e Calico, 25 inches wide, now per yard .......................................... Sc Cheese Cloth, 36 inchest wide, now per yard.......................... 4c Blankets, pair...................... 31.50 «P 25c Cotton Hose for women, now a pair ............................. 20c 75c Silk-Lisle hose for women, now a pair............................... 30- |1 Silk Hose for women, now a pair........................................ 70c 31.25 Union Suits for women, now............................................ 95c 12 Union Suit» for women. . 31.50 30c Mercerized Hose for men, two pair .................................. 45c 75c Silk Hose for men, now a pair ...................................... 50c 30c Wool Mixed hose for men, now a pair................................ 20c 50c Wool Hose for men, now three pairs............................. 81.0« 75c Wool Hose for men, now a pair............................................ 45c 25c Ribbed Hose for girls and boys, sizes 5 to 6, now a pair............................................ 20c 35c Ribbed Hose for girl» and boy», sizes 7 to 10, now a P«ir............................................ 25c 25c Ribbed Hose for boys, sizes 5H to 7H, now a pair.......... 15c 50 pairs Shoes for Women and Misses Sizes 2*/t and 3 only $5 value, now a pr. 75c 100 pairs Fine Shoes for Women including the finest Kid Leather Shoes formerly priced at $12 a pair, now they go at $2 a pair FREE with purchase of $1 or over bib 35c baking powder FREE For particulars write 14 Corduroy PanU for men. now............... 83.95 85 All-Wool Pania for man, now.................................. 83.25 81.50 Overall* for man (Union Made), now............................. 81 M 31.75 Union Sult* for man, now.......................................... 81.3* 84 Union Suita for man, wool mixed, now ......................... 82.95 It Shirt» and I»rawers for man, now ................ 66c 83.50 Wool Shirts for man. now............... 82.56 10c Arm Hand* for man, now. .. «r 25c Gartens for man, now.,.. 2Be 35c and 50c Collar* for m«m. soft, six«* 14 and 16S, now.lOe Collar* for man. stiff and rub­ ber, »ixaa 14 and 17, now... 5c 50c Tie* for men. now............... 23e 75c Tie* for man. silk and »ilk knit, now.................................. 45c 25c How Tie* for men. now two for .. .*........................... 23c 83.50 Hate for men, now •1.15 84..»O Hate for men, now 81.95 50c Hate for boy», now. . 15c 81 Hat* for boya, now. . 35c 81.50 Plush Hnts for hoys and girls, now................................ 5Oc |2 Capa for man, now............... 75c 81.50 (Vps for man. now.,.,. 50c 82 I Irene Shirts for men. *ixa 14 only. now............................ 15c Canvas Glove», now a pair 25r W arm Gloves for women, men and children, now a pair 15c 50c Heavy Glove», now............. 3Oc 82 Corset*, alia 19 only, now. 25c 81.50 Coraets and llraaiera, all »iies. now................................ 50c 25c Children Waist», ail *ism, now......................... .. 20c Leather Soles........... 15e up Rubber heels, a pair................. 25c 100 Pairs Rublier» for wnmen, ................................. 50eand3*e 81.40 Cotton Ba’.te, ready stitched, 72x90, 3-lk. now.ll.W 15c Cotten Batts, H |b„ now.. He Shoe IsAcef, thrx» pain............. 5c Darning Cotton, ball................. 2c < MRS. L. MORSE SELLINGOUT *T pa ^ c Z t ™,> C00DS LAND GOODS 4*14 67th Street S. E. MEAN NEARLY DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES Small Store, Small Expense, SMALL PRICES BARGAIN STORE For uie woman who must use her bedroom as a llvln groom, a day bed will be convealent. Dreaalng tabla may be hidden by a »creen and with a few chain and a table, a cozy living room will result. Pink antin la need for th* window draperies. THE CITIZENS BANK Grand Ave. at E. Aider Streat 32 yearn old mcmbca FT3EPAL RESERVE SVSTEM Interest Paid on Savi ngs Safely Firat 6344 Foster Road THE HLRIED GIRL f A Tk V | Did you ever see any- L A Dll one jugt like you? I know a certain little girl Who’« always in a hurry; Clothes designed and made to your own individuality. Correct fitting \Mhen there is work that »he muat do She get» in quite a flurry. brassier« and corset* made to measure, using any kind ot boning. Did you She worries over all her tasks, So very hard »he takes them; know that that out-of-date, discarded suit will make over into a »mart She hurries ’round and upsets things, Or knocks them down and break/ street dress? ASK ME. them. MRS. GRAY. CALL «16 09 REDUCTION SALE F. E. JIGGAR & SON. 6131 9*th St. S. E. Comer Mfg. Co.—Rubber!red All- Weather Coats Second-Hand White and Singer Drophead Sewing Machines Monarch Furniture Polish I often wonder w-hy it is She has to hurry so. Perhaps because she leaves her work Till it has time to grow; And when it’s very very big, Flies at it huxry-scurry. If »he would just do things on time, Twould nave, oh, save, so much worry! * "We Would Appreciate Your Business' PRICE WAR IS ON BATTERIES RECHARGED 50c We specialize on battery and auto electrical equipment. carry accessories and radio supplies. bl V t N AWAT Under Shirts ar.d Union Sults for men and women................ Shoes for men, now 5^ 50c and Hats and Caps for men, now....... 300 pieces of women and chil­ dren’s wear, now...................... Handbags for women, now........*Z. Iieggins for women and men, now a pair................ 25c 15c 5c 5c 5c REMEMBER-These price» are for January only. Do not mi»» this »ale. You «ave 25c to 50c on the dollar We Yours for better service Red Top Battery & Electric Service Co Phone 625-52 Long Coats for women, now...... $1.00 Short Coats for women, now...... 15c Shoes for women, now. 3.5c and 15c Overcoats for men, now .......... $1.00 Every-day Coats for men, now.... 25c Working Pants, Overalls and Coats for men and boys, now 15c Pll/ry 1U/1V Eighty-second and Foster Road BARGAIN STORE - 6344 Foster Road