Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, January 05, 1923, Image 1

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    f O
Subscription, $1.50 the Year.
VniKnlty of Orcgop
VOL. XXI, No. 1
Mi*. J. J. Hancbsker waa hostess
WtulneMiay at a luncheon honoring
Mrs. C. Weir, of Ocean Park, Wash,
During the past year Chester A.
The guests were: Me»lame* C. Weir,
Ths Ku Klux Kian constitutes a
In tbe light of disclosures such as
Mir. Toahboik I* recovering from J. C. Robert», Clarke Piersun, C. H. ■usuare io th* United States as grave them., supported by quotati«, from leL Lyr.n has succeeded with the co-op­
Fox and Gertrude Fox.
her recent illness.
ter» In the poeraralon of th* writer of eration of the principals, teachers,
as any this country has had to face;U|, artRle ,nd U|ttlulnatwl by ministers, parent.! and other public-
The woman's missionary society of
Mrs. Grove Fret well of Creston i"
•lacs tbe Civil War.
Iductions by pbotograpti ot original spirited eitizensi in decreasing de­
the Arleta Baptist church will fur­
111 with the grip.
It te a menace that threaten* the documents on official stationery, the linquency among boy*'over 50 per
. Mrs. McComack of Hillsboro wa* a nish tile program for the Baptist right to live In liberty and to pursue fact that ■ section of ths oath pledge* cent in the eight district» worked.
week-end visitor at the home of Mr*. woman’s city missfonary union which happiness, of every American citizen, the new members to vote against any-
The following figure» are tak<-n
For to Imagine for an Instant that one who would epiploy any but whit*
meta next Tuesday, January 9, in th*
R. B Walsh.
the livra sud liberile* ot Catholics. Protestants as teachers. become* of al- from the court of domestic relations
Sellwood Baptist church.
|Jew* -MM
and *ww**»wra
Necrose ra.vsav
alone are sssvasras^vra
menaced »»»vra*.
most secondary - importance.
Mrs. William Je«*e, of Slaty-first
showing number of cases reported to
The industrial department of the by thia masked organization I* to fall I Th* issue looms bigger than any court during year» 1921 to 1922:
reurned Saturday from a
woman’s missionary society of the utterly In appreciation of tbs serious- schooi Iran*, marc fundamental than
Visit to Spokane.
1921 1922
n**a of ths situation.
any conflict caused by creed, more tor-
Arleta ............................... .. 17
George Brigg* is visiting hi* Arleta Baptist church met Wednes­
Writin« of The New Threat of th. ^cblna In it»
day at 10 A. M. at the home of Mrs. Ku Klui Klan” in ths January Issue ,'the
ot race
against racs. Mr. I^nta.................................. .. 32
cousin. Dr. S. D. Brigg* of I'H !
B. B. Sweatland, 7008 Fifty-first of Hearst’s International klagazine, tbe , Hapgood has defined It In one ran- Holteday.............. ............ .. 13
Thirty-fourth avenue.
Pot lu«k luncheon will be editor, Norman Hapgood announces I tence; "Shall our Government, judlc- ; Mount Tabor................... ... 4
Mrs. Day of Sacramento, Chi., it
ths scops ot this and other articles t lai. executive and legislative, be se­ Woodstock ....................... .. 13
served at noon.
; Hawthorne ....................... .. 22
that are to follow, In these words:
visiting her »on. Rev. O. T. Day, of
If the Government of the United Montavilla ....................... .. 12
Mm. W. It Mumbrue, 82, mother
"The Ku Klux Klan bas changed its ,
*621 Sixty-ninth afreet.
of Mrs. L. E. Minott, Dan P. Mum­ purpose. This society I* trying to con­ . States is to pass from the bands ot Sellwood ........................... .. 10
A "stewardship** supper was held at brue and Victor H. Mumbrue, died trol the courts, the legislatures, tbe i the people of this country into the
hande of the officiate of an Invisible
Total ......................... ..123
6:30 c‘clock Wednesday evening at Dtvember 28, and waa buried in the Government at Washington.’’
He proceed* to show that a special I organisation that controls the gover-
This show's a decrease of 68
the Arleta Baptist church.
Mount Scott Park cemetery Decem- department of the Klan ha* been or­
Mi»» lasta Moore, 5V29 Fifty- bar 30, Rev. E. A. Smith officiating. ganized recently, under the name of • district attorneys elected by the peo- for the year end’»? in the above
nd street, haa returned home Mrs, Mumbrue arrived from the emit the Imperial Klan, in which are to be , pie, not a single citizen of America is named districts.
enrolled politicians, judge* and other . safe in life or property. Tbe reign of
offer a week’s visit to Eugene.
December 12, and lived but 16 day«, officer* of the courts, and prominent law le ended under these conditions;
A large number were in atlend-
The first meeting of this i justice and equity are banished from
Mm. J. J. Handsaker, of 5630 citizens
: n • at the watch night service* at Forty-fuorth avenue was at home to super order was held on Juiy 11, 1922. the courtrooms of the nation and re- district* have been worked by Mr.
Edward Young Clarke, tbe "Imperial ' plactal by the malignant whim of one Lyon, but the year’s work for these
the Ansbel Presbyterian church.
the members of her Sunday school Klaliff," speaking to those assembled, , i who even now ha» the audacity to dub districts will net be completed until
the annual business meeting of the class, the business girl»’ clan* of the •aid: "We are fa<» to face now with ' himself emperor, while claimlug cit-
September, 1923.
K'tn Park Christian church will be First Congregational churrh, on New the opportunity of bringing into the i ] isenship In a free republic.
Aj moat Lents people know Mr.
held Friday evening. January 12.
Year’» afternoon. A gotally number organization men of large type, but I her ship will not spread rapidly, or that Lyon founded the "Big Brother harm
m»n whose Identity we want to abso
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fishbum. of called ami a pkaaant time was en­ luteiy conceal from even their local II It will have any difficulty in recruit­ for Boys” st l-ebanon, Or., ten years
Ligh*. mtn fhrnente Klan—the Klan which is bx-ated where ing the Imperial body reserved for ago; was auniotant to the judge in
Forty-fourth avenue, visited relatives joy«! by all.
were served.
Mr*. Handsaker was they live For Instance. Congressmen, public officiate. Edward Young Clarke, the juvenile court for almost three
jr Beaverton on New Year’« day.
Senator«. Governors, Judges and oth­ returning to the Atlanta headquarters
Mr. ami Mrs. Dixon of Iksttle- assisted in serving by her daughter«, er* whom we can line up a* real Klans- after a visit to New York, is reported years, resigning from that position
greund, Wash., visited Dr. and Mrs. lx>b and Elaine.
meu. but whom it would be best for i by Norman Hapgtxxl to have annouuc-1 in order t». establish this work which
them snd for us for their Identity to ud that at one meeting there be "put he terms “preventive delinquency
8. D. Brigg* of Creston on New
be completely and absolutely con­ through" 100 new members and that,
Year’s day.
among three were the chief of police
Mr*. II. B. SwrsUsnd, of 7008 Fifty-
Thu members ot this privileged and j j ot the Marine Corps of that city, four ;
protected group take the same oath tui ! •aplsln* <»f police—one of them the
Hist avenue is enjoying a holiday
j first captalu to Commissioner En-1
visit from her daughter who livra in Zullene:*, parents from Woodstock, ordinary members uf the Klan. They | right—five of th* big newspaper men
are asked: “Sir, have you assumed 1
Union, Or.
¡without mental reservation your oath' I of New York aqd many other notables. |
with their daughter.*.
confidential report from Washing- I
of allegiance to the Invisible Empire7" IA
The Gleanr.« socle* y of Analisi
Mnr. Nichols and three, children Upon answering in the affirmative, ton announces th a! three Klan* are
Presbyterian church arc planning to
from Sandy spout the holiday« here they are warne«j by the Exalted Cyc­ being organised P. the Capital by King Oregon Professor Develops a
conduct a p>*per drive on January 24.
lops in these words:
"Mortal man Kloagle 8. F. Poindexter and that of-,
with .Mr. and Mrs. Hiwcrkamp.
flctal recogiiltioafwili be given shortly
Rev. and Mr». Owen T. Day. of 5521
Salvaging Process For
Barney* Trout »pent the holidays at cannot exsume a more binding oath; to a group of more than a thousand.'
character and courage alone will en
Sixty-ninth street, entertained Now home with hi< parent*.
able you to keep It. Always remember "among whom we men high up In
Waste Material.
Ycsr’s night with a party for their
Bill Johnson it driving1 the delivery that to keep this oath means to you national affairs and whose names are:
ttuck for the Kendall grocery thi* honor, happiness and life; but to vio­ knoan to every man, woman and child
late it mean» disgrace, dishonor and in this country.”
G. Howerton, of Seventy-fourth week.
Eugene, Or.—One of the most out­
Iteath. May honor and life be yours.”
Dr. W. H. Evans, the new Imperial:
street, »offered a stroke of imraiysis
Harmony club mH last Wednesday
Threatened with death If he falters Wizard, visited Washington within the i standing contributions to science yet
la»t Ftidsy, December 29, and is in for election of officers. Mr*. Ella In his allegiance to the Invisible Em­ past month and made public announce-1 made by a University of Oregon man
n critical condition.
Clark was re-circle I president; Mr*. pire, although sworn by his oath of of­ ment in the daily newspapers that It1 that admits of practical use in the
fice to recognize no empire, visible or was the intention of the Klan to send ;
Pacific northwest and elsewhere be­
Mrs. Ada Jolley and .Mrs. Waul Daisy Ulan re-elected treasurer, and Invisible, but rather the Republic and
agents to operate at the Capitol and in ,
S oi
are planning n W. C. T. V. Mr*. Clara Russel elected secretary its Constitution, the office-holder is all Executive departments of the Gov came public in the announcement
commanded to deny his membership < rnntent that are inquiring, or may that O. F. Sufford, head of the uni­
program to be given at the Arleta for the ensuing year.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Otoif were Arle’.a In the Ku Klux Klan if asked regard- ‘ Inquire, into ti>«._x>nerations of the se versity chemistry department, has per­
branch library in the near future.
Ing it in a court of law. “You have| |cret organization. “I will not say," i
The men’s fellowship club of th» visitor» Monday.
taken an oath." he is told at Ills initia­ be told the reporters, "whether our; fected a process for utilising waste
Anabel Presbyterian church met Fri­
tion. “of allegiance to the Invisible lobby will operate secretly, or whether , wood to obtain a superior grade ot
day evening at the home of A. W. Tuesday morning, after a week’* Empire. . . . You are not a mem­ we will have ‘Ku Klux Klan' written charcoal and wood distillation products
ber of the Ku Klux Klan, but a citizen on tbe door. I will not even say that used in a number ot basic industries.
Johnson. 4911 Forty second avenue.
Mr«. George Worthington's brother, of the Imperial Empire, to which you such a lobby has not already been es­
Because of the great quantity of
Mr*. lloyd Shiftier and daughter,
have Rworn obedience and fidelity.”
Albert Hodges and son of Hood River
cheap waste wood material available
Ilatbara, uf Harrisburg, »pent New
were visiting here Saturday and Sun­
Year's «lay with Mr. and Mrs. R. IL
BENEFICIAL in the northwest, it is believed that
the lumber industry and other enter­
Wnl’b. of -1904 Thirty-fourth avenue.’
Albert. Worthington and wife of
prises will be keenly interested in
The women's missionary society, of
Portland rpent Sunday here with
Professor Stafford’s success. Hereto­
ered, Says Report to Congress.
Anab«'l Presbyterian
the Kern Park Christian church, held
fore it has not been commercially
their parents.
Morning, “The Secret of Church |
a ■ ••«•ting at the church on Wvdns-
W. E. Chandler, who has lived here Prosperity,”
farmer has demonstrated that when practicable to utilise mill waste in the
day to plan the work for the coming
the past year, moved his family to
Arleta Baptist
properly financed he can weather the carbonisation and wood distillation In­
Sellwood a few days ago.
Morning, “Jesus the Teacher”; eve- worst economic storms, the war fi­ dustries.
A school of misidons will lie con­
By the Stafford process a fine gra'de
Mi»a Margret Dammi.-re has been, “Acting on a Good Resolution.” nance corporation declared in its an
duced at the Arletn Baptist church
charcoal can be obtained as well
nual report sent to congress. The re-1
from January 21 to February 4. very ill with pneumonia the past
mons on the parable of “The Man port set forth that 41 per cent of the ( as the usual by-products ot carbonisa­
Further announcements will be mode week.
money advanced to the agricultural in j tion. acetic acid, acetone and wood
Mr*. Edward Tusher and children and His Two Sons.”
Tremont United Brethren
had been repaid either in ad alcohol, basic in the manufacture ot
Sundav evening Raymond Fletcher
such articles as dye. paints, varnishes,
maturity or when due.
will nddrea* the young people'» so­ the past week.
Prize”; evening. “The First X-Ray.”
Advances by the corporation sav- i celluloid, smokeless powder and arti­
ciety of the Anabel Presbyterian
Kern Park Christian
the industry many millions of dol- j ficial leather.
church on “The Religion of the Bol­
Morning, “They Relieved on Him lars, the report declared, explaining
Because-—”; evening, "And Another that the corporation’sofficers believ­
Reulsn Wilson Post No. 38 and
The Mount Scott Mental Culture
Book Was Opened.”
ed its activity had proved as bene­ POLISH PRESIDENT IS SLAIN
club met Thursday afternoon at the Shiloh Circle No. 19, Lad its of the
ficial in the restoration of confidence
Arleta branch library.
Mrs. Millie Republic, will hold joint installation
Iloy Scout» Spurn Klan Cash
Artist Regarded aa Crazed Kills Chief
as in the actual pouring of cash into
spoke on congressional
New York.—A
telegram front spots where credit was tightest. The
P. M. The following officers of the
James E. West, chief executive cf loans had made it possible for thou-
Warsaw.—Gabriel Narutowicz. first
Rev. William H. Myers, formerly circle will be installed:
the Boy Scouts of America, Lo Gov­ sands cf farmers to handle their pro- president of Poland, was assassinated
pastor of Laurelwood Congregational Mary Lawrence; senior vicc-presi- ernor Henry Allen of Kansas says
ducts in an orderly fashion, it was while visiting an art exhibition.
church, is visiting Portlnnd friends. dent, Bessio Howard; Junior vice- that the scouts of St. Louis had
He was killed by an artist named
Mr. Myers is now a resident of Taco­ president it, Edith Huskey; chaplain, spumed a *25,000 contribution male
Niewadomski. who fired three shots.
Martha Drake; treasurer, Ina Ter­
ma, Wash.
by the Ku Klux Klan. Governor stock purposes totaling *433,447,000 Every shot took effect.
williger; secretary, Elixabcth Peter­
Allen had been quotd by a New York In thirty-seven states had been ap
Wiewadomski, the assassin, has
Fifty people were present at the
son; patriotic instructor, Emma Bush;
newspaper as having expressed hint­ proved up to November 30. Of this, long been* regarded by his associates
watch night services last Sunday at
conductor, Ellen Rider; guard, Mary
self at th governors' conference at
the Fourth United Brethren church.
*182,859.000 went to 4400 banking In­ as mentally deranged and his act is
Hansberry: musician, Grnce Worden.
White Sulphur on December 16 as stitutions, *77.761.000 to 113 livestock looked upon as due to the motivation
Rev. Elmer A. Shumard conducted
The following officer* of the Post
bing “ashamed of the scouts for ac­
the services.
loan companies and *172,827,000 tc ot his hl is. rdered mind rather than as
will be installed: Commander, John
Mrs. Ward Swope and Mr*. L. H. Walrod; aenior vice-commander, Levi cepting the klan’s offer.” The tele­ thirty-two co-operative marketing as­ the result of a definite plot against
the life ot the newly elected president.
Fi’hbum, of the Kern Park Christian Lininger; junior vice-commander, G. gram from West said the governor sociations.
President Narutowtcz had just con­
church, were the speaker* at th® W. Day; adjutant, E. A. Hamlin; was misinformed and the St. Lodi
nn address formally opening
women’s missionary society cf the quartermaster, A. E. Wheeler; ser­ papers had printed the story cor­
Government Free Seeds Defeated.
East Side Christian church on Thurs­ geant, Frank Strickrod: chaplain, J. rectly.
Washington. D. C.—Free seed went the picture exhibition when Niewa­
day afternoon.
down to defeat in the house when an domski stepped up to the platform in
W. Carson; O. D. J. L. Schirman;
Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. Elmer A. Shumard. pastor of O. G„ R. J. Tueaey; S. M., Warren B.
amendment offered by Representative the line ot people shaking the presi­
Sunday school at 9:45 A. M., R. B. Langley, republican, Kentucky, to add dent's hand and tired three shots at
the South Methodist church of Wil­ Lamb; Q. M. S., B. S. Waggoner.
Calkins superintendent; morning an appropriation of *360.000 to the close range.
liam». Or., has been spending a few
worship at 11 o’clock. The set-min agricultural appropriation bill
data with Rev. Bruce Evans, of 71*1
for dis-
Will Give Free Seeds
theme will be “Gone.” A farewell to tribution ot seed by members
Fifty-ninth avenue.
of con-
Washington, D. C., Jan. -L—(To the old year. Sacramental services
on the artist assassin.
gresa was voted down, 74 to 71.
Robert R. Depew ha* returned to the Editor.)—I am not certain that
after the sermon. Epyworth league at
Bon ng, Or. He had been home since the flee distribution of vegetable and
The state of Oregon will save in poet
6:30 P. M., topic, "The God of the
Local Plumber Is Heir
Thanksgiving, fixing up his house at flower seeds is a wise expenditure of
age not lea* than *10,000 biennially
Hille” (morning watch). Evening
Alphonse Van Hoomissen, Portland
9005 Seventy - first avenue
Mr*. public funds, but congress has au­
worship at 7:30. The pastor will man who died December 12, left an in case a bill Introduced In congress by
Robert R. Depew left December 30 thorized it and a limited supply has
speak on “Conte.” A welcome to the estate in Multnomah county valued at Senator David I. Walsh of Massachu­
for Boring, Or.
been allotted to me for such distribu­ new »•ear. An official board meeting
setts becomes a law. This was an­
*25,000, according to a petition for
The regular monthly meeting of tion. It is my desire that everyone in
Monday at 7:30 P. M. Prayer meet­ appointment of administrator Hied in nounced by Sam A. Koser. secretary
the Gleimers of the Anabel Presby- Oregon that wants some of ths«»
ing Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock. circuit court this morning. The of state. The proposed law provides
erian church ha* been postponed to shall have them, and none wasted by
All are invited to these services.— entire estate, with the* exception of that official bulletins of Information
January 10 on account of the absence sending them out promiscuously to
to voters issued under the laws of ths
T. H. Downs, pastor.
about *200, is in real property. Seven
of many member* from the city people that do not want them and
state and affording opposing candl
during the holidays.
will not use them. Will you kindly
dates and the advocates and opponents
the proprietor of the Richmond
Th«- teacher» of the Arleta school advise all of your readers that desire
of measures referred to the voters
We wish to thank our many friends Plumbing & Heating company.
have petitioned the Portlnnd Railway, some of these reed* to write me and for their sympathy, and for the floral
equal opportunities for the presents-
Light A Power company to have the I will gladly send them. Moet sincere­ offerings during the 111 mm of our
tlon of their claims and arguments
Hard Time Dance
i a W. B. Mumbrue.
nt i wt cam »top at Sixty-fourth »treet ly yeurs,
sb«!!-be transmitted within the limits
There will be a hard time dance
for their convenience in going to and
Saturday, January 6. in Myrtle Park of the Issuing state in the United
United States senator.
returning from school.
hall. Good music. Prises given. 1-tf Mates malls free of postage.
What the Klan Aims At
Principal Events of the Wco
Briefly Sketched for Infor­
mation of Our Readers.
Rmallpox has made its appearance
In Bend.
Residents of Orante Paas have re-
ported ripe strawberrles in their gar
The Indian school at Chemawa is
at last to have a girls' dormitory at a
cost of *35,000.
Because of the ravages of the heavy
aleet storm of November, 1921. the
lumber cut of Hood River dropped off
materially the last year.
Because of the Increasing demand*
for tow, the Willamette Flax and Hemp
Growere’ association will not be able
to fill all the orders at hand.
Frank K Lovell, state tax commis­
sioner. who resigned recently because
of 111 health, ha* gone to California,
where he will pass the winter.
Governor-elect Pierce will arrive In
Salem Friday preparatory to assuming
hl* duties a* governor Monday, the
opening day of the legislature.
With the total ass-ssed valuation
tor Linn county *224.978 leas tor 1922,
taxpayers will pay only one-tenth of
a mill more this year than last.
The Roosevelt highway la definitely
on the map of future construction tn
Oregon, the bureau of public reads has
assured Representative Hawley.
Oregon now bas fifty-four drainage
projects embracing 275,000 acres, ac­
cording to W. L. Powers, secretary of
the Oregon State Drainage association.
The Woodburn Co-operative Poultry
association has been tormc-d at Wood­
burn with O. L. Davis as president and
Mrs. Ella Plank as secretary-treasurer.
Fred S. Morris, Portland financier
and ex-member of the firm of Morri*
Brothers, Inc., died of appendicitis at
Good Samaritan hospital in Portland.
A terrific wind storm struck Tills
■nook last week, tearing roofs from
barns and other farm buildings, and
caving in the doors of the Methodist
The Salem postoffice established a
new record for receipts during the
present quarter, according to announce­
ment made by John Farrar, post­
The court records in La Grande, tak
en during the holiday season, show a
distinct increase in births, marriage
licenses issued and in arrests for vio­
lations ot the liquor law.
The Coos county court ha* let a con­
tract tor the construction of a bridge
across Coal bank inlet, between the
city ot Marshfield and Bunker Hill,
to M. W. Payne for *23,796.
Marion county will rank first in the
state in percentage payment ot taxes
this year, according to tax officials.
Marion also ranks ahead of all other
countiea on delinquent taxes collected.
The Pacific Spruce corporation's
railroad, operating between South
Beach and Waldport, Lincoln county,
has been declared a common carrier
by the Oregon public aervice commis-
After serving approximately 18.000
free meals since 4t was established
December 8. following the big fire, the
emergency mess at Astoria, maintained
by the Oregon national guard, has been
Sheepmen plan to have a lobby at
the legislature to see that the bounty
on coyotes is not repealed. Cutting
out the coyote bounty has been sug­
gested as one of the ways in which to
William Young Arthur, who was
committed to the state penitentiary
more than a year ago from Baker
county for embezzlement. received a
conditional pardon by Acting Gover-
nor Ritner.
front all sections of the Willamette
valley held a conference In Salem and
discussed plana for the production and
marketing ot tifbir berries during the
1922 season.
J. E. Stearns, city recorder, was ap
pointed as temporary city manager of
La Grande to succeed O. A. Kratz,
whose resignation has been accepted,
until a time wh*n a permanent ap­
pointment can be made.
The diphtheria epidemic which has
prevailed at Salem for several weeks
la now on the wane, according to phy­
sicians. There have been approximate­
ly 15 cases reported to the health au­
thorities, with two deaths.
The jail that served as a place ot
Incarceration for drunks and other law
breakers during the beetle saloon days
of Glenada. the city near the mouth ot
the Sluslaw river, that a few days ago
voted to disincorporate, was sold for
Dr. Willibald Wsniger, profesaor ol
physics, and W. S. Brown, profesaoi
of horticulture, represented Oregoa
Agricultural college at the meeting ol
the American Association for Advance
meat of Science, held In Cambridge
Frank Curwortb Flint of Salem ha*
been honored with the chancellor's
prize for English essay at Oxford, ac
cording to a message received. This
prise, it was said, la one ot the highest
honors in the gift of the educational
One man ended hi* life and two oth­
ers failed In their attempts at death
in a post-Christmaa epidemic of sui­
cide in Portland. E. L. Collin*, about
45 year* old. ahot himself twice
through the heart in a lavatory at th*
Metropolitan club.
According to the weekly lumber re
view of the West Coast Lumbermen*«
association. 127 mills reporting to th«
association for the week ended Decem­
ber 23 manufactured <9,481,961 feet ol
lumber, sold 8X732.614 feet, and ship
ped 78,910.647 feet.
Abolition ot the voters' pamphlet
will be proposed in a bill to be sub
mitted to the state legislature at It«
coming session, it was decided at ■
meeting at Oregon City of the legisla
tlve committee of the Oregon Stat«
Editorial association.
The central Oregon irrigation dis
trlct has filed application with th«
state irrigation securities commission
for certification of bonds aggregating
ApproximtOely *130.000 ol
these bonds will be used to defray th«
cost of the development work.
Lincoln’s birthday is to be celebrated
by the republican state central com
mlttee ot Oregon with a large banquet
in Portland, to which republicans iron
all parts of the state will be Invited,
according to a statement by Walter L
Tcoxe Jr., republican slate chairman
Purchase by the state board of con
trol of supplies for all state Instltu
tions and departments Instead of only
a part of these supplies, as authorised
under the present law. will be recon*
mended to the legislature at its nexl
sesrion by Sam A. Kozer. secretary ot
That the fire which wiped out th«
business district of Astoria Decembet
8 was of Incendiary origin and that
clues have been found whfeh will lead
to arrests was the information gives
out at Astoria following an lnvestiga
tlon by deputies from the state fir«
marshal's office.
Carnation King Matador, 3-year-old
Holstein-FrUslan, sire of the Phymen
herd owned by Dr. W. T. Phy of Hol
Lake, died from acute indigestion. Hi
was the only son of the famous Carn»
tlon King Sylvia for which the Carn»
tlon company paid *106,000, and wat
valued at *35,000.
The Union Fishermen's Co-operative
Pocking company of Astoria has woz
its fight to set aside the additional in
come tax. amounting with penaltlei
and interest to approximately *100,004
levied against it by the governmeni
for the years 1916 to 1919. both inclu
sive, and that sum is saved to th«
Amendment to the present laws sc
that the salaries and expenses of dis
trlct sealer of weights and measure«
shall be paid out of the general fund
of the state Instead of by the countie«
as under the preseut system, has bees
recommended by W. A. Dalziel, deputy
state sealer of weights and measure«
in his biennial report.
In accordance with a state law pro
viding that every obstruction, includ
Ing dams, waterfalls, etc., In th«
streams of the state of Oregon muni
be provided with ieast-water-reslstanc«
accommodations for fish, 23 fishway«
have been constructed during the past
year at a total cost ot *15,000, accord
Ing to the annual report of W. O. Had
ley, state superintendent ot tishwsya
When Justice of the Peace Unruh,
of Salem, several weeks ago announced
that he would sentence all traflic vlo
lators to ride through the business
streets of the city In an automobil«
labeled. “This man is being taught th*
rules of the road." he had little idea
that the results would be favoraMa
Since the judge issued the order not
a traffic violator has been arraigned
in court.
Representative Sinnott was assured
by the customs division of the trea»
ury that a way was being sought te
modify a recent treasury ruling com­
pelling foregoing manufacturers ol
Jute bags to stamp their names on each
Indtvlddal bag Instead of merely 1»
baling each bale of »acks, as has her*
tofore been done. Individual sta mptM.
It is found. Increase* the coat of bag*
about one-quarter of a coat rach
Next week the Herald
starts a new serial story
Read it from the start