mt. Scot t herald likes to read both sides of a contro- ! f varey and he ia imicpendvnt. Upon I such men the hope of America rests; I ■a Short Stories POWER EXTENSIONS PLANNED "Tres of the Sioens Country** There were two outstanding rea­ Dreradeat Griffith o( I'. R, L * P, son» which actuated Mira Pickford in Make» \ aaouncvmeat of New Work producing a new and her own ’Tara ExteaatSMB and betterment» to the of the Storm Country,” a United properties of the Portland Hallway, Aitiata release coming next Saturday lagbt a Bower company during the to the Blue Mouse theater. One was coming year will mean the exiendlture the persistent <4emami of t< na of thou of IS.iMM.MN. according to Franklin T sands of motion-picture fans and edi- Griffith, president of the corporation, KrinJ urging of th«.» pre»»; the other who ha* just returned from a three was her desire to give her moot loved weeks' trip east Halt of th!» amount character a chance for even longer will go Into the new power project on life through the advantage of the the Oak Grove branch of the Clack­ countless improvements available in amas river, which It U expected to the film-making industry now. “This complete by July. 1SS4 The remainder reMvrtng of Tvs* of the Storm Coun­ her ,_____ place ___ in ___ the ___ cinema sun of the expenditure» will be distributed try' . to _ ____ ___ _.. among numerous Improvements that j is the realiutum of a rather ton.I will keep the properties thoroughly Ambition of mine, because I regard modern ■ her aa the most vitally important Bresldent Griffith passed some time character I ever portrayed on the in Philadelphia. Washington and New | screen," Miss INrkford say» “1 en York. In the last named city he at­ joyed every minute I was torgv.1 out tended the National Electric Ught aa- in her regs, because 1 lore the beauts sociatloa executive committee meeting, ful soirit which survives all her being vice-president of that orgamsa wretchedness, and mi-sfortunes; the ttoa. spirit which inspires her to do stich "A new development In the diatribe- humanly noble acta in behalf of the tloa of utility stocks has te-en taking right with so little eonsideratfon of place.’ said Mr. Griffith. "It is rail self-aacrificre involved in the deodv.” mated that this year the vartou* utility < .«mpaniea of the country will have dis­ ■« tributed ISOO.iHMS.etW worth of stocks to their customer», and it ia forecast that next year these sale« will reach »250. IHN.OOO “Generally. Il appeared from what I saw in the east, conditions are on ths mend and the country la facing more favorable time*. We are so well as­ sured of thia ouUook that our company Is going ahead vigorously with ita own 4 consiructloa work planned for 1»23." ---------------------------- — Start a savings account today. It only takes a dollar. After SERVICE TO HOME-BUILDERS that you'll learn what every other depositor knows—that It’s The Ladd Estate company, which handles the high-class residence dis­ fun to save. trict.« of Eastmoreland. Westmore­ It’s all ia gettiag started. land. l-add’s adsiition and Ihinthorpe has a special home-builders' service cf great value to prospective buyers. You Can Earn Dealing only in their own properties the company has a special interest in the development of its tracts and in maintaining them at a high standard. your From a large collection of photo­ graphs and plana they are able to assist the home owner in choosing In the the type of heme wanted, I)o It Now! matter of beautifying the grounds they maintain a competent advisory service. The company is in touch I with problems of building costa and financing and offer» ita service» in this regard. men who read both sides of a qpes- ✓ Pu bl iahe. I Every Friday at Lenta Sta­ tion; men who will not be terrified; V, tion. Portland, Oregon I by societies of great strength ; men | An absent-minded man came home LAWRENCE DIN NEUN. Editor who do not fear nightgowns upon one day after a heavy rain storm, vociferous persons. very (■«■draggled and wet His wife Entered as second-class mail mat met him at the door and as he THE JERICHO ROAD ter Februar) 14, 1914, at the post-I greeted her he made the remark that office at Ixents, Or , under act of con­ he had forgotten his umbrella. gres». March S, 1879. By W. B. Hinson, D. D., pastor East She waa surprised to think that he Side Baptist church. Portland, Or. even remembered that he had forgot­ Subscription Price • -S1..M) a year There are just four men in the ten anithmg and raked him when he had thought of it world Only four—no fifth. M12 Ninety-second Street With a smile of satisfaction he re­ There is the Hurt man! Phone Àuto 622 -28 plied: And he is robbed, stripped of much, “Why, my dear, when it stopped and sorely wound«!. reining and 1 want to shut it”—Lrn- SELF HELP Hu-re is the Hurting man! don Tit-Rits. Christ, called him a thief—I am A Georgia banker who has been or 'You don’t know what you are dared out of town by the Ku Klux Klan very thankful for that missing,” the married man toM the There is the H revile.«» man' under threat of disaster to himself and bachelor. “You don’t know what it He passed by on the other side, and his business has laid in a supply of is to hare a wife waiting for you he said “safety firet”- I when you return ft am work?” guns and ammunition and put up a There is the Helping man! “No?" the bachelor murmured. sign declaring his intention to remain Who went to the hurt man and “No,” declared the married man. la town whether the kluxers like it or ; “Think of the joy of working in the not. and scrying notice that bls prem­ took care of him. garden. Think of the delight chil­ The Hurt man must soon be helped. ises are an unhealthful place for dren give you.” The Hurting man—God take him in “Yes,” murmured the bachelor. masked men hand. “Then, if a wife does sometimes Men who work in the dark and under The Heedless man must be ar'used. gc« cross or suspicious, you can al­ the cover of masks are manifestly The Helping man—God Mere him. ways talk her out of it" cowards and very likely the banker “I could if I could lie like you Will You Help? will be free from further annoyance Here is the story that has the four can," the bachelor agreed, thought­ fully.—Wheeler’s Magazine. If his example were generally followed men in it the hooded terror would be a short­ A certain man was going down son called with the message tn a lived affair A litUe oldfashioned from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell housewife that her husband had sent American gumption and not additional among thieves who stripped and beat him for his dress suit which was to legialation is what the klan menace be pressed and redone by the tailor. him and left him half lead. calls for. ' Dear me,” said the housewife, A certain priest and a Levite saw I "he said nothing to me nbout it. him an«! passed by on the other sale. FREE BOOKS Did he look quite well*” A certain Samaritan enme where he “Yes, mum. he wuz in good health The statement that free text books v.»«.saw him. and com passion, bound and spirits." mean more taxes is true. But the up his wounds and took care of him. “Arvd he seemed quite as. if be schools are free, and should {’ —I uke x. knew what he was about?” wks are a ne c e ssar y part of "He did that, mum.” the machinery of the public school:*. will preach the last sermon in a “And did he look as if he were ¡ So is the Hurting man. And again quite content with It would appear as logical and fair tJwngt» about I to require a pupil to furnah his own 1 say—God take him n hand. him” desk as his own books.—Morning Ore- The Heed lews man — beware, “He wux all that, mum. gt.nian. “Well.” said the lady, “it seems brother! If the Oregonian were not so so!»win -trange that be should only talk of The Helpng man—Do it NOW. that dress suit now. beco» it’s teu a paper one would say that the above «■ears «mce he’s dead and buried, and was “writ sarkastik." There is an OREGON INTOLERANCY I’ve often wondered how he's been argument for free text book», but to getting on.” Ixmirville (Ky.) Courier-Journal say that free text books are on the The Oregon compulsory school law same basis as free desks i» to push “Bill,” said a sailor looking up from —a law compelling all children to at­ the argument to undue lengths. There tend the public schools—is irreligious his writing, "do you spell 'sense with a ‘c’ or an “s’?” are reasons for family ownership of intolerancy disguised thinly. 'That depends,” replied his frieni. books which do not apply to desks. It is true beyond a doubt that if "Do vou refer to money er brain.«?“ Patronize our advertisers. The school texts in grammar, arith­ all funds used for education were “Aw. I don’t mean either of them ■ ■ . -LS metic, American history, world geog­ used to build and equip public schools two,” was the reply. “What I want and supply the public schools with raphy, are of permanent value in the to «ay is *1 ain't seen him sense’.” teachers the schols to which every family library and an investment in child has access would be better than them is on a quite different plane they are. It is true also that the THE GLAD NEW YEAR spirit of democracy would be reflected from an investment in school desks. If necessity is to be the test, there in America if all Americans were vol­ Now joy bells ring across the lea. untarily patrons of public schools. Uskide half are several thing» more necessary to But to pass a law forbidding the in­ All clear and sweet and full and free, soles. the schoolboy even than books. It is struction of children save in public A message that the world may hear. conceivable that a school might be school» or in the homes of parents is It is New Year! The glad New Year! ; Heavy men half conducted without books, but it is im­ i tantamount to passing a law forbid­ $125 ding all religious denominations to possible for the bey tn learn unlesa he eats and he cannot go to school ; establish primary- or graded schccls. soles, If it is not true, as alleged, that the unless he ha» clothes. From the and ku klux promoted the Oregon law. it | viewpoint of necessity pants come is, at any rate, the sort of legislahou 90 before books. that might originate in the activities We break the links of trouble’s chain. Forget the sorrow and the pain of a lawless organization. ’ .35c Keeping religion out of public And with our lewd ones gather near. NOTES AND NEWS U is New Year' The glad New Year! s heels, 40c schools, because public schorls are and With the death of the chief justice open to all children without regard The past is the past, its grief ia gone. to the religious beliefs of their par­ and the retirement of three associate ents, is tolerancy. America is pledge! There break« for us a brighter dawn. justices of the United Stales Supreme by her every tradition, and by the God sends to us a gift most dear------ Court within a few months and the terms of the organic law and the lan­ It is New Year! A glad New Year! —Ruth Raymond. imminent retirement of two others on guage of the Declaration of Independ­ account of their great age President ence. to tolerancy. That such a law will stand the tert Harding will apparently have the nam­ of the courts is not probable. State ing of two-thirds of the members of sovereignty hardly extends so far that the court during his term of office. a state may inaugurate what the WiBiitiui my ŒustomrrB The two men be has already name I. Turks would term a holy war against this or that faith. It cannot be argued Chief Justice Taft and Justice Suther­ A ffirrry Christmas anil A ïappy Nrm Çrar ' that if Roman Catholies. Pres by- land. are of a conservative cast of tewians nor Iveep Water Adventists anil Bolirtliny thrtr patrunayr in thr rnmtny yrar mind. Pierce Butler, whose name is are not allowed to establish schools now before the senate, is charged with for their children they enjoy religious 3 am, Brsprrtfully being highly reactionary by middle freedom in the true definition of the term. t A. Sarkrr western senators, who are objecting to the appointment. It is not to be RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE expected that a man of .Mr Hardings Roundup (Mont.) Tribune temperament would fill the court with An exhibition of religious intoler­ 0015 92N0 STREET. LENTS radicals Nevertheless, various view­ ance that cannot but be regarded points ought to be re.reeented among with regret by all open-minded peo­ ple is reported from Oregon, where the membership. by a substantial majority the peo­ ple adopted a referendum measure The ladies must aot try to press compelling all children between the their new won rights too far. The su­ ages of 8 and 16 to attend the public preme court of Wisconsin held in a re­ schools. The fight on the measure entered all school districts last sum­ cent opinion that the women s rights mer, when it was referred to in news­ law passed last year in that state re­ paper comment a* an attack upon the moved the former privilege of wives of parochial school system etnduqted by endorsing their husband’s notes with­ the Catholic church. Against the measure it was pointed out personal liability. In gaining new out that the parochial school rorricu- rights the women loae old privilege» lum was identical with that in the public schools up to the eighth grade, “Gratitude is like manna. it must be plus religious instruction; that avast gathered and enjoyed quickly foe its sum of money had been invested in freshness quickly disappears," says building» and that in a great number Buy a few shares of our 7 per eent Lloyd George, speaking out of bis own of instance» their existence relieved the public schools of children whore Prier Preference Stock and your recent experiences. parents were not taxpayers. to this money will earn you over 7 per cent We are glad to note that our neigh­ extent lessening the general burden. Dividends are payable every three The sending of children to church or bor. the Pacific Christian Advocate, is private schools doe» not relieve th»ir months. disturbed by the association of Protes parents of tax for the support of tantism with the Ku Klux Klan and public schools nor in any manner This is a good sound investment the compulsory school law. The klan, lower the educational standard. and our Easy Payment Plan enables In Roundup the establishment nf a “with its hoods and nightgown?.is false yen to get 7 per egnt interest on your to the primary Protestant principle of parochial school has removed for the savings while you are paying for time at least the necessity of build­ free thought and free speech in the ing additions to the public schoc) your shares. light of open day" The school Isw which taxpayers were in no position Investigate this Unusual Opportun­ "gives the Roman Catholics the ad­ to finance and this is true of other ) ity today. vantage of position by emphasising communities where similar institu- I still further the separation between re­ tions have been established. So long Ask any of our employes about it as nothing inimical to American in- i ligion and education in th*» American stitutions is taught in these schools • public school." the objection to them must be re­ garded a» nothing more than a dis­ A man came to The Herald office play of lamentable narrowness and Monday to renew his subscription. prejudice not in harmony with the ! He was asked "Do you enjoy The spirit cf the times nor with the fun­ teachings of Christianity. Herald?” He answered: "Unless I damental There are all kinds of sectarian ' did I would not renew my subscrip­ schools and colleges in thin country, tion. But some of my brethren de and all are doing excellent work in ' ■0 • PORTLAND- ------------------ * — * rot Hke the fact that I «till take The the education of boys and girls. They do not conflict nor in any manner in- ' Herald yet it will be a long day when a fraternal society can run my terfere with the public school sys- i ROOM M5 ELECTRIC BLDG.. tern; rather they augment and aid it. I Portland, Oregon personal affaire.” The people of Oregon are not tn be I This man stated further that he complimented upon their action. • Make 1923 A Thrift Year 4 Per Cent on savings. Multnomah State Bank Lenta, Portland, Or. Mt. Scott Shoe Shop For HER Christmas Panco and $1.00 ’s soles, Ladies’ half 85c up. Guaranteed days. Indies heels. Men’ up. Each Christmas SHE is getting older. Help HER save her youth this Christ­ mas witfi a Laun-DRY-Ette 6020 92dSt.,S.E., Lents 1 I ft I I s ECONOMY FURNITURE CO HORSE SENSE LET YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU Investment Department Portland Railway, Light and Power Company Comforts washed and DRIED without a wringer VERY housewife knows that the rin>e water out. Moat impor­ i washin g a comfort is easy com­ tant of all, it leaves the comfort pared to drying it. Putting the more soft and fluffy than ever. neavy, soggy mass through a wrin- And you can wash and dry the Sr is harawork. Besides, it man heaviest comforts and blankets e stuffing into shapeless, lumpy without putting your hands in the wads. water even once. But the I>aun-Dry-Ette way is easy—easy to wash and easy to dry. Why not see the Laun-Dry-Ette The Laun-Dry-Ette has no wringer for yourself ? Why not call, phone, —it washes the comfort, and ivhtrlt or write, and let us arrange a dem­ the suds out; rinses it, and vchirh onstration. Why not do it today ? E THE ELECTRIC MAID SHOP 282 ALDER STREET MAIN 8443 CLUB together, all the family, and give HER a real, 12-months-a-year gift Special Holiday Terms-$ 15^ $10