Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, January 19, 1923, Image 1

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    Subscription, |1.50 the Year.
The regular monthly meeting of
the woman’s missionary society of the
Arleta Baptist church will be held at
1:45 o’clock next Wednesday after­
noon. January 24, at the home of Mrs.
Edward liurke, 7126 Fifty-fourth ave­
nue. Mias laaiise Hundsrup, one uf
the state worker«, will speak on
“Woman’s Work in the State.”
The Mount Scott Mental Culture
Hub observed red letter day at the
house of Mrs. Griff tKng, 190 East
Fiftieth street, Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Alexander Thompson spoke on
the aholsrship loan fund and a de­
lightful musical program was fur­
nished by Mrs. Charts« T. Mcl’hsraon
and pupils from the Franklin high
school. A silver offering was made
for the scholarship loan fund.
An all-day meeting of the Gleaners
was held Thursday at the Anabel
Presbyterian church. The time was
spent sewing for Chlneee hospitals.
A union meeting of all the churchee
In the lower Mount Scott district will
be held at Arleta school 8unday eve­
ning under the auspices of the Arleta
W. C. T. U. The meeting is in th«
nature of a celebration of the an-
niversary of the enactment of th-
Volstead act. Music will be rendered
by the ch< irs, orchestras and soloists
of the various churches. The npeakrr
of the evening will be Mrs. G. L.
Buland, the state legislative secretary
of the W. C. T. U. There will be
several five-minute spssehes given by
iocal people.
Fieri McFarland left recently for
G. Ilowarton, who has been very
III, is somewhat bettor.
W. J. Marshall of lente moved
recently to Redmond, Idaho.
Mrs. Ward Swope and Mrs. L. IL
> uh back made a trip to Salem Thurs­
Mrs. Hattie Wlleon. 4129 Sixty-fifth
street, to one of The Herald’s new
A son wwx bom to Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Rush, of 6825 Fifty -al xth avenue,
January 18.
Martin Wesolowski left Tuesday to
accompany the body of his mother to
Wassau, Wla.
A «tewardship supper waa held
Wwtnesday evening at the Arleta
Baptist church.
Mrs. E. Heyting, of Eighly wrcorvi
• tnet, has been quite ill the past
month with pleurisy.
.Mr. Valrone, of 5403 Fortieth sve-
nue, was operated on Monday for
cancer of the face.
Mrs. M. C. Ix»ve, 4316 Sixty-seventh
street, who has been seriously ill for
the post month, is much improved.
Mr. and Mra, J. D. McFarland, of
6231 Fortieth avenue, returned recent­
ly from a trip to Seattle.
The Sunflower group uf the Girl
Scuuts of the Arleta school will hold
• bazaar the first, week in February. LOWER MOUNT SCOTT CHURCH
V. H. Reineking, of 4830 Sixtieth
street, returned home Sunday from a
The evening service* of all the
surveying trip of several weeks’ dura­
churchsa will be dismissed in order to
participate in union services at Arleta
The lxiyal Worker», the women's school.
society of the Kern Park Ch ria tian
Arleta Baptist
church, laid a carpet on the church
Morning, "The Nature and Growth
rontrum Wedneeday.
of the Kingdom of God." Evening
The baccalaureate ssrvicea of the services at 6:15. A program on
January U23) claas of Franklin high will be given-by the misrionary com­
school will be hold next Sunday at mittee. Mrs. 8. L. Barrett will be in
the First I’rsobyterian church.
A card party was given by the
Kern Park Christian
women of the altar society of St. An­
"Christian Education.”
thony’s church at the home of Mrs.
Ths chorus will give the anthem "lift
Ben Kuppmbender on Thursday.
Up Your Head«, O Ye Gates!”
A. E. Hamlin, formerly of Ninety-
Millard-Amu* Presbyterian
aeeoad street, ia now living at 831o
Morning, "The Strength of Unity.”
Fifty-first avenue. The family ex­
Fourth United Brethren
pects to move to the eountry in April.
At 11 A. M. Rev. Roes Evant,
The executive committee of the pastor, will deliver a chalk talk on
Christian woman's board of missions "The Gospel Bridge." Evening, 7:30
of the Kem Park Christian church met o’clock. "Fables."
st the home of Mrs Criff King, 190
Aaab»l Presbyterian
East Fiftieth street, Friday after­
At II A. M. W. J. Herwig, superin-
tendent of the Oregon Anti-Saloon
Mrs. Mae lasrrence Milne, former­ league, will speak on ‘ America's Op­
ly a resident of thia community, but portunity and the Present Crisis."
now manager of a ladies’ furnishing! Evening Rev. John Paxton, pastor,
house in Stockton. Cal., to visiting will peach, on “The Vitality of
h«rr on her way to New York on a Jesus.”
buying trip.
J. J. Hsndsaker, of 5690 Forty­
fourth avenue, returned Wednesday
The new church ball will be formal­
morning from a trip to La Grande
made in the interest« of near east ly opened next Sunday night with a
social, starting at 7:30 o'clock.
relief. He reports much interest and family
There will be an apron shower at
gm«! responses to the work in that the home of Mrs. Van Haelat today as
part of the state.
a bazaar benefit.
The parish recently has acquired a
The Arleta Parent-Teacher associa­
tion met at the schoolhouse Friday new monstrance, sanctuary lamp and
crib, but it is still minus a baptismal
A short program wax font and statue of its patron saint,
put on by the pupils of the school St. Peter.
Jim O’Leary is gradually return­
under the direction of Miss Clause.
Mrs. McGuire, of the court of domes­ ing to the land of the living after a
tic relations, gave an addresn that severe attack of pneumonia. Mrs.
Heyer was mother to three of his
was much appreciated.
The new little ones during his illness.
librarians of the Arleta library were
The condition of Mr. Leahy, senior
present and were Introduced to the of Foster Road is critical. Despite
«asociation. Tea sraa served and his burden of 82 years he still speaks
during the serving plana for the Girl affecUoFatdly of th<i Fenian davW
when he lived in the hills of Tip­
Scout bazaar were diicusSed.
Walter Gerald Stout, 18-montha-
(71 a re nee Stubb« has left for the
old eon of Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Stout, De La Salle novitiate of California.
of 5603 Seventy-seventh street, died Clarence will always be remembered
Monday evening, January 15. The fu­ as a boy of sterling character and
deep-rooted piety. This ia the second
neral waa held at the family home altar boy within six months who has
Wednesday afternoon at 1:30. The devoted himself to a life of religion.
nrrvices were conducted by Rev. Nicholas Deis writes often from
Henry White, of the Mlllard-Avenue Menlo Park seminary where he is
Presbyterian church. Many beautiful very happy.
The program of sacred music pre­
floral pieces expreaned the low nn.i pared by Mrs. Messenger was keenly
sympathy of a large group of friends. appreciated. Many thanks are du«
Interment was in Mount Scott ceme­ outside friends for their unselfish as­
sistance. Mins Manning brought a
Miss Ruth Gentry, one of the duct from Williams avenue; Mrs. Mar-
vick came from Irvington; Mias J.
popular girls of the community, left Freund «nd her good father from
yesterday for southern California. St Ignatius; Jewel La Valle from
She will he married next Thursday the west side, and last, but by no
evening at Pasadena to H. Paul Tal­ mean« least, Mike Brennan, who was
bott of Pomona, Cal. The ceremony reassured when he found Lenta and
Gresham were some miles apart.
will take place at the home of the
bridegroom's brother. Rev. Guy Tal­
Methodist Episcopal Church
bott. Misa Gentry has been much
Sunday school at 9:45 A. M., R. R.
entertained during the past two weeks.
Among those giving her uhowers were Calkins superintendent. Morning
the Pekaer club of which she haa been worship at 11 «’clock, “The Holy Sab­
an active member, and the members bath Day” will be the theme. Ep­
and friende of the Anabel Presby­ worth league at 6:90 o’clock, the topic
terian church. Mi** Gentry has been will be “The Rapidly Changing India,"
the organist at the Anabel church, a missionary toflfr. Evening worship
serving with great faithfulness and at 7:30 o'clock The pastor at this
efficiency and her work ha» been service will commence a serie« of
greatly appreciated. A miscellaneous sermon« on ''raul'a Visit to Athens."
shower waa given for her at the home Prayer meeting' ITmradny at 7:30
of Rev. and Mrs. John Taxton, 5525 P. M. A cordial invitation extended
Thirty aeventh avenue, on Wednes­ to you to worship with us.—T, H.
Downs, psfrtor.
day afternoon.
VOL. XXI, No. 3
City Commissioner Barbur, speak­
ing before the monthly luncheon meet­
ing of the lontof Bustnerg Meti'a
club in the Oddfellow»’ hall Wedneat
day. encouraged the club in ito effort«
to improve the district. He pledged
th« assistance of himself and the pub­
lic work» department of the city ia
obtaining necessary improvements.
Particularly did President Peterson
impress upon him the necessity of
having a sidewalk on Footer Road
from Eighty-second to Ninety -asc­
end streets. A number of accident«
have occurred here because pedes­
trians and machines must use the
narrow dark highway.
Marvin Hedge reported that Lento
probably could obtain two fire depart­
ment call boxes, one at Lento’ school,
if the club insisted upon it and that
the chances also were good for obtain­
ing some of the pres«mt fire ap­
paratus, about to be succeeded by
better in the downtown stations.
Chances for more street improve­
ment» were very slight, said Commis­
sioner Barbur, for 1923, but that he
hoped in 1921 more streets would be
pnved in this district. The reason
that there was little chance this year
was because the tax conservation
commission had so pruned the ap­
propriations that where 5,000,000
*<|uare yard» of pavement wax re-
nuerted, but 500,000 would be laid in
Mrs. R. Scott, of Sixty - seventh
street, who has been ill for the past
week, ia improving. Her little daugh­
ter has had croup and broncial
The ladies' aid of the Third United
Brethren church is giving a luncheon
on Wednesday. After 1 o'clock theie
will be a short business meeting.
Following this the members will join
in preparing some bedding for a
needy family.
Tuesday the Parent-Teacher asso­
ciation of Joseph K el log school held
a very interesting meeting. Mrs. A.
R. Crossman, president of the asso­
ciation who has Just returned from a
visit in New York, was present.
After the program, which consisted
of several good musical numbers, and
a talk on juvenile prctection by Mias
Hayes, a committee was appointed on
the Americanization survey, with Mrs.
W. I* Nelson, of Division street, as
chairman. Plane for the graduation
party of February, 1923, was dis­
Mrs. Paubworth was appointed
chairman of the committee. Thurs­
day will be bundle day; children are
asked to bring anything that can be
The ladies' guild of the St. James
Episcopal mission met last Wednes­
day. Officer» were elected for the
following year. Ml V Simmons id
again president, Mrs. McCrum, vice-
president, and Mrs. Velde, secretary
and treasurer.
This guild meets
every Wednesday at 2 o’clock in the
chapel, corner Thirty-seventh avenue
and Seventy-second street. This little
band of workers, through steady and
faithful endeavor, have won a kindly
feeling from the whole community as
well as members of the mission.
Mothers living in this neighborhood
and not doing their bit toward Chris­
tianity should attend these meetings,
and avail themselves of the opportun­
ity of sending the children to Sun­
day school, giving them their share
of religious training.
The first birthday anniversary of
the girls' league of Franklin high
school was celebrated last Wednesday.
One hundred girls were present, and
all joined in the games and dancing
after the program. The main feature
of the refreshments was a very large
and elaborate birthday cake, which
was cut and passed with due cere­
mony. Several girls found charms in
their piece of cake.
’School examinations started Fri-
-hiy and continue the following week.
The semi-annual senior prom will be
held Friday evening, January 19, in
the gymnasium. Elaborate prepara­
tions are being made for the affair.
There was an assembly of the
school on Wednesday; a program
was given in commemoration of the
birthday of Benjamin Franklin.
L. M. Quinn S*ll* Store
A. H. Morgan and wife, Mrs. Lulu
Morgan, have purchased the grocery
store of L. M. Quinn at Grays Cross­
ing. They came here from Woodburn
amt took possession last Saturday.
Watch out for good eats, is what
the women of the Lents’ Methodist
Episcopal church are saying to their
friends these days. They are plan­
ning a food sale for January 27.
The Pacific Telephone 4 Telegraph
company began early thia week to
deliver the now telephone directories,
which will be placed in use imme­
diately following the cut-over to the
new machine switching service at
midnight, January 27. Every sub-
scriber will have copies of the new
booklet delivered to him prior to the
cut-over. Warning has been issued
that the new directory riiould not be
used before January 28, because of
the large number of telephone changes
which will not become effective until
that date.
Delivery of instruction booklets in­
forming subscribers of methods of
operation under the machine switch­
ing system has practically been
completed. Personal demonstration
work, which has been conducted at
the home of each individual sub­
scriber during the past few weeks,
will be concluded within a few days.
Rev. Ghormley, Christian minister
from Kern Park, will preach at the
Community clubhouse Sunday after­
noon at 8 «’dock.
Dayman Trout, who has been visit­
ing his parent» for sometime, left on
his ship Tuesday for the orient.
Albert Hodges and wife visited hir
sister here from Sunday to Tuesday,
leaving Tuesday afternon for their
home near Hood River. Mrs. Hodges
has been in the hospital for several
weeks, but is now much improved.
Fred Johnson and wife and Mrs.
Riley Loyd attended church at Kern
Park Sunday evening.
The Taxpayers' league met Monday
night, 70 voters were present as was
Mr. Vedder, county school superin­
tendent. The school housing proposi­
tion was diseusged and a committee
appointed to investigate boundary
lines or the combination of this dis­
trict with Harmony. This t* s very
small district, with but 130 children.
The Parent-Teacher association will
meet Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Mil­
A. C. Conlee, of ths Hawthorne Ice lie Trumbull of Portland will be here.
company, has formed a partnership
with E. Soaah, of the American Ice
company, and they have purchased the
Crystal Springs Ice plant, the out­
When John J. Conboy bought the
put of which waa previously handled
Crossing barber shop, 6007
by the American Ice 4 Coal company.
The plant ia at Forty-sixth street Eighty-second street, next door to the
«nd Sixtieth avenue, Woodstock. Seme Grays Crossing Sheet Metal Works,
new improvements will be made im­ a week ago, a progressive barber
mediately to facilitate the handling of moved into the district. He has in­
stalled an electric vibrator and clip-
the summer buxines«.
Mr. Conlee lives at 6304 Ninety- per«k has thrown away the old tin
third street, and Mr. Soaah at 5727 pail in which enough water had been
Seventy-first street. Both have been heated to neutralize the cold in the
in the ice bumnesa «one time and they lather brush and installed a hot water
promise Mount Scott residents will system. The place has been cleaned
not suffer for want of ice during the and the added lights make it cheery.
John J. Conboy has been a barber 12
warm weather.
The firm name will be the Ameri- years, so when his- sister. Miss Mary
can Ice 4 Coal Co. Several good Conboy purchased a home at 6210
Eighty-second street five months ago
grades of coal will be handled.
he thought about going into business
here. Last week he did so. He makes
his home with his sister.
week of January 21-26 ia
week, During that week the
library will have on display a selected
group of most readable plays.
The following new books have been
added to the library:
"Pisces of Hate.*“ by Heywood
Brown. This is a delightful group
of essaya. The title is deceiving, he
doesn’t really hate anything very
much, but there is much good sense
in the comments on institutions,
transitory events and personages.
"The Iron Man in Industry,” by
Arthur Pound. In this book Mr.
Pound gives a calm discussion of the
industrial problem.
“In the Days of Poor Richard,” by
Irving Bachelier. This is a novel of
the founding of the republic—the
great event of our country's history.
“The Ladies,” by E. Barrington, is
a deft combination of imagination and
history, being a vocal interpretation
of charming women each in quaint
phraseology of her time, solving some
mystery which lingers around her
"Briary Bush,” by Floyd Dell, is a
story of modern marriage in which
two rebellious young lovers try to
keep their mutual freedom.
"The Judge,” by Rebecca West, has
as its theme a mother’s claims upon
the affection of her son in rivalry to
young love.
St. Nicholas—Stories of brave dogs.
Guenon—Tales from Scottish bsd-
High Egg Production.
Development of design, through
paper cutting.
Baldwin—children’s division of the
little Sunday school.
Dansany—Don Rodrigues, chroni­
cle» of Shadow Valley.
Pound—Iron man in industry.
Gather—One of ours.
Barrington—“The Ladies.”
Iiechdolt—When the West was
There will be a story hour at the
Is-nts’ branch library every Thurs­
day afternoon at 3 and 4 o’clock.
Carl Greve, for years diamond ex-
pert and manager of Staple» jewelry
store, has entered business for him-
self on Morrison ztreet, near Park
otreet. Mr. Greve is well known in
the Mount Scott district where he has
made many social calls and has waited
upon many of the people in thia dis­
trict, when Staples was on First
street, near Morrison, and later, on
Morrison street, between Third and
Fourth streets. Mr. Greve has re­
turned from a buying trip to San Marion Hershner, daughter
Francisco and will open his store next
of A. F. Herdhner, principal of Cres­
ton school, passed away Tuesday, Jan­
uary 16. She was 22 years old.
Frances’ life was mostly spent in
Portland. She was born in Corval-
The Electric Maid Shop. 282 Alder
Ils, Or.
street, won two of the 20 prized
She was a graduate of Woodmere offered in the national contest among
public school in 1914, Franklin high sale.**nen for the Royal Cleaner. E.
school in 1918 and attended Oregon B. Mill» won >375 in cash ar.d a >60
Agricultural college for three years, cleaner; H. V. Otter won >300 and a
majoring in the chemical engineering cleaner. The record is remarkable
when her health failed a when it is considered that but 20
year ago. Since then her health has prizes for the entire country wore
steadily declined.
awarded and that Portland was com-
Her lively and cheerful manner in peting against the large cities, Man-
health and sickness endeared her to ager Kumler, of the Electric Maid
many friends in sll the schools 3he Shop, is jubilant over the result.
Business Men’s Luncheon
She leaves to mourn her departure
Meaars. A. L. Barbur, O. Laur-
her father, mother and four sistn—
Mias Lois Hershner of Helena, Mont.; gaard and J. A. Rankin, city com­
Mrs. Joyce Tellefson, Mulino, Or.; missioner, city engineer and county
Mrs. Blanche Henderson, Madras^ Or., commissioner, respectively, were
guests of the Lenta’ Business Men’s
and Mrs. O. R. Pritchard. Portland.
The funeral will be held Saturday dub Wednesday noon, January 17, nt
January 20, at 2 o’clock from the A. luncheon in the Oddfellows’ hall.
D. Kenworthy mortuary chapel, Lenta.
Card of Thanks
A Christian Science reader will con­
We the undersigned hereby extend
duct the services. Cremation at Mount sincere thanks to all those who so
Scott Park cemetery.
kindly comforted us in our bereave­
ment through the loss of our beloved
Every day in every way
I just keep getting thinner,
I only eat two meals a day—
The obituary of C. C. Wiley will ap­
My breakfast and my dinner.
pear in these columns next week.
To be continued.
parts or the stats are said to be op­
posed to the appropriation.
During the week a measure propos­
ing an income tax la likely to be placed
la the legislative hopper. The in­
come tax law outlined by Speaker
First Week Sees Little Work Kubli Is the only one in sight. No
other member has Indicated that be
Dene Outside of Organiza*
has tn preparation an Incomp tax
tlon of the Two Houses.
bill. Moat members believe that pas­
sage of aa income tax at thia session
Salem — Aside from orxantzatlon la inevitable. The only debatable ques­
little of importance was accomplish­ tions are how to avoid double taxa­
ed during the first week'» session of tion and too much administrative over-
the state legislature. This is not u» heed.
Budget Commission Reports.
usual, however, tor it is the habit oi
The recommendations of the state
legislatures the country over to de
very little real work during the first budget commission were ready for the
legislature when it convened Monday.
While there is said to be an under­ They call for appropriations aggregat­
current of resentment in certain quar­ ing >4,416,831.23 for the biennium of
ters over the committee appointments 1923 and 1924
The >6.416.832.23 is the amount
of President Upton of the senate and
Speaker Kubli of the house, it is not recommended for actual appropriation
believed it will result In upsetting th« by the legislature Requirements for
organisation plans tn either house the biennium for those state activities
Every session finds a number of mem­ supported by fixed levies or continu­
bers displeased with their committee ing appropriations are estimated at
assignments, but usually their resent­ >13,388.696.78, and requirements of self
ment disappears when the session gets maintaining boards, commissions and
departments are placed at >27.363,-
down to business.
A clash between the senate and 809.23.
The free text book bill fathered by
house ways and means committees
marked the fjrst days of the session. Representative Woodward of Mult,
The differences seemed to be largely nomah county is likely to arouse con­
over the appointment of a chief clerk siderable controversy. The oppon­
of the Joint ways and means com­ ents of the free text book bill will
mittee. Pressure has been brought to base their fight largely on the ground
bear on both committees by a large that it will increase taxes, while those
element in both houses and harmony who favor the bill claim they have
figure« showing that In other states
is looked for this week.
free text books have not materially in­
Few ■Ills Introduced.
creased taxes.
One remarkable feature of the ini­
Representative Woodward has also
tial week of the present session was
sponsored a bill extending suffrage
the small number of bills introduced,
to all qualified voters tn school elec­
as compared with recent sessions. It
tion* and another to prohibit the
is hoped by some members of both
wearing of sectarian garb in any pub­
houses that this record will bo main­
lic school.
tained during the session, so that the
WhUs a similar sectarian garb bill
1923 session will maks Its record oh
was defeated ia the 1921 session. in­
the Importance of the bills passed and
dications are that there will be little,
not on the number of measures In­
if aay, opposition to the bill la this
During the first week twenty bills
A farm bloc and an anti-log-rolling
were introduced in the senate and «
black have been organised ia the
tn the house. Four Joint resolutions
were also offered in the house.
The farm bloc will vote as a unit
The first measure of major impor­
against treasures which do not seem
tance Introduced was offered by Sen­
to be a good thing from the farmers'
ator tfall of Cooe eaoaSg- psapeatag
viewpoint while *e mfttJigroutes
the abolishment of 64 boards and com-1
bloc is going to insist that every
missions and merging all ether state
measure be considered on its merits
departments under four general heads.
and not traded or log-rolled through
The tour departments proposed la
the house.
the Hall bill would be known as the
Allen Land Bill Introduced
department of business control, depart­
AU altAhs ns: eligible to citizenship
ment of labor, Industry and public wel­
fare. department of agriculture and tn the United States would bo barred
natural resources sad the department from ownership of real property or
control of corporations in Oregon un­
of public works and utilities.
The secretary of state and the state der the terms of a bill introduced in
treasurer would each be constituted a the house by Representatives Bailey
commissioner in charge of one of those and Huston.
The bill is modeled closely after
departments, with two other commis­
California anti-alien land law and
sioners to be appointed by the gover­
nor wtth consent of the senate at sal­ ia similar to a bill introduced in the
aries of 14500 each per year, except 1921 aession of the Oregon legislature
that the commissioner of public works and defeated because of the federal
and utilities shbuld receive >8000 per opposition to the measure at that time.
Better Ice Cream Wanted.
Two bills directed at ice cream
Governor Names Department Head»
manufacturers were introduced in the
The governor would designate the
house, one by Overturf and the other
department to be headed by each com­ by Cary.
missioner and would be authorised to
The Overturf bill wonld increase the
shift the commissioners about at any
amount of milk fat In ice cream from
time the good of the service demand­
8 to 13 per cent; from 6 to 9 per cent
ed such a shift.
in fruit ice cream and from 6 to 9
Fifty-nine of the 84 abolished com­
per cent In nut Ice cream.
missions would be resurrected in the
The Cary bill would Increase the
reorgantsatin under the super com­
percentage in plain ice cream from
missioner plan. 10 per cent; in fruit ice cream
The only agencies actually abolished
from ( to I per cent and in nut ice
under the proposed reorganisation cream from 6 to 8 per cent.
would be the state audit committee,
Only natural-born or naturalised
legislative service and reference
American citixena could bo employed
bureau, securities committee, commit­
by contractors on public works being
tee of tax investigation and the state
done either by the state or any muni­
emergency board.
cipality in IL if a bill introduced by
The bill provides for the appoint­
Representative Hurlburt becomes a
ment of sub-com mlssiouers to head the
law. Violation of the proposed law
various activities In each department,
would be penalised by a fine of from
similar to the commissionerships in
>50 to >500 or Jail imprisonment of
effect under the present organisation
from 30 to 90 days.
and at the same salaries now obtain­
House Commends Highway Body.
ing except that the salary of the tax
Expressions of warmest commenda­
commissioner would be increased from
tion for the present state highway
>3000 to >4000. Instead of three high
commission and Its work were contain­
way commissioners, three industrial
ed In a resolution introduced in the
accident commissioners and three pub­
by Graham and adopted with­
lic service commissioners as a present,
out a dissenting vote. Not only did
however, there would be only one com­
missioner tor each of these suMe- the resolution express confldenoo in
and gratitude to the members, but it
also declared that the rapid develop­
Astoria Asks Relief.
ment of the state during the last Ove
The question of state relief for the years had amply demonstrated ths wis­
stricken city of Astoria will receive at­ dom of the road program.
tention this week. A bill introduced
An effort to prevent the change of
in the house provides for an appro­ party registration and keep democrats
priation of >500,000 to aid in rehabili­ from voting in republican primaries or
tating the city. Proponents of the bill republicans from voting tn democratic
are anxious for prompt passage of primaries is made in a bill introduced
the measure, aa they feel that aid from in the house by Representative Kuehn.
the federal government depends large­
Legislative Brevities.
ly upon the action of the state legis­
The appointment of T. H. Crawford
of La Grande as a member of the
Indications are that the measure board of regents of Oregon agricul­
will not get through without consider­ tural college was ratified by the sen­
able opposition. Many members from ate. Mr. Crawford succeeds Governor
Eastern Oregon, as well as from other Waltej.M. Pierce.